Invader Zim Fan Fiction ❯ Smip and Kwe's story ❯ Chapter 12

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Oh yes, that was most certainly awkward. At least later, Smip feels a little better after taking a nice, LONG, shower. He sits on their bed, cross-legged as he soothes himself with a bag of Irken snacks, munching on them and staring off into nothing. There's many thoughts going on in his head, but each one only stays for a fleeting moment before being replaced by another. One that he dwells on a bit is if he's being a help to his mate in his mission, or if he's being a hindrance.

The base was quiet, very quiet. Whether Smip had noticed it or not, Kwe and Iif had been gone this whole time. The main entrance opens and the two come walking in. Iif has a limp, needing repairs to his leg, and Kwe looking a bit banged up with a long, shallow cut over his shoulder.

Smip stops in mid munch when he hears the entrance, going on alert. He had no idea that Kwe was actually gone, as the two must have left when he was in the shower.

He jumps up; about to grab a weapon until he hears his mate's voice calling, "Love? I'm home.. We can leave now if you like. The queens are dead and the Armada will be on its way as soon as Iif sends the transmission."

Sure enough, Iif was at the computer, sending out said transmission before even going to repair himself. The little SIR was acting a bit odd though.

Kwe looks at his robot with some concern, "Iif! Make sure to run thorough scans. You took a nasty hit to the head back there."

Iif grins and nods, “Yes, master!” he giggles. Probably not a good sign.

Leaving his snacks to go find Kwe, Smip stumbles upon the other at last. ".. Huh? What the hell are you talking ab-- KWE!!" He runs over the rest of the way as soon as he sees the cut. "Kwe! You're hurt!" Smip looks up, looking angry, but out of concern, "You went out there, didn't you?! You promised me, Kwe!" He pulls him close, embracing Kwe tightly, "Don't you EVER do something like that again. I swear to god.." Finally, he pulls back just enough to look into his love's face, "You're coming with me to the medical bay so we can fix you up. Tell me what the hell you're talking about on the way there."

Kwe blinks and looks at the other teen. ".. I did just say that I was successful.. I mean.. I accomplished something most Invaders take years, or at least months, to do... Hell, I might have set a new record.. I was hoping for at least a 'congratulations'," he says, crossing his arms and causing the gash in his shoulder to spread, some blood spurting forth.

Smip freaks when he sees this, "Kwe!! Stop moving around! You're making it worse!" He hurries them both along to the medical bay faster, practically throwing Kwe onto the exam table so the computer can begin repairs. "Now just stay still.. But, really, you're kidding me, right? How could you conquer a planet that fast? We've only been here a week!!" He doesn't mean anything bad by it as he honestly through something like this would take much longer.

"Well, I didn't have much of a choice, love.. One of us is in a bit of a hurry to get going.." Kwe speaks softly, blushing and looking away from Smip shyly.

The medical arm starts in moments, beginning the painful repairs to Kwe's body quickly and efficiently as Kwe gripped the table, causing him to grit his teeth and groan in pain.

Smip tucks his antennae back and reaches out, holding Kwe's hand tightly as he has to endure the pain. Even with the local anesthetic being used, it doesn't make it completely bearable. "Just hang in there.. It's almost over with. Hang onto my hand." He kneels down beside Kwe, resting his head against his mates, hoping to distract him some from the medical repair. "I love you.. And, don't think I'm not proud of you, because I am.. I never imagined that someone could finish a mission like this so fast.. You're really something, Kwe.. I can't believe I had doubts before." He strokes Kwe's face softly.

Kwe blinks and looks over at his mate, "Umm.. Love? We should get going.. There is an urgent matter coming and.. I'd like to be off this planet before it begins." Once more, he tries to drop subtle hints about the approaching birth.

Smip is still clueless however to what his lover is tiptoeing around. He gets up suddenly, "You're right! We have to get out of here before they do the organic sweep. I'll go begin getting the base taken down and ready to leave. Do you think you'll be okay to make it to the ship?"

