InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Worst Nightmare ❯ Desperation ( Chapter 15 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own the Inuyasha characters. I do own this plot line and the OCS.


Bankotsu stood up and walked towards the door. "Ja, watch her until I get back."

Kagome jumped up and stood right in Bankotsu's face. "Oh no you don't! Those are my kids too and I'll be damned if I sit her on my ass feeling sorry for myself, while you go out and play the hero."

Bankotsu raised a brow and smirked. "What are you going to do then Kags? After all, you're wearing nothing but my tee shirt." His eyes purposefully and possessively roamed her body, emphasizing his point.

He grinned. "Not that I'm complaining or anything."

Her face heated and she stared at his smug face. She growled. "Give me ten minutes to change and we will go together."

He chuckled. "Make it quick, or I'll leave your ass behind."

She stormed into the bedroom and threw his shirt off, slipping into fresh clothes. She stomped into the living room and tossed his shirt at him with a huff. She slipped her guns and stuff back into place.

Kagome picked up her jeans from earlier and slipped the chip and adapter, placing them in her pocket and then dropped the jeans to the floor.

He chuckled at her short temper and pulled his shirt on. He sniffed it. 'Kind of smells like lavender.' He tucked Banryu into the small of his back. They both checked their extra clips and put them in their holsters.

Jakotsu shook his head. 'It's about damned time they decide to get serious.' He pat his daggers at his hips and then placed a tray of coffee on the small coffee table. "Coffee is done."

They both blinked and the three drank their coffee.

Kagome picked up her book, tucking it into her laptop bag and walked towards the door.

Bankotsu stood blocking the doorway. He stared at her and used his no nonsense voice. "I'm driving." He held out his hand.

Kagome snorted. "Just remember we're partners Bank. I'm not one of your subordinates, so you had better not treat me like one." She locked the door and slapped the keys into his open palm.

He rolled his eyes, and muttered, "Wouldn't dream of it sweet cheeks."

Kagome shot him a hot glare and stomped towards her vehicle.

Bankotsu shook his head and followed her. He unlocked the SUV. He slid into the driver's seat and pressed the button to unlock her door.

She slipped into the passenger seat and buckled herself in. She slammed the door shut and began opening her case. She pulled out her laptop and plugged it into the cigarette lighter.

Bankotsu snorted and buckled in. He slammed his door and put the key in the ignition. He rolled down the window. "Yo Ja, follow us and don't get lost."

Jakotsu nodded and got into his car.

Bankotsu rolled up the window and asked, "So babe, where to first?"

She was still bringing up files on her laptop. "Take the freeway and go straight until I tell you to turn."

He frowned but started the engine.

She booted up her laptop. "I can only think of one person who might loan me that kind of money."

Bankotsu blinked. "Who?"

She stared at him. "My boss."

Bankotsu's hand tightened on the steering wheel. 'So, I'm about to meet her boss, eh?'


Two hours later they pulled up in front of a mansion. Bankotsu killed the engine. "Pretty sweet digs."

She rolled her eyes. "You would say something like that." She opened her door and pulled her laptop out with her. "Come on Bank and try to be nice."

He frowned. "Whose place is this again?"

She sighed. "You'll find out soon enough."

Jakotsu parked behind them and whistled. "Now that's a nice place. I bet they have tons of bathrooms and stuff."

She sighed. "Hai, now both of you, let me do the talking, okay?"

Bankotsu snorted. "Whatever, let's just get this over with." He stared at her. 'Just remember babe, I don't shut up for anyone.'

Kagome walked up to the door and rang the door bell. Bankotsu cracked his knuckles and stood behind her. Jakotsu clasped his hands behind his back.

A few minutes later a very sleepy butler answered the door. "May I help you?" His wizened old eyes landed on Kagome. "Miss Higurashi, what brings you here at this hour?"

Kagome took a deep breath/ "I need to speak with your boss, it's an emergency."

The butler's eyes widened. He nodded and stepped aside. "Enter please."

