InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Yushima Tenjin Shrine ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Yushima Tenjin Shrine

Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha and Co. Rumiko Takahashi owns that honor.

The snow fell from the Heavens steadily, never giving the citizens of the metropolis of Tokyo a chance to warm up. It was busy this time of the year, though it was always busy in Tokyo, it was extraordinary busy this time, between the commercial Christmas and the happy-go-lucky New Years. The Shrines, such as Meiji Shrine, Hie Shrine, Otori Shrine, Yasukuni Shrine, and Toshogu Shrine were busy with the holiday tourists. Yet one of the most commonly known shrines, Yushima Tenjin Shrine, was practically empty. Maybe it was because of the *Ume that grew there was dying, or maybe it was because the shrine priestess, a Kagome Higurashi, was in a depressive state and was locked away in her bedroom, surrounded by her pictures, books, and clothing.

In the shrine it was cold, just the way Kagome like it, almost to the point of freezing yet no one dared bring in heat and, possibly, life into the shrine. Kagome would have none of that. The said Kagome was now looking out the rather small window that allowed her a view into the wondrously cold world deemed Tokyo.

"*Amatsu-Kami! Why do you make it so cold?" The young woman shivered. Okay maybe she didn't like the cold that much, but she did have a violent temper. The young woman, roughly a little younger of a young adult, seventeen; she had suffered major lost, her parent (her Mother), her grandfather (on her mother's side), and her younger brother (he should be thirteen or twelve now) had left her in Tokyo while they were in America making a new life for themselves. So she was left with the Yushima Tenjin Shrine and a hole in her once light heart. It had been two years since she saw them, she had hoped that word got to them and they would come back but her hopes were dashed when she got a letter from her best friend that still held contact with her family. Her mother was getting remarried to an American CEO, her brother was going to have stepbrothers and stepsisters, he had forgotten his true sister and her grandpa, old reliable grandpa, was dying.

Kagome turned away from the window as another strong bitterly cold wind went close to her. If only I wasn't alone, Kagome thought sitting back down next to her book. Sango had yet to come today, she came everyday to check up on me, make sure I am okay and such but not today. She probably forgot about me too, Kagome grabbed a pencil and stood to go to the painting room, everyone forgets about me sooner or later she just forgot. Kagome snatched a coat before she left the main building she was in, the painting room was in a lesser building, but her breath caught in her throat at the sight before her.

A man was standing there staring at her. His godly golden eyes looking right into her battered soul without even fluttering an eyelash; his appearance almost blended into the scenery but his thick lashes, full lips and eyes stood out. His calf length hair swayed in the wind that drove Kagome to walk to the painting room. Suddenly Kagome felt like a disgusting bug compared to him, her Shino priestess clothing slightly winkled from sitting and re-sitting, her hair that was a sad buttocks length (began in a beautiful bun with decorative chopsticks) was a mess from her rubbing and scratching her head in thought. Even her make-up, put on carefully, was slightly messed up from her thoughtfulness. Finding her voice she spoke.

"Sir, what can I do for you?" Kagome's voice slightly breathy as the man slowly walked up to her.

"I am here to talk to the Shrine's Priestess, there is something her and I must discuss." The man considered something as he glanced around, "But you seem too young to be in charge, so please direct me to her." Kagome glared suddenly surprising the guest.

"I am the Priestess in charge here, speak your business." Kagome didn't like the air coming from the man. But *Musubi-No-Kami help me if I find this older man slightly erotic, well he was just asking for it, I am only seventeen and he is the most handsome man I have ever seen, and I have seen a good many men. The man smirked at her reaction to his actions. Sango was right when she told me about Kagome, he thought amused.

"I still do not believe that someone so young and," The man gave Kagome a quick one over, "so gorgeous would be in this stiffly position." Kagome flushed at his antics.

"Well I am in charge and it does not matter if I be ugly or beautiful, I am in charge." Kagome spoke more harshly then meant too. Well he is gritting my last nerves, bah he thinks he is so gorgeous, okay maybe he is but he is not fooling me, Kagome thought determinedly. Kagome added as an after thought. "But why would someone as . . . Gifted as you be searching for me?" Kagome noticed the intake of breath from her guest but chose to ignore it. Okay maybe I used the wrong word are you going to sue me? Kagome turned around before he could make out another word.