All Kwe does is stare at the other for a moment. "... Tallest please let the smeet take after my side of the family," he mutters under his breath and holding his face in his hand. ".. Yes, yes, I'll get on the ship just fine, Smip. Make sure to pack everything from the base you wish to take." With another sigh, Kwe gets up, one hand on his large belly. "My seeder.. The smeet will be coming within a few days or so," he says casually as he walks towards the door.

The raven-haired teen looks a little putt off by the first comment, not really thinking he deserved that. It takes just a second for him to process the last sentence before he pales, running after Kwe in a panic.

"WHAT?! The baby?! Kwe!!.. I!.. We.. But.." The poor boy is broken.

Smip tries to form words, his mouth opening and closing like a fish, but nothing comes out. He just stares, wide eyed, and then suddenly darts off towards the communication center, flinging himself against the console as he calls his parents. Thank every lucky star that they're not in the middle of anything disturbing this time at least.

He doesn't even get a 'hello' across before he yells, "KWE! SMEET! DAYS!"

Kwe follows, glaring at his partner. "Calm down, Smip.. It's my anus on the line, not yours. We will be fine.. I completed the PAK a few days ago with dozens of prototype extras to test out while I wait.. The mission is over and we'll give birth on our way back." His arms cross his chest as he slowly takes a seat down on the other side of the room, looking over at the monitor. "Oh, hello, Dib. Glad to see you out of your beaver costume and well."

Dib looks a little startled by his son in such a panic, but has to look away and clear his throat slightly to Kwe. "Uh, yeah.. Anyway, Smip, you really do need to calm down. Look, it'll be fine. It's not like Kwe is the first one in al of history to give birth."

Smip trembles as he sits there, looking utterly frazzled. "But.. but.. We don't even KNOW how Irkens give birth! Especially males.. Where's dad?! He's gotta tell us! We don't even know if it's time right now or not. Kwe could be having it right this minute and we wouldn't know! Oh god.. I don't know what I'm gonna do! I've never had to deliver a baby before.. What if I do something wrong?!"

Dib waves both his hands in a 'settle down' motion and looks off camera, "Zim! Smip is back! I'm really going to need you in here!"

Kwe seems to be pondering something for a moment, then speaks up, "Well.. I'm probably the first to give birth to a one-quarter human smeet.. There could be some complications in that." That did nothing to help the tension.

Smip whips his head around to stare at his mate with HUGE eyes, not even caring that his antennae flip and smack him in the face. He whips back to his father, looking desperate as he begins hyperventilating and clutching his hair. "Oh my god! SOMETHING'S GONNA GO WRONG!!"

Dib winces and calls again, "ZIM! Hurry up!"

Zim appears only a moment later, Skooge actually following behind him, while Zim cradles a coffee mug in his hands, taking a sip on the drink inside casually.

Dib just looks at them in disbelief, ".. What the hell?"

Zim still looks calm and replies nonchalantly, "We were in the kitchen swapping birthing stories. After all, Kwe is about 75% along now."

Smip yells over the monitor, "NO HE ISN'T! HE SAID IT'S COMING IN A FEW DAYS!!"

"Well, it feels pretty close.. I'm.. big.. So very big!!" Kwe looks down at his watermelon-sized stomach in awe at its sheer size. "Also, there has been a lot of kicking and movement.." He looks to his mate, "Calm down, Smip, nothing is wrong, I'm sure."

Skooge comes closer since it's his son they're talking about. He stands beside Zim and the two seem to be looking Kwe over carefully as they pass idle comments to one another.

"Hrm.. He does seem pretty big already.." Zim states.

Skooge nods slightly, "Could he just be farther along? But it's only been about 3 months, right?"

Zim nods, taking another sip of his drink before addressing Kwe. "Have you noticed the kicking and movement changing? Has the area changed where you feel it the most?"

Dib just lets the Irkens handle this since he could offer little input himself.

"Yeah, kind of like a.. somersaulty movement recently.. It was different and I don't know.. I just think it's soon," Kwe replies with a blink, looking back at his stomach as if suddenly his smeet would stick its head against his flesh and say 'Yeah, I'll be out soon, mom!'

