InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Yokai No Kokoro (Heart of A Demon) ❯ Disunition of Siblings ( Chapter 13 )
Chapter 13: Disunition of Siblings
Miroku watched Kyoko as she followed shortly behind him. He did not have to ask to tell that she was in pain, even though it had been a week since she had fought and killed Satoru-it had also been a week since she last spoke. It took her only a few days to recover from the wound, but how long it would take for her heart to recover-could be years. She was now carrying two swords, the one that Sesshoumaru had given her and the one that she had once given to Satoru. Miroku had come to the conclusion that the second sword was kept by Kyoko because it had some meaning to her. However, he could not come to the conclusion of why she would not want to forget the entire ordeal.
Kyoko glanced up at Miroku and sighed. She had healed, but where she had been injured still hurt slightly. She could tell that her silence was beginning to bother Miroku. She had her reasons for not speaking-mostly because she feared that if she spoke, that they would want to know the answers to questions she had yet to answer for herself. She could not deny the fact that she felt sorrow for Satoru's death despite his betrayal. She also could not deny that if she had not done as she had, she most likely would not have lived to tell the tale. [Surely I could have done something else… but… if I didn't-he would have killed Kagome… But… why did he do that to me? He put me through one helluva façade, making me believe that he loved me… I wanted to change myself for him…. I wanted to be human… Why could I not have been able to tell his true identity? I was with him for three years and I never was able to tell… Kagome told me that she found two jewel shards in his chest. I saw him put one in… was the other what he used to mask his identity? Still, why did I not see that?]
Miroku cleared his throat as he approached Kyoko. "Kyoko-onésan, would you like to join us for dinner?"
Kyoko nodded. "Miroku-sama… may I speak with you in private first?"
Miroku was shocked at first by Kyoko's words-the first she had spoken in a week-but followed her as she walked away from Inu Yasha, Kagome, and Shippo.
"Miroku-sama, did I do the right thing? I have this nagging feeling that I could have done something else."
"Of course you did the right thing. He was among Naraku's deciphels all along. He even had the mark of the spider on his back."
"Yes, but whether or not he should have lived has nothing to do with whether or not he worked for Naraku… What if he was being forced to work for Naraku? What if he actually hated him enough that he would do anything to kill Naraku? Does that still mean that he needs to die?"
"No, you do have a point… But, what I meant was that he knowingly betrayed you. He used Kagome as a shield and was willing to go to any length to kill you."
"Yes, but what is my life? There is no one in this world that needs me… Perhaps I should have allowed him to-"
"Kyoko! Right now, no matter what you're thinking, you should know that you are not unneeded. If you had let him kill you, you would have done the worst possible thing by playing into the hands of evil. Not to mention that you would have had no guarantee as to whether or not he would have attacked us as soon as he killed you. Remember, Naraku is our enemy as well."
"Yes, but… I've been wondering whether or not I could have chosen a less violent action…"
"Like what? Beg for mercy? Do you honestly think that someone like that would listen? You did the best possible thing, and for that I am honored to acknowledge you as my sister."
"But… I'm not proud of myself-I am ashamed."
"I've been wondering if maybe I killed him because it was the only option or because he never loved me in the first place…"
"Whatever the reason Kyoko, it matters not, we're all still alive. You should trust yourself more than that. You are not the type to make rash, stupid decisions…"
"Are you sure?"
"Of course I am." Miroku answered, a bright, assuring smile on his face. He patted Kyoko on the back when she grinned back. "I meant to ask you… Why do you keep Satoru's sword?"
Kyoko sighed, having expected this question. "Well, I keep it so that I may be reminded at all times the meaning of betrayal."