"Higurashi-San, I know about your family." Her guests' voice was smooth and calming. He saw her foot shudder, smirking slightly he moved forward to block her path. "Let me introduce myself. I am SesshoMaru *Takamada and you would be Higurashi Kagome. Correct?" Kagome glared at him in a sad attempt to ward him off. Sighing in defeat she spoke.

"Hai I am Kagome." She left the confirming of `Higurashi' alone, SesshoMaru noticed. "I would still like to know why you would want to speak to me about something that doesn't concern me." Kagome swallowed discreetly, it was still hard brushing off my family like they were never there.

"I believe that it would be more appropriate if we went inside one of the buildings to discuss this. It is a private matter."

"Follow me," Kagome lead him to her painting room. If she was going to have to talk to this jackass she will do it in the comfort of her painting room. "It is going to be a little messy, this is my painting room, don't give me no lip about it. I was going in here before I was interrupted."

The room was covered with various portraits she had made and photographs she had done when she was younger. Her ambition was to become a world known artist but she had a change of plans when her family up and left her. Throwing off her coat on a dry paint covered chair she walked to the mirror on the far west wall to grab an apron. She was taught at a very young age to never dirty her priestess outfits.

SesshoMaru watched her routine with amused eyes. She could be a very lively woman, SesshoMaru pondered while glancing at various portraits of people, she looks to be sixteen or seventeen. Pouting slightly at this thought, to young for my twenty-three, too bad.

"So what did you want to talk about?" Kagome started sketching on an empty canvas. Maybe I'll draw a handsome young man and gorgeous woman sharing a lovers' embrace, no to romantic. Kagome glanced over at her guest and started sketching him. With his long lean body and stunning features he is the perfect model, Kagome mused.

"Well I assume that Sango-San has told you of your Mother's up coming marriage." SesshoMaru watched for any sign of Kagome's inner conflict but only saw a brief, and quite curt, nod. "That is why Sango-San is not here, she was asked to go and being the kind person she is she went. But before she left she called me over from the states to watch over a friend. The said friend was supposedly a violent person who only liked Sango's company.

"I agreed of course because she blackmailed me." SesshoMaru smirked when Kagome turned around at the violent person part of his little story. "I came here thinking that I was babysitting a two year old and I get a what thirty year old?"

"I am seventeen Mister Takamada." Kagome gripped the pencil she held. "Okay, so what? My only friend, Sango, goes to my "Mom's" wedding! I do not care. I don't have the time to talk to you. I have to study for exams and the next festival. Please go away." SesshoMaru shook his head sadly before going to the shoji door.

"I'll be by tomorrow to check up on you." With that he was gone.

Kagome dropped to the floor. Okay maybe I didn't handle that with any tact at all but damn that man was a jackass! An arrogant one at that. Kagome sighed before weakly getting off the cold floor.

"I guess I will, Takamada." SesshoMaru heard her; he was only at the other side of the door when she spoke it. Maybe I will prolong my visits, wait until she is at least eighteen before I start flirting with her, SesshoMaru headed to this flaming red viper with a better mood then he had since he was fifteen.

Kagome waited till it was midnight before she left the shrine to visit a friend. Okay maybe it wasn't a friend but the guy was pretty close. He may never talk back to me but his presence always seemed to calm me, and tonight I needed some calming, she thought briefly.

The shrine Kagome was headed to actually owned by her dad, my dad visited me more than my mom. My dad was a popular CEO of Japanese Import Inc. The only reason why I ever live on Yushima Tenjin Shrine is because he pays for the bills and once every two months he came to visit his "poor daughter." He was nice and all but I wished I had SesshoMaru Takamada visiting me instead. Kagome stopped on her journey down Kasuga-Dori Ave. blushing madly she shook her head. Thinking such thoughts were bad for you, Kagome scolded herself as she stopped in front of the burnt out shrine.

Heading to the back of the small house that's when Kagome saw it, the God Tree. It was a huge tree that with stood the test of time and made it to the modern ages. But that wasn't why I am here, it's the person stuck to the tree that I am visiting. Okay I know it sounds outrageous but yeah there is this guy that is actually stuck to the tree with, guess what, an arrow! But on to the good stuff, I think I knew him but I have never really heard his voice I just have this feeling of recognizing him in a past life of something. I may be a weirdo but I just have this immensely big feeling like I had met him.

