InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ You Are Not Alone ❯ What's For Lunch? ( Chapter 3 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Chapter III ~ What's For Lunch?
*Disclaimer* I have all Inuyasha rights...NOT! They all don't belong to Rumiko Takahashi...NOT! Okay, I gotta stop that..._________________________________________
Inuy asha had not talked to, associated with, nor looked at his older brother since he returned home from detention. He wanted to tell him off so badly, but resisted it, because of the fact that his father had found out about it. He told the boy to his face, and with no mercy, that he should seriously focus on his studies, or else he would forbid him from going to soccer camp the next summer, which was something Inuyasha was looking forward to for a very long time.It was then that the boy finally decided he should get his act together. But there was just one problem: how would he? There was no chance in hell he was going to ask his older brother for help. So in the end, Inuyasha came up with the idea of finding a long as it wasn't a grownup.
So the next day, for the first half of the day, Inuyasha closely observed the kids in his classes, checking for any smarties. But he found none, nor did he hear any. It was mostly the teacher talking.
Disappointed, Inuyasha sat on the roof of the school at lunchtime, thinking. He was so wrapped up in his thoughts, he didn't feel hungry. That is, until a certain scent captured his nose and flooded it. The smell of hot ramen noodles.
His eyes snapped open as he sniffed the smell. His eyes, and nose, turned to all directions, looking and sniffing for the source of the delicious smell. It radiated from the courtyard, which he immediately dashed to.
Kag ome silently trodded to an empty bench in the courtyard to eat her lunch. She couldn't understand why none of the other kids wanted to eat with her. She had brought plenty of food that her mother had made for her, enough to nourish about three people at once. Even so, she sighed deeply as she sat down, opening her bento box. A huge array of foods lined the box, from an omelet to a small bowl of miso soup. She said a prayer as she held her necklace, and picked up her chopsticks.But just before she was going to take a bite, she heard a short scream and a slap echo through the yard. The girl shook her head, as she could recognize that sound anywhere.
'Miroku, where did you touch Sango this time?' she thought as she groaned, and got up to check up on things, leaving her lunch open on the bench. Just then, a white blur obstructed the box, and in a split moment, vanished.
Kagome walked back to the bench a few minutes later, shaking her head at her brother's actions, which she predicted perfectly. But after she sat down, she noticed that more than half of her lunch was gone. Her eyes widened as she wondered who would have eaten her lunch. It looked like all of the food had been somewhat scrambled together, and there seemed to be marks on the side of the box that looked to have been made by claws. Her mind became even more boggled.
'These kids must not like me so much, they start to steal from me...' Kagome thought sadly as she picked up a riceball, unharmed and unsmothered by soy sauce, and ate it quietly.
Inu yasha licked off his fingers lazily as he belched from his quick meal. Whomever made or brought the lunch, the boy cared not, only grateful that he received such a good meal. Temporarily forgetting about his tutor problem, Inuyasha dozed off on the roof.___________________________________________________