InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Your Pleasure, My Pain ❯ Mikoyasha's Powers ( Chapter 19 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 19: Mikoyasha's Powers
“How come you never thought you'd never be a father? What isn't there to love about you?” Kagome asked.
“Well, I never thought I'd be able to fall in love with anyone other than another half demon. When I fell in love with….. With, um - “
“You don't have to hesitate about talking about Kikyo. It doesn't bother me anymore,” she broke in.
“Well, after I feel in love with her I was shocked, and it mad me think of how so many things can happen in life that you don't expect,” he continued.
“One can not predict his destiny,” she replied. Inuyasha's ears perked up in shock. That was something Kikyo use to always say. I wonder if she heard it from her, Inuyasha thought.
“Kagome, where did you hear that saying?” He asked.
“Well, I didn't hear it from anywhere. I just thought of it just now. Well, at least I don't remember hearing it from any where. Why do you ask?”
“No reason,” he decided not to tell Kagome why. Even though she had said Kikyo did not bother her anymore Inuyasha knew it still was a very touchy subject. He still did not like to talk about her.
I wonder how I'm going to break it to Kikyo that I'm in love with Kagome and that she's my mate and I have a son? I know Kikyo still has feelings for me. I can see so clearly that she loves me, even though she often pushes me away. Kikyo pushes me away because she knows that she can never be with me. She had spent fifty years in hell hating me and craving vengeance on me, and I spent fifty years hating her in my spell. Those feeling of great animosity towards each other corrupted our love for each other, and our love just couldn't be saved.
But, it's okay now; I love Kagome. That makes everything better. Well, at least I think it does…….
The next morning the group gathered around for breakfast. Kagome had gone off some where to quiet and private to feed the baby. When the baby was done feeding she joined them. Upon glancing at Mikoyasha, Sango started to have day dreams about Miroku's flirting seizing at them getting married and having children.
“Sango….. Are you okay?” Inuyasha asked. She shook put of her day dream.
“Yeah, I'm fine. Why?” Sango asked.
“You were staring off into space and smiling. It's kinda strange,” Inuyasha answered. Kagome and Sango looked at each other and they both giggled; Kagome knew what Sango was thinking about. They could read each other's minds.
“Am I missing something?” Shippo mumbled.
“I think we all are,” said Inuyasha.
“Yes, I'll never understand it,” Miroku commented. After breakfast they headed to Kaede's home so that the maids there could care for Mikoyasha for a little while.
“That smell; it's - “But Inuyasha was cut off when a certain foe appeared and said, “Well, well. I just knew you'd be here. You didn't think I'd let you go free, did you?” It was Suka.
“Suka….” Inuyasha growled.
“I'm flattered that you remembered my name. I never guessed that you'd be so fond of me,” Suka said.
“Don't take it like that. Of course I remembered you; Kagome almost died because of you!” Inuyasha yelled.
“Oh come on. Don't tell me you're really in love with that human girl! I just thought she was just some sort of play toy to you. You know, how demon and human relationships are; there're only a fling,” she said.
“Shut up; don't ever speak down about Kagome like that!” He hollered.
“Oh Inuyasha, you know it's true. You're a half demon. So, what about you're parents? I'm assuming their relationship didn't last long.”
“That's none of your business, you filthy vermin.”
“I can not believe my ears; mere half demon calling me a filthy vermin,” Suka said.
“Oh shut up. You're not anything special.”
“That is where you are wrong, my dear. I hate it when people deny credit that I deserve. But, I'm very fond of you, so I'll let what you're saying now go by. I know you want me; I know you want all of me and my body. I don't blame you. Who can? And that's okay, because I want you too.” Suka had a lustful grin on her face.
Kagome tightened her hand into a fist. No one is going to even try to take Inuyasha away from me! Kagome thought.
“I'm tired of you, and I do not want anything to do with you and you're disgusting body! Wind scar!” Inuyasha yelled. Suka put up a dark blue barrier.
“Give me your jewel shards and you and I'll spare your life,” Suka said to Inuyasha.
“You're not getting my shards or me!” He fired another blow at her but she just dodged it.
“You can not defeat me,” she said.
“Hiraikotsu!” Sango threw her weapon at Suka but she put up her barrier and the weapon flew back at Sango. Luckily, it didn't hit her. Miroku tried to use his wind tunnel but Suka released her dark blue miasma and he closed his wind tunnel.
“Damn you!” Inuyasha shouted. “Kagome, take the baby, and get out of here,” Inuyasha commanded. Kagome nodded and hid in a small cave.
“My love, stop this madness,” Suka said.
“You're the one who's gone mad!” Inuyasha yelled.
I knew I can't put the baby at risk, but they need my help out there! Suka is really strong! What am I going to do!? Kagome thought. If only Kaede were here right now. Wait, I got it; I'll ride on Kirara to Kaede's place! Kagome ran back put to where the others were. “Kagome, I told you to get out of here!” Inuyasha scolded.
“Sango, can I take Kirara to Kaede's?” Kagome asked ignoring Inuyasha.
“Yeah, of course you can,” Sango replied while throwing her weapon again.
Kagome got onto Kirara and they rode to Kaede's. When they arrived Kagome explained what was going on to Kaede.
“Kagome, the baby will protect you and itself. It is able to put up a barrier. I would of course have no problem caring for this dear one, but I think he can be very useful,” Kaede said.
