InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ You Can't Change Who I Am ❯ Chapter 4

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
AY: Yay! I got 19 reviews!
Yeah, yeah. You got so much!
<sticks out tongue > It may not be too much, but every single one of those reviews counts!
Yeah, whatever. Tell them the good news! Tell 'em, tell 'em!
Eh, don't pay her no mind. She's just excited that I've decided which fic I'm gonna put her in. But I won't have that one posted for another few weeks.
Yep. That's the bad news!
Anyway. This update is for DragonsHart. She IMed me, and that made me feel very special knowing that some of my reviewers actually talk with me! ^^ This happens to be DragonsHart's fav out of my stories, so this'll be for her.

Chapter 4
two of them walked towards the market, not saying anything, just enjoying the peace. Or at least Kagome was. Sesshomaru aws looking around curiously, though he did not show it. This village has full of happy faces. Every single person that saw them walking down the dirt road smiled and waved good naturedly. Kagome smiled and waved back every time, yelling out a good morning greeting to everyone. Has this village never suffered?
didn't seem like it.
pulled him along, and he followed willingly. The two finally arrived in the market, which barely anyone occupied. A few early risers were setting up their shops, but that was about all. Kagome walked up to a few of them, smiling and looking at the items for sale. She introduced him to all of the shop owners up and awake as Nanashi. They gave him a weird look, but smiled none-the-less.
they left the market, and Kagome led him to the outskits of the village, where a few huts were. As they walked towards a house, a young woman emerged. She was dressed in normal miko garb, and her long black tresses were pulled back into a white ribbon. She looked towards them with brown eyes. "Kagome," she said slowly. "Should your patient be out so soon?"
said it would be just fine, that it might do him good," Kagome replied easily with a slight glare.
really?" The young woman walked closer and looked closely at Sesshomaru. "He could be better, but with your slow treatments." Sesshomaru stared indifferently at the young woman. Kagome tensed at her words.
yours would be any better?" Kagome asked with slight anger in her voice, but Sesshomaru could feel her anger rising in her aura.
a matter of fact, the would be. Too bad I'm too busy helping our village men recover from the attack. An attack, I may add, that was caused by this man standing right next to you. Did you know that Rin got injured? And it's all because of him," the young woman pointed towards him. Sesshomaru opened his mouth to say something, but Kagome beat him to it.
Nanashi didn't ask for those ookami youkai to attack him! And we mikos of this village help all injured! You should remember mother's speech very well, she did give it to you the most. And if Rin is injured, you stay away from her! For all we know you could be trying to kill her!" Kagome glared angrily at Kikyo and stormed off, pulling Sesshomaru along behind her.
a minutes or two, Kagome slowed down but was still walking at a rather fast pace. "I'm sorry about that, Nanashi. Kikyo, my elder sister, thinks you to be someone to wish us harm. But you wouldn't do that, would you?" she asked, turning a smile towards him, but continued walking. Sesshomaru blinked at her, not too sure of the answer himself. But he didn't have time to answer. They soon reached a small hut and entered. Laying on a futon in the corner of the hut was a little girl, no less than six years old.
let go of Sesshomaru and kneeled by the young girls side.
she whispered quietly. "Rin-chan?" The little girl stirred and opened one big brown eye.
she whispered in as cheerful a voice she could muster. Rin smiled slightly hen she saw Sesshomaru. "Has the angel some to take Rin away, Kagome-chan?" Kagome blinked for a second, and then looked behind her. She smiled at Sesshomaru and motioned for him to take a seat beside her. Sesshomaru curiously complied, kneeling beside the young miko.
name is Nanashi, Rin-chan. He was hurt by the wolves as well." Rin's eyes widened slightly at the mention of the wolves.
wolves are gone, right Kagome-chan?" Rin asked her before going into a fit of coughs. Kagome reached for her worriedly, and held Rin in her lap.
sweetie. The wolves are gone," she whispered.
watched this little exchange with curiousity. From what he could tell, this young child was dying. Why would Kagome hold on to her in such a way? Suddenly, an early conversation filled his mind.

