Invader Zim Fan Fiction ❯ Middle ❯ Middle ( Chapter 1 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
This is Part 2 of 3. Warnings for a massive time jump. Red and Purple are Tallest and Zim is on Earth. Feed back is what I thrive on, so please let me now what you think. If there is something I should change or a mistake that I can correct let me know. This is in part loosely based off of an unaired episode of the series, The Trial. Also, several lines come straight from the script for the unaired episode of THE TRIAL. Also, this quickly degenerated from the set plot so m''s also very different from Part 1. Edited for your pleasure!
Red sighed as he glanced at Purple. The other Tallest was acting strangely again. It happened every time they called Zim. They would finish laughing at Zim and then Purple would get quiet and stare off at nothing. He watched as his co-leader left their chairs on the Bridge. Purple quietly hovered off and Red knew that the other Tallest was heading for their shared rooms.
Red closed his eyes and stood. It was time that he got to the bottom of this. He gave a quick order to the Communications Officer to alert him if anything vital came up, and that Taller Grek was in charge until one of them came back.
The crimson Tallest hovered to the rooms slowly. He had no idea how he was going to approach the subject with Purple. Usually he and Purple shared everything (except snacks), so how was he going to talk to the violet Tallest if the other didn't want to talk? Red found himself staring at the door to their room. His trip had taken less time than he had hoped. It was possible that he was just that out of it. Their rooms were deep in the Massive, and like the name suggested, the ship was enormous. At the size of a small moon it took a while to get anywhere inside the mighty war-ship. He gave himself a reassuring thought and opened the door.
The main room was lavish, drapery, chairs and tables for entertaining. Past that was Red and Purple's personal room where they shared a gigantic bed. It was on the bed that he found Purple laying face down devoid of his hover belt and Tallest robes. The other was only wearing his under clothing which was a simple black shirt with black pants. His fingers were bare but his hands were wrapped in bandages to keep his thumbs from growing back. Irkens could heal from almost any nonfatal wound. They didn't scar and could regenerate limbs given enough time and nourishment.
Red watched Purple for a moment longer before he took off his own armor and Tallest robes. Red quietly sat down beside Purple, curling up in the middle of the bed that was big even for them.
"Why do you do this Pur? What's wrong? Don't say nothing! I'm sick of watching you not be yourself!" Red said leaning forward so that if Purple turned his head they would be looking into each other's eyes.
"Hmmmnassderk!" Purple shouted into the pillow he was currently trying to smother himself on. He didn't want to talk to Red. He didn't know how to talk to the other Tallest about what was bothering him. Purple was pretty sure the other wouldn't understand. How did you explain to someone that all those old stories about Ya'Pey weren't freaky tales, that they did exist and that you were only half of a whole?
"Come on Purple, don't be like this. I'll...I'll....if you don't talk to me I'll hide your puppets!" Red threatened, his antennae laid back in distress. Purple turned his head from the pillow to glare at the one who dared threaten his puppets.
"You wouldn't dare," Purple growled even though he knew Red would hide his puppets and he would hide them in a place that Purple would never find.
"You know I would. Its just.... your kinda scaring me Pur. You're never quiet or really sad. The last time I ever really saw you upset was waaaay just before we became Tallest. And I never did figure out why you were so sad then.... please, just... please..." Red asked mournfully. He hated it when his only true friend was sad. Everything felt weird and wrong and Purple never let him try and make things better.
"He used to be our friend," Purple started, his face softening as he spoke.
"Then he abused the power we gave him and blew up half of Irk!" Red replied hotly. Purple glared at Red even though he knew it was true.
"He never used to be like this! I know you remember Red, he used to be our friend...." Purple hissed, his eyes sharp yet soft as he remembered Before.
"And now he's not. End of story. He's Defective Purple, even you can see that." Red said calmly, tugging on Purple's shoulder trying to get the other to sit up.
"People don't suddenly get Defective Red!" Purple shouted, his voice nearly cracking. It hurt deeply to think that the crimson eyed one could forsake a friendship so easily. Would Red drop Purple if he knew that the violet Tallest wasn't normal either?
"So he hid it well. Some times its hard to tell. If thats whats bothering you I'll fix it. Zim won't be a problem any more," Red stated and got dressed. He gave Purple one last look before he left for the Bridge.
Purple's eyes were wide as what Red said echoed in his mind. 'Zim won't be a problem any more'. His breathing was irratic as his squeedilyspooch tightened. Was Red going to order Zim killed? Or would he tell the short Irken the truth? Purple had to stop his co-Tallest before Red did something that he would never be able to forgive him for.
On the Bridge Red finished his message to Zim with a foreboding grin. He sat in his chair contentedly. He drank his soda and ate some nachos, grinning the entire time. It was perfect. Zim would finally be out of their antennae. In one months time, the little Soldier of Doom would have an Existence Evaluation. Red continued to smile even as Purple barged onto the Bridge, deathly quiet.
"What did you do Red?" Purple hissed quietly in front of Red, his claws scratching the soft outside metal of his gauntlets deeply.
"Don't worry Purr, it's all taken care of. You won't have to be sad any more. And we won't have to keep fooling Zim any more," Red explained without really explaining anything.
"What did you do Red?" Purple snarled just as quietly. If Red had done anything truly horrible....
"It's what Zim deserves Purple, nothing more." Red assured Purple, though he was starting to have second thoughts. What if this made the other worse? Naaah, there was no way that Purple was that attached to the little idiot.
Purple fumed and left the Bridge silently. Red knew that his co-Tallest would go vent and come back a few hours later completely normal. Thats always how it happened. He pondered to himself for a few moments that Purple had been pretty adment about how they were wrong to abuse Zim the way they were. He shrugged to himself and had the Navigator plot a course to Judgementia. It would take a little less than a month and Zim would finally be gone. Red sipped his soda, life was good.
True to predictions Purple came back a few hours later with doughnuts, his usual happy self.
Purple sat in his chair eating his doughnuts and proceeded to ignore Red. Until Red would tell him what he had done, Purple wasn't speaking to him.
It was hard not talking or listening to Red for three weeks but Purple managed. The crimson Tallest however, was a wreck. He couldn't get Purple to talk to him, couldn't get the violet Tallest to listen to him. If the underlings didn't cower and salute, Red would have thought he was invisible. he was tired of the silence, but everything he tried was ignored. At least they were finally at Judgementia.
Stifling a sigh Red commanded a messenger drone to tell Purple that they were needed on Judgementia. He stood and headed for the air to ground teleporter. The other was waiting there for Red. Together they stepped onto it and were teleported to a stand before the Spike of Judgement. Smoke curled around the bottom of their robes, hiding the fact that they were hovering.
The crowd of Irkens before them in the stands cheered at their arrival and waved wildly.
"Thank you, thank you," Red acknowledged and gave small waves back to the crowd which only made them cheer louder.
"Now BE QUIET!!" Purple shouted louder than was necessary with the microphone in front of them. Purple shot Red a curious look but was as silent as the now quiet crowd. Three Control Brains hovered ominously above them, the judge and jury of all courts.
"Bring forth the restrained," The Left Control Brain thundered.
Two massive guards brought in a familiar short blindfolded Irken. The guards dropped the unknown Irken on its knees before the Control Brains and the Tallest.
"Zim. Your time has come. Prepare yourself for all you deserve," The Control Brains said in unison. Zim's blindfold and restraints came loose, letting everyone see the confused look on his face.
Purple froze inside. An Existence Evaluation Trial? Zim didn't deserve that! It was a horrible way to die, and usually only reserved for the worst criminals... On the outside he was perfectly calm, but inside he was panicking. His only hope was that the Control Brains found Zim to be harmless.
"Prepare for Replay. All your memories will be made known. Your life for all to see and know," The Control Brains declared darkly. Red snuck a glance at Purple and was relieved to see that the other was okay.
"The whole thing?!" Zim asked, a hint of fear in his voice. His eyes betrayed nothing, but even the crowd could hear the emotion in his voice. Red wondered what the other could be afraid of, usually one couldn't get Zim to stop bragging about his 'greatness'. A memory surfaced and Red's eyes widened slightly as he recalled what Zim was undoubtedly terrified of being made public.
"Uhh...due to the graphic nature of some of those memories they will not all be shown to the public!" Red declared. Zim looked relieved and the Control Brains were confused for a moment before Red called up the information at the podium and sent it to the Brains. The Brains nodded their consent and continued to hover ominously. The crowd booed a little but quieted up quickly with a harsh look from Purple. They had wanted to see the bloodshed that Zim had undoubtedly caused.
Cables roped down from the ceiling and locked onto Zim's pack. They hoisted the small Irken into the air and a monitor began to display the small Soldier's life.
His birth, the clogging of the smeet tube, and breaking onto the surface of Irk as a smeet with Skoodge.
"You caused Horrible Painful Overload Day part one and two! Together those day put Irk through nine terrible years of darkness," The Right Control Brain stated. The Brain's eyes glowed eerily and even the Tallest were hard pressed to hold back a shudder. They were creepy.
"Those were accidents! How was Zim to know that clogging a tube could black out Irk? Or that one Security Droid could do that much damage? Besides! Irkens like darkness! This is good stuff!" Zim defended himself, hanging limply from the cords attached to his PAK. He didn't dare struggle to much in case the cords jolted his PAK.
"Good stuff?" The Middle Control Brain asked.
"It thinks there is good stuff," The Left Control Brain explained.
"It is doomed" The Control Brains stated factually.
Zim shrunk a little as the crowd of Irkens started to laugh. The Tallest were laughing(though each for different reasons) and eventually even the Control Brains joined in. Things did not look good and Zim knew that there was much to go through yet.
The screens flickered with more images. This time of Zim's time as a Military Scientist. The images pass by of Zim's infinite energy absorbing thingy eating the infinite energy producing thingy and growing out of control and eating the then Tallest Miyuki.
Zim looked uncomfortable as the Tallest and the crowd gawked at him. He was responsible for the death of a Tallest and he was still alive?!
"Miyuki got eaten because of you!" Red accused and the crowd booed and growled. Purple was even shocked, Zim had never mentioned that during their times as Elite.