He has these really hilarious dog-ears on top of his head, all fuzzy and white. Too kawaii for words! And he is wearing, Kagome thought, a Hinezumi No Koromo. I sometimes wonder what it would feel like to comb his hair with my fingers I feel the same way with SesshoMaru. Shaking the nonsense from my head I sat in front of the boy I dubbed "InuYasha", don't know why but the name came to me when I saw him. I cannot remember what it means right now but it just screamed "The Boy Stuck To The Tree", don't ask me why.

"So InuYasha, I know I can feel you don't like talking about some stupid guy but I have to say, I met the most pompous arrogant jackass this side of the world!" Kagome giggled at the thought of a donkey dressed up in that pressed dress shirt and spotless black slacks. "He actually had the same hair as you, now that I think of it! Wouldn't that be wild if you guys were actually related some how? But then you would be his how many great grandpa or uncle.

"You know InuYasha sometimes I wish you could be alive, to respond to me." Kagome sighed but jumped when she heard the sound of footsteps coming to her. "Ja Matte Ne InuYasha! I have to go. See you later."

SesshoMaru walked up to his sad excuse for a half brother. He delicately sniffed to see if anyone else had been there before him, he smelled Green Tea-Cucumber Melon. Kagome was here? That is awfully odd, SesshoMaru thought bring out a hand to comb through his silky hair.

"So Half Breed, how's it hanging? Not to good, thought so. You know a Kagome?" He waited a beat for the rumbling, when none came he went closer to inspect the face of his sleeping company. InuYasha's eyes were wide open, staring at his dangling hands.

"How am I awake?" InuYasha looked up into the identical yet vastly different eyes of his sworn enemy, his brother.

"I do not know, that woman Kagome was here a few moments before me. Maybe she is the reincarnation of your dead wench." SesshoMaru shrugged it aside, "But did you smell her here before me? Were you awake when she was here?"

"I think so. I remember her saying something like `I met the most pompous arrogant jackass this side of the world'," InuYasha rubbed his chin before looking at SesshoMaru, "I think she was talking about you. But you know why the hell are you here in the first place? And what the hell is up with these smells?"

"You are not in the forest anymore, this is the twenty-first century, we are not in Sengoku." SesshoMaru pointed towards his clothing, "As you can see clothing has changed as well."

"Feh, whatever, just get me down!" Trying to wiggle free had sent sharp pains of purification power through him, so he stopped.

"Can't, Kagome must have un-knowingly woken you up. For what reason I don't know." SesshoMaru turned around to leave, "I am going."

"You! Come back and help me!" But InuYasha's pleas were lost to the wind as Sesshomaru entered into his viper. So what am I going to do now, he thought sadly.

It had been two years seen then, Kagome thought looking at her outfit, nothing fancy just a pair of jean and a white tank top it's sensible. Yelling for Sango to help her with her long hair she went to get her brush.

"Whatcha want Kag Chan?" Sango walked in looking vibrant in her black straight legs and pink cashmere sweater.

"Can you braid my hair for me? It gets hard towards the bottom," Kagome motioned to her now knee length hair. She did envy SesshoMaru's so she had grown it that long, something Takamada laughed about.

"Fine," Sango said with a dramatic sigh attached, as she started braiding she asked a question that was bothering her. "Why are wanting to come with me anyway? You never wanted to come before."

"Well before I didn't have other priestesses manning the shrine too, remember after I got out of college my Dad finally got me some more priestesses like he promised?" Kagome looked at her hair that was braided, smiling as she thought of what SesshoMaru would say.

"Yeah, yeah, I got you. Now let's go, SesshoMaru would hate for us to be late picking him up." Sango smiled suddenly, "Well he'd be mad at you, he wuvs you!"

"Oh shut up! I am way to young for him besides we are only friends and after I freed his brother I don't think he will be too happy with me." Kagome shrugged at the thought. Sango sensing another memory coming up grabbed her friend by the arm and dragged her to her car only to be stopped by a middle aged woman, a teenager, and a middle aged man. Kagome saw them and bowed respectfully.

"I am deeply sorry but I am leaving the shrine right now, there are other priestesses on the shrine grounds that would be happy to assist you." Kagome steered around them but stopped as the woman said one name to the teenager that had her tearing up.

