InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Worst than the Twilight Zone ❯ Darkness ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter eight: Darkness.

The land engulf in flames, earthquakes every other ten minutes, monsoon and floods happening around the coastlines, and worst of all were the starvation of all living things. Then totally darkness it was all over she was isolated. She had failed again her life mission.

"It's all your fault Kagome," that all to familiar voice cried out.

"Why did you allow this to happen? Why didn't you train harder," said another.

"You should have use the power your mother entrust to you," said the first voice.

"What power," Kagome screamed out.

"You allowed them to all die. The world ended because of you," the voice scream.

"NO! IT'S NOT TRUE," Kagome cried out.

"It's all you fault. You fail to gain control. You fail Kagome," the voice roar.

"Damnit," Kagome screamed out in a cold sweat still trying her breath.

Why did she keep having such awful dreams? Totally destruction. It truly did lied ahead she had to act fast or the world she has come to know would be doom. It had been almost a month since Kagura came into her protection. They almost trusted each other like sisters but it was true they were both holding back. In these days one could never trust anyone other than oneself and even then you couldn't be too sure.

So many people were going insane nowadays. Though pretty soon she would have to get her army and alliances together. Kikyo had to be stop our their very way of life would utterly destroy them all. So far the plan was to do something to piss the queen off, lead her into the wasteland, and then attack her full force.

Currently if she find in her heart she would form an alliances with Kagura as well as Sango and her army. The only question was could she really trust them?

It wasn't even close to dawn and already she was thinking about Inuyasha. Anyway it was useless to think about such folly. By now Kikyo had already disposed of the hanyou. If only she could have him by her side. She touched the jewel around her neck. The one her mother gave her before she died. She used to love how it would glitter under the moon and the sun. Purple used to be her favorite color as a child she used to love a lot of things back then.

As of late she had been having these dreams so much it was driving her insane. She opened the windows so the night air could come in and calm her nerves. `Damn what am I supposed to do,' Kagome asked to the stars above before collapsing on the window seat beneath her.

{Kikyo's castle}

Shippo found himself recovering after what seemed like hours. His vision was still blurry that half demon Inuyasha was still knocked out as well as that kiss ass Naraku. `Man that guy is such an ass,' he thought. It still hurt him to move so he just had to lie in his own pool of blood and other bodily fluids.

That had to be the worst beating he had ever gotten. He never felt as low and dirty as he felt right now. Then again he had tried to drug the queen however he hadn't expect her to recover so soon.

Inuyasha had tried to protect him the whole way. He never thought the queen was as evil as the common people had said but now he found she was even worst than that. His eyes finally getting adjusted to the darkness where he could make up who was near him. He felt sorry for the half-breed his breathing was still ragged.

Now he knew how he gotten all those scars and bruises. If he could only somehow escape this hellhole this would all be funny. That ass Naraku had easily caught him, started beating the daylight out him with a stick, of course he had tried to fight back but he was no match for the older demon.

That was until Inuyasha came to save the day. Even though half way through the brawl Inuyasha lost his clothing. Worst yet then Kikyo appeared out of nowhere blasting all three of them into the wall. Then a dozen or so guards came and hauled them off into the dungeon. With their arms tied behind their back as they still were now.

He got beat for trying to escape, Inuyasha for leaving his room without prior permission as well as eating and drinking without permission, and Naraku for attacking them both without permission and for leaving his chambers without being told as well. He could see now what Inuyasha had tried to tell him. If only he would have just stayed with the reminding clan none of this would have happen.

If he only knew the conditions inside the castle were really like. He would have avoided it all like the plague that was currently going around numerous cities, town, and villages. The kingdom was vast enough for a person to roam around free and never come in contact with the castle. Now he knew why even some of the strongest demons avoided coming here.

"My life is over," was his hushed cried.

"Sucks huh," he hear the hanyou speak.

"Hey Inuyasha are you okay," Shippo kindly ask.

"I'll live," Inuyasha said.

"WHAT! Are you used to these beatings," Shippo asked in a shock voice.

"I been getting them since I was big as you," Inuyasha stated weakly trying to get up.

