InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ You Have to Push HARDER ❯ You Have to Push HARDER ( One-Shot )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own the anime Inuyasha or any of its characters.

You Have to Push HARDER

"What's all this junk?" Inuyasha asked suspiciously, his golden eyes narrowed at the pile of wood pieces sprawled out on the floor of Kaede's hut. The healer woman smiled at the hanyou.

"The carpenter was kind enough to cut me some wood pieces for a table," she answered.

Miroku smiled, leaning against his staff nonchalantly. "Since a certain someone broke the last one." Inuyasha crossed his arms, ignoring the pointed look he was receiving from the monk and Kaede.

Kaede nodded. "And that's why you're going to put these pieces together for me, Inuyasha. I need a table to mix potions and healing poultices…not to mention to eat off of." The hanyou looked at the wood skeptically.

"Are you sure that shit's supposed to fit together somehow?"

"Yes, I'm sure," Kaede told him sternly, placing her hands on her hips. "But not to worry, Inuyasha... Miroku's going to be helping you." The monk looked abashed, as Inuyasha snickered.

"But…Lady Kaede-"

"I don't want to hear any more out of the two of you!" the elderly woman said sternly, walking towards the door of the hut. "When I get back, I expect a new table to be up and ready. Do you understand?" Inuyasha grumbled incoherently as Miroku bowed his head in defeat.


"Brrr!" Kagome cried; her arms crossed over her chest. "This water is so cold!"

"Very cold," Sango agreed, and forced herself to dunk her head under the water, emerging seconds later. Goose bumps were sprinkled about her pale skin. "Let's make this a quick bath, all right, Kagome-chan?"

"'Kay," Kagome forced out between her chattering teeth. The two girls quickly washed their bodies and hair, before climbing out of the water and throwing their clothes on gratefully. They made their way back to Kaede's hut, where they heard strange noises emerging. Kagome was about to walk in, but Sango stopped her.

Listen, the demon exterminator mouthed soundlessly, pressing her ear against the door. The young miko followed her friend's example, and each heard the voices of Inuyasha and Miroku.

"I don't think that goes there, Inuyasha," Miroku's voice said coolly, though he was apparently getting annoyed with the hanyou. Kagome and Sango exchanged puzzled glances.

"Of course it goes there! Where else would it go, ya damn monk?"

"I think it goes there."

"It doesn't fucking fit there!" Inuyasha yelled, accompanied by a low growl. Sango's eyes widened, and Kagome's fingers gripped into the material on the back of her yukata.

"You just aren't pushing hard enough!" Miroku exclaimed exasperatedly.

"Fine! I'll push harder!!" Inuyasha gave a grunt. Apparently, he tried pushing harder. There was a loud thumping noise, followed by a moan of pain.

"Fuck!" cried the hanyou angrily. "Now it's stuck!"

"Well, get it out!" the monk said hurriedly, and Inuyasha gave another grunt as he attempted to dislodge…whatever it was.

"It's stuck! Damn it! This was your idea, wasn't it?!"

"It's not my fault; I've never done this before!" Miroku said defensively. "I'm a monk, for crying out loud!" Sango and Kagome exchanged fearful glances. What in the world was going on in there?

"But it was your fucking idea to try and fit it in there!" Inuyasha complained loudly. "And now it's stuck!" He gave another grunt, followed by a loud crashing noise. "About time that fucking thing came out."

Miroku sighed. "I really don't think we're doing this right. Maybe we could get Sango and Kagome to join us."

The two girls shared horrified glances, before turning and fleeing from the hut.

A/N: What were Sango and Kagome thinking? ~_^ Please review!