InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Your Pleasure, My Pain ❯ The First Day ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Ch. 3: The First Day
The next morning after breakfast the group began to search for a place to hide Inuyasha. Miroku had tried to talk Inuyasha into finding a mate but Inuyasha had said that there was no time for that and he did not want one.
“I have an idea. Inuyasha can track down Kikyo's scent, I'll give him a few romantic words to say to her, and soon they'll be springing babies like there's no tomorrow,” Miroku suggested. Once again, Inuyasha hit Miroku over the head.
“Kikyo's not easy!” Inuyasha yelled. “Besides, she'd never go for it anyways,” Inuyasha added so quietly that Kagome had to strain to hear him. I knew it; he's still caught up in Kikyo's little love web, Kagome thought, feeling even more depressed than before.
“Can zombies even be pregnant?” Shippo asked.
“That better be a random question, Shippo,” Inuyasha warned, gritting his teeth and making a fist.
“No, it wasn't a random question; I was talking about Kikyo,” Shippo replied innocently.
Inuyasha hit Shippo over the head. “Ouch! Inuyasha…… you're so mean,” Shippo whined.
“Kikyo is not a zombie,” Inuyasha said, crossing his arms and looking up towards the sky.
“But she's a walking dead person, that's what a zombie is,” Shippo argued.
“It's different! Kikyo is not a zombie!” Inuyasha yelled.
“Kikyo was resurrected, but zombies get their bodies possessed by someone who controls their movements. Kikyo has control over her own self, that is the difference,” Kagome informed calmly to Shippo.
“That's all you had to say, Inuyasha. You didn't have to be so mean. Shippo's just a little kid,” Kagome said.
“Well I'm tired of everyone bashing Kikyo!” He hollered at the top of his lungs. Kagome stepped back from him he was so loud.
Kagome suddenly scowled. “Well maybe if Kikyo didn't bash everyone and didn't take parts of people souls, hint, hint; mine, and then people wouldn't bash her!” Kagome yelled, almost as loud as Inuyasha.
“It's not like you're gonna die if you don't have that part of your soul,” Inuyasha said.
“I don't care! It belongs to me; I was born with it, I have a right to have it! And I'm sure gonna need it when I die! And I'm gonna tell you now; go on and run to your stupid clay and dirt mound because she ain't gonna be here for too long, because I'm going to get my soul back!” Kagome argued.
“Are you trying to say that you're gonna kill Kikyo!?” He asked.
“If that's what it takes to get that other half of my soul, you got it. She's already dead so why does it matter?”
Inuyasha was boiling with anger. Why is Kagome being like this!? What the hell is her problem!? I can't believe she's acting this way! She's acting like me when it comes to Koga.
“It matters to me!” Inuyasha finally said.
“Well it matters to me when you start a fight with Koga. I tell you not to but you always do!” Kagome yelled. She does have a point there, Inuyasha thought.
“Well he acts like he owns you!”
“No, Inuyasha, he flirts with me. You act like you own me.”
“What!? That is so not true!”
“Inuyasha, I would stop while you're still a head. Let's not make Kagome go home now,” Miroku broke in.
“Feh,” Inuyasha replied. Damn monk, who the hell does he think he is getting in the middle of this. Damn and I was just gettin' started, Inuyasha thought. Inuyasha returned to his spot in front of everyone else.
What does he think he is some type of leader? Kagome thought. I wish they wouldn't fight like this; I hate it when they do. I always feel sad. Kagome and Inuyasha may not be my birth parents but they have taken care of me like parents and I love them as if they were my birth parents. I just want my mother and father to be happy with each other. Shippo thought in grief.
The group did not have any success with finding a place to keep Inuyasha so stopped and set up camp.