Iif walks in, still lacking repairs to himself and sits down beside his master, grinning wide at him in an idiotic manner.

Kwe frowns, "Didn't I tell you to repair yourself?"

"Aww.. But I feel good now!"

Kwe blinks and shoots a look to Smip, "YOU RUBBED GIR'S STUPIDNESS OFF ON MY IIF!" He points accusingly.

Zim moves quickly, sloshing the liquid all over as he leans forward, pointing at Kwe, "Hey! Gir isn't stupid! He's advanced!" He suddenly notices that he's covered himself with his drink and tries brushing it off himself before thrusting the mug at Dib, silently demanding him to go get some more.

Dib grumbles angrily as he gets up, stalking off and bitching under his breath about not being a servant.

Skooge rubs his chin in thought, not exactly liking this news of the movements at all. "When did that happen?" If it was just recently, it might be the unborn smeet getting comfortable. If it's been a day or so, then it was something to be concerned about.

"Eh? I noticed it a couple days ago.." the young Invader replies, looking worried for the first time about the pregnancy.

Smip keeps looking back and forth between everyone as they have the conversation, getting more and more worried. When Kwe says the moment occurred a few days ago, both Zim and Skooge share a look that has Smip panicking all the more.

"I.. We should get on our way in the ship, Smip.. We'll contact you all again once we're underway." With his brief comment, Kwe gets up, closing the transmission, and quickly takes the other teen by the hand, heading straight into the ship. "IIF! GET IN HERE!" With that, the ship quickly takes off, banging against the base's still opening bay door.

With the transmission cut off before anymore can be said, Smip tries to keep his balance as he is practically dragged out of the base to the ship and they take off, leaving the base behind.

"Kwe?.. Are you okay?.. We left everything back on Niff." At least the important things are still on the ship, but plenty of equipment left behind was hard to ignore.

"I'm sure the armada will ship it back to me.. I.." Kwe looks over the control panel, this first real fear showing in his eyes over the pregnancy. ".. Smip.. I've been a terrible mother.. I've put our smeet's life in jeopardy time and time again. And, if it does expire.. I will understand if you hate me for it.." His eyes well with tears, on the verge of a breakdown.

Coming over to his distressed mate, Smip holds him close, careful of aggravating his injury. "Shh.. Kwe.. Kwe, it's okay.. Just calm down, it's not good for the smeet to get all worked up.. You're going to be a great mother. I know it." He swipes his antenna against his love's softly. "Shh.. Please.. Let's get you something to drink and have you rest, okay? You need to let your wound heal."

"But.. the poison.. the over exertion.. the getting hurt... I.. I'm so sorry, my seeder.. I'm so sorry.." Tears run down Kwe's face, his defense and pride finally breaking as he collapses against his mate, clinging to him while his frame quivers with sobs.

Smip holds Kwe gently, rubbing his back softly before he picks him up carefully, carrying him bridal style towards their bedroom and laying him back on the bed. He lays down beside his mate, placing a kiss on his forehead, then on each of Kwe's eyelids, then down to where his nose would be, and finally stopping to kiss his lover upon the lips.

Iif wanders in and Smip only hopes that the SIR isn't too broken to follow his orders. "Iif? Would you get something for Kwe to drink? One of the sodas would be good."

Kwe lays there, feeling truly weak for the first time in his life, smiling uncertainly up at his mate.

The robot blinks first, then salutes, "Yes! Will do!" Not the proper response exactly, but close enough. Scampering off, Iif returns with a drink and hands it to his master who then takes a soft sip.

".. Go talk to our parents.. You learn what needs to be done.. I.. I can't right now.."

Smip nods, stroking Kwe's face tenderly. He knows how to take care of his most cherished. "Okay. Just try and get some rest. Call me if you need me, alright?" He kisses his love one last time before he gets up, going out to call again.

The three adults are talking quickly with one another when the screen flickers back on, but stop as they see Smip, all of them looking serious.

Skooge comes forward first, worried for his son, "Is everything all right?"