The trio followed him into the sitting room and the old man left to get his boss.


A few minutes later a woman ran into the room in a minty green robe made of the finest silk and hugged her best friend from high school. "Kagome, are you okay? What happened?"

She hugged her red haired friend. "Hello Ayame, I'm sorry to bother you so late or uh early, but I need your husband's help."

As if summoned by the very mention of his position, Sesshomaru entered the room. Cool amber eyes quickly noted her companions and slightly widened. He turned to the woman in his employ. "Worry not about the time Kagome, Now what do you need to see me about so urgently?"

His eyes landed on Bankotsu and an elegant eyebrow quirked. "I see you are here as well."

Bankotsu's jaw tightened. "You're working for him?" his finger stabbed through the air toward the Tai youkai.

Sesshomaru's cool voice floated on the air. "You expected someone else?"

Bankotsu snorted. "It's better than the stupid mutt I suppose." He began pacing with his hands clasped behind his back.

Kagome sent Bankotsu a 'be nice' look and turned to her boss. "Remember the case you had me working on, The Tomanaki case?"

Sesshomaru nodded.

Ayame clapped her hands. "Rastolvo, bring us some refreshments."

The butler bowed. "At once, milady."

Kagome took a deep breath and faced her boss. Her eyes watered. "Renkotsu took my kids. He said that if I go to the police he will kill them." She bit her lips to hold back her tears. "He's holding them hostage in exchange for those files, the files on him, and 300,000,000 Yen."

Ayame gasped. "Oh Kagome, that's horrible!" She held her friend tightly and stared pleadingly into her mate's eyes.

Sesshomaru's firm tone spoke calmly. "That is a lot of money… But, I believe something can be arranged."

He turned to stare at Bankotsu. "Come with me to my office and you and I will discuss it further."

Bankotsu's spine stiffened and his eyes narrowed. 'Who the hell does this pompous jerk think he is, ordering me around like some lackey?'

Kagome pulled out of Ayame's arms and went to Bankotsu. She pulled his face to look at her. "Bank, I know how much you hate taking orders from anyone, but…this may be our only chance to save our kids." Her eyes held his a minute. She pressed her face into his chest and started crying.

His arms went around her automatically. He kissed her hair lovingly and pulled her out of his arms. "Trust me babe, I'll take care of it."

She hugged him. He hugged her back, before pulling her away from him. He nodded to Sesshomaru.

Sesshomaru turned on his heel and led the younger male to his office. They entered and he closed the door.


Inside Sesshomaru's office Bankotsu stood facing the older male.

Sesshomaru sat in his chair. "Please sit, we will be in here a while."

Bankotsu grit his teeth but sat in the chair, with his legs spread wide. His elbows propped on his knees and his fingers laced together, with his chin resting on them. "Let's cut to the chase. You wanted to talk, so talk."

Sesshomaru raised a brow at his arrogance. 'This human is bold. Let's see if he can measure up.' Sesshomaru cleared his throat. "Very well. I wish to know exactly what your intentions are with Miss Higurashi."

Bankotsu snorted. "I really don't see how that is any of your business." He sat back and laced his fingers behind his head. "Now, about the money..."

Sesshomaru frowned. "I'll make you a deal. I will give you the money and in return, once the children are safe, I want you out of Kagome and the children's lives for good." Golden eyes flashed challenging the younger male.

Bankotsu's good mood vanished and he stood up glowering at the demon. His fist balled up and slammed into the demon's jaw, knocking him into the wall chair and all. "Fuck you bastard! No one will ever keep me away from my kids or my Kagome!"

Sesshomaru's eyes widened and his hand rubbed his swollen jaw. 'Perhaps I misjudged him?'

The angered former gang leader stormed over to the door. "You can just take your fucking money and shove it up your pompous ass!"

Sesshomaru stood up. "Wait." He flew over the desk and slammed the door shut, facing the human. "I was testing your motives. It appears money was not your objective."