"Ehhh...." Zim had no way to prove that he hadn't done it. The Blob had eaten Miyuki, even though it shouldn't have. When Zim had made it the thing should have only been able to eat energy. After all what good was an infinite energy absorbing thingy that ate stuff it wasn't supposed to?
The replaying of Zim's memories was quickly getting him into trouble. He didn't understand why they were only showing all the bad things that had happened though. Heck, why was he even here in the first place?
"This is a horrible revelation. There will be a break as we confer on this matter," The Brains stated and several Irkens in the crowd left to get snacks. The Tallest left their podium and headed off into the darkness. The cords dropped Zim unkindly to the ground and retreated back to the ceiling. He was chained and left in the middle of the room with the Brains glaring down at him. Zim shrank a little from them and turned away to watch a pair of Irkens return with snacks in hand.
"So what do you think? Is Zim Defective or innocent?" The first Irken asked his friend.
"Zim? Defective, totally. The Trial is just a formality so they can get rid of him officially. Red tape and all that." The second Irken replied as they climbed into their seats at the bottom edge of the stands.
"Formality? What nonsense, Zim has done no wrong!" Zim tried to reassure himself. He watched as the Tallest returned to their podium, drinks in hand.
"Lets get formality over with!" Red declared just loud enough for Zim to catch. He froze, his eyes wide and unseeing. Purple glared at Red, though there was a tinge of fear there as he realized that his Ya'Pey was unlikely to get out of this.
"Evaluation has resumed. Prepare for more of the terrible replay!" The Brains declared and the cords that had previously attached to Zim descended from the ceiling and reattached themselves to Zim's PAK.
"But...his data makes my brain hurt. We need more brains to filter the pain..." The Right Control Brain whined. The other two Control Brains ignored it and started playing more of Zim's life across the screen monitors.
Flashes of Zim blowing things up flew across the screen to fast to even tell what was being destroyed. The images slowed as images of Tallest Spork addressing the Invaders who had passed the exam. Spork was speaking when the roof above him collapsed and the same blob that had eaten Miyuki descended and swallowed Spork in one chomp. There was a fast forward to Operation Impending Doom 1 where Zim was destroying Irk in a huge Battle Mech. The screen went blank after that.
"You were responsible for the doom of two Almighty Tallest?" The Brains fumed, clearly surprised even though according to the general populace they were supposed to be all knowing.
Every Irken in the room stared at the screen as it continued to show all the horrors that Zim had created. Purple didn't know what to do. He was torn. When it was put together like that it looked like Zim had done some trully horrendous things, even by Irken standards. What was he going to do if it came down to the ever growing possibility of De-activation?
"Zim is great! Obey the Greatness of Zim!" Zim shouted from where he was hanging. Purple snuck a look over at Red who looked pretty pale at having watched all of what the little terror of Irk had done.
"We have reached a decision," The Brains stated, stopping Zim from continuing. They swiveled down until the massive creations were level with the hanging Zim. Somehow, despite the absence of shadows the Brains managed to stay relatively obscured which made everything they did and said creepy. Zim had stopped breathing and was waiting for the ruling.
Purple gulped nervously while Red looked on with barely contained excitement. Finally, Zim would be out of their hands. Red glanced at his violet companion and was surprised to see that Purple looked almost as afraid as Zim. What the derk? Why would Purple be scared? It couldn't be that he was afraid to see someone die as the violet eyed Tallest had seen plenty of that in their Elite days. Purple had even killed before, so what was going through his mind?
"Our ruling; Irken Zim's PAK is damaged and has led to a corrupt data path. He is...DEFECTIVE. For his heinous crimes... Irken Zim's data is not allowed into the collective. His PAK will be removed and erased," The Control Brains declared clearly, leaving no room for mistake. Red was on the verge of cheering, as was the crowd of bloodthirsty Irkens. While Purple's squeedilyspooch felt like it was made of stone.
"But I can't live with out my PAK!" Zim cried out, horrified at the turn of events. The petit Irken struggled against the cable that was holding him in its vice like grip. A special claw for detaching PAKs dropped down and slowly coiled near him. Zim snarled, he refused to go like this! Suddenly, the cable that had been connected to his PAK released and he fell to the floor. Landing on his hands and feet he quickly flipped over so that his back, and more importantly his PAK, was protected. When Zim fell it caused Purple to snap out of his shock. Purple gave a quick glance over to Red who looked annoyed but unconcerned that the small one had escaped. Purple readied himself, and kept an eye on Zim and Red. The claw jerked down quickly, hounding Zim as the short Irken dodged and leapt away skillfully. The crowd cheered the claw on, clearly liking the fight that Zim was putting up before he died. While Zim was distracted by the claw that wanted to de-PAK him, several thin cables dropped down out of his line of sight to tangle up his limbs. Zim looked up in horror as the claw reared up, poised to strike.
"NO!!" Purple shouted, arms spread out protectively as he stood between the de-PAKing claw and Zim. The crowd fell silent as they stared, confused at what was happening.
"Tallest Purple. Remove yourself," The Control Brains demanded, trying to snake the claw around Purple but failing as the purple Tallest danced in front of it every time.
"Dookie! What the Blorch do you think you're doing Purple? Get out of the way!" Red shouted and jumped down from the podium to bodily move Purple out of the way. Purple shook his head vehemently and stayed between Zim and the claw. Zim didn't know what was going on. Wasn't Purple working with Red and the Brains? He looked up to see pain and righteous fury etched onto the violet eyed one's normally happy face. He stood nervously behind his Tallest's robes, glancing up every now and then. Zim barely came past Purple's knee.
"I won't let this happen Red. It's wrong!" Purple growled, his arms coming back to his body in a defensive stance.
"You heard the brains Purple. He's Defective! Its for the betterment of the Empire, and that comes first!" Red snarled, sick of the other Tallest being soft about Zim. The crimson Tallest's fingers curled to better use his claws should it come down to it.
While Red was distracting Purple, the Brains used the opportunity to grab Zim in the cables so he couldn't escape the claw. Zim struggled loudly, shouting and cursing at the cables that dared attack him. The claw reached back and unhooked Zim's PAK in one quick swoop. The cables then dropped Zim to the ground carelessly as the claw retreated with the PAK to delete it.
10:00 minutes......
"NOOO!! ZIM!" Purple screamed, and turned, horrified that he had been so caught up in trying to save Zim that he had forgotten to protect his little Ya'Pey from the Control Brains too. Red grabbed Purple from behind, pinning his arms to his sides and hovering above the ground so he couldn't get any grip to fight properly.
"It'll be over soon. He won't suffer. To much." Red tried to assure Purple, thinking that was what was bothering the other. The violet eyed Irken never really liked to watch people suffer, and Red had always assumed it came from being a Medical-Drone.
"Give it back! Give it back to him!" Purple screamed, struggling against Red while Zim was struggling to stand. The small Irken's eyes were slightly dazed and his hands were beginning to shake.
"The decision has been made Purple. There's nothing you can do." Red told Purple, trying to get the other to give up. It wasn't easy trying to pin the other, especially since Purple was extremely well trained for just a simple Medic-Drone.
"Nooo! Rrhaaa!" Purple continued to thrash, kick, claw and bite the other. The crowd watched on in fascination, this had to be the strangest E.E.T. they had ever watched.
"Stop it Purr! I don't wanna hurt you!" Red yelled in Purple's antennae, struggling to hold onto the trashing Irken. Zim had begun to shake all over, his eyes were wide and looked like they were slightly sunken in. Zim was clutching his stomach tightly as if in pain while he stared at the two struggling Tallest before him.
"Give it back to him!" Purple all but roared and swung madly trying to break free. Red's eyes widened as Purple broke an arm free and moved to elbow him in the face. Deciding he could fight better with his hands free Red pushed the thrashing other away from him. Purple turned, ready to launch himself at Red when the cables that had helped to de-PAK Zim wrapped around Purple to stop him from hurting someone. Specifically, Red.
"Tallest Purple is infected with the Vortian Rage Fever. A Medic-Drone is on its way to stabilize Tallest Purple." The Left Brain stated. Red sighed, so that was what was wrong with Purple. Vortian Rage Fever was a simple sickness that made Vortians ill beyond all belief but drove Irkens into a mad frenzy.
Tears had gathered at Purple's eyes, the green of the tears contrasting his deep violet eyes sharply. He continued to struggle against the cables that had wrapped him shoulder to hip, though his struggles were becoming weaker and weaker as disparity hit. Zim tried to focus on Purple but he was having trouble remembering who the bound person was. Blood dribbled down his chin as he fought to hold back the cough that wanted to escape.
Red's chest tightened as he watched Purple start to cry. He had only ever seen his co-Tallest cry once, and that had been when they were Elites and they hadn't known what was happening to Zim after the short Irken had been raped.
Zim had taken on a sickly yellow pallor as blood continued to drip down his chin and now from his eyes making it look as if the dieing Irken was crying blood. Red was slightly disturbed seeing the smaller one like that. They had been friends after all.... even if Red hated his guts for what he did.
"Ya..." Purple tried to say something, but his voice was thick from crying. He struggled against the cables wildly again and Red decided it would probably make Purple feel better if he was at least beside Zim to comfort the tiny thing in its dieing moments. Red gave the Control Brains the silent command and watched as Purple was lifted and set down beside Zim who had fallen to his knees some time ago, unable to stand any longer. Red stayed close, watching out for Purple incase Zim did something even now. Or Purple did something while he was sick.
Zim let out a keening chirp as Purple was placed next to him. The sound nearly broke Red's squeedilyspooch. It was Purple's returning chirp that broke it though. Why did they have to do that?
Zim had started to sway and Purple looked panicked. It was torture for Red to see his friend like this. Red had convinced himself of his hatred for Zim years ago, but it still made an old small part of him twinge.
"Purple..?" Red tried to get the other Tallest's attention, but he was being ignored again.
"Ya'Pey...." Purple said quietly, his voice steady and carrying straight to Red. Red gave a start. Soul Partner? What did that old story have to do with anything? The violet eyed Tallest looked up, his eyes hardened.
