Invader Zim Fan Fiction ❯ Smip and Kwe's story ❯ Chapter 17
The sun was barely up, only just breaking over the horizon. Kwe and Zim's shadows stretch long across an open field that the duel was to take place in as their families stood well back and out of the way from what was surely to be an epic struggle.
Zim's fingers open and close at his side as if preparing to draw a pistol and fire. Kwe stands, eyes glaring and unblinking as his hands stand steady and ready to his sides.
A tumbleweed blows past as a sudden gust of wind stirs up some dust.
"Well then, Zim... Are you ready?" Kwe speaks, maneuvering a toothpick around in his mouth as he does so, then spits it out to the side.
"I was born ready," Zim replies, feeling this was one of the cooler Earth sayings that there were.
"Oh?" Kwe asks, once more, taking initiative as Zim merely nods. "... 1..."
The elder's eyes narrow, "... 2..."
"... 3..." they yell in unison.
The families look on in horror as both of the Irkens suddenly spring forth, running as fast as possible and proceeding to stand at arm's length, leaning back as far as possible. Their heads are turned and eyes glare at each other through the side while their arms and limp wrists slap wildly towards one another.
Smip turns away as they charge, still holding the smeets. He doesn't want to bear watching.
Dib keeps watching however, even if it's through some morbid curiosity and concern. When the two begin to slap wildly at one another though, he has to do a double-take before looking over at Skooge, who is peeking cautiously through his fingers. ".. You've got to be kidding me.. Skooge?.. What's going on?"
Tak looks to Dib incredulously, "And here I thought you were smarter than most of the other humans. Can you not see they are engaging in a duel of honor? Irken fighting has many subtleties to it. This is merely one form of the fighting, but unless it is specifically challenged as a duel of honor, the loser does not face as severe a punishment. In this case, there is much to lose."
Smip turns back now as he doesn't hear sounds of an 'epic' battle. ".. Oh, for the love of..." He lets out a very long, angry sigh, not even sure what he wants to say anymore.
Kwe's limp wristed slapfighting techniques are immaculate and to the letter, doing what any invader would see as proper slapfighting... Zim's however, was more luck based and... random with Zim scoring a good slap here and there, but Kwe was quickly overtaking him by a wide margin.
Tak smiles wide as she watches, "I knew Zim would lose.. hehehe... Oh, it will be such a sweet victory indeed.... You know what will happen to the loser, right Smip? heheh.. If you don't.. I'd prefer not to spoil the surprise, but you're all welcome to come and watch. In fact, it's custom for the immediate family to watch as the loser is punished, you know."
She smiles wide and watches as Kwe's flailing, slapping hands of fury were making quick work of Zim. Zim's face looks very worried at this point and he tries to make up for his lack of score at this point by slapping faster yet; a desperate move indeed.
Diz and Meep watch curiously, though Meep pulls his blanket around him tighter.
Smip looks over at his father, "er, do you know what's going to happen?"
Dib simply shakes his head, looking quite irritated as he watches the fight, "I have no idea.. But I can tell you this. I'm going to kill him when it's over with.."
Smip turns back with a single nod, thinking about doing the same for his own mate.
Dib continues, "Well, Tak, do you want to enlighten us or should we just wait and see?.. At this point, I don't think it could be much worse than after I get my hands on him.."
Tak grins a wide, evil grin at such a question. "Oh, it's worse... Much worse...." Her voice almost sings with delight, which could never be considered a good sign.
Little Meep looks at his hands before looking at Diz before reaching out to give his brother a small flick of a slap before his hand darts back into the safety of his blanket. It didn't really touch the other smeet, but such a small action earned a disapproving look from Skooge and Tak.
"No, no, Meep. Never do such a thing; not unless challenged to such a duel.. And even then, it is best if you do not accept. Understand?"
Meep cowers a bit now, feeling he's really screwed up this time, but gives a small 'meep' of a yes to his grandmother in response.
Diz looks over, blinking as he's slapped at, rather unsure exactly at how to respond, but feeling a bit of satisfaction that his brother got in trouble over it.
Smip glances over at Tak with irritation, "Would you kindly refrain from scaring my son, please? That would be just great."
It wasn't more than two minutes before the slap fight was over with Kwe being the clear victor. Zim's head hung low in shame as he walked back to Dib. As the fight comes to its anticlimactic finish, Smip and Dib both look unmoved at Zim's outcome. The elder Irken was nearly in tears; which to any of you should know that Zim NEVER cried about anything. Not even pain.
