InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Worst Nightmare ❯ Strike One ( Chapter 16 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own the Inuyasha characters. I do own this plot line and the OCS.

Strike One:

Sesshomaru shook the man's hand and accepted the bag. "I commend you for being so prompt."

The balding man grinned. "We strive to please our customers." His white brows furrowed. "Though I am curious why you would withdraw such a large sum of money at one time?"

Sesshomaru raised one elegant eyebrow and then pinned him with a hard amber gaze, His tone was clipped and clearly held a reprimand. "My reasons are my own, as is this money." He turned on his heel and strode out the door.

The Banker's face looked ashen and he sighed. "Of course." He turned around and went about his normal duties.

Sesshomaru got in his limo and ordered the driver to return home. He hit the button to roll the window up and proceeded to count the money to ensure every yen was accounted for.

Arriving at the estate he waited for Kohaku to open his door and then strolled into the estate. He passed the bag to his employee. "Here is what you require."

Kagome clutched the bag to her chest and nodded. She stared up at him with tears in her eyes. "Thank you so much Sesshomaru."

He nodded. "Worry not about this money, you will repay me in time."

Kagome smiled and passed the bag back to him. "Will you hold this until we leave for the exchange?"

Sesshomaru nodded and put it in his safe assuring, "It will remain here until the time comes."

Bankotsu nodded. "Good, now since that is settled, we have some visits to make Kagome."

She sighed heavily and nodded. She walked over and took Bankotsu's hand. "Let's get this over with." She said bowing her head.

Bankotsu nodded and led her out to her car. He opened the door and watched her slide inside. Once her belt was clicked into place, he slid into the driver's seat and clicked his belt on.

He started the engine. "Where to first," he stared at her laptop.

She sighed and recited the address. He gunned the engine and roared out of the drive way. His knuckles gripped the steering wheel so tight that they turned white.

Jakotsu followed his speed demon brother and muttered about his reckless speed.

Bankotsu pulled to a stop and cut the engine.

Kagome's eyes widened. "Bank, why are we here?"

His brow rose.

She sighed. "I told you, he would never –"

Bankotsu sent her a hard glare and held up a hand. "Yeah, yeah, I heard you the first dozen times."

He pushed his door open and stepped out. He cracked his neck and sighed. "Listen Kags, we know it was either the wolf, dog shit, or that hobo guy."

She corrected in a huff. "It's Hojo, not hobo."

He snorted. "Whatever." His eyes bore into hers. "Either way, I have every intention of checking them all out. If you don't like it, just have Ja take you back to dog boy's mansion and wait for me there." He slammed the door shut.

He turned to his brother who parked behind them. "You stay back and let me deal with them. You figure out which weapons you want for tonight. We will need to get them before we go to the dog's place for the money."

Jakotsu pouted, but nodded.

Knowing how short tempered her ex could get, she huffed and slammed hers shut as well. "You aren't going near them without me there."

Bankotsu rolled his eyes. "Fine, but you stay the hell back and let me handle it." The look in his eyes made it clear he wouldn't tolerate her interference.

She snorted. "Damn you and your machismo. They are my kids too Bankotsu!" She stomped her foot.

He nodded. "I"I know that." He cracked his fists. "This is going to get damned messy, so stay back until I'm done."

She scoffed. "Despite what you believe Bank, you're not invincible."

He snorted and stomped up the path, ignoring her rant.

Kagome sighed and followed him, still trying to convince him to take a softer approach.

Jakotsu pushed off his car and muttered. "Looks like its show time. I just hope he doesn't cause too much damage." He followed the bickering couple up the path.


At the end of the alley, stood a pack of street wise demons, wearing leather jackets with a red tribal wolf on them. 'Los Lobos' was written in red underneath. Paint dripped from the bottom of the letters looking like blood.

Reclined against the wall was the leader with his headband holding the bangs out of his face and a pony tail hanging down around his shoulder.

His face lit up. He pulled the cigarette from his lips and smirked as he stood erect.

"Kagome love, what brings you here to see me?"

Bankotsu's eyes narrowed. Quick as lightning he grabbed the demon by the throat and slammed him against the wall. "Listen up wolf shit. I want to know who you've been talking to lately."

