InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ You Don't Mean Anything ❯ The One and Only ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

You Don't Mean Anything

Disclaimer: This fic is based on the song "You Don't Mean Anything" by Simple Plan. Simple Plan is my FAVE band!! This is an Inu to Kikyo! If you know the song you'll get why I chose it for these two!


Maybe… I'm just not good enough for you.

And maybe… I just don't wanna be like you.

And maybe I just don't wanna know how far you're ready to go.

I'm not gonna change you can't make me… whoa…


"Inu-Yasha! Inu-Yasha, come back to me!" Kikyo cried desperately, pleading once again with Inu-Yasha to abandon Kagome. "You love me, you know you do!"

"Shut-up, witch! The only one I love is Kagome! I never loved you half as much as I love her, and you know that. You're a fool. I could never love an empty shell like you!" Inu-Yasha screamed angrily in Kikyo's face, furious that she would assume anything but what he told her.

"I am not an empty shell! And if I seem that way it's only because of my pathetic resurrection! The rest of my soul is in Hell! You must come to Hell with me."

Inu-Yasha whirled around, stopping Kikyo in her tracks. "You were an empty shell way before you ever died. You never once looked at me the way Kagome does. You touch was cold and your hand was hesitant. That was not love. And you can go to Hell alone. Alone as you have always been and will always be." Inu-Yasha's voice quivered with rage but he spoke the truth. "I can never love you."


Y'don't, y'don't, y'don't, y'don't,

Y'don't mean anything to me!

Y'don't, y'don't, y'don't, y'don't,

Y'don't mean anything to me!

You're what I never wanna be.


"Inu-Yasha, y-you don't know what you're saying. That pathetic copy of me doesn't love you. She's using you! She needs you to collect the shards for her! You're nothing to her! Nothing but a Jewel retriever!" Kikyo's attempts became more frenzied.

"What's in this for you? Revenge? Fun? Because I know you don't actually care about me. So why should I bother with you? Kagome and the others are waiting for me. I have to go." With that, Inu-Yasha turned away from the frantic miko, walking carelessly away from her. "And don't dare follow." He added as he leapt into the trees and sped away.


Tell me… does it feel good to be like you?

And tell me… why should I waste my time with you?

`Cause maybe you always bring me down,

And I'm sick of being pushed around.

I'm not gonna change, you can't make me… whoa…


"Inu-Yasha!" He could still hear Kikyo's call as he sped off toward the welcoming scent of Kagome. Kikyo was right about one thing. He did love Kikyo in a way. Even when they had been together he had viewed Kikyo more as a friend. He would miss her if she went to Hell… but not enough to cry for her. She was only a shadow of what she once was. Now she was nothing and she didn't matter at all.


Y'don't, y'don't, y'don't, y'don't,

Y'don't mean anything to me!

Y'don't, y'don't, y'don't, y'don't,

Y'don't mean anything to me!

You're what I never wanna be.


Kikyo was following Inu-Yasha as best she could, though the trail was difficult to decipher. She kept on. In her head she recited the mantra: "I will find you, I will kill you and you will follow me to Hell." Kikyo continued to imagine terrible ways in which to slay her former lover. These thoughts lent her strength to carry on after Inu-Yasha. Soon she could hear voices ahead, recognizing Inu-Yasha's instantly.

"Inu-Yasha, I know what you need. This feeble miko could never understand. Come with me, and be with me in Hell."

"Damn, woman! You're incredibly persistent! Look, I've held off killing you because I don't want to have to be the one to cause you that pain but if you don't leave me, and Kagome, alone! Permanently! I never want to see you again!" Inu-Yasha threw Kikyo to the ground to make his point.

Kikyo picked herself up, anger flaring. "Fine, Inu-Yasha! You get your wish! I shall never bother you again! But on one condition; you must promise that I will be left in peace to live what little life I've been given!"

Inu-Yasha blinked in confusion. "And how in the Hell am I supposed to do that?!"

"Cast a spell, baka! Get little miss `I'm the new Kikyo!' to do it for you! Or get Kaede. She knows a spell or two that might actually come in handy!" Kikyo was left panting as her fury ebbed.

Inu-Yasha looked around for Kaede. "Where'd the old witch go anyway?"

Kaede strolled into the small encampment accompanied by Shippo. "Did I hear ye calling me, Kikyo?"

"I want you to do a shield spell so no unwanted beings may approach me. Do it or the mutt and his wench will suffer greatly. I know several magicks of my own." Kikyo threatened dangerously.

Kaede nodded. "Aye, sister, I'll do a spell for you. But the magic will only work if you stay far from Inu-Yasha. The spell will be useless in his presence and will instead have the reverse effect. When you come near Inu-Yasha my spell will attract youkai to you. That will be your punishment."


I know you think you know me; you don't know anything.

I know you wanna help me; I don't need anything.

Don't tell me where to go I don't need you to know… no… whoa…

Y'don't, y'don't, y'don't, y'don't,

Y'don't mean anything to me!

Y'don't, y'don't, y'don't, y'don't,

Y'don't mean anything to me!

You're what I never wanna be.

Y'don't mean anything to me!

You're what I never wanna be.


Once Kaede's spell was in place, Kikyo fled. Inu-Yasha took Kagome's hand and leaned down to kiss her lightly.

He whispered to her, "Talk about `break-ups from Hell!'"


Me: I hope you liked it! Please review! Then again, it probably sucks… It's 2 in the morning and I'm listening to Hoobastank and Simple Plan… Oh, right, the "Break-ups from Hell" thing was from the cover of last months YM… Lame yes but I couldn't think how to end it… And I'll bet you're all glad I did. End it that is… I'll shut-up now… Bai bai!!