A single tear rolls down his cheek as Zim drops to his knees, "Oh Irk!... Please.. I.. I take it back!!.. DO NOT DOOM ME TO SUCH A HORRIBLE FATE!!!"
Tak just grins wider and walks off, "I'll go make the preparations. Your punishment will be ready in an hour."
Smip keeps his look quite even as he stares at his own mate, unimpressed by his 'victory'.
Kwe looked relieved, however, but not proud of himself at all. He knew what he had just condemned Zim to. And the fact that the human and half human did not seem phased by what was to come made him honestly feel sorry for his opponent.
Dib reaches down, grabbing Zim's antenna and yanking him up to his feet, "You asshole! I'm going to kill you when we get home!!" He smacks his mate hard on the back of the head, very angry that he had to cause so much worry over such a seemingly idiotic fight.
His eyes watered all the more as he was yanked upwards. "H-how can you be so uncaring?.. YOU OF ALL PEOPLE?!.. My mate.. I.. Oh, my Tallest.. She.. She went to get it ready.. I.. Oh, Irk.." Zim just started to sob.
"I-I'm sorry, Zim.. It will only take an hour or so, though.. I mean.. Maybe it will be over quicker? You can never tell.." He sighed, "Dib.. Honestly, this is something bad.. You should try to be more understanding please." Kwe actually asks for sympathy for Zim, of all people.
Skooge comes over, patting his old friend's back slightly to console him some as he looks up at the human as well. "Kwe's right, Dib.. This is a very big loss that he has to face, so it would be good for you to support him."
Dib calms down some, his concern showing now.
Smip's antennae perk before he snaps at Kwe, "What the hell did you do to my Dad?! What's this horrible 'punishment' that he's got to face anyway?!"
"C-come on.. I'll.. tell you in the ship... But before I even start to describe it, you have to know I am required to go and watch.... Come on...."
-------------------------------------------------------------- < p>The lights were dim as Kwe entered the small observation room. Comfortable leather seats were positioned behind a two-way mirror. The room beyond the glass appeared dark, yet something moved within. Slithering and growling noises were heard as if the creature, what ever it was, was expecting something.
Part of the room suddenly becomes lit to show a doorway. The door snaps open abruptly and there is a nude Zim struggling with all his might not to be pushed inside. However, with Tak apparently being the forcing hand, she pushes Zim down onto his rump and the door slams closed to lock. Zim is up instantly beating upon it as the light now spotlighted him so that the creature could not be fully seen at anytime.
The door to the observation room opens a moment later as the female alien strolls in, casually brushing off slime from herself. "Damn creature.. Did it start yet? Oh good then, popcorn time!" Tak chirps in a positively chipper tone while she sets about making snacks.
Zim turns to press himself tightly against the door while, trying to make himself as flat as possible against its surface.
Dib sits in one of the 'audience' chairs, still wondering what exactly the fuck is going on. Smip, Skooge, and the smeets are not there though. Skooge really didn't want to see and Kwe managed to convince his mate that it was not something he would wish to watch, but placated the teen by promising Zim would not be killed. Smip gladly agreed to stay behind then and watch the twins. If he could get more information out of anyone, he figured it would be Skooge.
Dib blinks in disbelief as popcorn is passed out as if they were watching a movie. ".. Why exactly is he naked?.. And what's moving around there with him?... You're not feeding him to some alien creature, are you?"
Tak grins all the wider. "Feed? No..."
With those less than comforting words, there is suddenly movement from inside the darkened room as what appears to be a long, slender, black tentacle slaps against the mirror to leave behind a trail of white slime in its wake. Zim lowers his antennae and takes a deep breath as one tentacle maneuvers behind him.
The Irken is snatched up quickly. His legs and arms are wrapped by the rather phallic shaped appendages and hold him up for all to be seen. The inevitable begins to happen while Zim gives a screaming moan as a particularly thick tentacle drives deep into him.
Kwe wasn't really watching, only looking through sideways glances. Tak, on the other hand, was very visibly aroused over the whole affair and was loudly rooting the tentacle beast on!
"Whooo! Yeah! Give it to him! Show him what he gets for ruining so many Irken lives!!"
Dib sits in wide-eyed silence, his jaw hanging slightly slack as he tries to comprehend what exactly is taking place. All in all, it's a pretty fucked up situation. All coherent thought has left the human as he watches. After a few moments, however, it doesn't appear that Zim is fighting against the creature that much anymore...