Bankotsu sneered, "Of course not! You arrogant self centered – "

Sesshomaru pointed to the chair. "I believe we still have business to discuss."

Bankotsu snatched the demon's outstretched finger and squeezed. He smirked wide as he heard a satisfying crunch. He glared into the demon's eyes.

Sesshomaru blinked and then relented, "Real business." He shoved the human back freeing his hand, to stare at his finger.

Bankotsu's teeth ground together. "I'll stand."

Sesshomaru sighed and returned to his chair. "The money will be given to you in the morning. The files however, I cannot allow to be given to Renkotsu, nor whoever he's working for." He stared at the male. "You must understand that if those files were to fall into the wrong hands…"

Bankotsu snorted. 'I'll just use Kagome's copies then.' Bankotsu glared at him and cracked his fists. He slammed his fists on top of the demon's desk and got right in his face. "I'm getting my kids back, with or without your help. If you or anyone else tells me to stay away from my Kagome or my kids again, so help me, I'll -"

Sesshomaru stared at him calm as can be. "It was a test Bankotsu. You are the one who nearly shattered her heart, so I had to find out why you came back."

Bankotsu stared him dead in the eye. "I came back because she came to me for help in getting the kids back."

Sesshomaru nodded and his amber eyes hardened. He rose to his feet and stared down at the other male. "You just better not hurt her again."

Bankotsu snorted. "All I want is Renkotsu's traitorous ass dead, and for Kagome and my kids to be safe." He stared up at the standing Youkai adding seriously. "Believe me, I'm not going anywhere, I'm staying right with my family." Bankotsu's eyes hardened, daring him to try anything to stop him.

Sesshomaru's mouth tilted at one corner and he nodded his approval.

Bankotsu's shoulders stiffened and his fist clenched. He walked over to the door and opened it. He turned to face her boss. "Anyone who has a problem with me staying in their lives can kiss my fucking ass!" With that he left the office and returned to the sitting room.

Sesshomaru smirked and followed him. 'Perhaps having him around won't be so bad after all. At least he has the balls to stand up to anyone in his way – even a powerful demon like me. Perhaps he will be a good protector for them yet.' He stared at his broken finger. 'His strength is most impressive for a human.' He grabbed his finger and snapped it back in place.

Bankotsu walked up to Kagome and took her elbow in his hand. "Come on Kags, we're out of here."

Sesshomaru spoke, "It is late and we have a few hours before the banks open. You three are welcome to stay here until then."

He pushed a button on the wall. "Jaken! See to it that three extra plates are set at the table and have breakfast served within the hour."

A croaky voice replied, "Yes, milord."

Sesshomaru wrapped an arm around his wife's waist and led them into a more comfortable room. "Worry not my heart, Bankotsu and I have discussed everything and the money is being taken care of."

Ayame smiled and kissed his jaw, "Thank you love."

Kagome hugged Bankotsu both to calm him down and to settle her own nerves. Bankotsu wrapped his arms around her, holding her close and stared at Sesshomaru with serious eyes that spoke volumes.


Elsewhere Renkotsu spoke into the phone. "Yeah, she's meeting us at midnight and she's bringing her pretty boy and the files with her." His fingers drummed impatiently on his desk. "Meet us at the docks tonight and we can finally end this shit once and for all. You'll get your share after the exchange is made. Just make sure your ass is there, after I kill my former leader, the bitch is all yours."

He slammed the phone down and snorted. 'Imbecile, let him have the fucking bitch. I'll have my money and the boss can complete his revenge. After that, I'm taking the gang and we're getting the hell out of dodge.'

His eyes rose to his subordinate. "Suikotsu, get those filthy brats ready for the exchange and remember he will likely have Jakotsu stashed somewhere as back up."

Suikotsu breathed a sigh of relief and left to do as he was told. 'Finally we will be rid of the brats.'


A/N: So now we know how they are getting the money and that Ban has no intention of staying out of his children or Kagome's lives. How will Kagome handle the news since things between them are far from settled?