InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Your Pleasure, My Pain ❯ Welcome to the Soon to Be New Member of the Group ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 7: Welcome to the Soon To Be New Member of the Group
Inuyasha woke up the next morning with Kagome right next to him, her arm over his chest and her leg intertwined with his leg. The coat part of Inuyasha's outfit was on top of them and Tetsusaiga was in its sheath next to Inuyasha along with his and Kagome's clothes.
What the hell! Inuyasha's mind exclaimed. Why are we naked!? And why are we sleeping together!? He began to panic. Inuyasha glanced at the sky and saw that he had slept longer than he usually did. Normally he was up as soon as the earth was coated with the early morning's soft bluish light.
He slipped on his pants and the white shirt that he wore under the coat part of his outfight.
“Kagome….. Kagome…. Wake up, Kagome,” he said shaking her softly. Kagome blinked and sat up, coving her chest with the coat.
“What's the matter Inuyasha?” She asked.
“Kagome, what happened!? I can't remember coming out here!” Inuyasha informed.
“Your Youkai side must have caused you not to remember. You asked me to be your mate,” she replied. Inuyasha took a deep breath when he finally remembered what had happened.
“Oh yeah, I remember now. Sorry for waking you. Go back to sleep,” he softly ordered. Kagome happily obeyed and laid her head down and drifted off to sleep.
I should have told her to put her clothes on before she fell asleep again. I know Shippo will follow our scent and find us, he thought. Knowing Miroku, he'll try and get a peek at Kagome. That lecherous monk, he thought with an unusual sense of anger towards him. I must be becoming more protective over Kagome now because she's my mate. Sango will have to forget about slapping Miroku; she'll be too busy holding me back from clawing his eyes out.
Ten minutes later Kagome reawakened. This time she was fully awake and ready to go. “Good morning,” Inuyasha greeted her.
“Morning,” she said while getting dressed. Inuyasha watched her as she put on her clothes. Kagome had on pants that were baggy like Inuyasha's but they were black with chains that cress-crossed in the back and they had fake metal handcuffs and metal skulls on them. She had on a tight black tang top with her black long sleeved fish net shirt over it. For shoes she wore a pain of black combat boots. Inuyasha attached his sword to his waist and put his coat part back on. Inuyasha and Kagome quickly kissed each other before they hurried off back to the hut and snuck in without being caught.
When everyone woke up Kagome began making the ramen noodles. Breakfast was not the usual; Inuyasha did not take Shippo's food and Kagome and him we not arguing.
“Okay…. What's going on? Kagome and Inuyasha aren't fighting and he's not trying to take my food,” Shippo said with finality. “Are you guys fighting again?”
“No, Shippo; we're not fight,” Kagome responded.
“Shippo, you're going to be a great demon someday. I can tell,” Inuyasha said.
“Inuyasha…. The last time you talked like that you went in to save Koga and we all thought you would die….. Oh no! Are you sick!? Are you gonna die!? Oh no! Inuyasha….. Don't die, you can't die, I love you Inuyasha!” Shippo busted out crying and he hopped into Inuyasha's arms.
Inuyasha chuckled. “Shippo…. I'm not dieing. I'm just happy, really, really happy,” Inuyasha consoled Shippo.
“What? You've never been happy like this before,” he said taking a bite of noodles.
“I'm so happy because, well…. Kagome and I are mates,” Inuyasha informed.
In surprise, Shippo spat out his noodles all over Inuyasha's face, Sango choked on her food and she stared at them, and Kirara tilted her head to the side and purred. Miroku was the only one who did not act shocked.
“Congratulations,” Sango said. “But, Miroku, why aren't you surprised as well?” Sango asked.
“I knew it all along due to certain reasons,” Miroku replied. “So I take it last night you and Kagome…” But that was as far as he got to go; Inuyasha hit him over the head and Sango slapped him. After they ate the group got on their way.
I wonder how I'm going to tell my mom about this. I don't want to tell her yet because I have to think of how to bring it up. I don't think she'll be too happy about Inuyasha not asking first and use not getting married. Kagome was deep in thought. Meanwhile, Inuyasha was thinking the same thing.