"HAHAHA! The pervert is enjoying it! Look at his PATHETIC erection! HA! Mine is easily three inches larger, and I'm a FEMALE! MUHAHAHAHA!"
Tak was thoroughly enjoying herself and at her last comment, Kwe paled and tried to let his brain kill itself at a fairly exact definition of his mother's 'male state' penis.
Indeed, at this point Zim was quickly realizing it didn't really hurt or anything. True, the 'Rape Beast' was being far rougher with him that he'd ever wish on himself, but.. it was... okay.... The beast, sensing the Irken's final submission, slowly slithers a tentacle up Zim's chest, leaving a trail of white goo on its way as it worms into the alien's mouth. After all, it had learned at this point not to try this until its 'prey' was fairly submissive or it could get bitten.
Zim's antennae flicker slightly as he tries to resist, but slowly, he opens his mouth and begins to gently suck.
Dib suddenly snaps back to reality, wincing away from Tak as he really didn't want to know that information about her either. He glances back to his mate, seeing the almost hazy look of lust on Zim's face. He stiffens, "Hey! You're not supposed to enjoy a punishment!!" He gets up, pounding a fist on the glass as he yells, not caring if they can hear him or not on the other side, "HEY! YOU CAN AT LEAST PRETEND THAT YOU'RE NOT ENJOYING IT!!"
Sadly, Zim couldn't hear this as yet another tentacle started to rub itself up and down the underside of his member. Lust glazes over his eyes as he goes limp and now just 'accepts' everything that was happing to him.
"... Now you see why I didn't want Smip and the twins to come," Kwe says quietly to Dib.
Dib growls a little, pounding on the glass more in a futile effort.
Tak finally gets irritated, "Sit down, Dib. You're ruining the show."
He doesn't turn his head, but his gaze goes towards her direction at least before he turns and storms out angrily. He bitches under his breath the whole way out and back inside Tak's base where the others are. They look up as he slams the door behind him and sits down in a huff.
Smip looks over curiously, still not getting anything out of Skooge about the 'punishment'. "Uh.. Pop?... What's going on?.. How's Dad?"
Dib looks over, arms crossed as he steams, "Oh, he's just fine... He's enjoying himself actually."
Tak remains seated in the observation room, very into the show. Without a doubt, if Kwe weren't there, she would be masturbating her male member by this point. The thrill of revenge, the sexual nature of it all, and the fact that she had a thing for tentacle hentai... It was all too much for her.
Sensing something along these lines, Kwe clears his throat, "err.. Mom.. Seeing as I've.. seen everything I'm required to.. I'll, um.. be going now.. Okay?"
She grins, thanking her lucky stars, "Oh, are you sure?.. Okay then!" Happily seeing her son to the door, Tak goes to attend her carnal needs. "Mmmmm.. all that 'fluff' work on the beast was worth it.. That damn thing is ravenous...."
Hours later, a very slimy, very sated looking Zim wobbles into the base, clothed once again.
Smip had finally found out what the 'punishment' was, thanks to dragging Kwe aside and using all of his seme authority to demand Kwe to tell him.. then he wishes he hadn't.
Dib looks pissy still, "Done already? Are you sure you don't want to go back for some more?"
Zim was walking very funny as he enters. Blinking his mate, he gives a bit of a glare, "I regret to inform you, Dib that I NEVER wish to have sex again...." Of course, Zim didn't really mean this, but the point was easy to get.
Dib glares right back, "Good! Because you're not getting it ever again!!"
Smip looks back and forth, "Hey! Would you two shut up? There's kids here... and ME."
Tak then walks in, doing a ballerina-like twirl of happiness and actually hugging Zim. "All is forgiven, Zim.. I'll be uploading the last bit of your punishment later."
"... Uploading?" Kwe questions, not completely familiar with that part.
"Oh, it's a new rule. Not only do invaders who lose the duel of honor have to be molested by the tentacle beast of Loliukea 5, but they also must now have the whole experience recorded and uploaded into the Irken data stream so all may know and enjoy watching the their punishments."
When Zim hears of the 'new rule', he pales slightly. When Dib hears of it, he becomes furious.
Tak beams with delight. "Yep! Isn't it great?" giving a dancing leap out of the room, she disappears to upload the video.
Smip picks up the twins, "I'm not letting the kids listen to this conversation anymore." He heads outside, trying to save their innocent ears.
"Can I be a porno star like grandpa one day, daddy?... I like the stars," cute, little Meep's voice can be heard asking as Smip heads out the door.
