InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Yokai No Kokoro (Heart of A Demon) ❯ In Hot Water ( Chapter 6 )
Chapter 6: In Hot Water
Kyoko took in the wilderness around herself, trying to recall what was so familiar about the place. She sampled the scent of the air and finally caught the scent of water. [This is...] "Sesshoumaru-sama, I know where we could stay! You see, there is a hot spring around here. Not only is it a great place to relax, the terrain around here is great for just about anything."
Sesshoumaru paused a moment, not truly wanting to stop for some hot springs. "We'll see. Show me this place and I'll tell you whether or not we'll stay. However, we cannot just be stopping wherever there are comforts; I am trying to teach you to live like a true yokai, not just some lazy human."
"Yes, well, all work and no relaxation makes for a dull personality, Sesshoumaru-sama." Kyoko giggled, looking pointedly at Sesshoumaru.
Sesshoumaru was perplexed by Kyoko's comment. [Is she saying that I'm dull? I-I interact with her as should be expected…]
Kyoko chuckled, seeing that Sesshoumaru had taken what she had said to heart. "Don't take it personal; you're fine the way you are, Sesshoumaru-sama."
Sesshoumaru said nothing more. It was not until they had reached the hot springs that either of the two spoke. "Well, Sesshoumaru-sama, do you approve of this place?"
"I suppose it shall suit our needs. However, it is nearly sunset."
Kyoko smiled brightly. [It's been so long since I've been here… I can't wait to relax in the water!] "So, all we have to do tonight is to bathe and eat. We can work with my abilities tomorrow."
Sesshoumaru smirked. "I did not think that you would be inclined to bathe with someone who is yet a stranger to you… are you truly 'that kind of girl'?" Sesshoumaru inquired sarcasm heavily in his tone.
Kyoko's face flushed scarlet. "I did not mean that! What I meant was that we would separately bathe. I said nothing to suggest that we would…" Kyoko voice trailed off as her face turned yet a deeper shade of red. Finally, her embarrassment waned and she regained the courage to speak. "What I had thought that we would be able to do was to have one of us fetch food whilst the other bathes, then when we have finished, whichever of us has finished can then bathe…"
"So be it. How soon shall you return?"
[I wanted to bathe first…] "Not too long, perhaps an hour."
Sesshoumaru nodded and approached the waterside. "I suppose that you should be on, then."
Kyoko scowled, but left anyhow.
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An hour later, Kyoko returned, carrying a few large carp. She saw Sesshoumaru sitting atop a boulder, wearing only the bottom of his kimono. She stared for a few moments, realizing that she had never actually noticed the length of his hair. She became amused, seeing him as he was, trying to detangle all of that hair with only his hand. She dropped the three carp, and withdrew a comb from her satchel. She held it to Sesshoumaru, who was too busy attempting to sort out his hair to notice her presence. "Would you like some help with that, Sesshoumaru-sama?" Kyoko inquired, with a smile upon her face.
Sesshoumaru shot her a 'you've got to be kidding me' type of glare. However, after his hand got tangled in his hair yet again, he nodded frantically.
Kyoko spent nearly an hour detangling and combing his hair, during which time she ordered Jaken to prepare their meal. Seeing Sesshoumaru so relaxed, Kyoko could no longer stop the temptation. She pulled a thick strand of hair from the left side of his face, then separated it into three sections. She had not even begun to weave the hair into a small braid when he turned around, glaring at her, his eyes filled with contempt. "If you so much as turn one hair over into a braid, I'll make you regret being born."
Kyoko chuckled; she had known that she was going to be caught. "Come on, let's go eat before that stupid toad burns the food."
"You're changing the subject…"
"I'm hungry, let's go eat."