"Zim is Ya'Pey!" Purple cried out, a little louder, his eyes shutting. His antennae were laid back in fear for his Ya'Pey who was inching ever closer to death. He hadn't wanted to do this, but if it was the only way to save Zim then Purple would do it. He would share the secret that he and Zim had kept for the last seventy-three years.
The silence and tension that followed was thick enough to cut with a knife.
"Purple...that's just a story..." Red said sadly, and knelt beside Purple who glared at him.
"No its not! I saw his mark, he showed me Red. Take his glove left glove off if you don't believe me!" Purple snarled in defence. Red looked at Purple skeptically but easily pulled the glove off of Zim who put up no resistance. Zim's hand flopped palm up into Red's hand. Red looked down and saw that there was indeed a mark there. A simple black mark that changed everything. Zim was completely limp, his eyes dull and blank.
"Return Irken Zim's PAK now." Red ordered the Control Brains which complied hesitantly.
"Hurry! He doesn't have much time left!" Purple shrieked and he swore that it was being slow on purpose.
The claw picked the PAK up and hovered over.
The claw descended and flipped Zim onto his stomach.
The claw jammed the PAK onto Zim's back. And Red felt something inside relax that he hadn't known was tense. Purple's lip quivered as nothing happened and Zim lay still.
Irk... Red bowed his head. They had been to late.
Purple just stared, he couldn't feel anything anymore. There was this sudden void inside of him and he could feel it growing and consuming him. Everything was getting dark.....
Red jumped forward as the bound Tallest slumped down in the cables. Purple's eyes were half-lidded and unseeing. Red was so close to freaking out, he didn't know how much more of this he could take. The cables slackened and retreated when they were informed that they were no longer needed. Purple collapsed next to Zim, his face falling right next to the little Soldier's, their half open eyes staring blankly into each other. The puddle of Zim's blood was partially being soaked up by Purple's robes and Red couldn't help notice that the blood made them a rather disturbing but beautiful colour.
Red didn't know what to do. It was also clear that no one else knew. The crowd had started to panic. Where was that Medic-Drone now that they actually really needed one? It should have been around minutes ago.
A sudden crackle of energy caught Red's attention. Purple's PAK was giving off unhealthy looking pink sparks. It started to let out arcs of energy that danced wildly, a few even hitting Zim's PAK. It stopped after several arcs and everything went back to the facade of calm.
A beep came from Zim's PAK and suddenly Zim arched off of the ground, his PAK shocking him. It did this twice before eyes blinked and a deep gasp came from what Red had thought was a dead body. Zim coughed and blood dribbled down his chin and cheeks. Confused deep pink eyes stared around and fell on the unconscious Purple and the staring Red.
"My Tallest?" Zim coughed out, his voice rough and raspy. he sat up and looked at Red and then Purple oddly.
"You're not dead," Red stated, shocked. Red felt as confused as Zim looked. What was going on around here? And where was that Medical-Drone?
"Zim is quite alive...." Zim said slowly and curled his arms around his middle, everything hurt. He gave a start though and pulled his bare hand to stare at it. His eyes widened and he whipped his hand back to his middle, fist closed tightly.
"You don't need to hide it Zim, I'm the one who took your glove off." Red said, handing the smaller Irken his glove back. The betrayed look that Zim gave Red somehow made him feel dirty as the Invader quickly snatched the glove from his fingers. Zim kept an arm around his belly and used his teeth to help put the glove back one. With the glove back on Zim felt more secure and managed to move the short distance to Purple's side. He stayed there with his marked hand over his Ya'Pey's right hand until the Medic-Drone finally showed up.
"Zim, report to the Massive. You. You're late. Get Tallest Purple to the Medbay on the Massive-now." Red ordered his voice daggered and stood as if nothing was wrong. He portrayed a calm that he hadn't felt in a month. He watched as the drone worked while Zim struggled to stand.
By the time Purple had been brought to the Massive he had woken up. He had stared blankly around himself, uncaring of what was going on around him. The Medic-Lord on the Massive was confused, other than a slightly lower PAK energy reading, Tallest Purple was perfectly fine. When Red came by Purple was the same, almost completely unresponsive. He felt his insides twist. This was all his fault....
"Leave us," Red commanded, making sure all of the Medical-Drones were gone before he let himself relax. Red sat down on the edge of the long bed that Purple was lying on. The prone Irken was curled up slightly on his side, his gauntlets off so that he could comfortably tuck his hands under his head.
"Purple, you can't do this forever. We have an Empire to run," Red murmured, resting his hand on his friend's shoulder. Purple looked at Red blankly before he placed his hands on front of himself and began to unwrap the bandages on his right hand that kept his thumb from growing back. He put the wrap down and then moved his hand onto Red's lap, palm up.
Red stared at the hand in his lap. Purple's hand had the same mark that Zim's did....
"You're..." Red whispered, his crimson eyes wide as he stared into Purple's listless orbs.
"Zim and I are twins, Red." Purple stated for Red who seemed to have lost all coherent thought. He sighed and pulled his hand back to himself, leaving it unwrapped. He felt nothing. There was no hate, no sadness, nothing. It would have scared him except he didn't feel fear either. Just an empty void that was slowly consuming him.
Red didn't speak as he stood or as he pulled Purple off of the bed. Purple didn't even look curious, just followed where ever his co-Tallest was leading him. Red led Purple through the maze of hallways to a room that was used for visiting allies. The room wasn't as lavish as the Tallest's own rooms, but it was far above par for what the rest of the crew had. Purple just continued to let Red lead him about. The crimson Tallest was slightly disturbed by his other's uncaringness but he pressed on knowing he had the one thing that would bring Purple back to normal.
"My Tallest?"
Purple's head snapped up from the staring at the floor to gawk at Zim. Zim was currently kneeling on a large bed, his hands fisted in the silky blankets. Dark pink eyes shone brightly and his whole face lit up upon seeing Purple. The violet Tallest was shocked for a moment before he gave in to the overwhelming need to hold Zim and never ever let him go. Purple was on the bed beside Zim in an instant, leaving Red alone at the door.
Purple reached out hesitantly, afraid that if he actually touched Zim he would disappear and that this would all be just a tortured dream. Zim stood on tip toes and pulled Purple's shoulders down so that they were looking into each other's eyes. He smiled his little smile that was only for Purple and softly kissed him.
"Zim missed Purple," Zim whispered a hair's breath away from Purple's lips. Purple was close to crying, it wasn't a dream. Zim really was alive!
"I missed you too Zim," Purple said, the tears finally falling. He reached and pulled Zim close, holding onto the other with all his being. Purple pressed back sobs as he held Zim. The much shorter one hugged back fiercely, resting his head against Purple's armored chest.
Red watched from the entrance way, uncomfortable as he watched an intimacy that he had never seen between two beings. He felt left out and jealous. He watched as Purple placed a sweet kiss between Zim's antennae before standing and making his way over to Red. Red's gaze found the floor as his co-Tallest approached. He should be happy, Purple wasn't sad or emotionless any more...
"Red..." Purple murmured, and wrapped his long thin arms tightly around Red's shoulders in their first hug ever. Red's head jerked up and he found Zim's knowing gaze watching Purple and himself. Hesitantly, he returned the gesture. It felt good, but at the same time it made Red a bit uncomfortable having watched Zim and Purple.
"Don't know why your so worked up, no one can kill Zim..." Red muttered, pushing Purple away. Purple watched his curiously and light dawned in his eyes. Zim watched and pressed down a smirk. So Purple finally figured it out. Zim had always known why Red was the way he was, even when Red didn't know. He was excellent at reading people. It was how he got them to do the crazy things he wanted them to do.
"You're jealous!" Purple exclaimed, surprise tinging his voice. He kept his hands on Red's shoulders and chuckled as the planets aligned and suddenly everything made sense.
"Am not!" Red denied, looking anywhere but Purple's knowing face.
"Liar." Purple smirked and pecked Red quickly with a small kiss to the corner of his lips before turning about and sitting back on the bed with Zim. Red's eyes were wide and a light blush had spread across his face. What was that?! He gibbered and sputtered before giving up, confused, to go sit beside Purple on the large bed.
Purple and Zim were both smirking at him. It was odd seeing the two of them smirk, it wasn't something either of them did very often and it was freaking Red out.
"Don't worry Red, we don't bite," Purple smirked more and Red suddenly felt like he should run very far away from Purple.
"Unless you want us to," Zim added thoughtfully which made Purple grin predatoraly. Red gulped and began to wonder what he had gotten himself into. Zim pulled off his gloves and casually threw them off the bed. He then began to run his hands up Purple's arm, light feathery touches dancing up and back down again. Purple leaned down into the touch and twisted to kiss the other hungrily. Zim moaned into the kiss and turned his gentle touches into massaging. Red blinked as he watched the two kiss. Swallowing, he moved to leave them when Purple grabbed him and pulled him in. Purple pulled away from Zim to kiss Red lightly on the lips. Zim carefully unclipped Red's gauntlets and placed them on the floor while Red was being thoroughly kissed. Red whimpered and pressed closer to Purple who was stroking the nape of his neck.
Red pulled away, his breathing irratic, his eyes wide and glazed as he took in all the sensations. His lips tingled from the kisses and Red found himself bringing his fingers to his lips. Red looked into Purple's seeing and for the first time understanding what had always lurked there. Trust, and something more. He looked down into Zim's eyes and found the same thing.
Zim undid the catches on Purple's armor while Purple undid Red's. They set the armor aside and began to teasingly relieve Red of the rest of his Tallest robes until he was only clad in his black pants and shirt. Red's arms found his sides as he tried to hide himself from the emotions that Zim and Purple were calling forth inside of him. Everything inside of him was swirling into a giant mass of something and it was telling him that this was right.
"Purr?" Red whispered, his voice cracking slightly as Purple leaned in. Zim pressed his way closer to Red as well so that there was a Zim sandwich. Purple smiled lightly and kissed Red's cheek. Red turned to kiss Purple fully but met with Zim's lips instead. Zim kissed Red with a fire that he had never felt before. Red kissed back fiercely and moaned into the kiss when a hot mouth found his neck. Nimble fingers stroked along Red's antennae making the crimson Tallest cry out as tingles raced through him. Zim took the opportunity to better map out Red's mouth. Red shivered as hands roamed all over his lean form. Fire coursed through him and Red pulled away from Zim's talented mouth panting. He keened, his back arching when Purple leaned in to suck on the end of his antennae. Zim began to kiss Red's neck while Red's hands were finally brave enough to return some of the touches that he was receiving. He lightly stroked the back of Zim's neck who crooned encouragingly while he continued to kiss and occasionally nip Red's neck.
