InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Yours Forever ❯ Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or the song “Waking Up (Real Eyes) ” by Face The Day. Hehe, but I do know the owner of the song! :P Go to their website:
Yours Forever
Another one-shot, song fic brought to you by Kathleen
She walked silently away from the Goshinboku. It was their one-year anniversary. The one-day where she should be happy… and she was sad. She couldn’t believe that it had been exactly one year since he had been dead, one full year, three hundred and sixty five days in total. Today was the day he died. Today was the day when they had met. When they had become lovers. When she died as well. Today was supposed to be a joyous day, but all it brought was pain.

I thought I was safe from the harm,
but you and I were in danger all along
And I’m walking open
and these wounds that closed in
and my clothes are soaking…

She hurt all over… her heart, her body, and her soul. How had she survived the past year? How could she have lived with this pain in her heart… so much pain, yet she knew she had to be strong, if not for herself, then for her companions… Self taught lessons had helped her pass through those lonely months. She was now stronger, wholer. She was who she wanted to be. Yet, she still couldn’t have everything she wanted. Her body and mind all in good shape, yet she hurt any ways.

What can fix this broken heart?
Fix this broken heart…
Someday we will realize
that everything is just a game…

The only thing that could possibly help, was him; her love. She needed him, wanted him so badly. But no, she wasn’t allowed to have him anymore. He was long dead, and that thought saddened her more and more. Her last memory of him, was him sacrificing himself to save her. The last words she spoke to him were horrible words of hate. But his last words were of love.

You say we lost is all this time,
I’ve lost it all this time
And our last fight
is nothing but the past…

“I love you.”
“I love you… I always have… but I could never have you… you love another. And that is what stopped me from loving you more, but each day you were gone… or here, I loved you more and more.”
“Don’t say anything…” And he had kissed her… no one was to know about their love…

I’m walking straight ahead…
Bare foot on broken glass,
Bare foot on broken glass…

We had to be so careful… we didn’t want the others to know about us… but then, when he died. On our anniversary, no less, you died as well. I wish you were here and not there. I wish you were alive. Here to help me… here to love me… here to love us… my family… and the one you don’t even know about…

Someday we will realize
that everything is just a game…
Someday we will realize
that everything is just a game…

I love you Miroku… I’ll love you always…

Yours forever,