Smip nods gently as he takes a seat. "He's okay, Uncle Skooge." This is strictly a term of endearment since Smip has known Skooge ever since he was young. "He's just resting now.. But we're both really scared.. Since we got cut off before, what were you going to say?"

Skooge and Zim share a look, Zim now coming forward to stand beside his lifelong acquaintance. "If he hasn't felt the smeet move out of its current position since the shift, it could mean that it's preparing itself to be born."

Skooge rubs the back of his head, looking a little flustered, "Has.. um.. he.. uh.."

Zim cuts back in, "Has he noticed any physical changes to his body?"

Smip looks confused, "Um.. What am I supposed to be looking for?"

He continues in his typical textbook fashion, "Has his penis begun to retract? Or has he noticed it becoming sensitive and sore between his legs?"

The half Irken looks away, trying to think, but he doesn't remember Kwe mentioning anything of the sort. "Uh.. Lemme go ask him." He notices Iif, sent in by Kwe to make sure he gets all the information, and lets the robot follow him as he pokes his head back in to Kwe. "Um.. I have a question."

Kwe blinks, slightly startled since he didn't hear his mate come in. "Er, yes, love?"

Smip looks away a little, starting to blush. "Er.. Well.. By any chance, have you noticed your penis shrinking or soreness between your legs?.. Obviously, I wouldn't be able to tell about the soreness, but, we haven't slept together since before we got here, so I haven't noticed. It looked the same last time we made love though."

Kwe blushes in return. "I thought.. it was just sore from so much movement during the fight with the queens.. I'm glad you didn't see any of them or you would never have let me go near one." He looks away, afraid at what Smip's reaction might be to this. He was in a very delicate state right now after all. "And.. um.. Yeah.. I'm.. smaller.... Not that I really had any reason to be umm.. big..."

Smip clutches the doorway tightly as he listens to Kwe mention the battle. He shoots a pleading look, wanting his mate to stop talking about it or he'll become more stressed. He tries to offer a soft smile at least when Kwe comments on his size.

"I still like your size... And thank you." Heading back to the monitor, Smip seats himself again. "He said that he does feel the soreness and that he's noticed he seems smaller than usual."

Skooge and Zim, even Dib slightly, grow tense.

Zim narrows his gaze seriously, "Then it's already begun.. Kwe should give birth in a few days time."

Smip sits up, alert, "Tell me what's going to happen then. What do I do? What does Kwe do?" He pulls up to the consol to take notes.

"The retraction of the penis is one of the first definitely signs that labor is approaching. The penis must be moved out of the way to allow the smeet to pass. The soreness is due to the birth canal and opening forming. You should notice this opening soon. Kwe's body will know what to do naturally as he births the smeet. The medical computer will handle the rest since it's equipped to handle the situation."

Iif wanders back in, donning his bunny disguise for no apparent reason and jumps into Smip's lap, hoping to be petted. Smip doesn't seem surprised at all when he suddenly gets a lapful of bunny dressed robot, moving to give Iif just enough room.

He pets him idly, still working on the notes. "So.. What do I do then?"

Dib takes his place beside Zim, wrapping an arm around his mate, "You don't really have to do anything but be there for Kwe while it's happening. But, make sure that the medical equipment is working. If the smeet needs a PAK, it has to be attached right away."

Skooge frowns slightly. He wishes he could be there in person, but it would take too long for his ship to reach them.

In the other room, Kwe tries to relax, but didn't feel right being so idle. He picks up his small data device, working on the schematics for the PAK. He had actually designed three, but was working to narrow it down to just one. He wanted to provide the best for his smeet that he could. Finally, he narrows it down to just two that were essentially equal. The only differences between them were one performed certain tasks faster while the other performed other tasks faster.

The conversation in the communications room continues for a while more, Zim presenting all of the standard information of what would happen. He and Skooge's experience had been overall the same, as well as many other Irkens in the documented cases they showed Smip.

After a while, Smip was growing tired and thanked his parents and Skooge very much, saying that he would call if he had more questions. He signed off, setting Iif down and coming back to the bedroom with his mate.