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Sesshoumaru stalked through the village. He smelled Kyoko's scent everywhere here. Of course, hers was not the only scent that he noticed-Inu Yasha had been traveling with her. He said nothing to the few remaining villagers but, for some reason, two human geishas bowed at first sight of him, babbling gratitude to him. It took a short while for him to realize that this was the very same village as where Kyoko had been attacked by the landlord of the inn. The thought of Inu Yasha traveling with Kyoko still nagged him, though. He continued out the village and into the forest where he smelled death and old blood. The blood he smelled was Kyoko's, no doubt. [What happened? The scent of death looms in the depths of that forest… a mix of yokai and human blood, but not quite hanyou… too much of the blood is human… perhaps a second generation hanyou… But… Kyoko's smell is no longer fresh here… she moved on-with Inu Yasha and the others… But why is she with them?]
Jaken ran towards Sesshoumaru and stumbled as he reached him. "Sesshoumaru-sama, have you found anything more about what it is you are searching for?"
"It seems that Kyoko was through this way… Inu Yasha and his friends were with her."
"WHAT?? You mean to tell me that that stupid little bitch was with your brother all this time? She has got to be the lowest of the low, the dumbest of the dumb, the-"
-------Two days later-------
Kyoko took in the morning air with a smile. She had finally decided to let the past be as it may. She looked over the plain at the base of the hill from which she was standing on. She scanned the area for motion with no real motivation to find anything. However, she was rather surprised as the wind twirled around her and she caught a fairly familiar scent. [It… It's Sesshoumaru! He's really there… I… I must go to him… now…]
Miroku watched on as he saw Kyoko's eyes light up in happiness. "What's out there, Kyoko? What is it that has you so excited?"
Inu Yasha casually strolled next to Miroku, also curious.
"Well… I… I have decided to depart from you all now."
Inu Yasha cocked his head sideways, confused. "Why're you leaving?" He no longer questioned any of Kyoko's motives or actions; he knew that she had been willing to sacrifice her own life for Kagome's. He was now willing to trust her with his own life. He had come to the reasoning that if Kyoko, a yokai, was willing to die for Kagome, a human, then she must be trustworthy. [She even told me, the morning after she arrived, that she'd 'rather die than to betray a comrade.' I can trust that… especially after how she saved Kagome…]
Kyoko's smile faded when she looked at Inu Yasha. "Inu Yasha-sama, perhaps the situation would best not be fully explained to you at this time."
"Miroku-sama will explain as soon as it is that I leave. I will miss you, Inu Yasha-sama. Tell Kagome-chan that I said 'bye' when she wakes."
Shippo bounded up to Kyoko and jumped onto her shoulder. "Kyoko-san, why are you leaving?"
"As I told Inu Yasha-sama, Miroku-sama will explain when I leave. Goodbye, Shippo-chan, I'll miss you too."
Shippo smiled as he jumped over to Inu Yasha's shoulder. "Goodbye, Kyoko-san!"
Inu Yasha waved at Kyoko. "Goodbye, Kyoko." He turned around and headed back to where they had all slept.
Miroku sighed as he could tell that Inu Yasha was out of hearing range, at last. "Something tells me that you have a specific reason for leaving now. What might that be?"
"I found Sesshoumaru. He's at the other side of this plain, but I didn't know if Inu Yasha would begin a fight with him if they were to meet. I don't know when I'll see you next, but you must promise me that you will live to see me again. Okay?"
"Of course."
Kyoko began to turn away, but stopped and walked back to Miroku. She withdrew the necklace that he had once given to her from her kimono. From the small clay jar attached to the necklace she took out three Shikon jewel shards. "I don't need these anymore. I'm sure that you will all make better use of them."
Miroku took the shards and placed them in a kerchief in his robe. "Didn't you have some reason for collecting these?"
Kyoko closed her eyes as she turned away. "My reason no longer exists. I was actually partial to the way it was… destroyed."
[So, she was going to become human for Satoru…] Miroku stepped closer to Kyoko and wrapped his arms around her. "Onésan… I shall truly miss you… Don't ever hesitate to ask of our help."
Kyoko nodded. "Goodbye, Miroku-sama."