Purple and Zim pulled away from the dazed Red to kiss each other. Red whined at the loss of attention before deciding to do something about it. Red pressed against Zim's back, running his hands up the small Invader's side. He leaned down to nibble on the back of Zim's neck, hands slipping under the pink shirt to tease and knead smooth flesh. Zim jerked against the touch, his sides and hips had always been sensitive. Zim settled himself on Red's lap, reaching back and up to lightly caress Red's cheek. Purple and Zim broke apart, Zim's back arching as Red pressed a particularly sensitive spot that made slim hip twitch. Zim moaned loudly as Red continued his attack. Hands shaking, Zim reached back to tease Red's hips and sides. Purple purred as he watched the pair moan and move against each other. He nuzzled Red's neck and ran his hands under Red's black shirt, pulling the garment off to get at more of Red's soft skin.
Red shivered, cool air hitting his back and a squirming Zim in his lap. He hissed as Zim pressed down against him deeply, jolts of pleasure curling in his belly. Purple moved behind Red, tracing patterns along his back and down his sides. Heated kisses were exchanged by all three, touches racing across tingling skin.
"To many clothes." Zim groaned, his pants tight as Red began to dip his fingers along Zim's pants. Purple purred an agreement and reached around Red to pull off Zim's shirt. Four hands teased at Zim's hips before pulling the tight pants off. Zim breathed heavily, shaking and whimpering as Red thrust against Zim's now bare bottom. Red groaned and leaned back against Purple, his head resting on the other Tallest's shoulders.
"Still to many clothes Purple...." Red whispered sexily.
"Wouldn't want to upset the Tallest.." Purple murmured, leaning away to quickly strip. Sitting back down he pulled Red onto his lap. The sudden shift made Zim tumble forward onto his hands and knees. Purple reached around Red to trail his hands along Zim's smooth behind, nimble fingers tweaking flesh and soothing. Zim whimpered as the touches ghosted lower, teasing the slit, parting it slightly before soft fingers finally dipped inside. First one finger, with agonizingly slow strokes, each pulling a gasp from Zim. Then the second finger stretching and filling with a promise of more. Zim mewled, body thrashing as he sought more of the touch.
"Pl-please" Zim whispered desperately, his hips thrusting back against the fingers. Red's mouth was dry as he watched Zim's wonton display. His hands drifted lower, one stroking his now aching member while the other went to fondle and tease his own slit, curious. Red moaned loudly at the touch, his eyes slipping shut as he pleasured himself. Incoherent pleads fell from his lips as long arms circled his waist, pulling, stroking and pushing in all the right places. Red whimpered when the touches disappeared from where he wanted them the most. Gentle hands ghosted across his back, making him shiver while a warm thigh pressed between his own quivering thighs. The hands pressed against his back, guiding him to his hands and knees. The heated skin of his belly brushed against Zim's cool PAK.
Zim whined at the sudden lack of touch, his head tilting back making his antennae brush across Red's chest. Zim flipped onto his back, wanting to see Red's face as he continued to brush the other's chest with his antennae. Red panted, feathery touches making him squirm. Crimson eyes burned into dark pink and Zim slowly wrapped his legs around Red's hips, his feet brushing against Purple's hips. Purple nipped Red's shoulder, while he traced his fingers along Red's hard length. He stroked lightly, before grasping the base and carefully placing the tip at Zim's quivering entrance. Red's hips thrust lightly, pushing just the tip in. Zim and Red moaned in tandem as the world focused down to an unbearable heat and tightness that needed to last forever. Red's eyes slipped shut as he thrust lightly, going deeper with every jerk of his hips. Zim mewled, his claws gripping the sheets tightly as Red filled him. It was almost to much for him to take, and it was the almost that made it all the better. Zim thrashed as Red stilled completely, engulfed in everything that was Zim. Zim keened lightly, trying to get Red to move.
Purple's fingers trailed back down to lightly tease Red, one hand on Red's hip to keep the other Tallest from moving. Crimson eyes flew open as something bigger and hotter than fingers pressed against his throbbing hole. His breathing hitched as the burning member pushed slowly inside of him. Red fought not to press back, wanting the agonizing pleasure to last forever. Soft sounds tumbled from his lips as his hips were grasped firmly and Purple pressed all the way in. Purple kissed Red's shoulders, relaxing muscles Red hadn't known he had tensed.
It was a cascade effect. Purple pulled back slowly and Red thrust back, not wanting the everythingness of it all to disappear. Zim whimpered, his neck and back arching at the sudden deprivation, Red almost pulling completely out. Red whined deeply as he was torn between thrusting back or forward, both sensations running through him like a fire. Purple brought his hips down quickly this time, the sudden change from slow to quick making Red shudder. Red whimpered when Purple didn't continue. Red squirmed, making Zim and Purple moan as he tried to get the one behind him to move again. Purple groaned but held still, running his tongue along the skin just above Red's PAK.
Red growled, and braced himself thrusting his hips roughly against Zim and then Purple. Zim choked at the harsh movement, heat curling in his belly but also calling forth memories he thought he had beat. The rough thrusts and pressing weight was to much. Zim's breathing suddenly became shallow and irratic, and he needed to see Red's face, his eyes. Zim whimpered, clawing at Red's arms as the rough thrusts continued, faster and faster. Harder and harder.
"Re-Red! I... please!" Zim cried out, fear creeping into his voice. Fear was curdling the building pleasure, and Zim knew it was Red that was touching him, knew that Red wouldn't hurt him but he needed to see it. Needed to see that something in Red's eyes that he had seen in Purple's all those years ago.
"Zim... Pur..." Red moaned, curling forward, hips pistoning.
"Yes...." Purple hissed into Red's shoulder, hands gripping smooth hips.
Zim squirmed and whimpered fearfully, everything suddenly becoming to much for him. Tears gathered at the corners of his eyes. He didn't want to disappoint Red or Purple.... didn't want to upset them.
"No!" Zim shouted, his claws digging deep enough to draw blood as he bucked against Red. Red yelped and stopped, staring down at the shaking Zim. Purple's antennae perked as he groaned and he pulled away from Red carefully.
"Zim?" Purple and Red asked at the same time, one leaning on either side of the trembling Invader. Zim's eyes were screwed shut, tears leaking out the sides as he continued to shake. His erection had disappeared and his legs were practically welded together. Red and Purple looked at each other, scared and uncertain about what to do. Zim whimpered, hiccups rattling his chest as he fought not to curl up. Red and Purple hesitantly placed a hand on Zim's shoulders. Zim froze, his eyes still nailed shut.
"Zim...." Purple whispered gently, keeping one hand on Zim's shoulder while the other carefully brushed against Zim's antennae. Red did the same on the opposite side, sneaking a sad and worried look at Purple. Purple kept his eyes on Zim who was at least starting to breath normally. Zim opened his eyes to see four worried eyes staring down at him. He looked away, he didn't want them to see the pain, the fear. Zim pulled away from their touches. He didn't deserve such gentle treatments after he had ruined everything with his stupid-ness. Zim's claws dug deep into his hands, his thoughts spiraling out of control. He had disappointed them, failed them.... failed his Tallest.
"I..... Zim.. apologizes...." Zim whispered, his head bowed. Red and Purple looked at each other confused. Why was Zim apologizing?
"For what Zim?" Purple asked, reaching out for the other with his marked hand. Zim had to force himself not to shake at the touch. Purple would never hurt him like that and it happened a long time ago.... Why was this happening now?
"You can talk to us," Red said gently, reaching for Zim again.
"You were right. Zim wrecks everything. I...." Zim choked out, his head bowed and his antennae flat in submission. Blood trickled down his curled fingers, his claws still digging deep. Red winced and pulled away from Zim. It was his fault that Zim was upset.... Red wouldn't look at Zim, wouldn't touch him.
Purple made a sad sound and softly ran a finder under Zim's chin and lifting so that pink eyes met violet ones. Purple smiled sadly and kissed Zim on the forehead. Zim didn't pull away, accepting the affection for the moment.
"Ya'Pey.... that means we're connected Zim. You're my twin, and yeah, you do some pretty crazy things.... but so do I. You don't wreck everything Zim, not even you're that good....." Purple said, a weary smile on his face. He wrapped his marked hand around Zim's, holding it tightly. Zim bit his lip and squeezed the hand back, understanding that in Purple's eyes there was nothing to forgive.
Red wanted to retreat, come back with a battle plan that he could follow. He didn't understand all these feelings. He knew that he had messed something up somehow, though he didn't quite understand how. He watched from the corner of his eyes, feeling left out.
Purple curled against Zim, tucking the smaller Irken protectively against his side. Zim leaned against Purple, closing his eyes as he let the other's comforting embrace envelope him. Purple beckoned Red over, reaching for the other Tallest's hand when Red was slow in moving.
Red looked nervous but relented, allowing Purple to bring him closer. He looked down at Zim as Purple curled their antennae together. Soft tingles spread through out him, relaxing him into Purple's grip. Eye's half lidded, Red wrapped his hand around Zim's free hand. Zim tightened the grip so that Red wouldn't, couldn't let go. Zim hesitantly looked into the crimson orbs that had been foggily watching him.
"Zim...." Red started, unsure of how to speak to Zim.
"No more talking. Everything is alright now," Zim lied smoothly, relaxing against Purple to prove that it was okay now. Zim didn't like the underlying tension in the room, but he appreciated the tenderness that was being shared. He liked this tenderness and he didn't want it ruined.... not because of something he did.
Red nodded, content with that. After all, Zim would never lie to the Tallest....he never did. Sometimes the small Irken would omit things, but he never lied. Not to them.
Purple sighed contentedly, pulling Zim between him and Red. They snuggled together, warm flesh pressing together sensually. Hands were laced together and they drifted off, resting their minds.