"Oh. I see you tried to escape too," Shippo said.

"Many times. I know my whole way through the castle but I never got far. The farthest I ever got was the market place but then I caught cause I hid myself in a box that was being sent to castle's top stable man anyway," Inuyasha said with a smirk.

"You're idiot. Hey do you know you're still naked," Shippo snorted.

"Yeah I know and so are you," Inuyasha said now in a sitting position. As Shippo finally saw that indeed he was also without his clothes.

"Hey what happens to my clothes! I know they were just piece of strips but… but" Shippo shriek out.

"Kikyo must've taken them off when we were knocked out. To examine her new precious jewels. Look like you her new sex toy," Inuyasha.

The realization of his new life in the castle finally snuck in to the small fox. He wasn't just a slave he was a sex slave to the queen. `EEP!' he mentally screamed out. It couldn't be true it just couldn't.

"What do you mean? Inuyasha tell me," Shippo cried out.

"You mean to tell me all this time you thought we were all just regular slaves," Inuyasha whispered.

"Yes. I mean I know some masters and mistress keep their slave starved, naked, and unkempt that common with all the nobles but I didn't think… oh man I…. I got to get the hell out of here," Shippo cried out in excitement.

"You're a… umm well you're innocent huh," Inuyasha bashfully asked.

"Of course. Can't you smell? I'm only 13! Well in human years anyway," Shippo said.

"So you can change yourself into a human," Inuyasha questioned.

"Yeah but not for very long. I hadn't master my powers yet," Shippo.

"And you never will. Not here in this lifetime. As soon as Kikyo finds out she'll collar you. Well she'll give you one anyway I guess," Inuyasha said silently.

"So she gave you those collars. The one around your neck and on your…umm…well you know," Shippo said quickly.

"Yeah. This one to keep within the castle walls it will start to burn if I go any further. The other one keeps me from getting," Inuyasha explain then stopped.

"Getting what," Shippo asked.

"Nothing. Naraku coming two be quite now," Inuyasha said softly.

Sure enough the other hanyou eyes flew open. The spider whip marks on his back a bloody mess. Actually the spider look twice it's normal size it was a nasty sight to see and Naraku of course was naked like the rest of them.

"In-u-ya-sha and Shippo," Naraku said in slow and chilly voice.

"Listen I don't have time for your bullshit right now you kiss ass of a demon," Shippo spat out.

"Now, now. With any luck you and I may be come much closer little fox. Isn't that right Inuyasha," Naraku said with a dark chuckled.

"Screw you asshole," Inuyasha yelled.

"Now I do believe it was I would did the screwing about two month ago was it," Naraku said with that same chuckled.

Inuyasha could fill the acids in his stomach begin to rise. Just thinking about that night made him sick. Now Inuyasha finally began fight the chains that held his arm behind his back. If only he could knock the daylight out that guy. One day he would get him.

"That sick demented bitch. She got this asshole to screw you Inuyasha," Shippo asked in a shock voice.

"It not like he didn't enjoy it. He was screaming our names all night…"Naraku said before his face was engulf in some serious foxfire.

The evil hanyou roared out in pain had to roll around in everyone bodily fluids. To say the least this little act of violence against Naraku delighted Inuyasha and Shippo just plain content without knowing the whole fact of the dark tale.

"You're one sick ass bastard," Shippo snort when Naraku finally put out his face. Inuyasha had to choke back a laugh.

"Fox I assure you when we get out of this prison I'm going to make you suffer till your dying day," Naraku growled before a plan came into motion.

"You can't do anything to me. Kikyo already threaten to ban you from the castle if you ever harm one strand of my little hair ever again," Shippo boasted.

"Ah but what if she never finds out," Naraku said as he rolled his body on top on the fox.

"Get the hell off him Naraku," Inuyasha growled. Fighting to get on his feet so he could kick Naraku ass.

"No Inuyasha I think I should demonstrate every little thing I did to you that night on him, Naraku said all to evilly.

"WHY YOU SICK BASTARD," Inuyasha growled.

