InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ You Are Not Alone ❯ Miroku's Biggest Mistake - Part Three ( Chapter 21 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Chapter XXI - Miroku's Biggest Mistake - Part Three
I'm not even gonna say anything this time. Too bored. Oh wait...*takes card from anonymous person. Reads card* "and I rights...of Inuyasha. All rights of which...belong to his creator...Rumiko Takahashi." Hey! Who wrote this card!? Quit rubbing it in!!!!- - - - - - - - - -
"WHAT!?" Kagome nearly screamed."It's true!" Inuyasha told her, as he finished eating his lunch and telling her what he had overheard.
"I can't believe it," Kagome shook her head in disbelief. "That's why Miro was so upset; he was blackmailed!"
"Uh huh."
"Why didn't he tell me?!"
"He couldn't! If he did, then that girl would've convinced Sango that he twotimed her!"
"Awww," Kagome laid her head down on the table. "this is bull honky..."
"Bull honky...?" Inuyasha raised an eyebrow.
"You get it," she said.
"So what are you gonna do? Are you gonna tell Sango?"
"I can't! If what you overheard is true, then Sango would probably confront the girl; and then she'd lie to her about what happened!"
"Dammit," Inuyasha mumbled. "It's a maze with no enter or exit." They both just slumped their heads on the table, deep in thought. Suddenly, a lightbulb went off in Kagome's head.
"Say, Inuyasha," she started. "What was the name of the girl you heard?"
The boy scratched his head as he tried to remember. "Uh, let's see...was it Tayuki? Chihari...? Kukabi...?" He kept mentioning names until it came to him.
"I think it was...Tsubaki."
"Tsubaki...!?" Kagome's eyes widened in surprise. "Yaminara Tsubaki?"
"Uh, sure. But wait, you know her?"
"Not exactly, but I've heard Sango talk about her," she explained. "She's in the Gymnastics club with her. Sango says she's really selfish and snobby and only finds joy in showing her up all the time. But she's still one of the best gymnasts in the club."
"Really? She mentioned something about a tournament, and..." Inuyasha was startled when Kagome suddenly sat up.
"A tournament? She must've been talking about the gymnastics tournament next week!"
"But what would that have to do with Sango?"
"Well, I heard from Miroku that she was selected for the final performance that would decide whether we win the championship or not."
"Wait, that must be it!" Kagome discovered. "Sango got the lead, but Tsubaki wanted it. So she made Miroku break up with her so that she would be too distracted to perform, and then she would get the lead!"
"Damn, that girl's low..." Inuyasha mumbled. "So what are you gonna do?"
- - - - - - - - - -
That night, Kagome walked up to her brother's room, gently knocking on the door."Yes?" she heard him respond.
"Miroku, can I come in?"
There was a long pause. Then she heard the sound of the doorknob clicking, signaling that it was unlocked. She slowly entered his room.
His walls were painted a dark blue that had musical artist and modelling posters all over the place. On his desk was a laptop, a few soda cans, and photos of him and Sango. A smiling picture of her was put on top of his laptop. On the dresser next to his bed were a few more pictures, as well as those of his family. Miroku was lying on his bed, staring up at the ceiling, deep in thought and not attempting to acknowledge his sister.
"What do you need?" Kagome looked at him sympathetically. Though he was right in front of her, his voice seemed far away.
"I just wanna talk to you," she answered. He sighed.
"Okay, shoot."
But Kagome didn't say anything. She was fumbling; she wasn't sure what to say. Many possibilities for a subject came to mind, like 'what did you eat for lunch,' 'did you do your chores,' or 'I hope you're not keeping dirty magazines under your matress again.' Unfortunately, most of them revolved around one particular subject: Sango. That was one thing she was sure he didn't want to hear. While having dinner the other night, at the very mention of her name, Miroku excused himself from the table.
Kagome wished she could tell him about what Inuyasha had found out. But she didn't want to press him with questions and answers. After another long and pregnant pause, she came up with the question, "What'cha thinking about?"
"Stuff." he replied simply.
"Stuff. Life. Matters. Things in that scenario." he said, finally looking at her with a tiny grin on his face.
"Can you tell me about them?"
"Now aren't we being a little nosy?"
"I'm just wondering!"
He chuckled and looked back up at the ceiling before answering, quieter than a whisper, "Sango."
"You miss her?"
"Like a bird with clipped wings misses flying."
"Then why don't you just talk to her; see if she'll get back together with you? I'm sure she will."
Miroku sighed sadly. He sat up on his bed and laid his hand on his little sister's head. "If only it were that easy, Kags."
"Why? Because of Tsubaki?"
Miroku's eyes widened in shock at her words. Then they flashed angrily. "What!? How did you know about that?"
"What does it matter now? She got what she wanted! Sango's miserable and now she'll probably get the lead in the championship next Sunday! Do you honestly want her to go through with that just because Tsubaki took advantage of you? Are you gonna let it happen to her, too?"
