InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ wounded love ❯ wounded love ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

He looks at her with desire deep in sapphire eyes

She can't see how he loves her

He wants her to be his and only his

and yet she will never know

He would give his very life for her

But her eyes are clouded by the love for another

The other dose not return her affections

Dreaming of a life with her

He cries out to the stars

He screams his love to the fiery pits of eternity

Driven half mad

Tears run down his face

He drops on all fours and curses the moon

"just let her be mine

let her eyes be unclouded

just let her be mine" he whispers

He knows it's all for nothing

And yet all the blood in his veins

All the bones in his body

He would give for her to love him.