"Well, my dad and your dad told me everything that'll happen and I wrote it down. I promised we'd call if we had more questions.. How are you feeling?"

"More sore than when you first asked.. But otherwise, okay." Kwe's antennae give a slight twitch, "What did they tell you?.. Is the smeet okay?" He lays the data device down beside him after saving it.

Smip lays back on the bed, scooting closer to his love so he can hold Kwe. He swipes his antenna over Kwe's and kisses his mate's face lovingly. "They said that everything you've mentioned so far is what happens when it's almost time for you to give birth, but they're just a little concerned that it's sooner than usual and they weren't sure if it could be some kind of abnormality form the human DNA. They said that is was normal when I was born, but that it doesn't mean that it always happens that way." He rests his hands on Kwe's belly, stroking it softly. "You know.. if we're going to be parents soon, we should really start thinking of names. I mean, we don't even know if we're going to have a boy or a girl."

"At this point, I'd rather wait and be surprised, wouldn't you?" Kwe says in a soft voice as he reaches down to pet Smip's head, lightly caressing his antennae in a loving way, not so much sexual.

"Yeah, I don't mind waiting a little bit more to find out, but I just mean, we'll have to think of some names for both sexes. If we had a girl, they wouldn't want a boy name, and if we had a boy, they wouldn't want a girl name." Smip lets out his breath softly, relaxing into the gentle touch and snuggling closer.

Kwe blinks a bit. "... How about 'Skootak'?" he suggests, thinking of an interesting combination of his parents' names.

Lifting his head, Smip looks curiously for a moment and tries to stifle a soft chuckle. "Well.. That's different." He offers a silly grin, "It's cute though."

The young invader rubs his large belly, "I've never.. really had the creative side of me encouraged.. Maybe you should think of a few names."

It was sad, but true, that Tak wasn't quite the type of mother to put little Kwe's drawing up on the refrigerator. She was more of the type that would reward him for doing creative battle techniques during combat simulations.

Iif slowly walks into the room, transforming into bunny form, and jumps on the bed to finally settle down upon Smip's head.

Smip is quiet while he thinks, still stroking Kwe's belly. A thought does cross his mind and he slows his stroking, looking saddened now as his antennae lower back against his head. He doesn't even protest as he gets a companion upon his head, simply reaching up to give Iif a soft pet even as he looks away quietly and sadly.

Kwe blinks at the sudden depression his mate was showing, ".. Why the sudden unhappiness? Have I said something to displease you?.. I.. umm.. will give you sexual gratification to make up for it?" He wasn't used to Smip suddenly having such a mood change for no obvious reason and wasn't sure how to handle it.

Smip lifts his head, shaking it in a negative, "Oh, no.. You didn't do anything, Kwe... And don't ever think you need to 'make up' anything to me with sex." He shifts himself until he manages to pull Kwe over so his lover can rest his head upon Smip's chest before he takes the other's hand, squeezing it. "I'm sorry if I got you upset just now.. I was just thinking was all.... You see, it's.. it's an Earth custom that I was thinking about.. On Earth, people sometimes name their children after people in their family that are important to them, or even after their own parents... But.." He looks away again, "As much as I love him, I just.. couldn't name our baby 'Zim'.. The name would bring nothing by trouble to him.. I know firsthand now since I'm his son... But also.. I couldn't just pick one of them to name the smeet over the other.. I love both of my parents equally."

"I see... Maybe we could consider naming our child 'Tak' if it turns out to be a female?.. It would help her greatly in her life.. And I do care for my mother.. even if she is a bit.. evil at times... It would also be a nice, lazy way out on the naming issue." Kwe snuggles against the other teen, kissing his forehead.

Well, that little comment certainly brought Smip out of his funk at least. He looks a little irritated at the suggestion and thinks over his words carefully, ".. I'll only agree if we can at least make the name an alternate version, like, I dunno, 'Taka', or 'Takana' or.. whatever."

Kwe begins to wiggle a bit, "ghaaa.. so SORE!" clenching his legs together tightly, feeling as if he was being slowly ripped open; which, indeed, his body was doing so.

