InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ You Can't Change Who I Am ❯ Chapter 3

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
AY: Yay! I got reviews! Yipee!
Yeah, but you'd get more if I was in there...
Hmmm... Maybe... BUT! Even if you are gonna be in this story, it won't be until later chapters.
Darn... <pout >
Hehe... To the story now!

Chapter 3
slowly opened her eyes to the sunlight shinning in the hut. She blinked a few times, and then rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. She looked over to her patient to find him still sleeping. 'Good,' she thought, 'he needs the rest. But I will need to change his bandages some time this morning...' Kagome could feel her cheeks getting warm at the thought... It was easy when he was asleep. But now he's awake.
shook her head. 'What has to be done, has to be done.' Kagome looked over at Nanashi one last time, and then left the hut. She walked to the back door of the family hut and walked in. Mostly everyone was sleeping, of course. But Asako was always awake at sunrise.
up early," Asako said without looking behind her as Kagome entered the small kitchen.
get back to sleep," Kagome whispered quietly.
Did you find out his name?" Asako asked, continueing in making breakfast.
I don't think it's his name, but he gave me a name."
she asked, glancing back at her daugther.
He said to call him that."
'Without name...'"
you think he could have lost his memory?" Kagome asked worriedly.
but it's doubtful. He may just be hiding something, or it's something silly like he just doesn't want anyone to know his real name."
you think we could find out?" she asked hopefully.
might be able to, Kagome. He doesn't seem to want to talk to me, and I doubt he will tell Kikyo anything."
me what?" A drowsy Kikyo stood in the door, wiping the sleep from her eyes.
he is," Kagome stated simply.
man? Didn't you found out his name already?" Kikyo walked over to a chair and sat down.
Kikyo looked at her sister curiously. "Yes, I know it's weird, but it's not his real name. It's just the one he said to call him by."
could use a truth spell," Kikyo suggested.
Asako said sternly. "We will not use such spells on a guest! Now, hurry and do your rounds, Kikyo."
Mama," Kikyo said with a glare and left.
I will bring you yours and Nanashi's breakfast when it is ready. You best check him now."
Mama," Kagome said while walking out of the room. She walked out of the large hut and started toward the smaller hut. Today was sure to be a long day, she could just feel it. She entered the small hut and was not at all surprised to find Nanashi staring at her. "Ohayo, Nanashi. How are you feeling this morning?"
he replied. His voice was void of emotion again, and she was a bit curious about that.
she said with a small smile. "Mama should be coming with breakfast soon, and then I can change your bandages."
Kagome," he called uncertainly.
she answered with a reassuring smile.
I... have some water?"
How silly of me!" she said with a laugh. "Hai, hai. You can have some water." Kagome went over to the water bucket and filled a cup with water. She walked over to Nanashi and handed it to him; he slowly drank the water. He handed her back the cup as Asako walked in with their breakfast.
we are," she said in a cheery voice. "You two better eat up. Bring back the dishes when you're done, Kagome."
Mama," she replied with a nod of her head. Asako left without question. "Okay! Here's your food," she said as she handed him his bowl. Kagome sat next to him and ate her own food quietly.
the two ate, Kagome brought their bowls back to her mother. "Honey, you two ate fast."
seems he's quite hungry," she replied with a smile.
you change his bandages yet?" Asako asked.
I'm about to do that now," Kagome said.
Take these with you." She handed her daugther some men's clothing. "He should be healed enough to be able to put some clothes on."
Mama," Kagome said on her way out. She walked back in the hut to see her patient standing up, looking out the window. "Hey- Uh... I need to change your bandages," she said nevously. He went back to his futon without protest and laid back down. She grabbed the bandages and oitment on the way over and kneeled down by his side. She took a deep breath and started unraveling the bandages on his left.
did both of his arms carefully, and then she did his chest. She noticed that his eyes widened slightly at the large scabs that had covered the large gashes. She pushed the thought away as she carefully placed new bandages over them. She next did his legs, which healed the most so far. There were a few scars on his calfs, and a few more on his thighs. As she moved upwards, her cheeks grew hot, but she carried on.
later, she was done and putting up the bandages and oitment. "So," Kagome started, "do you want to walk around today, Nanashi?" She turned a smile to him, and he nodded slightly. "Okay. Let me go tell Mama!" Kagome skipped away, leaving him in the small hut alone again.

skipped all the way to the door. He watched her the whole time. She always seemed so happy. He just had to wonder if anything bad had ever happened in her life. It seemed almost impossible. How could someone so happy have had something bad happen in their life?
sighed, shaking his head. He didn't know why he told her that name. It was the same name his father had used so long ago when he was captured. But the person who had captured him had been his mother. He didn't know why, but he knew one thing. He did not want to tell them his real name. They might laugh and call him crazy, or they might run in fear of the great taiyoukai. But he wanted niether at the moment. Just to be healed, just to be home.
mind slowly focused on the girl, on Kagome. She was an incredibly sweet and caring person. The most pure miko he had ever seen. Her mother had a strange aura, filled with such motherly emotions he did not know how to decipher. Kagome was almost the same. She had so many emotions in her aura, though they didn't all have the same motherly feeling.
was cut from his thoughts as Kagome entered the room. "Mama said we could! So, still care for a walk?"
he replied quietly. The two left the hut.

I should try and not make so many cliffies... All well!
Yeah! Cliffies are annoying!
Yeah, I know. But I deal with them! And anyway! It makes fics more interesting... sometimes
Yeah... Sometimes.
Shut up... Please review ppls!