Sesshoumaru decided that there was no point in further argument, and sat next to the campfire Jaken had set up. Kyoko sat next to him, a mere few feet between the two. Kyoko pulled the meat from the fire, taking one for herself, handing one to Sesshoumaru and the other to Jaken. Not a word was spoken between the trio as they ate. Finally Kyoko had finished. She walked to the water's edge and released her hair from the tie she kept it in to keep her hair out of her face during the day. She shook her head a little and her bluish hair fell over her shoulders and down to just below her waist. She turned around, showing her face to be well framed by her bangs. Sesshoumaru paused for a moment, watching her. She took her sword from her belt and lay it next to the top of Sesshoumaru's kimono, which he had left atop the boulder where they had combed his hair previously. She began to loosen her belt when she realized that Sesshoumaru was still sitting next to the fire. "I thought that you did not agree with the idea of bathing with others, did you not? But then… If you did, why is it that you are still there watching me?"
Sesshoumaru's face reddened slightly, but it was slight enough that Kyoko could not see from where she stood. "I… eh… thought I had heard something over there. One can never be too cautious in these times."
"Uh-huh…" Kyoko replied sarcastically. She laughed a little as she saw Sesshoumaru disappear into the trees. "I suppose you're not planning on wearing the rest of your kimono? And what of all of this ridiculous armor?"
"I'll get it later!" Was the reply from the trees.
Kyoko chuckled as she pulled the rest of her clothing off and entered the warmth of the water. She allowed her muscles to fully relax in the warmth of the liquid she had placed herself in. She ran her hand over her abdomen, as though to reassure herself that she had fully healed.
Sesshoumaru crossed his arm over his bare chest, muttering all the while about how touchy Kyoko seemed to be around him. He glanced back toward the hot spring. Without really thinking about it, he began to watch Kyoko's every move. When she finished, he took in the full form of her body. He soon caught himself, quickly turned away, and felt his face redden. [Feh, what is wrong with me? Is it the heat from the water? No, I've been out of that water for over an hour… And what is it about Kyoko that intrigues me so? Has she put me under some type of spell? Or, is it because I still feel indebted to her for rescuing me? Well, no one has ever had to save me before. I've always been quite self-sufficient… And… why is it that I felt so compelled to follow her into that village? Why did I feel so compelled to save her life from that bastard at the inn? After all, it would have served her right, to be felled by the hands of a human… But, even after that man attacked her, she later pleaded for the life of that taijiya… why?]
"Sesshoumaru, you may come down now, I've finished."
Sesshoumaru came down from the trees, clearly annoyed. "Now what do you want?"
Kyoko crossed her arms, not quiet sure how to react to the sudden change of mood. "It's not so much a matter of what I want as a matter of whether or not you're going to have a kimono in the morning. The wind feels as though it will be rather harsh tonight. It matters not to me either way."
Sesshoumaru, now thoroughly annoyed with Kyoko, stormed over to the boulder and hastily pulled the top of his kimono on. "Happy now?"
"As I said, it matters not to me either way."
Kyoko smiled, surprised at the sudden lack of maturity he seemed to be showing. She moved towards the fire, her hair-tie still in hand. She began to pull her hair back into the tie when she heard Sesshoumaru approach her. "Don't. Leave it down."
Kyoko nodded slowly, confused. [Why is he telling me how to wear my hair? For that matter, why is he acting… so strangely?]
Sesshoumaru lay down next to the fire and soon enough, Kyoko followed suit. They were several feet away from each other, but each seemed to be thinking of the other. Kyoko crossed her arms behind her neck and propped her head on them. She stared up to the stars, wondering about her future. She wondered whom her future would be shared with… Sesshoumaru, Satoru, or maybe even someone else… Before she fell asleep she came to the conclusion that whatever her future held, she would embrace it with open arms.
Sesshoumaru lay awake for some time after he had seen that Kyoko had fallen asleep. He realized that he had to formulate an idea, some way to show Kyoko all of her abilities… [It shouldn't be too hard. At least, not for me.] Sesshoumaru watched Kyoko's sleeping form for a while longer, and then he too fell asleep.
{A.N. I know, I know, the last few chapters have been kinda slow, but we're gonna get more head on in the next chapter. I promise something more than just kick-back relax stuff for next chapter…}