InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Worst Nightmare ❯ Discoveries Pt I ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own the Inuyasha characters. I do own this plot line and the ocs.

A/N: Due to the heat-wave we are experiencing, I am not getting much time to write, but I will update as I can.


Discoveries Pt I:

They arrived at Kagome's place and climbed out of the car. She locked it up and started up the paved walkway towards the door.

Bankotsu followed her. "So this is where you live now, eh?" His eyes scanned the immaculate lawn.

Kagome pointed to the one foot wide cement walkway. "Make sure that you walk on the path and not the grass."

Bankotsu scoffed and stared at her like she was nuts. "It's just grass."

She released a heavy sigh. "Just do as I said."

Bankotsu rolled his eyes. "Yes mother," he muttered beneath his breath. He stomped over to the paved path and followed her, glaring holes into her back. 'What's the deal anyways? It's just stupid grass….' He used one foot to deliberately stomp the grass and rubbed it flat, before smirking and walking behind her on the path again.

Jakotsu's mouth tilted at one corner as he watched them. 'They argue just like an old married couple.'

Coming up to the porch, Kagome's eyes widened at the sight of her door opened an inch and she stopped dead in her tracks.

A strange tingly sensation started in the pit of her stomach and worked its way up to her chest, starting faint and then growing until she felt like she would jump out of her skin.

Her heart started racing.

She began to feel edgy. Her hand went to the small of her back and closed around cold steel. She pulled out her weapon out, slid the safety off and aimed towards the opened door.

Bankotsu noticed Kagome stop. His eyes widened as he saw her take out a gun and aim at her house.

His ears strained to catch any unusual sounds, while his hand automatically slid to the small of his back, pulling out his Desert Eagle Mark XIX, .50 AE.

Jakotsu's eyes widened. 'Shit, this can't be good. He pulled out Banryu.' He slowly followed them being as quiet as he could.

Kagome edged to the side of her door and pressed her back flat against the wall. She held the gun in her hands up by her face and inhaled a deep breath.

Bankotsu mimicked her move on the other side of the door and followed her lead.

Kagome pivoted to face the door, using one leg to kick it open and pointed her gun directly in front of her at chest level. At the same time, her foot landed solid on the floor, putting her in a wide horse stance. Her eyes quickly scanned the room and widened.

She used her hand to reach for the light switch and flipped it up. Light spilled into the room brightening it and she gasped.

Bankotsu followed behind her, ending in a horse stance and aimed his gun into the room. His jaw dropped as his eyes scanned the room.

The couch cushions had been cut with a knife and the stuffing was everywhere. All of her books and DVD cases were tossed around to land whenever. The TV was smashed with the screen totally caved in. Her childrens' tapes were trashed beyond saving and strew around the floor.

She strained her ears for any indication that who did this was still there. Finding only silence, she slid the safety back in place and slipped her gun into her pants.

She moved on shaky legs towards the kitchen. Broken glass littered the floors. The kitchen draws had been dumped onto the floor upside down. Her pots, silverware, and the contents of the rest of the draws and cabinets; including irreplaceable keepsakes, had been tossed haphazardly around the room. Broken dishes were everywhere.

She carefully waded through the mess and into her office, not the least bit surprised when she saw the door handle had been smashed and the door was open.

She grit her jaw as she stared at the computer screen, with a gaping hole in pretty much the entire window. Her drawers were all over the room, as were the papers she had stacked neatly just that morning before going to work.

Jakotsu surveyed the damage in the rooms and sighed. 'I better get at least one spot cleared in case any of us end up tired later.' He started clearing up the living room, stacking the tapes and DVDs into neat piles.

Bankotsu followed her, shaking his head at all of the destruction throughout the house. "Look I –"

The shrill of the phone cut him off.

Kagome's eyes widened and her hands went to her hip, pulling out and flipping open her cell phone.

She glared at the unknown number, pressed the button, and lifted it to her ear. "Hello?"

"How did you like the remodeling job?"

"Renkotsu," Her voice dripped with venom.

Bankotsu's eyes widened and he snatched the phone, silencing her protest with a hand over her mouth. "Face me you coward!"

Renkotsu sneered. "You're in no position to make demands, Bankotsu. In fact, right now I hold all the cards. Now put the bitch back on."

