InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Working for The Customer ❯ Where did you come from? ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 7: Where did you come from?
Inuyasha sat in his office on the 2nd floor.
In front of him sat Kouga, one of his employees. Inuyasha couldn't stand Kouga, but he was a good asset to the company.
That and Sesshomaru hired him.
Kouga coughed into his hand.
“So, Yash. What gives with the very delightful meeting?” Kouga asked sarcasticly.
Inuyasha gave heartfelt growl. Well it would have been a growl if he was a demon or something.
“Shut up, Kouga. I want to know were you found the girl Kagome?”
Kouga shot up in his chair; afraid of what Inuyasha was getting at. `She's mine, I saw her first.' Kouga thought, even though he was unclear that this thought was in correct.
“She just walked in earlier today. About 6 or so. She asked me for a job as the new singer. And I agreed. If this is about not telling you, Sesshomaru said I could hire anybody I liked if you had to do with the band.” Kouga threw in for his enjoyment.
Inuyasha slammed his fist on the table. “Fuck what Sesshomaru says! He gave this place to me, to run. Its mine, and I own you, as long as you are working here.”
Inuyasha rubbed the bridge of his nose. Trying to control his temper.
“Damn it, Kouga…I am not here to get snippy with you. I just wanted to know where she came from. Now you can leave.”
Standing up, Kouga glared at Inuyasha, but didn't say anything.
After Kouga's departure Inuyasha leaned back in his seat.
`Just what the fuck is going on here?'
Yes, I know very very short chap. But sadly my mom is making me get off. Ha. Next Chap is done. I will post it later.