Invader Zim Fan Fiction ❯ Smip and Kwe's story ❯ Chapter 3
A/N: Everything up until the ** is what needed to be recreated after MSN crashed and destroyed our log.
Inside Tak's Earth base, Smip found himself in a similar situation that Kwe had found himself in previously. But he didn't see a happy ending to this one in the near future. Tak stood over him, studying him while his body was scanned and probed, the data being recorded into her computer about the hybrid teen's body.
Smip fought at his restraints, crying both in fright and in humiliation as Tak's equipment covers every inch of hid body and some of his most intimate of areas are violated by the cold, lab machinery.
"STOP!! Stop it!! I didn't do anything! Why are you doing this?!" his pleas fell on deaf ears while Tak continues to study him. She finds the teen's body composition fascinating really.
While Smip is held captive in Tak's lab, Kwe is inside his room, pacing. Many conflicting emotions and thoughts run through him. He wants to stop his mother, but his loyalty to her is still strong and he wants to save Smip or he could lose his first real friend. In the middle of pacing, his eyes fall upon the music player Smip gave him, a gift of friendship. He tightens his fist with determination before throwing open the door, using his spider legs to get to the lab faster. He uses the lasers inside to blast a hole through the door.
"MOTHER!.. Stop this at once! Smip hasn't done anything to you and I won't let you torture him any longer."
Smip looks up, tears in his brown eyes. He can't see that clearly without his glasses, but he can still make out Kwe's figure standing defiantly.
"Kwe!! Please! Help me.. Don't let her hurt me anymore.." He sounds rather pitiful, but he never in his life thought something like this could happen. He had felt safe and protected by his parents.
Tak looks slightly amused that her son is standing up to her, "Fine, then take him."
Kwe moves to release the restraints, hyperaware that his mother could attack him at any moment for defying her. Sure enough, he just misses the spider leg aiming for his head. He whirls around, taking up a defensive stance before returning the attack. In the back of his mind, he knows that he cannot defeat his mother, but he'll try as hard as he can.
Blows are countered and returned as he fights her until she suddenly lets up and stands back, letting Kwe pass freely. A rumbling aftershock of an explosion just outside draws her attention however and she calls her faithful SIR unit to her side as she goes to investigate. Kwe takes the opportunity to free Smip and gathers him up in his arms, carrying him off back to his room to make sure he's relatively all right. He has to help fix Smip's clothes while the other teen trembles all over.
Smip reaches for Kwe, pulling him closer and clinging to him like a lifeline, just needing to be held so he'll know everything will be all right. Kwe isn't quite sure what to do at first, but then wraps his arms around Smip, letting the other cry into his shoulder.
"... I don't want to be here.. I want to go home..."
Nodding sadly, Kwe replies, ".. Maybe we really aren't meant to be friends after all.."
Smip clings tighter, "No.. I don't want to lose you..." He looks up into the purple eyes that are so alike, yet so different from Tak's. "You saved me from... from her..." he doesn't want to even think of her name, "You stood up to her.. I just don't want to be here anymore. I want to go home where I feel safe again.. but I want you to come with me.. I feel better with you."
The noise from outside has started to grow louder and laser fire is heard. Smip turns his head towards the door, "It's my parents. They found me."
Urging Kwe to his feet, he pulls the other teen along, wanting to get outside to find his parents.
Dib calls out from just inside the base, "Smip? Can you hear me?"
"Dad!!" Smip launches himself into Dib's arms, clutching his father tightly in a tearful reunion.
"Thank god, you're safe.. Zim is outside fighting Tak."
Upon hearing this, Kwe tenses. His mother is a far superior invader and fighter than Zim could ever hope to be. Smip could very well loose his parent today.
The young Irken states gently, ".. He cannot win.." and uses his spider legs to charge outside in order to protect Zim from being killed.
** Smip can only watch in horror as once more, Kwe heads into battle. He struggles out of Dib's grasp, tears pouring down his face in rivers.
"No!.. We can't let them fight!.. I don't want them fighting anymore! I don't want to see dad or Kwe getting hurt!"
Dib holds him back, "Stop it! You can't go running out there. You'll get yourself killed.. You have no weapons to fight with. Zim has weapons in his PAK to use."
The teen still pulls and twists in his father's embrace until he breaks free, taking Dib's gun with him as he runs outside.
"DON'T TOUCH THEM!" he screams and fires off a round, but it misses horribly since he has never held a gun in his life.
It's at least enough to cause a bit of a distraction. Zim has several bloody scratches on him and few laser burnt spots in his uniform, but Tak is looking a little worse for wear as well. Taking advantage of the opportunity, Zim cracks two of her spider legs, sending out a shower of sparks from the broken appendages.
Kwe had burst into battle thinking that it was Zim he would have to be protecting, but even with the new developments in speed, accuracy, and shielding the Irkens had come across, little was stopping a mother's rage. He didn't know what to do at this point.. until he saw Smip on the field and noticed Tak's eyes locking onto him. Jumping in front of Smip, he readies himself for anything that his mother can throw at him, only to realize that his mother wasn't the only one he had to worry about.
Tak's SIR unit grappled Kwe from behind and used a rather powerful shock this time to stop him. Which, unfortunately for Kwe, worked. The spider legs become slack and wobbly and soon let Kwe drop to the ground next to Smip.
".. Damn, Mimi..." was all he could mutter as he shudders and convulses involuntarily upon the ground.