"Sota I am sorry but I assume that the Head Priestess is going to be gone." Her Mom that said that, didn't see know that I am the head? "Honey let's leave."

"Right dear," the middle-aged man spoke to the woman with love and the teenager just stared at Kagome with a look of hurt. Kagome not knowing what to do gestured for the teenager to come closer.

"Yeah?" The boy's voice was breaking, he was probably hitting fifteen, and he had a head of dark thick brown hair that resembled the mother's, her mothers'.

"I think I am your sister, Sota. You are Higurashi right?"

"No," Sota shook his head but then smiled, "But it was before my mom got married."

"Why are you looking for the Priestess in charge?"

"Well I do not really remember my sister but she was left here. I really wish I had an older sister because all I got is younger stepbrothers who are a pain. You kind of remind me of Kagome but you are too old."

"Yeah I am too old," Kagome said then turned around to look at the woman who was staring at her intently. "Hey Sota San? You really want to know something, I know your sister and she says she really misses her younger squirt of a brother. Says he would be mad to learn that she is thinking of getting married and not even telling you. She also says she is sorry," Kagome looked at the brother she had missed for four years and smiled sadly while lowering her voice so only he would hear, "She also says that she is right in front of you and don't tell anyone. Well I have to go. Ja Matte Ne!"

With that she left a depressed teenager and a couple that was looking strangely at the priestess. Kagome sighed sadly when they were in her own *1972 Camaro, it was done in a cherry red that would change to a subtle pink in different shades of light, the interior was all black. Kagome looked over at Sango who was staring at the people.

"It is not my fault," Kagome began but stopped.

"I know, they deserted you but Kag Chan you know that Sessho Kun doesn't like vengeful people." Sango smiled slightly.

"Oh shut up Sango Chan, you know you would have done the same." Kagome started towards American Airlines. It had been two years since she had seen SesshoMaru's vibrant molten orbs, two years since she had seen him, two years since she had called someone a "Pompous Arrogant Jackass"; she had saved that for only SesshoMaru.

She had been so young when she met him, a pathetic seventeen without a life. She had painting, she still had the portrait that was he, but she had never the company that SesshoMaru supplied. It seemed being him and life was continuous joke just a joke and yet there were times when he was serious beyond belief. She missed him. After she learned he went back to the states - - actually the bustling New York, New York - - she had realized she held feelings for the guy. It took her a while but when she turned eighteen she found that all the presents that her Father gave her were nothing compared to what she really wanted. SesshoMaru.

Okay maybe that sounded absolutely clique but to hell with it! She loved the Jackass and just wished he felt the same. But if life was a joke to him, what if I was a joke too? Would I be able to live through with the knowledge that the one person I could never live without didn't love me? Kagome wondered all this questions and more as she parked her classic, got her Gucci coat, sunglasses (even through it was Winter) and hat. The hat was more like a defense, it shaded her eyes from view and her sunglasses made sure no one saw her, perfect outfit.

Sango somehow sensing the mood that this was going through Kagome hooked an arm around her arm. Patting it soothingly, she spoke:

"I know how you feel, if you want any help dealing with feelings. Talk to me, remember I have the crush on the biggest playboy in the world!" Sango laughed to lighten the mood; Kagome joined in spite of her self.

"I know you are trying to help Sango Chan but, like I said, I need to know if he will return my feelings." Kagome sat down while her friend stood, the priestess thought briefly of the golden stare that had come to haunt her dreams. "He may always remember me as the scared seventeen year old and Amatsu-Kami knows that I am not that. I have grown up and did you know that I played matchmaker with InuYasha and Kikyo, though they didn't need my help. They practically pounced each other when I introduced them." Sango smiled at the picture but turned to look at the pouring of people coming from her right.

The adult, now nineteen year old, watched the crowed with a smile. This is the same kind of time of the year when I first met SesshoMaru. But then I was a scared woman not looking for life, now, I am a woman embracing life and looking for love, Kagome thought somewhat sadly. That's when she saw him and her. SesshoMaru was with a woman, a fairly young one at that. Seeing the woman hang onto him brought a painful stab to Kagome's heart.

The woman had short shoulder length black hair it was up in a one-sided ponytail, her clothes were New Yorker; but the thing that caught Kagome the most was that the woman seemed totally in love with SesshoMaru. Sango saw this and quickly, and discreetly looked at the hurting woman, with something akin to sadness.