Smip has the passing thought of strangling them all as he replies to his youngest son, hanging his head in exasperation, "Er, no, Meep.. You really don't want to be that. Trust daddy." The door finally shuts behind them.
Meanwhile, Kwe just sits there, "... Calm down, Dib... It's better than a fight to the death, isn't it?.. Well,.. Okay, it's not. It's worse... But.. at least the twins will have a grandfather, right?... umm..." He looks over nervously. After all, he was the one that forced Zim into this.
Dib watches Tak nearly skip gleefully to go send the recording out into space and he starts shaking with barely suppressed rage of it all. And somehow, through this all, he doesn't really blame Kwe for it. But that doesn't mean he appreciates it at the moment. ".. Kwe?.. You really don't want to talk to me right now, okay?.."
The young invader blinks for a moment, then nods, realizing what it would be like for Smip to have to hear about something like that happening to himself. "I.. Yes, sir.."
Skooge has seen Dib as his angriest before and steps in, leading Kwe off out of harm's way. Feeling fairly low, Kwe walks quickly with his parent from the room. He felt bad... Very bad for what happened now. The thought of what Smip would be like if right now he was in the same situation.... It was a lot for him.
Kwe lay back in his bedroom, staring up into nothing. He really wasn't in this room that much; only to be 'coupled with' as his mind would put it. He wasn't feeling sexy right now though; not in the least... Kwe felt ugly for what happened to Zim... despite how ultra, fucking hot he was.
Rolling over to his side and looking over some of Smip's possessions, he gives a small smile. Finally rising from the bed, Kwe walks into the nursery to wrap his arms around Smip from behind and kiss his neck. "I-I love you, my seeder," he whispers quietly, needing love badly.
Smip is just putting the twins down for the night as Kwe comes in. It's be a LOOOOOOOOONG day for him. Lifting his head up when he feels his mate's arms around him, he closes his eyes and lets out a soft, pleasurable sigh. ".. Kwe.." He turns around in his lover's embrace, whispering back, "Let's go out so we don't wake up the twins."
Finally standing outside the closed nursery, Smip leans in, just lightly placing a kiss on Kwe's lips before giving him an exasperated look. ".... I should deny you sex for a month for making me worry about all of this.... I guess this also means my family won't really be welcomed anywhere now since my dad is the biggest laughingstock of the entire universe... At least you're still safe.."
"... I... don't really feel much like mating for what all has happened anyway.. I just.. need to know you still love me... Even after shaming your mother as I did..." Kwe whimpers, the thought of him causing his seeder more pain finally setting in as he cowers into Smip's arms. His head lays against the other's chest. "... You.. mean everything to me..."
Smip wraps his own arms around Kwe, holding his love and resting his chin on the top of Kwe's head. ".. You mean everything to me too, Kwe.. And of course I still love you.. I don't really understand all of this Irken honor stuff and neither does Pop, but I understand that this wasn't a good thing at all to have happened.... As much as I love Dad, and as sad as it is for me to say so, I know now that he's no good at what he does.. I wish that none of this had to happen, but we can't change it now... At least I'll feel a little more justified for people's hate whenever I travel with you to other worlds.. But like I said, you're still safe.. As long as I keep my identity quiet, then our sons will have a chance of leading normal lives."
Kwe gives a bit of a relieved sigh and kisses Smip on the forehead. He looks into his mate's eyes for a moment before kissing him hard on the lips. "Mmmm... Well.. I should go get Dib and Zim.. The armada will be here soon. They have to be gone and I have to quickly destroy all the military bases on the planet... So.. I'll see you in a day or two." Slowly breaking away from Smip, he offers a smile before walking towards the exit.
Smip feels his heart ache at the knowledge that the Earth was in real danger now and doesn't underestimate Kwe's promise of his abilities. Reaching up quickly, he unfastens his collar, the one with the Irken symbol charm, and stops his mate. "Wait.." Placing the collar in Kwe's hand, he wraps his lover's fingers around it. "If the city starts getting destroyed, I want you to find my aunt, Gaz. Have Pop give you her information. But, show her this and tell her that you're my mate and that I wanted her to be safe, so help her escape, okay? My family is very small, but they're still my family."
Kwe nods understandingly. "Yes... And they're not just yours, they're mine now too, correct?" he asks while looking into his love's eyes. The only family he had only ever known before had been Tak and now recently, Skooge, his mate, and the smeets. The thought of a larger one appeals to him to say the least.
Kwe didn't know why all these new thoughts had suddenly come to him. It was as if Zim's disgrace suddenly made him realize how important all this was.