“So you think I should use him for protection?”
“Yes.” While Kagome was flying back to the others on Kirara she was thinking about what Kaede had said. Maybe Mikoyasha can do more than put up a barrier. I wonder if it is possible for him to actually attack, she wondered.
If he can I just don't know hoe to get him to activate his powers. Kagome thought. When she arrived she huddled into the cave again and thought some more. Maybe if I try and communicate to him through my mind I can get him to activate his powers. Kagome placed her hand on Mikoyasha's heart and began. She had done this for a few minutes when she felt a strong spiritual power. Is that Kikyo!? To her surprise, she opened up her eyes and saw that a barrier was around her and Mikoyasha. She continued her plan and it was not long before a strike of spiritual power dashed out of her and him. Their powers combined and it blazed outside the cave.
Kagome stopped and smiled as she held Mikoyasha closer to her. A few seconds later Inuyasha appeared. “What the hell was that blast? It looked like spiritual powers, but I've never seen you do something that looked that strong,” he said. When Kagome explained what she had done Inuyasha was first shocked and then angry.
“You risked it!” He yelled.
“I didn't risk it completely. Kaede told me he could put up a barrier again, so I assumed he could attack too,” Kagome replied.
“Yeah, you assumed; you didn't know for sure!” He yelled.
“Would you stop yelling!?”
“Would you stop risking our son's life!?”
“Why is it that you always take me for an idiot?”
“Because you are an idiot, Kagome.” Kagome stood up and tried to get out of the cave so she could use the technique on Suka, but of course Inuyasha would not let her.
“Oh come on Inuyasha. I know I can do it,” Kagome argued.
“You only did it once!”
“If it doesn't work after a while I'll stop. You can't actually think I'd be willing to risk his life like that.”
“Yeah, I can. You already risked his life by trying this out on him!”
“Inuyasha, please just - “she was cut off.
“Kagome, I realize that women your age in your time don't have children this young, but you're going to have to stop this. You are not a child any more; you're a mother. This baby is our son. What don't you get about that?” Inuyasha did not have an angry tone anymore; he was merely speaking in a serious tone of voice.
Kagome scowled, but then her face went from angry to hurt. Does Inuyasha really think I'm a bad mother!? Kagome thought. He's probably right. I'm not ready for a baby. She felt a tight knot in her throat and she could not swallow. She felt her eye get wet but she managed to hold back the tears; she hated to cry in front of Inuyasha.
I can smell a hint of salt. I know she was going to cry. I didn't mean to hurt her. I just don't want anything to happen to our son. No parent is perfect, and I'm defiantly not going to be perfect. Kagome's a great mother. I'm just being over protective like usual, Inuyasha thought.
“Kagome….. I didn't mean that you're a bad mother,” Inuyasha said softly. Kagome glanced at him and then looked away again.
“Yeah, right,” she said.
“I mean it Kagome. I couldn't have had a better mate or a better mother of my son, our son. I'm just scared. He's my first child and I don't know anything about kids or babies. The only thing I really know is that they have to be protected; they're helpless. And now, the time I'm needed the most, I feel helpless.”
“Then why do you act like you know everything about children?” Kagome asked putting a little anger into her tone.
“I act that way because I don't want everyone to know that I'm lost, especially not you.” Kagome looked at him straight in the eyes. She was shocked and her eyes showed it. She looked away and said, “I'm a lot younger that you are, so I listened to you because I thought you knew everything.”
Inuyasha chuckled. “Kagome, you're like what fifteen or sixteen?”
She nodded.
“In human years I'm only nineteen. I'm not much older than you are,” he said. I can't believe I thought he was older! He's so immature, duh…. Hello Kagome; blonde moment there, she thought. Kagome suddenly laughed.
“What's so funny?” Inuyasha asked in confusion.
“It's nothing.”
He smiled and leaned to her and kissed her on her lips. “We better go to Sango and Miroku,” Inuyasha said.
“Right.” They smiled at each other for one last second and got out of the cave. Kagome held Mikoyasha close and smiled at him. I was afraid that I would not love him as much as I should because I wasn't ready for a baby, but I was so wrong; I love him so much, Kagome thought. When they got to Sango and the others she and Miroku were breathing heavily from exhaustion.
“Sango, Miroku, stop. I'll handle this,” Kagome said. She held Mikoyasha a little farther away from her and did the same thing as in the cave. Suka kept attacking, but Inuyasha repelled her attacks with his wind scar. A few minutes passed and Inuyasha was becoming inpatient.
“Kagome, why isn't anything happening!?” Inuyasha asked.
“I don't know, I'll concentrate harder,” she replied. A few seconds later there was a giant blast of spiritual power that blasted Suka's way and broke through her barrier, hitting her. That instant she shrieked in pain and in shock and flew away.
“Is she dead?” Shippo asked.
“No, she's alive. We may have not killed her this time but at least now she knows who she's dealing with,” Inuyasha said.
“Yes, and we made her weak and vulnerable to any attack,” Miroku added.
“I wonder if Naraku will try and kill her,” Sango said.
“Once he finds out that she has the last shard he'll surely plan something to get it,” said Kagome.
That night Sango, Miroku, and Shippo were all curious about how Kagome made that blast. Once she told them their mouths were wide open.