Zim lay still in the caring embrace of his Tallest, soaking up the attention while he waited to be sure they were fully resting. He gently untangled himself and rose up on his PAK-legs, careful not to jar the resting Tallest. He dressed quickly, sending the pair a longing look before scurrying off. After all, he still had a planet to conquer. And the Tallest, an Empire to run.
Red sighed as he glanced at Purple. The other Tallest was acting strangely again. It happened every time they called Zim. They would finish laughing at Zim and then Purple would get quiet and stare off at nothing. He watched as his co-leader left their chairs on the Bridge. Purple quietly hovered off and Red knew that the other Tallest was heading for their shared rooms.
Red closed his eyes and stood. It was time that he got to the bottom of this. He gave a quick order to the Communications Officer to alert him if anything vital came up, and that Taller Grek was in charge until one of them came back.
The crimson Tallest hovered to the rooms slowly. He had no idea how he was going to approach the subject with Purple. Usually he and Purple shared everything (except snacks), so how was he going to talk to the violet Tallest if the other didn't want to talk? Red found himself staring at the door to their room. His trip had taken less time than he had hoped. It was possible that he was just that out of it. Their rooms were deep in the Massive, and like the name suggested, the ship was enormous. At the size of a small moon it took a while to get anywhere inside the mighty war-ship. He gave himself a reassuring thought and opened the door.
The main room was lavish, drapery, chairs and tables for entertaining. Past that was Red and Purple's personal room where they shared a gigantic bed. It was on the bed that he found Purple laying face down devoid of his hover belt and Tallest robes. The other was only wearing his under clothing which was a simple black shirt with black pants. His fingers were bare but his hands were wrapped in bandages to keep his thumbs from growing back. Irkens could heal from almost any nonfatal wound. They didn't scar and could regenerate limbs given enough time and nourishment.
Red watched Purple for a moment longer before he took off his own armor and Tallest robes. Red quietly sat down beside Purple, curling up in the middle of the bed that was big even for them.
"Why do you do this Pur? What's wrong? Don't say nothing! I'm sick of watching you not be yourself!" Red said leaning forward so that if Purple turned his head they would be looking into each other's eyes.
"Hmmmnassderk!" Purple shouted into the pillow he was currently trying to smother himself on. He didn't want to talk to Red. He didn't know how to talk to the other Tallest about what was bothering him. Purple was pretty sure the other wouldn't understand. How did you explain to someone that all those old stories about Ya'Pey weren't freaky tales, that they did exist and that you were only half of a whole?
"Come on Purple, don't be like this. I'll...I'll....if you don't talk to me I'll hide your puppets!" Red threatened, his antennae laid back in distress. Purple turned his head from the pillow to glare at the one who dared threaten his puppets.
"You wouldn't dare," Purple growled even though he knew Red would hide his puppets and he would hide them in a place that Purple would never find.
"You know I would. Its just.... your kinda scaring me Pur. You're never quiet or really sad. The last time I ever really saw you upset was waaaay just before we became Tallest. And I never did figure out why you were so sad then.... please, just... please..." Red asked mournfully. He hated it when his only true friend was sad. Everything felt weird and wrong and Purple never let him try and make things better.
"He used to be our friend," Purple started, his face softening as he spoke.
"Then he abused the power we gave him and blew up half of Irk!" Red replied hotly. Purple glared at Red even though he knew it was true.
"He never used to be like this! I know you remember Red, he used to be our friend...." Purple hissed, his eyes sharp yet soft as he remembered Before.
"And now he's not. End of story. He's Defective Purple, even you can see that." Red said calmly, tugging on Purple's shoulder trying to get the other to sit up.
"People don't suddenly get Defective Red!" Purple shouted, his voice nearly cracking. It hurt deeply to think that the crimson eyed one could forsake a friendship so easily. Would Red drop Purple if he knew that the violet Tallest wasn't normal either?
"So he hid it well. Some times its hard to tell. If thats whats bothering you I'll fix it. Zim won't be a problem any more," Red stated and got dressed. He gave Purple one last look before he left for the Bridge.
Purple's eyes were wide as what Red said echoed in his mind. 'Zim won't be a problem any more'. His breathing was irratic as his squeedilyspooch tightened. Was Red going to order Zim killed? Or would he tell the short Irken the truth? Purple had to stop his co-Tallest before Red did something that he would never be able to forgive him for.
On the Bridge Red finished his message to Zim with a foreboding grin. He sat in his chair contentedly. He drank his soda and ate some nachos, grinning the entire time. It was perfect. Zim would finally be out of their antennae. In one months time, the little Soldier of Doom would have an Existence Evaluation. Red continued to smile even as Purple barged onto the Bridge, deathly quiet.
"What did you do Red?" Purple hissed quietly in front of Red, his claws scratching the soft outside metal of his gauntlets deeply.
"Don't worry Purr, it's all taken care of. You won't have to be sad any more. And we won't have to keep fooling Zim any more," Red explained without really explaining anything.
"What did you do Red?" Purple snarled just as quietly. If Red had done anything truly horrible....
"It's what Zim deserves Purple, nothing more." Red assured Purple, though he was starting to have second thoughts. What if this made the other worse? Naaah, there was no way that Purple was that attached to the little idiot.
Purple fumed and left the Bridge silently. Red knew that his co-Tallest would go vent and come back a few hours later completely normal. Thats always how it happened. He pondered to himself for a few moments that Purple had been pretty adment about how they were wrong to abuse Zim the way they were. He shrugged to himself and had the Navigator plot a course to Judgementia. It would take a little less than a month and Zim would finally be gone. Red sipped his soda, life was good.
True to predictions Purple came back a few hours later with doughnuts, his usual happy self.
Purple sat in his chair eating his doughnuts and proceeded to ignore Red. Until Red would tell him what he had done, Purple wasn't speaking to him.
It was hard not talking or listening to Red for three weeks but Purple managed. The crimson Tallest however, was a wreck. He couldn't get Purple to talk to him, couldn't get the violet Tallest to listen to him. If the underlings didn't cower and salute, Red would have thought he was invisible. he was tired of the silence, but everything he tried was ignored. At least they were finally at Judgementia.
Stifling a sigh Red commanded a messenger drone to tell Purple that they were needed on Judgementia. He stood and headed for the air to ground teleporter. The other was waiting there for Red. Together they stepped onto it and were teleported to a stand before the Spike of Judgement. Smoke curled around the bottom of their robes, hiding the fact that they were hovering.
The crowd of Irkens before them in the stands cheered at their arrival and waved wildly.
"Thank you, thank you," Red acknowledged and gave small waves back to the crowd which only made them cheer louder.
"Now BE QUIET!!" Purple shouted louder than was necessary with the microphone in front of them. Purple shot Red a curious look but was as silent as the now quiet crowd. Three Control Brains hovered ominously above them, the judge and jury of all courts.
"Bring forth the restrained," The Left Control Brain thundered.
Two massive guards brought in a familiar short blindfolded Irken. The guards dropped the unknown Irken on its knees before the Control Brains and the Tallest.
"Zim. Your time has come. Prepare yourself for all you deserve," The Control Brains said in unison. Zim's blindfold and restraints came loose, letting everyone see the confused look on his face.
Purple froze inside. An Existence Evaluation Trial? Zim didn't deserve that! It was a horrible way to die, and usually only reserved for the worst criminals... On the outside he was perfectly calm, but inside he was panicking. His only hope was that the Control Brains found Zim to be harmless.
"Prepare for Replay. All your memories will be made known. Your life for all to see and know," The Control Brains declared darkly. Red snuck a glance at Purple and was relieved to see that the other was okay.
"The whole thing?!" Zim asked, a hint of fear in his voice. His eyes betrayed nothing, but even the crowd could hear the emotion in his voice. Red wondered what the other could be afraid of, usually one couldn't get Zim to stop bragging about his 'greatness'. A memory surfaced and Red's eyes widened slightly as he recalled what Zim was undoubtedly terrified of being made public.
"Uhh...due to the graphic nature of some of those memories they will not all be shown to the public!" Red declared. Zim looked relieved and the Control Brains were confused for a moment before Red called up the information at the podium and sent it to the Brains. The Brains nodded their consent and continued to hover ominously. The crowd booed a little but quieted up quickly with a harsh look from Purple. They had wanted to see the bloodshed that Zim had undoubtedly caused.
Cables roped down from the ceiling and locked onto Zim's pack. They hoisted the small Irken into the air and a monitor began to display the small Soldier's life.
His birth, the clogging of the smeet tube, and breaking onto the surface of Irk as a smeet with Skoodge.
"You caused Horrible Painful Overload Day part one and two! Together those day put Irk through nine terrible years of darkness," The Right Control Brain stated. The Brain's eyes glowed eerily and even the Tallest were hard pressed to hold back a shudder. They were creepy.
"Those were accidents! How was Zim to know that clogging a tube could black out Irk? Or that one Security Droid could do that much damage? Besides! Irkens like darkness! This is good stuff!" Zim defended himself, hanging limply from the cords attached to his PAK. He didn't dare struggle to much in case the cords jolted his PAK.
"Good stuff?" The Middle Control Brain asked.
"It thinks there is good stuff," The Left Control Brain explained.
"It is doomed" The Control Brains stated factually.
Zim shrunk a little as the crowd of Irkens started to laugh. The Tallest were laughing(though each for different reasons) and eventually even the Control Brains joined in. Things did not look good and Zim knew that there was much to go through yet.
The screens flickered with more images. This time of Zim's time as a Military Scientist. The images pass by of Zim's infinite energy absorbing thingy eating the infinite energy producing thingy and growing out of control and eating the then Tallest Miyuki.
Zim looked uncomfortable as the Tallest and the crowd gawked at him. He was responsible for the death of a Tallest and he was still alive?!
"Miyuki got eaten because of you!" Red accused and the crowd booed and growled. Purple was even shocked, Zim had never mentioned that during their times as Elite.
"Ehhh...." Zim had no way to prove that he hadn't done it. The Blob had eaten Miyuki, even though it shouldn't have. When Zim had made it the thing should have only been able to eat energy. After all what good was an infinite energy absorbing thingy that ate stuff it wasn't supposed to?
