InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Your Pleasure, My Pain ❯ Kagome's Sudden Illness ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 10: Kagome's Sudden Illness
The next morning Kagome was feeling even worse than she had the evening before. There was a cramp in her stomach as tight as stone and it made it painful to walk. Howe ever, she didn't tell Inuyasha or the others because she did not want to be left out of the journey, and she did not like for them to worry about her because they really needed to kill Naraku.
“Kagome, are you feeling alright?” Inuyasha asked.
“I'm fine, really,” she answered. The cramp tightened up more, as if to say `no, you're not alright'. Kagome held back her want to winch at the pain. She was taking deep breaths like they do on movies when a woman is pregnant but it was not working.
This must be something they tell them to do in order to get them to stop screaming, Kagome thought. This doesn't help at all!
“Kagome you do seem ill,” Sango agreed.
“Yes, and you're not talking much either,” said Miroku.
“I'm fine guys, really,” Kagome assured.
Later that day when they stopped for lunch Kagome decided that she would eat, or else they would really think something was wrong with her. After she ate she said that she was going to find a stone so that she could sharpen her arrows. Inuyasha wanted to go with her but she insisted that he stayed.
“Oh I see why you want to go with Kagome, Inuyasha. You two will be searching more than the land for stones……. You'll be searching each other's bodies,” Miroku said.
Sango of course slapped and Inuyasha hit him over the head and said, “Miroku….. Stop with the comments. I'm in no mood to handle it right now!”
“Hey...... What I meant by searching each other's bodies was searching each other's hearts and souls to find inner feeling,” Miroku justified.
“Miroku, we know you better than that,” Sango said.
While Kagome was away she vomited four times and let her self silently cry from the pain. I can't believe I feel this bad! She thought. I've never felt like this before. There never was a time that I thought I was dieing until now! She then started to feel very light headed, and a few minutes later she had a horrendous head ache. How can this be happening so fast!? Kagome kept ignoring the pain all the way into the night. She had made Inuyasha's Youkai side angry by turning him down and she did not get any sleep that night because of the pain.
When morning came Kagome was extremely tired and the pain was worse.
AH!” Kagome screamed in horror and fear; all of the sudden her vision blurred until she could see nothing but pit black every where. She felt Inuyasha and the others shaking her, but she wondered why they were not saying anything. That moment, she realized that he had gone deaf also!
“I can't see anything or hear anything,” Kagome informed. It felt like her mind was losing all its information, as if it were being drained. Then, she fell into a deep sleep, a coma. “Kagome!” Inuyasha yelled. “I knew something was wrong with her but she wouldn't tell me! This is my entire fault!” Inuyasha panicked.
“Inuyasha, calm down; this is not your fault. Kagome wouldn't tell us what was wrong,” Sango said.
“We don't even know what is causing this,” Miroku said. Shippo did not say a word; for he was too busy crying.
“She's burning up,” Sango informed as she felt her head.
“She's shaking too, and she's hot all over,” said Miroku.
“No, this can't be. No, Kagome, you can't die. No, you can't die with our pup. And you can't leave me! Don't leave me! I won't live with out you! I don't want to be here with out you. I need you Kagome, please wake up. I need you. Don't do this to me!” Inuyasha hollered He was going insane.
I can't let her die; I can't let her die Inuyasha thought. How am I going to live here with out!? Don't die on me, just don't die. This is my fault; I should have kept pressing her to tell me what was wrong! How am I going to live with this guilt? Inuyasha's eyes filled up with tears and he sobbed for the first time. It was a strange feeling for him. He hated weakness and he was weak now. I hate this feeling! He thought. I hate this pain, I hate this guilt!
“Kagome's breathing is stopping and returning, and the same for her heart beat! She's on the brink of dieing!” Inuyasha yelled.