InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Your back ❯ Chapter 1

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STUFF!!!!... Yeah this is my first real fic on anime… so please don't yell! But I would like reviews… I don't own anything… and if I did I wouldn't be writing fanfiction
This story is about Inuyahsa and kagome, and how kagome left Inuyasha for Hojo, then came back.
He watched her from a distance longing to be with her. But he couldn't have her, and he knew it. She was gone now, lost forever from his love. He shouldn't have been such a jerk, should have listened when she said she was leaving. But he didn't and now she was gone. Gone from his grasp, gone from his love. She was with Hojo now. Sure he still had Kikyo, but she was a pale comparison. He left crying salty tears. He sat by the tree, sat where his life with her began.
Then it happened, she was there. She was wiping away his tears; she was kissing his cheek and hugging him. And he smiled, smiled because she was back. Smiled because she was his…. His Kagome.