The replaying of Zim's memories was quickly getting him into trouble. He didn't understand why they were only showing all the bad things that had happened though. Heck, why was he even here in the first place?
"This is a horrible revelation. There will be a break as we confer on this matter," The Brains stated and several Irkens in the crowd left to get snacks. The Tallest left their podium and headed off into the darkness. The cords dropped Zim unkindly to the ground and retreated back to the ceiling. He was chained and left in the middle of the room with the Brains glaring down at him. Zim shrank a little from them and turned away to watch a pair of Irkens return with snacks in hand.
"So what do you think? Is Zim Defective or innocent?" The first Irken asked his friend.
"Zim? Defective, totally. The Trial is just a formality so they can get rid of him officially. Red tape and all that." The second Irken replied as they climbed into their seats at the bottom edge of the stands.
"Formality? What nonsense, Zim has done no wrong!" Zim tried to reassure himself. He watched as the Tallest returned to their podium, drinks in hand.
"Lets get formality over with!" Red declared just loud enough for Zim to catch. He froze, his eyes wide and unseeing. Purple glared at Red, though there was a tinge of fear there as he realized that his Ya'Pey was unlikely to get out of this.
"Evaluation has resumed. Prepare for more of the terrible replay!" The Brains declared and the cords that had previously attached to Zim descended from the ceiling and reattached themselves to Zim's PAK.
"But...his data makes my brain hurt. We need more brains to filter the pain..." The Right Control Brain whined. The other two Control Brains ignored it and started playing more of Zim's life across the screen monitors.
Flashes of Zim blowing things up flew across the screen to fast to even tell what was being destroyed. The images slowed as images of Tallest Spork addressing the Invaders who had passed the exam. Spork was speaking when the roof above him collapsed and the same blob that had eaten Miyuki descended and swallowed Spork in one chomp. There was a fast forward to Operation Impending Doom 1 where Zim was destroying Irk in a huge Battle Mech. The screen went blank after that.
"You were responsible for the doom of two Almighty Tallest?" The Brains fumed, clearly surprised even though according to the general populace they were supposed to be all knowing.
Every Irken in the room stared at the screen as it continued to show all the horrors that Zim had created. Purple didn't know what to do. He was torn. When it was put together like that it looked like Zim had done some trully horrendous things, even by Irken standards. What was he going to do if it came down to the ever growing possibility of De-activation?
"Zim is great! Obey the Greatness of Zim!" Zim shouted from where he was hanging. Purple snuck a look over at Red who looked pretty pale at having watched all of what the little terror of Irk had done.
"We have reached a decision," The Brains stated, stopping Zim from continuing. They swiveled down until the massive creations were level with the hanging Zim. Somehow, despite the absence of shadows the Brains managed to stay relatively obscured which made everything they did and said creepy. Zim had stopped breathing and was waiting for the ruling.
Purple gulped nervously while Red looked on with barely contained excitement. Finally, Zim would be out of their hands. Red glanced at his violet companion and was surprised to see that Purple looked almost as afraid as Zim. What the derk? Why would Purple be scared? It couldn't be that he was afraid to see someone die as the violet eyed Tallest had seen plenty of that in their Elite days. Purple had even killed before, so what was going through his mind?
"Our ruling; Irken Zim's PAK is damaged and has led to a corrupt data path. He is...DEFECTIVE. For his heinous crimes... Irken Zim's data is not allowed into the collective. His PAK will be removed and erased," The Control Brains declared clearly, leaving no room for mistake. Red was on the verge of cheering, as was the crowd of bloodthirsty Irkens. While Purple's squeedilyspooch felt like it was made of stone.
"But I can't live with out my PAK!" Zim cried out, horrified at the turn of events. The petit Irken struggled against the cable that was holding him in its vice like grip. A special claw for detaching PAKs dropped down and slowly coiled near him. Zim snarled, he refused to go like this! Suddenly, the cable that had been connected to his PAK released and he fell to the floor. Landing on his hands and feet he quickly flipped over so that his back, and more importantly his PAK, was protected. When Zim fell it caused Purple to snap out of his shock. Purple gave a quick glance over to Red who looked annoyed but unconcerned that the small one had escaped. Purple readied himself, and kept an eye on Zim and Red. The claw jerked down quickly, hounding Zim as the short Irken dodged and leapt away skillfully. The crowd cheered the claw on, clearly liking the fight that Zim was putting up before he died. While Zim was distracted by the claw that wanted to de-PAK him, several thin cables dropped down out of his line of sight to tangle up his limbs. Zim looked up in horror as the claw reared up, poised to strike.
"NO!!" Purple shouted, arms spread out protectively as he stood between the de-PAKing claw and Zim. The crowd fell silent as they stared, confused at what was happening.
"Tallest Purple. Remove yourself," The Control Brains demanded, trying to snake the claw around Purple but failing as the purple Tallest danced in front of it every time.
"Dookie! What the Blorch do you think you're doing Purple? Get out of the way!" Red shouted and jumped down from the podium to bodily move Purple out of the way. Purple shook his head vehemently and stayed between Zim and the claw. Zim didn't know what was going on. Wasn't Purple working with Red and the Brains? He looked up to see pain and righteous fury etched onto the violet eyed one's normally happy face. He stood nervously behind his Tallest's robes, glancing up every now and then. Zim barely came past Purple's knee.
"I won't let this happen Red. It's wrong!" Purple growled, his arms coming back to his body in a defensive stance.
"You heard the brains Purple. He's Defective! Its for the betterment of the Empire, and that comes first!" Red snarled, sick of the other Tallest being soft about Zim. The crimson Tallest's fingers curled to better use his claws should it come down to it.
While Red was distracting Purple, the Brains used the opportunity to grab Zim in the cables so he couldn't escape the claw. Zim struggled loudly, shouting and cursing at the cables that dared attack him. The claw reached back and unhooked Zim's PAK in one quick swoop. The cables then dropped Zim to the ground carelessly as the claw retreated with the PAK to delete it.
10:00 minutes......
"NOOO!! ZIM!" Purple screamed, and turned, horrified that he had been so caught up in trying to save Zim that he had forgotten to protect his little Ya'Pey from the Control Brains too. Red grabbed Purple from behind, pinning his arms to his sides and hovering above the ground so he couldn't get any grip to fight properly.
"It'll be over soon. He won't suffer. To much." Red tried to assure Purple, thinking that was what was bothering the other. The violet eyed Irken never really liked to watch people suffer, and Red had always assumed it came from being a Medical-Drone.
"Give it back! Give it back to him!" Purple screamed, struggling against Red while Zim was struggling to stand. The small Irken's eyes were slightly dazed and his hands were beginning to shake.
"The decision has been made Purple. There's nothing you can do." Red told Purple, trying to get the other to give up. It wasn't easy trying to pin the other, especially since Purple was extremely well trained for just a simple Medic-Drone.
"Nooo! Rrhaaa!" Purple continued to thrash, kick, claw and bite the other. The crowd watched on in fascination, this had to be the strangest E.E.T. they had ever watched.
"Stop it Purr! I don't wanna hurt you!" Red yelled in Purple's antennae, struggling to hold onto the trashing Irken. Zim had begun to shake all over, his eyes were wide and looked like they were slightly sunken in. Zim was clutching his stomach tightly as if in pain while he stared at the two struggling Tallest before him.
"Give it back to him!" Purple all but roared and swung madly trying to break free. Red's eyes widened as Purple broke an arm free and moved to elbow him in the face. Deciding he could fight better with his hands free Red pushed the thrashing other away from him. Purple turned, ready to launch himself at Red when the cables that had helped to de-PAK Zim wrapped around Purple to stop him from hurting someone. Specifically, Red.
"Tallest Purple is infected with the Vortian Rage Fever. A Medic-Drone is on its way to stabilize Tallest Purple." The Left Brain stated. Red sighed, so that was what was wrong with Purple. Vortian Rage Fever was a simple sickness that made Vortians ill beyond all belief but drove Irkens into a mad frenzy.
Tears had gathered at Purple's eyes, the green of the tears contrasting his deep violet eyes sharply. He continued to struggle against the cables that had wrapped him shoulder to hip, though his struggles were becoming weaker and weaker as disparity hit. Zim tried to focus on Purple but he was having trouble remembering who the bound person was. Blood dribbled down his chin as he fought to hold back the cough that wanted to escape.
Red's chest tightened as he watched Purple start to cry. He had only ever seen his co-Tallest cry once, and that had been when they were Elites and they hadn't known what was happening to Zim after the short Irken had been raped.
Zim had taken on a sickly yellow pallor as blood continued to drip down his chin and now from his eyes making it look as if the dieing Irken was crying blood. Red was slightly disturbed seeing the smaller one like that. They had been friends after all.... even if Red hated his guts for what he did.
"Ya..." Purple tried to say something, but his voice was thick from crying. He struggled against the cables wildly again and Red decided it would probably make Purple feel better if he was at least beside Zim to comfort the tiny thing in its dieing moments. Red gave the Control Brains the silent command and watched as Purple was lifted and set down beside Zim who had fallen to his knees some time ago, unable to stand any longer. Red stayed close, watching out for Purple incase Zim did something even now. Or Purple did something while he was sick.
Zim let out a keening chirp as Purple was placed next to him. The sound nearly broke Red's squeedilyspooch. It was Purple's returning chirp that broke it though. Why did they have to do that?
Zim had started to sway and Purple looked panicked. It was torture for Red to see his friend like this. Red had convinced himself of his hatred for Zim years ago, but it still made an old small part of him twinge.
"Purple..?" Red tried to get the other Tallest's attention, but he was being ignored again.
"Ya'Pey...." Purple said quietly, his voice steady and carrying straight to Red. Red gave a start. Soul Partner? What did that old story have to do with anything? The violet eyed Tallest looked up, his eyes hardened.
"Zim is Ya'Pey!" Purple cried out, a little louder, his eyes shutting. His antennae were laid back in fear for his Ya'Pey who was inching ever closer to death. He hadn't wanted to do this, but if it was the only way to save Zim then Purple would do it. He would share the secret that he and Zim had kept for the last seventy-three years.
The silence and tension that followed was thick enough to cut with a knife.
"Purple...that's just a story..." Red said sadly, and knelt beside Purple who glared at him.