Looking slightly alarmed, Smip begins to lovingly stroke his mate's antennae back against his head. "I'm sorry you're sore.. I don't think there's really anything we can do about it though. Your dad and my dad said it was normal, even if it was painful.." He tries to offer an encouraging smile, "I guess you could think of it this way; it means that we'll get to see our smeet soon."

"That sounds good... It's.. moments like this I almost wish I could sleep, so we could lay together.... Oh! Feel!" With that, Kwe grabs his partner’s hand and firmly holds it to his stomach.

Smip jumps with a slight start, worried by the sudden exclamation until his hand is laid on Kwe's belly and he feels a squiggly sort of tickle fluttering under his palm. A wave of warmth washes over him, leaving the young father-to-be with pride and with joy as they stay sharing their tender moment until Smip drifts off to sleep sometime later.


Time seemed to crawl agonizingly slowly for them as the hours seemed to pass like years. Smip took it upon himself to enforce his role as the dominant one and tried to keep Kwe relaxed in bed as much as he could. He doted on his mate's every whim, bringing him snacks while Kwe relaxed to make him as comfortable as possible. Checking the medical bay of the ship again and again, Smip tried to reassure himself that everything was ready.

It was the day after they had left Niff that a transmission had come and Smip panicked as the computer announced it was from The Massive. Each time Kwe had contact them while they were on Niff, Smip make sure to hide himself.

"Kwe! It's the Tallest! They're calling!"

"Oh?" Kwe shuffles his pregnant self in from the bedroom to the monitor, flicking a button and trying to look as proper as possible. "Yes, my Tallest" he salutes proudly, so very heavy with smeet as he was. The front of his uniform was open to expose his belly, even as he tried to hide it from view since it didn't look very 'official'.

Smip helped Kwe take a few steps in before hurrying off to hide himself. He stayed out of sight, as he often did, but close enough so he could listen.

It reminded him of his days when he was young and his mother would call. He never understood before why he could never get to meet the Tallest like his mother did, but at least he got a nice box of juice if he stayed put.

On the monitor, Tallest Red and Tallest Purple stand, actually smiling, albeit smugly.

"Ah, Invader Kwe," Red begins, "We received your message on your successful conquering of Niff! The Armada is on its way in order to conduct the organic sweep of the planet. We should be there in a few days time."

Purple pushes in, "You know, it is your honor as the Invader responsible to launch the sweep. Shall we expect to see you here then?"

Kwe gives pause to think about this. ".. It will be a true honor, my Tallest, yet, if I have yet to give birth, I'd wish to humbly be excused.. I would much prefer to give birth in private.. I'm sure you may understand.. Me being a male and all, it's just rather embarrassing." A male becoming pregnant doesn't exactly speak well for his 'macho-ness' in any culture where this could happen. "I am quite close though. I should give birth before The Massive arrives."

The two ruling Irkens nod, accepting Kwe's explanation. And, he was a valuable Invader, they could cut him some slack for that.

Red continues, "Very well, Invader Kwe. We shall contact you when we arrive then. If you have not given birth yet, we will understand. But, we would still like to meet with you afterward to honor your accomplishment. Niff was one of the hardest planets we have faced for conquest and you accomplished it in a week! As well as being with smeet."

Purple, who had drifted off camera for a moment, comes back eating a bag of chips. He speaks with his mouth full, "Yesh! Congradulashons!"

Red doesn't look impressed as he stares at his fellow Tallest, then back to Kwe. "Excellent work. We shall contact you soon then, Invader Kwe."

The transmission ends.

Kwe beams with pride. "Smip! Did you hear?! They congratulated me!... I just hope they don't plan on mounting a massively land-based attack. Even with their Queens dead, the evil, pink, fluffy beasts could easily take thousands of Irken solider lives.." He trails off in though, wondering if he should inform the Tallest. ".. No.. The Tallest will have it well in hand, I'm sure."