The boy stared at Kagome. Half of him wondered how the hell she found all that out. But the other half figured she was right. Then, Kagome sat down next to him on his bed, taking his hand off her head and holding it in hers.
"Sango really loves you, Miro. And I know you love her. Prove it to her, me, and yourself, that you love her, and go get her back."
- - - - - - - - - -
The District Gymnastics Championship had arrived. The Midorikon Demon Slayers, which was the mascot of the high school, were competing against the Kagunara Black Widows for the championship.The crowd was exceptionally big. People of all kinds gathered in the stands of the Midorikon Gym. Kagome and Inuyasha also came and found a seat in the front row, where they could get the best view. They sat next to Sango's younger brother, Kohaku, who also came to support her, as well as their families. Miroku had come too, but he was nowhere to be found in the crowd.
Coach Yura stood in the hallway as she watched the girls of the team talk and gossip to each other. All except Sango, who had her head hung sadly. Just then, Coach Yura's whistle blew, signaling that it was time for them to head in and get ready.
Sango followed last, but her arm was suddenly jerked back.
"Hey, what the hell do you think your--" but she was cut off as a pair of lips collided against her own, effectively silencing her. Her eyes were wide open; she'd recognize those lips anywhere. She pulled away to be looking into the baby blue eyes of her sweetheart.
"Miroku....?" she stared at him, puzzled. Not bothering to talk, he gave her another kiss, this one only lasting a few seconds, and pulled her into a tight but caring embrace.
"Sango, I know you probably don't have time, but you need to hear this. I know I do a lot of stupid things, what with my low attention span, bad perception, lecherous ways, need I go on...but I know that I am lower and dumber than dirt for leaving you."
"Miroku....?" He pulled away slightly to look into her eyes.
"I love you, Hiraikoha Sango. Will you --" he was cut off as they both heard Coach Yura calling for Sango. Without a word, only a nod both confused and relieved, she turned around and headed for the gym. As she walked in, Tsubaki walked up to her, holding a photo in her hand.
"Oh my, Sango! I'm so glad that you dropped that Miroku!" she said, feigning innocence. "Look at what he did to me in this picture!" And with that, she flashed the photo of her assaulting Miroku's mouth. Sango's eyes bulged as she slowly grasped the picture out of Tsubaki's hand.
"He just came out of nowhere; I was so--"
"I can't believe this!" Sango gasped. Tsubaki secretly grinned.
"I had no idea that Miroku liked kissing cuddlefish!!" Sango finished with a grin. "I'm surprised he didn't get a mustache full of pricks!"
There was a long pause from Tsubaki. She glared at Sango. "What!?!?"
"Do you actually believe that Miroku would want to kiss you? Lord, woman, either you've done one too many somersaults or lice in your overwashed hair ate away through your scalp and into your brain." she said.
The girl anime sweatdropped, dismayed.
"Pencil this in your little Hello Kitty journal: I trust Miroku. I've known him and loved him way too long to think that he would do something like this. Only you would sink so low. But you know what? Miroku may be an idiot sometimes, but he's never unfaithful. After all, it's not like he was one of your boyfriends. He's a kind and selfless guy who deserves better, and so do I. I'm gonna finish what I started right here in this gym, and it's all thanks to him."
With that, Sango walked away to greet her family and friends. Tsubaki just stood there in shock and embarrassment as the other girls snickered and giggled, obviously overhearing Sango's proud speech.
- - - - - - - - - -
The final performance came and Sango did beautifully. She brought the ribbon about her as if it were a welcoming wind. It floated and swirled all about her body as she lept forward and back with a kind of foreign grace. The expression on her face was serious, but mixed with a feeling of pure joy. She was so happy to have her precious perv back.Miroku watched Sango perform and felt as if he was falling in love with her all over again. Anything and everything she did always made him more crazy for her. Her presence seemed to call out to his soul. And she was all his; no one else's. His heart swelled with pride and love at that.
The Demon Slayers had won with a score of 144.15 to 135.9. Cheers exploded through the gym at the girls' victory. Coach Yura hugged every last one of the girls, especially Sango, telling each and every one of them how proud she was of them for carrying them this far. She and Sango happily accepted the 6-foot silver trophy from the officials; proof of their victory. They hoisted it high in the air, showing it to the happy crowd.
- - - - - - - - - -
When the girls were heading home, Sango ran into Miroku at the side of the school. He ran up to her."Sango..." he said as he leaned in to kiss her, only to feel a hard fist come in contact with his head, resulting in a tall bump.
"Owwch!" he whined. "What was that for?"
"Don't you remember what I told you before, you lummox? If there's one thing I know, it's that I can trust you." She bent his head down and kissed his bump. "I love you, too, you lecher."
He smiled at her and withdrew her lips to his own, welcomingly embracing them. Sango would've felt completely content hadn't Miroku placed his hands where they shouldn't.
Inuyasha and Kagome watched from nearby. They laughed quietly at the scene and left.
Yay! Take that Tsubaki! All right, thanks for coming this far you guys! 6700 hits!? I love you all! Thanks lots, and please look forward to the next update!-silverfeather