In his first desperate act, Smip fires off rapidly at the SIR unit until he manages to put a few holes into it. That doesn't stop it, but at least the threat seems to have gone away as it retreats back to Tak's side. Smip falls to his knees beside Kwe, still clutching the gun tightly in both hands. This time, he has it pointed at Tak, but everyone knows that she could take off his head before he could manage to get a single shot in.
"Why are you doing this?! I know my dad may have done something to you in the past, but why do you have to hurt all of us?! Even your own son!... Dad just.. doesn't think sometimes!.. We're not here to kill you or anything, so why don't you just leave us alone already?!"
Zim slips in between his son and Tak, ready to attack once more.
"Oh no, I really AM here to kill you for taking my son," he slashes out, managing to rip into Tak's uniform at least.
Tak retreats a few steps and activates one of the few options she has left in her new arsenal. A laser field glows brightly around her, forming into a solid barrier as two very large and very glowy guns spring out the sides.
"Thought you had me, Zim?.. Well.." looking down at her own son and Smip.. she pauses.. "... And I only did that because YOU kidnapped my son first!"
She pauses again, giving opportunity for a diplomatic response before blasting the hell out of everything. Smip's gaze goes back and forth between Tak and Zim, scared to death that he's going to see his parent get killed right in front of him and stares in dumbfounded shock when accused of kidnapping Kwe, but he's so paralyzed that he can't make a protest. Kwe just slowly curls into Smip's arms and lays there, drifting in and out of consciousness.
The only words that come from him are a whispered plea of, "Kiss me..." He hopes that it will show his mother why he was being so protective and not wishing anything to happen to any of them.
The soft words manage to come to Smip's ears though and he looks down, fresh tears welling up in his eyes. His heart clenches, afraid that Kwe is subtly telling him that he's going to die. He drops the gun with a sob, wrapping his arms around Kwe tightly and taking him into a powerful kiss once more, thinking that this will be the last kiss he will ever share with the other.
Tak glares, but finally accepts.
".. I swear, if this keeps up, the universe is going to have a huge population shortage," she says in a huff. Quite honestly, she enjoys seeing males together, but just pissy over the whole event. She lowers her weapons, "Fine then, Zim. You win, whatever. Make sure nothing happens to Kwe while he's visiting and I'll do the same for you while your half worm boy is over here."
Dib doesn't really trust Zim to be in a very forgiving mood right now. He steps up in Zim's place, Zim nearly foaming at the mouth with urge to kill the bitch that dare hurt his offspring.
Dib thrusts his hand out, "We need an agreement, Tak. I promise that we won't let anything happen to your son and you can't lay a finger on Smip. Because, I promise you, it won't be pretty if you do. You're lucky I was more focused on keeping Smip away from the fight..." He promises with a deadly tone, eyes narrowed as he stares down Tak.
"Sure Dib, but only because I always thought you were kind of cute," Tak replied, giving Dib a wink and wobbling off in what was left of her PAK.
She grinned to herself, knowing that this would only serve to push Zim to new heights of being pissed off as she slowly crept back down into her lair. In the lab, Tak sets her PAK on the table to start repairs. She's quite shaken as she has never seen someone fight so fiercely before and it scared the hell out of her that an idiot like Zim could somehow conjure such abilities out of nowhere.
".. Damn, Kwe.. Falling in love with.. A HALF WORM!" she screams and looks to the door. "No! Not MY son..." She growls a bit and quickly continues her work. "... Hrm.. I can't just kill that half blood.. or Zim at this point... I'll have to break up the two of them.. Yes." She cackles manically as she continues to fix her PAK.
Kwe, meanwhile, was slowly coming back to, his violet eyes focusing gently upon Smip holding him and crying.
".. Smip?.... Is everyone okay?.." he asks in a slight wheeze.
Smip clings tighter, hugging Kwe as hard as he possibly can, "Oh god.. I thought you died!.. I didn't know what I was going to do!"
He doesn't even notice that his Irken parent may rupture a blood vessel in his brain if he doesn't calm down soon. Dib keeps Zim restrained with one arm and bends down, putting his hand on Smip's back.
"Are you okay?.." he looks to Kwe, "and you too?"
Kwe coughs slightly, which produces some black smoke of being fried, but gives a nod.
"I'm fine.. Mimi hit me hard with the stun was all.."
He lays in Smip's arms, unable to move just yet, but not wishing to.
Smip shivers a little, not even daring to bring up the humiliation he sustained by being violated in Tak's lab. If Zim and Dib found out about that little piece of information, they probably would kill Tak off. He gives a slow, shaky nod, eyes still round and frightened by everything that has happened in such a short time. He pulls Kwe closer, letting him lie against his chest.
".. I-I'm okay.. B-but I wanna go home now.." He clings tighter to Kwe, showing that he doesn't plan on leaving alone.
Zim crosses his arms, having finally calmed down slightly and nods, "Yes, yes. Drop the little traitorous fool child and we will be on our way."
Kwe looks up at this, then to Smip, ".. I.. want to stay with you.. at least tonight.." He whispers softly, holding on to Smip tightly and nuzzling into the other's chest slightly.
Smip cradles Kwe as tenderly as he can to avoid hurting him, but still keeps him close. He shakes his head, his eyes giving a pleading look towards his alien father.
"No.. Please let him come back with us.. He's hurt.. He saved me from.. her.." he goes quiet whine he stresses 'her', too afraid to say her name again still. "He even helped you fight.. Please.. I feel better when I'm with him.."
Dib looks to his mate, "He has a point you know. We can give him medical attention down in the lab.. And Tak agreed that she wouldn't do anything if we didn't hurt Kwe in any way."