InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Worst Nightmare ❯ Uneasiness ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own the Inuyasha characters. I do own this plot line and the ocs.



Bankotsu’s hand dragged down his face, and he frowned at the prickly stubble on his jaw. He walked down the sidewalk inhaling the fresh humid air. Considering that he’d been drinking earlier, he decided to just walk, since the bar was only ten blocks away.

He slipped his hunting knife into back of his pants and flipped his jacket so that it casually draped over his shoulder.

It wasn’t often that Jakotsu called him into the bar on his night off - especially after he’d already closed the bar for the night. So obviously something wasn’t right.

His legs quickly widened their stride to cover more ground as he remembered the panicky edge in his brother’s voice. He quickly rounded the corner, ignoring the street lights he would pass by every now and then. Yeah, something was definitely wrong.

All of the sudden his stomach dropped. A cold, prickling sensation crawled up his spine and sent the hairs on the back of his neck standing on end. His mouth turned dry. His heart hammered in his chest. Adrenaline rushed through his veins and he started running toward the bar. 'Hang on Ja, just hang on.'


Kagome shifted uncomfortably on the stool and twisted her hands. 'What if coming here is a mistake?'

The dark shadows of the dimly lit room did nothing to lessen her anxiety. 'I haven’t seen him in almost six years… Can I really go through with this?'

She chewed on her bottom lip. For the first time since the whole mess began, she felt the icy fingers of dread grip her heart. 'What if - ?'

Jakotsu came back out of the office, shaking his head and slammed his palm on the counter.

Kagome snapped out of torturous thoughts. She swallowed against the lump building in her throat. “What did he say?”

Jakotsu poured himself another shot of whiskey. “He’s on his way.” He tossed the whiskey back and let the burn in his throat fade. The liquor settled in his stomach creating a warm feeling.

She lowered her eyes to the floor and sighed. Kagome’s stomach clenched and rolled. Her throat burned like someone poured lemon juice into while it was raw. She made a bee line for the bathroom. Slamming the door open, she ran over to the toilet and emptied the contents of her lunch.

Tears filled her eyes at the thought of facing him after all of these years. Her chest tightened. 'I can’t do this.'

Her stomach heaved again. The pain in her stomach and throat echoed the pain in her heart. She continued heaving until her body had nothing left to empty. She closed her eyes and leaned against the wall placing a shaky hand against her forehead.

She rocked herself back and forth. Her lips trembled. Her shoulders shook and she released all of her pain and worries in the form of tears - something she didn’t do very often anymore. She sat there crying over the past and over the fear for her children’s safeties.


A/N: Aw poor Kagome what will she do now? Stay tuned to find out! XD