Smip comes out from where he was hiding and comes over, giving his mate a proud hug. "Yes, I heard. I'm very happy for you, Kwe." He starts walking the other back towards the bedroom to lay him back down, "Er.. Well, I don't think you have to worry about that, Kwe. They don't really seem like the type that would 1, do much worrying about other Irkens dying, and 2, work that hard themselves... I don't answer to the Tallest myself, so I can say that they seem more like a couple of spoiled couch potatoes."

Kwe, who has laid down, literally gasps at this, raising a finger to protest, but quickly stops himself. Instead, he takes a deep breath and narrows his eyes in aggravation. ".. You're my seeder.. so I will respect your opinion." Afterward, he rolls onto his side, facing away from his partner while his antennae twitch angrily.

Smip expected as much. He climbs onto the bed, scooting close until he can spoon with his mate and lovingly wraps an arm around him, laying his head against Kwe's neck even though his love is pissed. "I know.. I get yelled at by my dad all the time too.. And I'm not making you change your mind about them, I was just saying my opinion. I'm sorry." He kisses Kwe's neck in apology, "I really am proud of you though."

Kwe smiles slightly at this and rolls back over to face his bedmate, kissing him softly on the lips. ".. You don't ever have to apologize to me.. I'll always forgive you without you asking." He cuddles into Smip's side before his eyes suddenly go wide. He blinks, feeling his legs and the bed underneath him suddenly wet. "Whaa.... Oh hell..." Kwe curses as he looks down at himself to where his water just broke.

Smip smiles, hugging his love and enjoying their moment together until he notices his thighs feeling damp. He opens his eyes, antennae perking as he shifts to look as well.

It doesn't dawn on him at first, thinking instead that Kwe wet himself on accident. Realization jolts him, literally, and he bolts up into a sitting position.

"Holy fuck! It's time!.. Oh my god.. Kwe! KWE! It's time!" Smip tries to scramble off the bed, only managing to get tangled in the bed sheets and he falls on his face to the floor.

Kwe goes from excited, worried, scared and relieved to simply annoyed in under a second as he watches his mate almost knock himself out. He just gets up off the bed, stepping right onto his fallen lover as he walks out of the room towards the medical bay. "IIF! Clean up that mess!" was called as the sliding door to the medical room opened.

Iif giggles, "Hehehe.. You had an accident!"

Kwe promptly retorts with, "Yeah.. about 3 months ago.."

Smip makes an 'oof!' as he is stepped on, finally righting himself again to stand up on his knees and rub at his sore head. He pouts however when he hears Kwe's last sentence, his antennae tucking back slightly before he gets up and quickly follows his mate into the medical bay, much more subdued now as that guilty feeling washes over him again when they first got into this mess. Smip is quiet as he starts working the consoles, warming up the receiving area for their newborn smeet. The PAKs lay nearby, where Kwe had set them, ready to be attached.

".. Smip, you pick a PAK at random, I left the two best choices.. I'll leave it up to you... and.. that was a bad joke before.. I'm sorry my mm-- AHH!" The first pain shoots through Kwe's body and the machine's mechanical arms kick in instantly to grab his arms and legs, restraining him with his thighs spread wide open.

"COMMENCING BIRTHING SEQUENCE" sounds a rather rough male computer voice over the speakers.

Smip is at Kwe's side in an instant when his mate cries out with pain. The computer does nothing more than scare the living shit out of him as he has the passing wonder if it was like this when he was born.

Mechanical arms cut away Kwe's pants, leaving him bare from the waist down and Smip is torn between wanting to stay close for his mate, and moving to help deliver the smeet.

He grabs Kwe's hand tightly, "Oh jeez.. uh.. uhhh.. I've seen women do that breathing thing when they're giving birth on TV. I think it's supposed to help the pain or something." He tries to demonstrate, looking more ridiculous than helpful.

The laboring Invader blinks at this silly distraction of breathing.

The computer calls loudly, "ERROR. BIRTH CANAL NOT FULLY OPENED. NOW PERFORMING MANUAL OPENING." With this, what appears to be a circular saw now appears, attached to a robotic arm heading between Kwe's legs.

Kwe promptly starts to breathe heavily as his mate had instructed. It was about this point that the authoress decided she would never have children of her own because of the mental picture with the saw.