"No its not! I saw his mark, he showed me Red. Take his glove left glove off if you don't believe me!" Purple snarled in defence. Red looked at Purple skeptically but easily pulled the glove off of Zim who put up no resistance. Zim's hand flopped palm up into Red's hand. Red looked down and saw that there was indeed a mark there. A simple black mark that changed everything. Zim was completely limp, his eyes dull and blank.
"Return Irken Zim's PAK now." Red ordered the Control Brains which complied hesitantly.
"Hurry! He doesn't have much time left!" Purple shrieked and he swore that it was being slow on purpose.
The claw picked the PAK up and hovered over.
The claw descended and flipped Zim onto his stomach.
The claw jammed the PAK onto Zim's back. And Red felt something inside relax that he hadn't known was tense. Purple's lip quivered as nothing happened and Zim lay still.
Irk... Red bowed his head. They had been to late.
Purple just stared, he couldn't feel anything anymore. There was this sudden void inside of him and he could feel it growing and consuming him. Everything was getting dark.....
Red jumped forward as the bound Tallest slumped down in the cables. Purple's eyes were half-lidded and unseeing. Red was so close to freaking out, he didn't know how much more of this he could take. The cables slackened and retreated when they were informed that they were no longer needed. Purple collapsed next to Zim, his face falling right next to the little Soldier's, their half open eyes staring blankly into each other. The puddle of Zim's blood was partially being soaked up by Purple's robes and Red couldn't help notice that the blood made them a rather disturbing but beautiful colour.
Red didn't know what to do. It was also clear that no one else knew. The crowd had started to panic. Where was that Medic-Drone now that they actually really needed one? It should have been around minutes ago.
A sudden crackle of energy caught Red's attention. Purple's PAK was giving off unhealthy looking pink sparks. It started to let out arcs of energy that danced wildly, a few even hitting Zim's PAK. It stopped after several arcs and everything went back to the facade of calm.
A beep came from Zim's PAK and suddenly Zim arched off of the ground, his PAK shocking him. It did this twice before eyes blinked and a deep gasp came from what Red had thought was a dead body. Zim coughed and blood dribbled down his chin and cheeks. Confused deep pink eyes stared around and fell on the unconscious Purple and the staring Red.
"My Tallest?" Zim coughed out, his voice rough and raspy. he sat up and looked at Red and then Purple oddly.
"You're not dead," Red stated, shocked. Red felt as confused as Zim looked. What was going on around here? And where was that Medical-Drone?
"Zim is quite alive...." Zim said slowly and curled his arms around his middle, everything hurt. He gave a start though and pulled his bare hand to stare at it. His eyes widened and he whipped his hand back to his middle, fist closed tightly.
"You don't need to hide it Zim, I'm the one who took your glove off." Red said, handing the smaller Irken his glove back. The betrayed look that Zim gave Red somehow made him feel dirty as the Invader quickly snatched the glove from his fingers. Zim kept an arm around his belly and used his teeth to help put the glove back one. With the glove back on Zim felt more secure and managed to move the short distance to Purple's side. He stayed there with his marked hand over his Ya'Pey's right hand until the Medic-Drone finally showed up.
"Zim, report to the Massive. You. You're late. Get Tallest Purple to the Medbay on the Massive-now." Red ordered his voice daggered and stood as if nothing was wrong. He portrayed a calm that he hadn't felt in a month. He watched as the drone worked while Zim struggled to stand.
By the time Purple had been brought to the Massive he had woken up. He had stared blankly around himself, uncaring of what was going on around him. The Medic-Lord on the Massive was confused, other than a slightly lower PAK energy reading, Tallest Purple was perfectly fine. When Red came by Purple was the same, almost completely unresponsive. He felt his insides twist. This was all his fault....
"Leave us," Red commanded, making sure all of the Medical-Drones were gone before he let himself relax. Red sat down on the edge of the long bed that Purple was lying on. The prone Irken was curled up slightly on his side, his gauntlets off so that he could comfortably tuck his hands under his head.
"Purple, you can't do this forever. We have an Empire to run," Red murmured, resting his hand on his friend's shoulder. Purple looked at Red blankly before he placed his hands on front of himself and began to unwrap the bandages on his right hand that kept his thumb from growing back. He put the wrap down and then moved his hand onto Red's lap, palm up.
Red stared at the hand in his lap. Purple's hand had the same mark that Zim's did....
"You're..." Red whispered, his crimson eyes wide as he stared into Purple's listless orbs.
"Zim and I are twins, Red." Purple stated for Red who seemed to have lost all coherent thought. He sighed and pulled his hand back to himself, leaving it unwrapped. He felt nothing. There was no hate, no sadness, nothing. It would have scared him except he didn't feel fear either. Just an empty void that was slowly consuming him.
Red didn't speak as he stood or as he pulled Purple off of the bed. Purple didn't even look curious, just followed where ever his co-Tallest was leading him. Red led Purple through the maze of hallways to a room that was used for visiting allies. The room wasn't as lavish as the Tallest's own rooms, but it was far above par for what the rest of the crew had. Purple just continued to let Red lead him about. The crimson Tallest was slightly disturbed by his other's uncaringness but he pressed on knowing he had the one thing that would bring Purple back to normal.
"My Tallest?"
Purple's head snapped up from the staring at the floor to gawk at Zim. Zim was currently kneeling on a large bed, his hands fisted in the silky blankets. Dark pink eyes shone brightly and his whole face lit up upon seeing Purple. The violet Tallest was shocked for a moment before he gave in to the overwhelming need to hold Zim and never ever let him go. Purple was on the bed beside Zim in an instant, leaving Red alone at the door.
Purple reached out hesitantly, afraid that if he actually touched Zim he would disappear and that this would all be just a tortured dream. Zim stood on tip toes and pulled Purple's shoulders down so that they were looking into each other's eyes. He smiled his little smile that was only for Purple and softly kissed him.
"Zim missed Purple," Zim whispered a hair's breath away from Purple's lips. Purple was close to crying, it wasn't a dream. Zim really was alive!
"I missed you too Zim," Purple said, the tears finally falling. He reached and pulled Zim close, holding onto the other with all his being. Purple pressed back sobs as he held Zim. The much shorter one hugged back fiercely, resting his head against Purple's armored chest.
Red watched from the entrance way, uncomfortable as he watched an intimacy that he had never seen between two beings. He felt left out and jealous. He watched as Purple placed a sweet kiss between Zim's antennae before standing and making his way over to Red. Red's gaze found the floor as his co-Tallest approached. He should be happy, Purple wasn't sad or emotionless any more...
"Red..." Purple murmured, and wrapped his long thin arms tightly around Red's shoulders in their first hug ever. Red's head jerked up and he found Zim's knowing gaze watching Purple and himself. Hesitantly, he returned the gesture. It felt good, but at the same time it made Red a bit uncomfortable having watched Zim and Purple.
"Don't know why your so worked up, no one can kill Zim..." Red muttered, pushing Purple away. Purple watched his curiously and light dawned in his eyes. Zim watched and pressed down a smirk. So Purple finally figured it out. Zim had always known why Red was the way he was, even when Red didn't know. He was excellent at reading people. It was how he got them to do the crazy things he wanted them to do.
"You're jealous!" Purple exclaimed, surprise tinging his voice. He kept his hands on Red's shoulders and chuckled as the planets aligned and suddenly everything made sense.
"Am not!" Red denied, looking anywhere but Purple's knowing face.
"Liar." Purple smirked and pecked Red quickly with a small kiss to the corner of his lips before turning about and sitting back on the bed with Zim. Red's eyes were wide and a light blush had spread across his face. What was that?! He gibbered and sputtered before giving up, confused, to go sit beside Purple on the large bed.
Purple and Zim were both smirking at him. It was odd seeing the two of them smirk, it wasn't something either of them did very often and it was freaking Red out.
"Don't worry Red, we don't bite," Purple smirked more and Red suddenly felt like he should run very far away from Purple.
"Unless you want us to," Zim added thoughtfully which made Purple grin predatoraly. Red gulped and began to wonder what he had gotten himself into. Zim pulled off his gloves and casually threw them off the bed. He then began to run his hands up Purple's arm, light feathery touches dancing up and back down again. Purple leaned down into the touch and twisted to kiss the other hungrily. Zim moaned into the kiss and turned his gentle touches into massaging. Red blinked as he watched the two kiss. Swallowing, he moved to leave them when Purple grabbed him and pulled him in. Purple pulled away from Zim to kiss Red lightly on the lips. Zim carefully unclipped Red's gauntlets and placed them on the floor while Red was being thoroughly kissed. Red whimpered and pressed closer to Purple who was stroking the nape of his neck.
Red pulled away, his breathing irratic, his eyes wide and glazed as he took in all the sensations. His lips tingled from the kisses and Red found himself bringing his fingers to his lips. Red looked into Purple's seeing and for the first time understanding what had always lurked there. Trust, and something more. He looked down into Zim's eyes and found the same thing.
Zim undid the catches on Purple's armor while Purple undid Red's. They set the armor aside and began to teasingly relieve Red of the rest of his Tallest robes until he was only clad in his black pants and shirt. Red's arms found his sides as he tried to hide himself from the emotions that Zim and Purple were calling forth inside of him. Everything inside of him was swirling into a giant mass of something and it was telling him that this was right.
"Purr?" Red whispered, his voice cracking slightly as Purple leaned in. Zim pressed his way closer to Red as well so that there was a Zim sandwich. Purple smiled lightly and kissed Red's cheek. Red turned to kiss Purple fully but met with Zim's lips instead. Zim kissed Red with a fire that he had never felt before. Red kissed back fiercely and moaned into the kiss when a hot mouth found his neck. Nimble fingers stroked along Red's antennae making the crimson Tallest cry out as tingles raced through him. Zim took the opportunity to better map out Red's mouth. Red shivered as hands roamed all over his lean form. Fire coursed through him and Red pulled away from Zim's talented mouth panting. He keened, his back arching when Purple leaned in to suck on the end of his antennae. Zim began to kiss Red's neck while Red's hands were finally brave enough to return some of the touches that he was receiving. He lightly stroked the back of Zim's neck who crooned encouragingly while he continued to kiss and occasionally nip Red's neck.