"Hey Sango," SesshoMaru waved to her with his free hand and arm, "Where's Kagome?" So he didn't even recognize me after all those nights talking to each other, Kagome thought sadly. She got up at the mention of her name and started walking away without so much as a "Hello". Sango followed her while throwing over her shoulder.

"Kagome's driving and hope you got your stuff already because we be leaving now." Sango caught up to the raging woman before she punched out an innocent window in her prized car. "Kag Chan breath in and out! Not just in! I know I have the same feeling every time I see Miroku groping another girl. But Kagome I know this may not help but realize that if he cannot be happy with you why would you want him unhappy?" Kagome violently took of her sunglasses revealing tears welling up in her eyes and slowly making their way out.

"I know that but," Kagome back away and viciously wiped away any traces of her tears, "He could've called you and told you about that woman! I wouldn't have had to come and suffer this way! He is still the Pompous Arrogant Jackass, but you know what, he is a rude and insufferable one at that!" Kagome went to the drivers' side while wiping away tears. "Oh and Sango, I am not going to be talking so you best hope that he won't say a single word to me."

SesshoMaru had seen the beautiful woman sitting elegantly behind Sango and thought it to be some foreign woman. The expensive hat, sunglass and coat were all Gucci so he had assumed, and we all know what assuming does. Okay so what if his second cousin had love for him, Rin had always wanted to see Tokyo and he had told her he was going and he wouldn't mind company. He hadn't expected Kagome to act so violently.

The way she just up and left and Sango trailing behind her had been some good proof that something was wrong. Rin looked up at him with wide innocent eyes full of sisterly love for her SesshoMaru Sama.

"SesshoMaru Sama why is that woman mad?" Rin considered something then looked sad. "Is it because Rin is here?"

"No Rin-Chan," Or at least he hoped not. Quickly grabbing his luggage and Rin grabbed her they walked out of the door and see a scene by a '72 Cherry Red Camaro. Sango was trying to talk some sense into Kagome it seemed like, SesshoMaru briefly heard his named called a couple times and chose to ignore the feelings inside of him. Why would Kagome upset about my coming, he thought before calling to Sango as Kagome got into the drivers' seat.

Rin saw the tension coming off of the said Kagome, she could see something between her favorite cousin and a woman she deemed nice but something was bothering her.

"Sango Chan?" Rin called, "Rin is hungry. When are we going to eat?"

"Oh after Kagome drops us at home. I'll make something to eat." Sango glanced at Kagome worry etched into her eyes. Kagome if only I could tell you, she thought miserably.

"Is Kagome going to eat with us?" Rin wanted to know more about this pretty woman. Before Sango could reply Kagome spoke in a soft manner that lied to the world about what really was going on in her mind.

"No I am not, I have a shrine to run." Turning down the lane that housed Sango's apartment she stopped as she came to a complex. "Call me later Sango, but remember that I have a meeting with my Dad about a J. I. I. together in a few days. See you."

Rin was the first one to get out and then Sango, but SesshoMaru just sat there staring at the rear view mirror that Kagome could see out of.

"You can leave now, I have some business to do." She didn't even spare him a goodbye that she had last time she had to say a parting.

"I know I just do not understand you." With that SesshoMaru was out. As soon as his luggage and his feet were safely planted on the sidewalk Kagome left quickly. "What is wrong with her?"

"I cannot say anything, sworn on the punishment of getting fried with her priestess powers." Sango said while going into her apartment, "But I will ask you this, how would you feel if you saw her with a guy holding onto her that you didn't know?" SesshoMaru got it then.

Kagome walked towards her painting room to get some supplies and maybe to burn some portraits. Kami why would I ever act like that, the miserably sad priestess thought to her self. Detouring to her room to change into her miko garbs she did need to do some duties and just because she was distraught about something didn't and shouldn't get in her way. As soon as she walked outside to sweep the walk way it started to snow.

"It's pleasant out here," Kagome moved to a natural rhythm that only she knew.

After SesshoMaru changed out of his traveling clothes he left to the shrine that had started all his fantasies, dreams, and heartache. Well not heartache, SesshoMaru thought turning down a corner, this SesshoMaru does not get "heartache." It started snowing as he rounded another corner, bring him close to his destination, but his half brother was in front of him blocking his way.