Smip goes white as he sees the horrible torture-like device, his eyes rolling up into his head as he faints dead on the floor of the medical bay.

The next few moments will not be spoken of. Instead, let me describe a scene with space bunnies in detail. Space bunnies, soft and fluffy, frolic through a wonderful and lush paradise of golden twigs as gentle autumn leaves fall onto them as they dance little jigs around their lovely bunny queen. Her fur is so rich and soft, yet not so much as close counterparts, the luff truffles, which resemble Earth hamsters in every regard.

Smip's dreams are filled with these lovely happy space bunnies scampering all fat and cute through the grass. Ah, such happy dreams.

"Smip!! Get up already! It wasn't that bad!" And it wasn't really as it helping open the last bit of skin that was holding his birth canal closed, giving him relief. "Catch the baby, damn you! I don't wish to see if our smeet will bounce!!" Kwe spat towards his mate, honestly starting to panic as he learned the medic bay had been programmed to let his mate catch the newborn.

The happy dreams of bunnies are soon gone as Smip is awakened with a shock from a mechanical arm and he jerks into a sitting position, panting hard and looking around, disoriented, until he sees Kwe screaming at him.

"Oh shit! I'm up! I'm up!" He takes a second to strip out of his still soiled pants, not caring at all that he's now in just his shirt and boxers. Rushing over to Kwe's side, he wipes away some of the sweat upon his mate's brow. "Are you doing okay?.. er.. Never mind.." Smip didn't even need to wait for the rather nasty look that questioned received as he scuttles into position between Kwe's spread legs, staring in horror for a moment at the sight that is before him. He feels ill, but keeps himself focused, moving his hands down near Kwe's rear while he waits, watching the greenish bump of their smeet's head emerging.

Kwe strained and groaned while he pushed, gritting his teeth together. His antennae lay plastered against the back of his head as he lets a grunt escape from his effort. But slowly and surely, the smeet finally found its way into the world.

Smip was incredibly careful, making sure he had a firm grasp on their smeet as it came until a final push and he was able to hold their baby in his arms, giving a happy cry. "Oh my god! Kwe!.. It.. It's.." Suddenly, he remembers that he can't waste any time and rushes over to deposit the lifeless infant into the receiving area. He grabs the closest PAK as the mechanical arms quickly come to life.

It was hard to watch as the PAK was grafted on and an electric jolt is sent through the smeet's body, but there seems to be no ill effects as the baby's eyes light up and it takes its first breath, squealing and thrashing about.

Using the towels and blankets there, Smip cleans the baby off and looks, finally making out a small penis. "Kwe! It's a little boy smeet!"

The arms take over as they finish the clean up, running scans to detect any problems. The umbilical cord, which was severed the moment the smeet emerged, was trimmed down. While the smeet was in the womb, it received its 'power' from Kwe's PAK, but once it was free, it required its own in order to survive.

".. Smip.. something's.. wrong.. Ahhh.. It.. it hurts.. I.." Kwe struggles as he lays on the table, the computer conducting a scan over his body.

Once again, the computer's voice booms loudly, "NO ERRORS DETECTED IN BIRTH. POSSIBLE INTERNAL DAMAGE OPTIONAL. NO REFERENCE TO SOLVE SUCH PROBLEM. MEDIC BAY SHUTTING DOWN." With that, the robotic arms release their grip upon Kwe and begin tucking themselves away.

Most of the lights turn off as Kwe's eyes tear and he looks at Smip with unmasked fear.

"What's wrong?.. It feels like.. It's like.. there's.. Ahhh!"

A look of horror crosses Smip's face and he runs over to Kwe's side, panicking and whipping his head around at the medical equipment shutting down around them. "NO! DON'T SHUT DOWN YOU FUCKING COMPUTER!! HELP HIM!"

The lights flicker, except for the ones above their smeet, who is still crying and squealing, looking so incredibly small.

Tears of panic run down Smip's face as he breathes hard, wishing that he had his parents there to help him. This wasn't like what they had told him! Something was wrong...

Something was HORRIBLY wrong....