Purple and Zim pulled away from the dazed Red to kiss each other. Red whined at the loss of attention before deciding to do something about it. Red pressed against Zim's back, running his hands up the small Invader's side. He leaned down to nibble on the back of Zim's neck, hands slipping under the pink shirt to tease and knead smooth flesh. Zim jerked against the touch, his sides and hips had always been sensitive. Zim settled himself on Red's lap, reaching back and up to lightly caress Red's cheek. Purple and Zim broke apart, Zim's back arching as Red pressed a particularly sensitive spot that made slim hip twitch. Zim moaned loudly as Red continued his attack. Hands shaking, Zim reached back to tease Red's hips and sides. Purple purred as he watched the pair moan and move against each other. He nuzzled Red's neck and ran his hands under Red's black shirt, pulling the garment off to get at more of Red's soft skin.
Red shivered, cool air hitting his back and a squirming Zim in his lap. He hissed as Zim pressed down against him deeply, jolts of pleasure curling in his belly. Purple moved behind Red, tracing patterns along his back and down his sides. Heated kisses were exchanged by all three, touches racing across tingling skin.
"To many clothes." Zim groaned, his pants tight as Red began to dip his fingers along Zim's pants. Purple purred an agreement and reached around Red to pull off Zim's shirt. Four hands teased at Zim's hips before pulling the tight pants off. Zim breathed heavily, shaking and whimpering as Red thrust against Zim's now bare bottom. Red groaned and leaned back against Purple, his head resting on the other Tallest's shoulders.
"Still to many clothes Purple...." Red whispered sexily.
"Wouldn't want to upset the Tallest.." Purple murmured, leaning away to quickly strip. Sitting back down he pulled Red onto his lap. The sudden shift made Zim tumble forward onto his hands and knees. Purple reached around Red to trail his hands along Zim's smooth behind, nimble fingers tweaking flesh and soothing. Zim whimpered as the touches ghosted lower, teasing the slit, parting it slightly before soft fingers finally dipped inside. First one finger, with agonizingly slow strokes, each pulling a gasp from Zim. Then the second finger stretching and filling with a promise of more. Zim mewled, body thrashing as he sought more of the touch.
"Pl-please" Zim whispered desperately, his hips thrusting back against the fingers. Red's mouth was dry as he watched Zim's wonton display. His hands drifted lower, one stroking his now aching member while the other went to fondle and tease his own slit, curious. Red moaned loudly at the touch, his eyes slipping shut as he pleasured himself. Incoherent pleads fell from his lips as long arms circled his waist, pulling, stroking and pushing in all the right places. Red whimpered when the touches disappeared from where he wanted them the most. Gentle hands ghosted across his back, making him shiver while a warm thigh pressed between his own quivering thighs. The hands pressed against his back, guiding him to his hands and knees. The heated skin of his belly brushed against Zim's cool PAK.
Zim whined at the sudden lack of touch, his head tilting back making his antennae brush across Red's chest. Zim flipped onto his back, wanting to see Red's face as he continued to brush the other's chest with his antennae. Red panted, feathery touches making him squirm. Crimson eyes burned into dark pink and Zim slowly wrapped his legs around Red's hips, his feet brushing against Purple's hips. Purple nipped Red's shoulder, while he traced his fingers along Red's hard length. He stroked lightly, before grasping the base and carefully placing the tip at Zim's quivering entrance. Red's hips thrust lightly, pushing just the tip in. Zim and Red moaned in tandem as the world focused down to an unbearable heat and tightness that needed to last forever. Red's eyes slipped shut as he thrust lightly, going deeper with every jerk of his hips. Zim mewled, his claws gripping the sheets tightly as Red filled him. It was almost to much for him to take, and it was the almost that made it all the better. Zim thrashed as Red stilled completely, engulfed in everything that was Zim. Zim keened lightly, trying to get Red to move.
Purple's fingers trailed back down to lightly tease Red, one hand on Red's hip to keep the other Tallest from moving. Crimson eyes flew open as something bigger and hotter than fingers pressed against his throbbing hole. His breathing hitched as the burning member pushed slowly inside of him. Red fought not to press back, wanting the agonizing pleasure to last forever. Soft sounds tumbled from his lips as his hips were grasped firmly and Purple pressed all the way in. Purple kissed Red's shoulders, relaxing muscles Red hadn't known he had tensed.
It was a cascade effect. Purple pulled back slowly and Red thrust back, not wanting the everythingness of it all to disappear. Zim whimpered, his neck and back arching at the sudden deprivation, Red almost pulling completely out. Red whined deeply as he was torn between thrusting back or forward, both sensations running through him like a fire. Purple brought his hips down quickly this time, the sudden change from slow to quick making Red shudder. Red whimpered when Purple didn't continue. Red squirmed, making Zim and Purple moan as he tried to get the one behind him to move again. Purple groaned but held still, running his tongue along the skin just above Red's PAK.
Red growled, and braced himself thrusting his hips roughly against Zim and then Purple. Zim choked at the harsh movement, heat curling in his belly but also calling forth memories he thought he had beat. The rough thrusts and pressing weight was to much. Zim's breathing suddenly became shallow and irratic, and he needed to see Red's face, his eyes. Zim whimpered, clawing at Red's arms as the rough thrusts continued, faster and faster. Harder and harder.
"Re-Red! I... please!" Zim cried out, fear creeping into his voice. Fear was curdling the building pleasure, and Zim knew it was Red that was touching him, knew that Red wouldn't hurt him but he needed to see it. Needed to see that something in Red's eyes that he had seen in Purple's all those years ago.
"Zim... Pur..." Red moaned, curling forward, hips pistoning.
"Yes...." Purple hissed into Red's shoulder, hands gripping smooth hips.
Zim squirmed and whimpered fearfully, everything suddenly becoming to much for him. Tears gathered at the corners of his eyes. He didn't want to disappoint Red or Purple.... didn't want to upset them.
"No!" Zim shouted, his claws digging deep enough to draw blood as he bucked against Red. Red yelped and stopped, staring down at the shaking Zim. Purple's antennae perked as he groaned and he pulled away from Red carefully.
"Zim?" Purple and Red asked at the same time, one leaning on either side of the trembling Invader. Zim's eyes were screwed shut, tears leaking out the sides as he continued to shake. His erection had disappeared and his legs were practically welded together. Red and Purple looked at each other, scared and uncertain about what to do. Zim whimpered, hiccups rattling his chest as he fought not to curl up. Red and Purple hesitantly placed a hand on Zim's shoulders. Zim froze, his eyes still nailed shut.
"Zim...." Purple whispered gently, keeping one hand on Zim's shoulder while the other carefully brushed against Zim's antennae. Red did the same on the opposite side, sneaking a sad and worried look at Purple. Purple kept his eyes on Zim who was at least starting to breath normally. Zim opened his eyes to see four worried eyes staring down at him. He looked away, he didn't want them to see the pain, the fear. Zim pulled away from their touches. He didn't deserve such gentle treatments after he had ruined everything with his stupid-ness. Zim's claws dug deep into his hands, his thoughts spiraling out of control. He had disappointed them, failed them.... failed his Tallest.
"I..... Zim.. apologizes...." Zim whispered, his head bowed. Red and Purple looked at each other confused. Why was Zim apologizing?
"For what Zim?" Purple asked, reaching out for the other with his marked hand. Zim had to force himself not to shake at the touch. Purple would never hurt him like that and it happened a long time ago.... Why was this happening now?
"You can talk to us," Red said gently, reaching for Zim again.
"You were right. Zim wrecks everything. I...." Zim choked out, his head bowed and his antennae flat in submission. Blood trickled down his curled fingers, his claws still digging deep. Red winced and pulled away from Zim. It was his fault that Zim was upset.... Red wouldn't look at Zim, wouldn't touch him.
Purple made a sad sound and softly ran a finder under Zim's chin and lifting so that pink eyes met violet ones. Purple smiled sadly and kissed Zim on the forehead. Zim didn't pull away, accepting the affection for the moment.
"Ya'Pey.... that means we're connected Zim. You're my twin, and yeah, you do some pretty crazy things.... but so do I. You don't wreck everything Zim, not even you're that good....." Purple said, a weary smile on his face. He wrapped his marked hand around Zim's, holding it tightly. Zim bit his lip and squeezed the hand back, understanding that in Purple's eyes there was nothing to forgive.
Red wanted to retreat, come back with a battle plan that he could follow. He didn't understand all these feelings. He knew that he had messed something up somehow, though he didn't quite understand how. He watched from the corner of his eyes, feeling left out.
Purple curled against Zim, tucking the smaller Irken protectively against his side. Zim leaned against Purple, closing his eyes as he let the other's comforting embrace envelope him. Purple beckoned Red over, reaching for the other Tallest's hand when Red was slow in moving.
Red looked nervous but relented, allowing Purple to bring him closer. He looked down at Zim as Purple curled their antennae together. Soft tingles spread through out him, relaxing him into Purple's grip. Eye's half lidded, Red wrapped his hand around Zim's free hand. Zim tightened the grip so that Red wouldn't, couldn't let go. Zim hesitantly looked into the crimson orbs that had been foggily watching him.
"Zim...." Red started, unsure of how to speak to Zim.
"No more talking. Everything is alright now," Zim lied smoothly, relaxing against Purple to prove that it was okay now. Zim didn't like the underlying tension in the room, but he appreciated the tenderness that was being shared. He liked this tenderness and he didn't want it ruined.... not because of something he did.
Red nodded, content with that. After all, Zim would never lie to the Tallest....he never did. Sometimes the small Irken would omit things, but he never lied. Not to them.
Purple sighed contentedly, pulling Zim between him and Red. They snuggled together, warm flesh pressing together sensually. Hands were laced together and they drifted off, resting their minds.
Zim lay still in the caring embrace of his Tallest, soaking up the attention while he waited to be sure they were fully resting. He gently untangled himself and rose up on his PAK-legs, careful not to jar the resting Tallest. He dressed quickly, sending the pair a longing look before scurrying off. After all, he still had a planet to conquer. And the Tallest, an Empire to run.