Smip gives a soft smile and nods, ".. Yeah.. I guess that's right."
Zim, meanwhile, had locked himself in his lab where he was sitting on an ice pack in front of the communication screen. Various invaders where contacting him either to outright mock him, or.. tell him of their sexual pleasure derived from his little film. It was an odd situation as it seemed a good amount of Irkens wished to mate with him now, though all that wish to, only wished to in secret. Zim was very flattered by this, but also aggravated that it had to only be in private. Either way, he wouldn't have taken their offers, but it was the principal of it.
Upstairs, Dib was trying to finish all the last minute packing. He had gotten a good start during the wait for Smip and Kwe's return. He keeps looking around the strange little house that he has called home for the past many years, memories of when it was much smaller and just a cover to Zim's base to when they expanded it into an actual home for the two of them, then of the many memories of raising a family in these very same walls. He heaves a sad, heavy sigh. It's only the memories he can hold on to now it seems.
As he turns, Kwe stands ominously at the door. The bright light from outside causing his figure to look a black silhouette as he waits. Squinting his eyes slightly, they seem to glow brightly and evilly.
"It's time...." Unknowingly, he resembles death himself as Kwe raises a hand and makes a beckoning gesture at the human.
If it had been anyone else that was not used to having the utter shit scared out of them by a crazy alien mate or numerous paranormal encounters, Dib would probably have needed to change his pants. He doesn't look afraid, though a little startled as he was still lost in thought and hadn't heard Kwe come in.
Dib just nods with a slight sigh, walking off to go get Zim. He pauses a moment to look Kwe over, ".... I've seen far creepier..." He doesn't care if Kwe doesn't understand at all and continues, going downstairs and finding the lab locked. He pounds a fist upon the door, calling through it, "Come on, we have to go.. You can keep sulking on the ship."
"Eh?.." Kwe blinks, not really trying to be 'creepy', but somehow feeling offended that he somehow wasn't living up to Dib's standards of creepiness. "Er.. should I wear more black?" He questions himself quickly as he looks himself over, feeling his official uniform was somehow less than adequate now.
Downstairs, Zim continues to sit at the console, eyes rather wide at the screen as he watches an extremely attractive female Invader with massively long antennae masturbating before him and moaning his name.
"Oh, Tallest.. When it started to pump into you, I nearly came right then! Oh, Irk, yes, I wanna feel your antenna on mine!"
Dib waits a few moments, getting no response. He tries getting the door open, but it doesn't budge, so he pounds harder, getting more irritated than he already was towards Zim. "Zim! Open the damn door! We have to get out of here. You said you would leave and you've done your fucking battle, now get your ass out of your lab and onto the ship!"
Zim looks back at the screen, "I, er.. I have to go... Perhaps I can contact you later, Invader Jun?"
Jun bites her lower lip and leans closer to the camera, her antennae tapping the top of it as she kisses the screen, "Mmmmmm, yes, my little, unhonorable, tentacle beast slut." Her nonexistent breasts heave as she breathes.
Zim jumps up, nearly falling down in pain as his ass was still too sore to properly walk. He gives the camera a little wink, "Hah, unhonorable I might be, but I'm quite mighty!... er.. Luck just hasn't been with me." Switching off the monitor, he hobbles over to the door, trying to get his now raging hardon to go down. "Yes, yes, my love pig. I am here. Let us take our leave."
It doesn't take long to load up all of the boxes into the ship's cargo hold and make sure everyone was aboard that was going to be there. Tak and Skooge remain on Earth with Skooge's ship to be Kwe's escape plan from the planet one it's ready to be blasted from space.
Zim gets settled in a spare room that Smip had gotten ready to be his parents' bedroom during their stay. It was a rather odd feeling being the one looking after his parents as well as his own children now.
Smip takes one last look at his childhood home before kissing his mate 'goodbye'. Kwe gives a heavy sigh as he leans in and kisses his mate and smeet one last time before they board the ship and Smip carefully takes off, navigating it out into space.
Dib isn't tired yet and doesn't want to face Zim at the moment, so he comes to join Smip at the controls. ".. You fly this really well."
He smiles, "Thanks... Aunt Gaz helped."
Back on Earth, Kwe slowly climbs into his mother's Megadoomer as a slow, hot, midday sun passes. The air stale and overly warm as he sits down. Powering the system up and cracking his knuckles, he gives a nod to himself, "Okay then.. Time for DOOOOOOOOOM."