InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Worst Nightmare ❯ Showdown Pt II ( Chapter 20 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own the Inuyasha characters. I do own this plot line and the OCS.

Showdown Pt II:

The twins huddled together. Arashi pushed Akari's face towards his chest to try and muffles her whimpers as they heard gravel crunching nearby.

His eyes widened and his little heart pounded. He was torn between jumping out and attacking whoever was coming by them and keeping his sister safe. He squeezed his eyes shut.

"Come on out kids, I won't hurt you. Mommy and I are just having a bit of a disagreement, that's all."

A gunshot rang loud in his ears. His little eyes squeezed tighter and his arms trembled around his sister. 'Hurry mommy.'

A long minute later his mother's voice came towards them.

"Hojo, don't you dare harm one hair on their heads!"

Arashi's eyes shot open and he clapped a hand over Akari's mouth.

Akari struggled trying to get free and run to her mommy, but her brother kept her held.

"Stay still," he hissed under his breath.

"But mommy," Akari blinked as her brother glared at her.

"Be quiet or he will find us." He whisper hissed.

Hojo chuckled. "Oops too late," he dragged the kids out of behind the box.

Arashi and Akari began screaming and trying to struggle against him.


"Let go!"

"Mommy, help me!"

Kagome rounded the corner eyes full of anger. "Let them go!"

He backhanded Arashi and sent him skidding across the dirt. He placed the gun on Akari's head. "Drop your gun or say goodbye to your daughter."

Kagome's eyes flared, but she dropped the gun and kicked it to the side. "Let her go, Hojo. I'm the one you're angry at."

Hojo snorted. He glared at her. "You should have married me. I could have made you happy." He thought about all the things he'd done for her.

Holding her when she cried over what had happened with Bankotsu. Taking the kids to the park so she could have a little breather. Making so love to her when he really wanted to get wild.

His jaw clenched and a muscle ticked by his mouth.

Kagome sighed. "Put down the gun and we will talk about this." Her eyes pleaded with him. "Please Hojo, don't hurt my kids. They're just innocent children." She took a step towards him.

He aimed the gun at the dirt by her feet and squeezed the trigger. "Stay where you are!"

Akari's eyes widened. "No, don't hurt my mommy!" Her lower lip trembled and tears fell down her cheeks.

Kagome stopped where she was. "Okay, but please let's talk about this."

Hojo stared at her and the gun in his hand shook. "You stay right there and no tricks."

Kagome held her hands up. "No tricks, but you've got to talk to me."

Akari saw her brother lying on the ground and cried. "Arashi, speak to me!" She dove towards him and fell to her knees hugging his body as he sat up.

At the same time Kouga growled and leapt off the crate, knocking Hojo to the ground. Ginta and Hakaku grabbed the kids and rushed them to the rest of the group. "Don't worry kids, you're safe now."

Kagome dove to the side, scooping up her gun and fired at Hojo, just as he was about to punch Kouga.

Hojo's shoulder burned and he cried out in pain, grabbing his shoulder.

Kouga kicked him off and snatched him up by the collar. "How dare you threaten Kagome and her kids?" He bared his fangs.

Hojo's eyes widened. "W… what are you?"

A feral snarl ripped past the gang leader's lips. "I'm your worst nightmare." His claw was poised to swipe, but stopped in mid air.

"Kouga, don't kill him, just restrain him!" Kagome's pushed to her feet.

Kouga grunted, but dropped his claw and wrenched the man's arms behind his back. "Tomo, bring me some rope."

A rope was passed to Kouga.

He took great pleasure in binding the human male and then kicked him to sit by the feet of a few of his men.

Meanwhile Kagome ran over hugging her children and sobbed in relief. She scooped them into her arms and nuzzled her face into theirs one at a time. "Arashi baby, are you okay?"

He grunted. "I'm fine." He touched his cheek and winced.

"Ginta put an ice pack on his cheek."

Ginta ran to a store for some ice and wrapped it in a piece of his shirt.

Jakotsu's car screeched to a halt and he burst from the door. "Kagome, are you alright?"

She smiled. "Hai Ja." She walked over with her kids and smiled. "Arashi, Akari, meet your uncle Jakotsu."

Akari blinked. "He's our uncle?"

Kagome grinned. "Hai baby, he is."

She passed Akari to Jakotsu.

He squealed, "Oh Kags, they're adorable."