Maybe I should have asked her mother first. I shouldn't have been so rash. But, I love Kagome so I don't think it matters, Inuyasha thought.
“There doesn't seem to be any demon activity,” Sango broke the silence.
“Yeah…. It's kinda weird,” Inuyasha remarked.
Inuyasha had an odd sensation about Kagome's stomach. His Youkai kept nudging his brain with a sensation about her stomach. What is this sensation about Kagome's stomach? He wondered. Inuyasha could sense when Kikyo was in danger or when she was injured, now sense they have been apart for a long time, those senses about Kikyo's being had waned.
He wondered if his sense of Kagome's being was telling him something. Maybe she had gotten injured on her stomach, or maybe he had bit her there after he marked her as his when they were mating. When they stopped for a break Inuyasha waited until no one was looking and he lifted Kagome's shirt enough to see her stomach. Nothing was wrong with it.
“Inuyasha…. What are you doing?” Kagome whispered.
“I keep sensing that something is wrong with your stomach. Does it hurt?” He asked.
“No, it feels fine.”
The group had gone through a whole day with out coming across any demons or any problems. Later that night they set up camp and Inuyasha's Youkai was hollering for sex again. This damn Youkai subconscious is going to drive me insane! Inuyasha thought.
After Inuyasha and Kagome had snuck off and mated again, Kagome got dressed and found a hot spring. She, Sango, and Shippo got in first.
“I hope Inuyasha's doesn't really hurt Miroku if he starts asking questions. Youkai get crazy possessive about their mates,” Sango said.
“Yeah, we won't be there to stop it. Hey Sango, do you like Miroku, as in more than a friend?” Kagome asked.
Sango went red and said, “of course not; he's so lecherous.” Ah….Sango and Kagome are bathing and I'm sitting here while too beautiful women are just a while away from me, Miroku thought in sadness. Then, he got an idea. Inuyasha was at the opposite end of the hot spring that Miroku was looking out for demons. I'll claim that I saw a demon over at Inuyasha's end and then say I was mistaken. Perfect! Miroku ran closer to the girls slowing into a jog when he got within a few feet of them. He got a glimpse of Sango as she stood up but then sat down hastily when she saw him.
“Inuyasha! I saw a spirit demon. I'm coming to help!” Miroku yelled as he picked up pace to Inuyasha.
“Miroku you pervert!” Sango, Kagome, and Shippo all scolded.
“Where is it!?” Inuyasha yelled. The plan had failed; Inuyasha had run to the hot spring.
“Get out of here!” Kagome shrieked, although they were mates it was an instinct of hers and she was not use to being his mate yet.
“What are you talking about Kagome? I already…” Inuyasha paused as he remembered Miroku was right there.
“Oh… so you two did have a good time,” Miroku said. Inuyasha hit him on the head and growled viciously at him, his Youkai taking charge.
Sango then threw the shampoo bottle at Miroku and the conditioner at Inuyasha.
“Ah!” Miroku exclaimed. Inuyasha had been thrown off balance and he fell into the water in between Sango and Kagome. The girls hollered curses at them.
“Inuyasha, sit!” Kagome yelled. Before Inuyasha could get up he was drug deeper under water from the command. When he came back up he was breathing hard and he said, “What trying to do!? Drown me?”
After that incident Kagome hung up Inuyasha's wet clothes and left him with a towel around his waist while she went home real fast to get him some dry clothes. She grabbed a pair of pants like hers but they were bigger and they were red and black without the metal hand cuffs or skulls, she also took a loose Black Sabbath band shirt, her long black trench coat, and a pair of fish net arm warmers just for kicks.
When she got back Inuyasha put the clothes on and they all ate dinner.
“I'm sorry I threw that bottle at you,” Sango said.
“And I'm sorry I made you sit under water,” Kagome said.
“It's okay,” he answered.
“Miroku…. Did you really see a demon?” Shippo asked. Miroku did not answer; he merely smiled at Shippo when no one was looking.
Later that night Inuyasha and Kagome snuck off again. Afterwards, Inuyasha was kissing Kagome's bare stomach when he smelt their pup.
“Kagome….. Um, you're…. you're pregnant; I smell the pup,” Inuyasha informed.
“What, you can tell this soon?”
“Of course, I'm a demon.”