Bankotsu's teeth ground and he glared heatedly at the phone. He held it out to her.

She took the phone back. "I want my kids Renkotsu!"

He replied, "I'm sure you do. Now listen up. Here is how this will play out. Since you went and did the unexpected by sucking up your pride and crawling back to my former leader, I'm going to add a 300,000,000 yen penalty charge."

She gasped. "Where the hell am I supposed to get that much money from?"

He snorted. "I don't give a rat's ass how you get it, just get it. Then take it and all of your files, including the Tomanaki files from your laptop, to the Torao docks at midnight tomorrow."

She grit her teeth. "It's impossible to raise that much money in such a short time!"

He warned, "Do it if you ever want your precious brats returned to you! If you try going to the cops, I'll kill your wretched brats before you even get back home. Oh, one more thing… tell my former leader, that he is to make the exchange with you and there had better not be any more surprises."

She stared at the phone in her hand as the dial tone shattered the strained silence in the room. Her face paled as the enormity of the situation smacked into her brain.

Her heart completely stopped, before it felt like a jackhammer beating against her chest. Her head bowed and her shoulders slumped. Her knees began to shake and she sunk to the floor.

'Shit!' Bankotsu dropped to his knees beside her, supporting her with one strong arm. His free hand reached over, shutting the phone and then pocketed it. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her to his chest, rocking her back and forth. His fingers ran up and down her back trying to calm her nerves. "What did he say?"

She stared at him and her voice shook. "Somehow I'm supposed to come up with 300,000,000 yen and then you and I are to deliver the money and my files to him at the docks tomorrow at midnight."

Bankotsu saw the deep sadness in her eyes and felt her body trembling. 'She's getting overwhelmed.'

Jakotsu turned around and watched stunned as his brother's anger towards Kagome, suddenly morphed into him coddling her and trying to abate her fears. 'Where can we possibly get that much money from in such short notice?'

Bankotsu's hand on Kagome's back tightened into a fist. He took a deep breath and expelled it slowly, willing himself to calm down. His voice was strong and determined. "We will get the money."

She pressed her face against his shirt. "It's impossible to get that much in such a short time." She fisted his shirt, desperately clinging to him. She buried her nose in his shirt, deeply inhaling his masculine scent.

Knowing that she needed reassured, Bankotsu pressed her face against his chest and started running a hand down her back again. "I will make sure that we get it."

She pulled back and stared at him for a moment and nuzzled into his chest.

He wrapped his arms around her and rocked her back and forth. "We will get them back Kags. I promise we will get them back."

His grip tightened a fraction and he vowed darkly, "When we do find Renkotsu, I'm going to personally break that bastard's neck for ever threatening them!"

She believed him and felt the damn that had been slowly breaking inside of her, crumble into dust. A river of tears rushed from her eyes, soaking the front of his shirt. Her shoulders shook and heart wrenching sobs filled the room.

He sat there cradling her in his lap and murmured softly. "Shh, don't worry. We will get them back safe and sound."

His voice was like a soothing balm to her wracked nerves. The strength and warmth of his arms made the knots in her stomach ease up a bit. The determination in his voice slowly eased her fears.

"Nothing bad will happen to them Kags, I swear I won't let it."

Her heart squeezed at his words and she continued crying in his arms, feeling even more ashamed of keeping their kids from him.

Jakotsu placed a hand on his brother's shoulder. "I've cleared a spot and set up a pallet of blankets and cushions over in the right, back corner of the living room."

Bankotsu blinked and nodded. "Thanks Ja."

Sensing that Kagome needed Bankotsu's presence more than anything right now, Jakotsu wordlessly left the room and started cleaning the kitchen.

Bankotsu carefully rose to his feet with Kagome's slender frame cradled in his arms and carried her over to the pallet. Bankotsu gently placed her on the blankets and lay beside her. "It's okay Kags, I'm here."

Instinctively she moved further into his arms, needing to feel his unwavering strength envelope her. Bankotsu's heart squeezed tightly as he watched her cry. He continued running a hand through her hair and one down her back.


A/N: According to my research, 300,000,000 Yen is equivalent to $2,913,000. U.S. Dollars.