She grinned. "Thanks." She turned to her kids. "You two behave for uncle Jakotsu and Mr. Kouga while mommy finishes her job, okay?"

Akari wailed, "But mommy…"

Kagome hugged and kissed them both. "I promise I will come back soon." She stared at Jakotsu and Kouga. "Keep them safe for me and don't let Hojo out of your sight."

Kouga assured. "Don't worry, he's not going anywhere."

Kagome nodded. "Thanks. Kouga please stay with the kids, they don't know Jakotsu yet and have had enough excitement for a while."

He sighed but nodded. "You better not get hurt."

She winked. "I won't." She ran off behind the building.


Meanwhile Renkotsu grunted and tried to dodge another punishing punch from his former leader. "You'll never leave this place alive."

Bankotsu snarled. "Neither will you. That I can promise you," He quickly delivered a spinning back kick to his opponent. The sickening thud of flesh pounding flesh quickly gave way to the loud bang of a body hitting the metal crate.

Renkotsu grunted and fell forward.

Bankotsu was waiting for him and caught him. He lifted the man into the air over his head and brought him down hard onto his knee with a crunch.


Bankotsu smirked. "Oops, did I do that?" His dark chuckle vibrated through the air as he tossed the man down on his broken back.

"Ow fuck!"

Pain assailed Renkotsu's back and ribs.

Bankotsu moved down to stare him in the face. "I told you, I'm going to take my sweet time and destroy you piece by piece." To demonstrate he snapped one of the man's fingers.


Tears gathered in grey eyes as the pain in his back and finger raged full force.

"That was for bringing my kids into this mess." Bankotsu held the next finger and snapped it.


"That was for making Kagome worry so much."

A loud crack accompanied the next disjointed finger.

"That was for kidnapping Jakotsu years ago."

The sound of flesh pounding flesh rang through the air as his large fist repeatedly struck the broken man's tender ribs. More cracks followed. When most of the right ribs were broken, Bankotsu dropped his fist to land on the man's knee.

"That was for threatening my kids."

He leaned his knee on the unbroken hand and grinned as Renkotsu cried out again. He ground the hand under his knee.

"Had enough yet?"

Renkotsu spat blood in his face.

"Fuck you!"

Bankotsu whipped the spittle from his face. "Now that wasn't very nice." He stabbed the knife into Renkotsu's gut and twisted it, grinning as his pain filled cry filled the air and blood stained the dirty cement floor.

Renkotsu's mind and body filled with pain. 'Just end it already.'

The blade moved from the belly to the chest in a cacophony of ripping flesh.

Bankotsu smirked thoroughly enjoying the task at hand.

Blood bubbled up from Renkotsu's throat as he shakily breathed.

Bankotsu cackled. "You seem to have forgotten Ren. Back when I ran things I was ruthless. Did you really expect that to have changed?"

A shot was fired.

A burning pain seared through Bankotsu's left shoulder.

A darker chuckle filled the air. "I see you haven't changed much."

Bankotsu grabbed his shoulder and spun around. His eyebrows lowered drawing together. His body tensed and his forearm muscles appeared as if they were cut from stone.


Bankotsu's fists clenched tightly and he ground his teeth. He breathed deeply and noisily.

Naraku lifted his chin and smirked. "It's been a long time, eh?"

Bankotsu ripped the knife out of Renkotsu's flesh and stood to his feet.

Naraku fired again hitting Bankotsu in the calf. "Now, now, we can't have you getting all cocky, can we?"

Bankotsu growled and ripped off some of his shirt. He tied it around the hole in his calf. He stood up and walked toward his fiercest enemy. "I should have figured that you would somehow be involved in this."

Naraku grinned giving him a 'duh' look. "Drop the knife and we will find out who is the real man here, shall we?"

Bankotsu's eyes turned pure black as he seethed. "You drop that gun first."

Naraku chuckled. "Okay, together then, on three."




Both weapons hit the ground with a clatter and were kicked away.

Naraku cracked his fists. "I'm going to enjoy this."

Bankotsu's mouth twisted into a sneer. He clenched his fists and walked towards the man responsible for killing his parents. "Not as much as I am."

Bankotsu had been itching for this showdown since he became an orphan all those years ago.

Naraku squinted and sent him a hard smile. "I wonder if killing you will feel as good as killing your parents did?" He smirked evilly. "But this time I'm going to do the honors for myself."

