InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Your Pleasure, My Pain ❯ Remember your Nature? ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 2: Remember Your Nature
Inuyasha paused abruptly and took a deep inhale, taking in the scent of the air. I smell him, Inuyasha thought. I smell Sesshomaru. “Speaking of fluffy ass homos, here comes one right now,” Inuyasha informed.
Suddenly, Sesshomaru appeared from the white glowing light of his demonic speed. Inuyasha drew his Tetsusaiga and pointed it at Sesshomaru. Sesshomaru stared at the sword for a while, almost as if he were examining it, but there was a lack of interest or any other emotion in his amber eyes.
“Take a good last look at the sword that'll end your life,” Inuyasha said toughly.
“Little brother, I have not come to fight. I had merely crossed your path and got a whiff of your scent. I stopped to confirm that it was you,” Sesshomaru said.
“If you think that you're going to get to Naraku before I do your wrong. I'm going to be the one to kill Naraku,” Inuyasha replied.
“I have seized my search for Naraku for the time being. I have a more important matter to attend to.”
What the hell is he talking about!? He's right in front of me, his most hated enemy and he's not even going to try and kill me! And last time I caught him searching for Naraku he was so passionate about killing him.
“I don't know what the hell your up to but I'm not gonna let you play any tricks,” Inuyasha said.
“Such a rash and arrogant child; are you completely oblivious to your nature?” Sesshomaru asked in his usual monotone voice.
“What in bloody hell are you talking about?” Inuyasha questioned becoming annoyed but with a slightly puzzled expression on his face.
“It's mating season, little brother,” Sesshomaru whispered so that only Inuyasha could hear him. Inuyasha's eyes widened. Sesshomaru then sped off in his demonic speed, followed by Rin and Jaken riding on the two headed dragon demon.
“So what did Sesshomaru want?” Sango asked, confused that he did not want to fight Inuyasha.
“Oh nothing, he was just being his normally arrogant self. Threatening me, trying to scare me,” Inuyasha lied. He did not want everyone to know that it was mating season; he would be awfully embarrassed.
“Arrogance sounds more like you than Sesshomaru,” Miroku broke in.
Inuyasha gave Miroku's head a punch, and he huffed, crossed his arms, and stuck his nose up in the air.
“So violent,” Miroku commented.
“Look at all those demons!” Sango pointed to a swarm of demons.
“They aren't Naraku's demons,” Miroku said.
“Well it doesn't matter to me, cuz they're gonna die anyways! Wind scar!” Inuyasha yelled as all the demons shattered into tiny bits from his single swing.
“They were fighting each other,” Kagome commented.
“They were fighting each other for a female; mating season is in three days,” Sango informed. A few seconds later everyone turned and stared at Inuyasha.
“Um…. Ah, um…. I smell Naraku!” Inuyasha shouted, taking off in front of everyone. I think he's embarrassed. I guess we shouldn't have stared at him but I couldn't help it. Inuyasha's half demon so that means he'll be affected by mating season too, Kagome realized in shock.
“So, mating season is coming up in a few days and that'll affect Inuyasha. What are we going to do?” Miroku asked to no one in particular.
“Drop it Miroku…..” Inuyasha demanded with clenched teeth.
“Good question. Well, either he finds a mate or we lock him up some where until mating season ends,” Sango informed.
“We don't have time for either one of the two. We have to find Naraku before he becomes too powerful again,” Inuyasha said.
“I'm afraid you don't have a choice. You're inner Youkai will cloud your mind and in a way take over you,” Sango said.
“What do you mean take over me?” Inuyasha asked in a tone that infers that nothing could take over him.
“To put it in simple terms, you won't be able to think about anything else other mating. So even if we did go on you wouldn't be able to fight,” she said.
“Feh,” was the only thing that came out of Inuyasha's mouth.
“Well, I suggest we find Inuyasha a suitable mate,” Miroku said with a lecherous grin.
I suggest you stay out of this, or else I'll find you a suitable fist to couple up with your face,” Inuyasha threatened.
“Calm down Inuyasha. But, Inuyasha does have a point; this sort of thing is personal,” Sango said.
“Unlike you who makes their fondling public,” Kagome said to Miroku.
“I do no such thing,” Miroku defended.
Sango sighed. “He's a monk but yet he lies.” Miroku's eye twitched. That night the group set up camp. While everyone was talking about Naraku, Kagome went off in daze thinking about Inuyasha's mate.
I want Inuyasha to be happy, but if he finds a mate than that means me and him will never have a chance together as a couple. Kagome thought and mentally sighed. I wonder how pretty she'll be. Why am I even thinking about this!? With the way Inuyasha looks she'll be beautiful for sure. My life sucks. To Kagome's surprise a single tear fell from her eye, but no one seemed to notice.