Shippo eyes went wide with fright and he had though the queen taken away his innocent was bad! Naraku skillful rose to his feet only to turn him over face down. Then straddling behind him. He could already feel something poking him in the back. Shippo cried out in sheer fear as something very long and hard was about to tried to enter him.

"This going to be kind for painful for the both of us. You being your first and me being tied up as is," Naraku whisper to the younger demon.

Inuyasha finally threw himself against Naraku full force. Naraku growled out and tried to bite Inuyasha. It looked kind of silly seeing the two try to fight with their arms behind their back. Shippo was just thankful that Inuyasha saved him for what would have been a dramatic experience. `If he ever does rape me like that or any other way. I'll kill myself," Shippo thought before aiding Inuyasha in the fight.

"How would like to be blind for a while Naraku," Shippo asked in the deepest darkest voice he could give.

He released some foxfire in his face once more. Naraku cried out and pain as Inuyasha held him with his body weight. Naraku screamed out in pain till Inuyasha own ears nearly bleed from pain.

Suddenly a bright light shot though the room and Inuyasha was thrown into a wall for what could have been the sixth time that day or night. He really wasn't sure anymore. Shippo felt himself being blown back a few inches as well.

"Do any of you know what time it is," a voice shirked out.

It was their worst nightmare, the demented bitch, their sadist queen Kikyo. Now Kikyo had been sleeping as well as the rest of the castle till the rumbled occurred. Kikyo was for a lot of slave's sake a heavy sleeper. However when Shippo screamed out in fright it had cause a series of echoes to ring around the castle, then of course it was Naraku's own yells that finally woke half the castle up.

When Kikyo found that it was still hours away from sunrise she was infuriated to say the least. "Tell me what's going on here my precious animals," Kikyo said from above.

"None of your damn business you evil sick bitch," Shippo yelled out.

"My, my the fox still can't hold his tongue. Can he Inuyasha," Kikyo asked.

"No my queen," Inuyasha whimper out in pain.

"What were you doing on top of Naraku in such of a way my pet," Kikyo asked coldly.

"He was trying to hurt the fox my mistress," Inuyasha said.

"Oh was he now," Kikyo said.

"Inuyasha," Shippo whispered. Inuyasha growled dangerously low at the fox.

"Yes he was my queen that why he yelled out," Inuyasha barked nearly silently.

Shippo could believe how broken the dog demon actually was. He was shaking with fear! He tried to act big but he couldn't stand up against the queen. He was beginning to see the real light now.

" I will have the guards take you out now," Kikyo said.

"Thank you my most merciful queen," said Inuyasha all but wagging his tail. `Well if he had one thought, Shippo in disgust.

"I won't get any sleep with you three encage so I might as well," Kikyo all to sweetly.

She hadn't even finished clapping her hands before all three of them were carried out the cell. Kikyo promptly order their baths and something to help Naraku eyes. She was quick to slap Shippo around a few times Inuyasha unwilling to protect the boy this time around as he was being hauled of to the nearest bathroom.

Kikyo pulled the boy hair roughly almost to the point where he was sure it would come out in one big clump. "Now you listen to me fox. You will love and obey me do you hear," Kikyo said giving the fox another hard slap. When he didn't respond she slapped him even harder.

"Answer me when I ask you a question," Kikyo yelled.

"Yes my queen," Shippo weakly answered back. This time he received two slaps.

"I didn't ask you a question did I? You got a smart mouth for someone as weak as yourself. I will break just like I broke Inuyasha. I know you look up to him don't try to hide it. I am the master of your mind and body now," Kikyo said throwing the boy down.

As soon as the witch had took her leave Shippo was carried away to the bathroom. Even though the sun was coming out all he could see was darkness. His boyhood dreams were over, freedom stolen, and soul already hanging by a thin thread. Why was fate so cruel?

`So my life has ended. I will live in this living nightmare hell forever. She'll break me soon enough if she could break Inuyasha then. I have no chance. My life is really over isn't it,' Shippo thought.

{A.N.: Ah, another unhappy member in this sadist family complete. Trust me it won't be getting any better. Remember to review.}