Bankotsu roared, "Bring it on you bastard!" He linebacker tackled him.

They rolled around on the filthy ground exchanging punches and insults. The sound of flesh hitting flesh rang through the air repeatedly.

"Is that really the best you've got?"

"You sure seemed awfully confidant while you were picking on that poor sap Renkotsu."

"Tell Kagura if she wants to know what a real man feels like, I'll show her."

"You stay away from my daughter!"

"That's really her choice now, isn't it?"

"You're so pathetic. I expected a real fight, not some weak punch fest."

"Why you…."

Despite his wounds Bankotsu managed to come out on top of Naraku's back. He grabbed the creep's head and slammed it to the ground screaming in anger.

"How's that for weak? Huh?"

Naraku's neck snapped and his head dropped with a lifeless thud.

Bankotsu screwed up his face and spat on the man beneath him in disgust. "Fucking bastard, I told you that I was going to kill you one day for what you did to my parents." He pulled back his fist ready to punch the dead man in the back of the skull.

A shot fired and Bankotsu's eyes widened as a bullet ripped though his right arm.

A feminine shrill tore through the air. "How dare you kill him?"

He turned around to face the accuser and his eyes narrowed. "Meredith," The name dripped venomously from his lips.

She grinned coldly. "Hello Banky, did you miss me?"

He scoffed. "Not really."

Her eyes flared with anger and she strutted over to him, stomping down on his hand. Her three inch heel dug into the hand.

He cried out. "You bitch!"

She kicked him in the face and stomped on his wounded shoulder. "You killed my husband, now it's your turn to die."

His eyes became big as saucers. "You're… husband?"

She pulled the hammer back and pointed the barrel at his massive chest. "Hai, oh well I now I stand to inherit his fortune." She shrugged carelessly and sent him an icy grin. "Thanks for doing the dirty work for me."

He grunted as her heel dug into his shoulder.

She smirked. "I might have kept you around to keep my bed warm if you hadn't been so beat up. It seems such a shame to waist your herculean body," She sighed dramatically and ran the toes of her foot along his crotch.

He shivered in revulsion and glared at her with the darkest glare he'd ever given anyone. "I wouldn't touch you with a ten foot pole, filthy slut."

She raised a brow and stabbed her heel into his shoulder again. "So long Banky." Her finger started pulling back the trigger.

A furious female voice startled her. "Get away from him you nasty cunt."

Kagome squeezed her trigger, nailing the woman in the arm that was holding her gun.

Meredith finished squeezing the trigger before dropping the pistol.

Bankotsu cried out in agony and then fell silent.

Kagome's eyes widened. "Bankotsu, no!"

She tackled the woman from behind and rolled her over punching her dead in the face. "Stupid bitch, I'll kill you!"

Meredith grabbed her nose and growled. "Not before I kill you!" She bucked Kagome over her head and used her good arm mostly to toss her against the metal crate.

Kagome hissed in pain and her eyes watered. One hand held her ribs and she glared at the woman who had ruined her life so long ago.

"You're going down this time."

The raven haired woman pushed to her feet and screamed in anger. She ran towards the other woman ready to tackle her again intending to kill her.


Meredith went into a sideways stance and waited for the younger woman to charge her.

Meredith used her good hand to block Kagome's fist and used her weak hand to drive a knife into Kagome's ribs.

Kagome stared at her with wide eyes and then hip tossed the blond woman into one of the crates.

She yanked the knife out of her ribs and threw it at the other woman, nailing her in the good shoulder.

Meredith cried out and tried to pull the knife out, but a shot rang through the air and a bullet struck the blonde woman in her forehead.

Kagome fell to her knees and crawled over to Bankotsu's limp body. One hand held her ribs, trying to stem the bleeding; the other went to Bankotsu's body.

"Don't you dare leave me now Bank, do you hear me? Don't you dare abandon me now!" Tears fell down her cheeks blurring her vision.

She tried to shake him but got no response. She weakly collapsed against his stomach crying earnestly. "Bankotsu, you have to wake up, please." Her hand circled around his and her eyes fluttered shut.

A white haired man walked up behind her. He knelt beside her and applied pressure to her ribs. He spoke gently. "Hang in there Kagome, help is on the way."


A/N: That's if for chapter twenty. It's hard to believe this story is almost finished. *sniffs* Tune in next time to find out what happens next. As always reviews are greatly appreciated. XD