InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Yeah, He is ❯ The Moment You've All Been Waiting For ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inu Yasha

Chapter 12 : The Moment You've All Been waiting for.

&nbspAround dinner time, Kagome was beginning to regret giving Inu Yasha the wheelchair. He followed behind her like a lost puppy, and did nothing but complain when she would go upstairs. Sota's hero complex deflated a little when he came home and saw how the hanyou was acting. Kagome was making another trip upstairs to wake her mother for dinner, leaving Inu Yasha sulking at the bottom of the staircase, when a knock came on the front door. Kouga was working in the kitchen, and everyone else was upstairs completing their respective tasks. That left Inu Yasha to answer it.

&nbspHe wheeled himself over to the door, not even thinking about who could be on the other side. With some maneuvering, he answered the door and came face to face with Eri. The girl only stared back at him with wide eyes.

"What do you want?" He asked, completely unaware that the girl had never seen him up close, much less without sunglasses and a hat. She was reminded of why she was the when Kagome's voice drifted out of the door.

"Inu Yasha, who's at the door?" She stepped up behind him to see her wide-eyed friend. "Um, I can explain?" A huge grin spread across Eri's face.

"Now I know why you were never interested in Hojo." She stepped up and tweaked Inu Yasha's ears. Which earned her a growl from both Inu Yasha and Kagome.

"Eri, did you have a reason for showing up?" She was more concerned over the fact that one of her friends had not only seen Inu Yasha, but seen him in his current state. That snapped the intruding girl back into reality.

"Oh, I brought all of your stuff. You left it when you ran off today." She offered up a backpack and lunch bag. Kagome took it from her, and Inu Yasha moved himself out of Eri's reach. Kagome was now the one in the doorway.

"Do you have time to come in?" She asked Eri. Inu Yasha was definitely put off by this, and wheeled himself into the dining room. So that Eri's hands would not violate his ears once more.

"Actually, I was hoping for a chance to talk with you and apologize." The two girls stepped into the house and sat down in the living room. "I'm so sorry, Kagome. I never thought that he might be hurt. I just assumed by your attitude that he had broken up with you."

"It's okay, I was pretty unfair to you too. You were just trying to be a friend, and I just yelled at you." The two girls hugged each other in apology. "Could you do me a favor, and not tell anyone about Inu Yasha?"

"What kind of friend would I be if I did?" Just as their conversation ended, a refreshed Mysiu came down the steps.

"Hi, Eri. Will you be joining us for dinner?" She asked.

"I'll have to call and ask my mother, but I don't see why not." She smiled at Mysiu. "Thank you for the invitation Mrs. Higurashi." The older woman suddenly stopped.

"Where's Inu Yasha?" She looked at Kagome with a wary look. "Did you move him to his room?"

"No, Mom. Actually, he answered the door." Kagome didn't notice the look crossing Eri's features. "In fact, he's in the diningroom." Mrs. Higurashi headed into the aforementioned room and Kagome turned her attention back to the now gawking Eri.

"He's living here?" Her reaction surprised Kagome.

"Yeah, he is." Kagome spoke as if it were the most natural thing in the world. "In fact, were engaged." Eri's eyes just kept growing and growing.

"What? And you never told any of us?" Eri was both insulted and intrigued.

"Why don't you call your mom? Everything will be explained over dinner. You know where the phone is." Kagome pointed her towards the kitchen, then headed into the diningroom herself. "Where did Mom go?" He just pointed over his shoulder to the door that joined the kitchen and the diningroom. "Okay." She sat down in his lap, not thinking that anything could be wrong.

&nbspEri stepped into the kitchen doorway where the phone was mounted. She came upon Kouga pressing Mysiu up against the refrigerator in a deeply passionate kiss. Unnoticed by the osculating couple, she turned around and went looking for Kagome, and possibly another phone.

'Doesn't this family have any morals?' She thought to herself.


&nbspA full moon rose over the tiny village in feudal Japan. Miroku, Sango, and Kaede were preparing for bed, when a young man stepped into the hut.

"Excuse me, are Inu Yasha and Kagome here?" He acted slightly nervous, and looked as if he were about to run at any minute. Over his shoulder, he carried a small travel pack.

"I'm sorry, they aren't here at the moment." Kaede answered him.

"Oh." His head drooped a little. "I'll come back later." He turned to leave, but Sango stopped him.

"If you don't have anywhere else to go, you could stay here." He brightened up a bit and sat down among them.

"What is your name?" Miroku asked him. In the firelight he noticed several scars on the man's arms.

"I am called Jinengi." He said with a slight smile.