Koga grinned. "Ah Bankotsu, I see you're sniffing around my lovely lady once again. Can't get enough, eh?"

Bankotsu punched him in the stomach. "Watch your mouth wolf or I will break your damned pointed teeth!"

The gang moved in to attack the outsider, but Koga held up a hand. "It's alright guys, they are friends."

His gang frowned and snorted, but backed away still watching.

Bankotsu snorted and dropped him. He spat on the ground. "Don't confuse me with your buddies wolf." He cracked his fist. "Start talking or I start swinging."

Koga smirked. "Try it Banks. I'm not the weakling I was then." His eyes lit with challenge.

Bankotsu smirked. "You're the one who ended up hospitalized for a week straight."

Koga growled and flexed his hands. "I've got claws you know."

Not about to stand here while these two came to blows, while her children were somewhere frightened, Kagome grit her teeth. "Both of you muscle bound morons stop it now!"

All eyes turned to her.

Bankotsu's brow rose.

Koga chuckled and placed his arm over her shoulder. "Ah Kagome my sweet, once again you show that feisty temper I love to see." He sent her a wolfish grin.

Kagome stiffened and smacked his arm off. She glared at him. "Keep your hands off Koga."

Koga sighed and held a hand to his heart and sighed dramatically. "And once again my lady love wounds me." He sent her another grin.

Bankotsu snorted and glared. "Cut the shit wolf! This isn't drama class."

Koga turned serious and faced Kagome. What can I do for you love?"

Kagome sighed heavily and looked away.

Bankotsu moved between them and shoved the wolf back against the wall, using his body to shield Kagome from the wolf's unwanted gaze.

"We want to know who the fuck you've been talking to lately."

Kagome huffed and moved between them, getting pushed behind him again by Bankotsu. She stared at Koga over his shoulder. "Koga, someone leaked information about a case I was working on and it has endangered my kids."

Koga's eyes widened and then clouded over with hurt. "You really think I would betray you Kagome?"

She sighed. "No, but someone did. I told very few of this particular case."

Bankotsu repeated icily, "Who have you been talking to wolf?"

Koga huffed. "No one. Ask my boys, we've stayed here the entire last week just minding our own business."

The gang all nodded.

Ginta walked over. "Hello Kagome, nice to see you again."

'He was always sweet in high school.' She smiled. "Hi Ginta."

Ginta bowed. "Koga i telling the truth. He's been here staying to himself all week."

She nodded. "Okay. Thank you."

Koga moved to hug Kagome.

Bankotsu huffed and shoved Koga against the wall and pulled a knife out holding it to his throat. "I'm only going to say this once wolf, so listen up! Stay the fuck away from Kags and out of our business. We clear?"

Kagome rolled her eyes. "Damnit Bank leave him be. We don't have time for this shit."

The gang snickered under their breaths at watching this guy get yelled at by the slip of a woman.

Bankotsu shot her a glare telling her to keep out of it.

She rolled her eyes and stomped back to the car. 'Damned macho idiots, can't they give that shit a rest just once?'

Bankotsu glowered as the wolf. "You heed my words Koga, or I will personally castrate you with the dullest knife that I can find and dip it in lemon juice first."

With that he flipped the butterfly knife shut and spat at the wolf's feet. "Kagome is still under my protection. Make sure to pass that on." Their eyes clashed and a silent message passed between them.

Koga's eyes widened and he visibly paled.

Bankotsu shoved the knife in his pants and left. He returned to the car and gunned the engine, tearing off down the street with Jakotsu following as best he could.

Ginta turned to Koga. "What was that all about?"

Koga sighed. "It means that he's still got feelings for her."

Ginta paled. 'That means that anyone who messes with her will face his wrath.' Remembering the last fight Koga and Bankotsu had gotten into and how both had been hospitalized, he shivered and watched the taillights fade away.

Koga turned to his group. "Alright listen up! I want you to hit the streets and find out what the fuck you can. I want to know what's happening and how it concerns Kagome and Bankotsu both."

He rubbed his neck. "Make sure you don't get caught either. Report back to me the minute you find something out. Otherwise it's business as usual. Grab your cell phones and hit the pavement!"

They nodded and went to carry out his orders.


A/N: Okay, finally chapter sixteen is finished. Enjoy XD