InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ You Don't Know What You Have 'Till Its Gone ❯ Deal with the Devil ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

{Disclaimer: Inuyasha doesn't belong to me so don't sue. ::sighs:: unless someone would like to give him to me. I would have a ball playing with those ears.}

You Don't Know What You Have 'Till It's Gone

By Striking Falcon

Chapter Nine: Deal with the Devil

One week later…

"But Sesshou!" Kagome pouted, stomping her foot on the garden walkway. Sesshoumaru glared at her.

"Why do you insist on calling me that?" he grumbled, looking away from Rin to glare at her. Kagome put her hands on her hips.

"Because it annoys you as much as you annoy me!" she answered. Sesshoumaru rubbed the heel of his palm between his eyes, warding off another Kagome-induced headache. Seemed he was having a lot of these lately.

"I said no. End of discussion."

"But Sesshou" glare "maru, I have to find the rest of the shards. I have to!"

"I said no. The Shikon no Tama is dangerous."

She shot him a silent 'Duh'. "I know that, but I still have to find them. It's my responsibility, since I'm the one who shattered it, remember?"

Sesshoumaru shrugged, his attention returning to Rin as she picked a few buttercups. "Not my problem."

Kagome fisted her hands, her eyes narrowed as she growled at him. "If you aren't just like-"

His hands hooked under her arms, lifting her to closer to his face.

"You promised you wouldn't talk about him," he whispered, his expression blank but a little softer.

Over the past week, Kagome noticed Sesshoumaru's behavior changing around her. He was still indifferent and sarcastic, but now it seemed he was a little gentler toward what he said and did around her. Her kimonos were changing as well, becoming more elaborate and expensive with each passing day. Kagome wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Yes I did. I'm sorry."

Sesshoumaru's tail wrapped around her waist as he let go, her fingers playing absentmindedly in his hair.

"It means that much to you?"

Kagome nodded. "Yes, it does."

"Then tell me where to go and I'll get them."

Kagome blinked. "What?"

Sesshoumaru rolled his eyes in disgust. "Tell me…Where to go…And I will get them."

Kagome considered this for a moment. 'I can see it now, the great Sesshoumaru, playing 'fetch' as Yura once said 'with a shrine maiden.' No, I can't do that to him.'

"Won't work. I have to be somewhere close to them."

Sesshoumaru studied her a second before tugging her closer. He nodded, stunned when Kagome wrapped herself around him in a fierce hug.

"Thank you, Sesshoumaru!" she squealed. Sesshoumaru shook his head, his face clearly saying 'Silly twit' but the words never left his mouth. Kagome rubbed her nose against his, grinning from ear to ear.

"You're so wonderful," she cooed, catering to his ego so he wouldn't change his mind. She certainly wasn't expecting him to do anything back.

Which might be why she was so surprised when he kissed her.

Kagome's eyes widened, then fluttered shut. Sesshoumaru didn't deepen the kiss, just held his lips to hers, as if testing out the whole idea. Kagome relaxed against him, her arms lax against his shoulders. Sesshoumaru's arm draped around her waist as he set her back on the ground.

"Look what I picked for you, Sesshoumaru-sama?" Rin chirped as she skipped to them. Sesshoumaru's eyes flew open, seriously considering, for the first time since adopting the little girl, doing some serious damage to her. He turned around, releasing Kagome in the process.

"How lovely, Rin," Kagome said, a hand pressed to her heart. Sesshoumaru paid her no attention, now centered on the buttercups in Rin's hand. Kagome watched him for a minute, then went back inside the castle to check her pack. Sesshoumaru watched her out the corner of his eye as Rin babbled on. 'What was that?' he asked himself, zoning out completely on Rin's conversation. 'Why did my control slip like that? Kissing her felt so…right' Sesshoumaru shook his head, clearing his thoughts. 'I won't allow it to happen again.'


{SF is still in the rafters, but now she's hanging by her knees.}

SF: Me and my big yap! Can I get down now without bodily harm, Sesshou?

Sesshou: I don't want to harm you.

SF: Really? Then why did you chase me?

Sesshou: I want to show you something.

Inuyasha: Don't come down., SF. You don't want to know what he wants to show you.

SF: I'll take your word for it.

Inuyasha: Finally, someone listens to me. Keep going, this might take a while.