"Why are you taking care of me?" his voice sounded.
that's what I do," she replied simply. "It's my job to help others. Also, I can't leave anyone to just die."
blinked as he remembered what she had said. He looked back at Kagome, who as holding Rin as though she were her own child, humming a soft tune for the child to sleep with. She knew the child was most likely to die. He knew because he saw the sadness in her eyes, and the tears drop onto the young girl's kimono. She gently placed Rin back down on the futon and watched for a moment as she slept.
need to get home," she said quietly. She stood and left the hut, Sesshomaru following behind. They quickly reached Kagome's home, and she left him in the small hut. Moments later, Kagome's sister Kikyo came in the hut.
has to do something. For the duration of the night, I shall be treating you," she stated calmly as she looked at him.
did she go?" he asked, unable to hold his curiousity. Kikyo looked at him calmly and replied in a calm voice as well.
has things to do. Now, has my sister given you the mixture yet today?" He shook his head no, and Kikyo nodded and poured him a cup of the herbal mixture. She handed him the cup and said, "Drink it slowly. It won't taste very good, but it'll help."
complied, already assured that they would not poison him. True to her word, the mixture did not taste good, but he somewhat trusted Kagome, who had made the mixture, that it would help. Once he was finished, Kikyo took the cup and placed it besdie the jug that held the mixture.
have some questions for you, Nanashi, and I intend them to be answered." Sesshomaru stared indifferently at her, waiting for what he knew was coming all along. "What was your reason of coming here in the first place?"
reason that does not concern you," he answered cooly.
yes it concern me. It concerns this whole village. Especially my family. Three of our men dies because of those wolves. The wolves would not have come into the village, yet someone provoked them to attack. And it started with you. So I would like to know why those wolves attacked you."
they were hungry. Because they wanted a fight," he replied dryly.
I don't think it would be the latter. You didn't give them much of a fight! If they wanted a fight, then they would have attacked the village, not some weak man!"
shot up at her words and glared coldly at her. "The only reason I couldn't fight them is because I'm human now!" Sesshomaru shut his mouth quickly. He had lost his temper, and let something slip. This would not do.
Kikyo questioned with a slight frown. "You were not human before then?" Sesshomaru remained silent. "You do not wish to answer? I could send you out of this village. You are healed enough to walk, so you can go back to wherever you came from. Only Kagome stands in my way of doing so, and I can overpower her easily. Mother will listen to me above her. So you best-!"
The two looked towards the entrance and saw Asako standing there with a very angry expression. "Go home now, Kikyo! I will not tolerate this behavior in a child of mine!" Kikyo glared at her mother but left the small hut. Asako then turned to him. "Nanashi. I suppose I will have to take care of you until my daughter returns."
has she gone?" he asked, thinking that she would answer her question.
asked me not to say, so I won't. But she will be back in the morning." Asako walked over to the cup that held the mixtur in it. She put the cup up to her nose and sniffed. She placed it back down slowly. "A truth potion. I told her not to. I would question you, but I do not wish for you to answer without your own consent. I shall try tomorrow then." Sesshomaru gave a slight nod, and layed down on his futon.

looked down at the young girl asleep on the futon. She was kneeling beside, as she was just before she had left. Rin was sleeping deeply. It was time to do what she came for.
placed her hands so that they hovered right over Rin's stomach. Kagome concentrated on her miko powers, willing them to arise. Her hands started to glow pink and slowly wrapped the child in the glowing light as well. In a matter of minutes the glow disappeared. Kagome's eyes fluttered, and she fainted on the ground next to the fully healed child.

I'm done! Yay!
Yipee! That means you can strat writting the fic with me in it!
Not yet, Zuko-chan! I still have to finish making the characters!
Well, you already have the important people made! Why don't you start it?!
Because every person counts.
I should've known you'd say that! <pouts and leaves the room>
Well, please review! Ja ne!