"So bro, why you headed toward Kag's shrine?" His brother actually had the audacity to ask him that? SesshoMaru growled in warning. "I just stopped by real quick, Kagome-Chan looked really messed up. What did you do?"

"None of your business Half-Breed." SesshoMaru walked around him but InuYasha jumped in front of him, again.

"Look SesshoMaru, I am not saying anything about Kagome's feelings and everything but after you left she was as messed up as she is now, maybe less. But whatever you are going to do make sure not to be stupid about it." InuYasha left in the wind as he said that.

Kagome, SesshoMaru saw her as soon as he crossed the torii she is as beautiful as she was when I first met her. Kagome felt a stinging sensation as SesshoMaru closed in on her. It is like when He comes, Kagome swung around to see no one.

"Right, maybe I need a nap." Kagome walked towards the main shrine house when a voice stopped her.

"Are you really that mad that my second cousin came with me?" It was His voice. Oh Kami why do you do this to me? Kagome turned around slowly, to be met with the sight of SesshoMaru; his black dress shirt showing of his nice features and his white coat fitting him nicely.

"The woman that hung off of you like she was your fiancée was your second cousin?" Kagome shook her head, "Do you think I am that stupid? I am not seventeen anymore. That woman had black as night hair and you hair …" Kagome just let it end pathetically.

"And my hair what?"

"You hair is like the clouds on a warm summer's day, it looks like the expensive silk you wore the first day I met you, it looks like you." Kagome blushed as she realized what she had said. "Not that I remember what you wore or what and who you really are."

"Kagome I never said anything, I just came to see you again." SesshoMaru took a couple steps closer, reaching arms length from Kagome. "My cousin Rin had always wanted to see Tokyo, my hometown. I said it was okay, I never thought that you would react the way you did." Kagome glared at him.

"You Pompous Arrogant Insufferably Rude Jackass!" Kagome pushed on SesshoMaru making him fall over on the snow-covered ground, but before he fell he grabbed onto Kagome's sleeve making her fall as well. "Ouch! Why the hell …"

SesshoMaru silenced her with a kiss. Putting his passion, which had been bottled up seen he left, in it showing her what he had come to really show her.

"You really just needed to shut up." SesshoMaru smiled at the outraged expression on his love's face.

"Why you," Kagome stopped at the smile. "You should smile more often Sessho Kun."

"Sessho Kun?"

"Yeah! Don't you remember me calling you that when I was younger?"

"Hai but I was hoping that you forgot." SesshoMaru sighed dramatically to show her he was only joking.

"Well I could never forget anything that involved you," Kagome blushed and hide her face in Sesshomaru's coat to hide it.

"Like wise with you." SesshoMaru wrapped his arms around Kagome's waist. "You know Kagome, if we are going to get married, I will have to become a priest? That is so odd."

"Married?" Kagome smiled at the man on the bottom of her. "Or I can just leave the shrine to my father and we can leave somewhere else."

"Oh no. We met here and we indirectly declared our love for one another here. I would never allow you to get rid of the shrine."

"Fine but what are we going to do?"

"Let's think of that later," SesshoMaru closed his eyes when Kagome sighed contently.

"So I am going to be Kagome Takamada," Kagome smiled at her fortune at finding her soul mate.



Amatsu-Kami: The sun goddess

Ume: A Japanese Peach

Musubi-No-Kami: God of Love and Marriage

Takamada: This last name is from Striking Falcon! Yes THE Striking Falcon let me use the name she made up. Isn't she great?

1972 Camaro: This car is actually my brothers', though his isn't painted a cool cherry red-it use to be cherry red but now it is just primer gray. Still cool.

Also, I do know that the point of views change through out the story-I made it like that-so please don't point it out to me that it is like that. Also since I do not have an editor I know there are some mistakes but I have finally taken the time to re-read my stuff before posting it so sorry if there are mistakes. And I learned some interesting things, like the true meaning of SesshoMaru's name! Yes I know the meaning. It's "Destruction Man." I have this really great InuYasha book I love it!

And I can finally get on my other computer, meaning the next chapter of PBP (Past Becomes' Present). Other then that, I have nothing to say other than-have a great Spring Break that is if you are on Spring Break.