Invader Zim Fan Fiction ❯ Zims War ❯ Business ( Chapter 8 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Down to Business
Dib was locked in fierce combat with Glob-Door the Ghost Lord. He threw several quick punches at the evil ghost monster, but to they all just phased threw him.
“Ha-haha! Do you honestly think you can harm me with these pitiful, mortal attacks?” Glob-Door taunted. Dib backed off and smirked.
“No, But I do think I can harm you with, THIS!” Dib yelled at the evil menace, and pulled out a giant two handed sword that was glowing.
“It can't be! The Ghost Slayer?!” The monster shuddered fearfully.
“Yes! It is I, Dib! The legendary Ghost Slayer!” The boy responded victoriously. He then slashed the monster across the chest, and it opened up a rift right behind the blade, that started to suck Glob-Door in.
“NOOOO! I'll get you yet Ghost Slayer!” He said as he spiraled into the vortex.
“I don't think so, Jerk.” Dib retorted to the already captured monster. He was than surrounded by beautiful ladies, who threw him an awesomeness party.
“I think your really cool, Ghost Slayer.” One of them said. Dib blushed. Another girl started to speak…
“I think that…” her voice changed to his, “…Wake The Hell UP!!” She yelled at him.
“AHHHH!” Dib woke up screaming. “What the hell was that?!”
“It's me, you idiot.” Bid told him.
“Why did you wake me up?” Dib asked.
“I'm thinking, maybe you should check the console; it's been beeping for the past 3 Hours! Need I remind you that was BEFORE…you went to sleep!” He exclaimed to him, very annoyed at this point.
Dib looked rather angry himself; being awakened from the best dream he's had in months. He looked at the screen in front of him, and was dumbfounded by what the beeping actually was.
“This cant be…” Dib stammered.
“What can't be?” Asked Bid.
“This stupid computer is telling us…that we lost Zims signal.” Dib was still stunned.
“This is impossible, the tracking device I put on him a month ago was still working when I got this ship back. How can I just…lose his signal?! HUH?! How Is That Even Possible?!” Dib started to freak out.
“Hey! Woohh, slow down trooper. Just find the coordinates where the signal was last pending from when it disconnected. Then you can pinpoint his last known location.” Bid explained.
“Oh, good idea. You really are the genius here; huh?” Dib said, derisively.
“Your too kind, now let's get on to that pinpointing.” Bid responded.
Meanwhile, at the base…
The cheering was followed by a long celebration, which mostly consisted of shaking hands, was done and Slax was bringing Zim and Tak to their temporary housing. But back in the control room…
“Commander Skooge…” An engineer called out. Skooge stopped what he was doing and proceeded in the direction of the worker.
“Yes, what do you need?” He asked.
“Sir, we have detected a signal trying to pinpoint someone inside our base; orders?” The Irken told him.
“Hmmm…reroute it.” Skooge said plainly.
“Where, Sir?” The engineer asked. Skooge grinned deviously.
“I've got just the place.” He said lowly.
Back on Dibs Ship…
“Okay Bid, apparently Zims signal cut off on a…big ship called, The Massive.” Dib told him. “Wow! That's a good five and a half month trip from here. I didn't know he was that far ahead of us.”
“Well…let's keep moving.” Bid responded, enthusiastically.
At the base…Again…
Slax was escorting Zim and Tak through the base. He was wearing a black military combat suit. It seemed to be made of a lightweight, leather-like, material. It had one belt going across the chest, and around the shoulder. The tail extended to his knees in the back, and It had a high collar that could be worn open or closed.
Slax seemed to have his rank and full name under his right shoulder, on the chest. It read Commander Slax-eian across it. Zim thought it was very cool looking. He saw Skooge, and a few others wore the same outfit. He came to a stop in front of a door in the hallway
“Well, here you are.” Slax pointed to a door.
“Thank you.” Tak said.
“Whatever…Now you two behave in there.” He said with a chuckle.
“Hey!” Zim and Tak both yelled.
“He-he, I'm just messin with ya. So I'll see you guys later. Oh and uh…welcome to the ranks; I guess.” Slax said as he walked back the way he came. GIR screamed at him as he left.
“Bye-Bye! Bye-Bye! Bye-Bye-Bye-Bye-Bye-Bye…” He was cut off by Zim.
“GIR! 1-0-5-5!” Zim spoke in his normal tone, and at these numbers the little blue eyed robot fell unconscious.
“What was that?” Tak asked him.
“About a year ago, I programmed an emergency shut down into GIRs brain, incase he starts to…well, act stupid.” Zim responded. “Well, I guess we should go get moved in.”
“Yea, sure.” She said back. Zim picked up the motionless SIR unit and they walked into the room, ready to expect the unexpected.
The interior was rather large. It was actually like two rooms. There was only one bed, but a wall separated the sleeping area from a planning room, which had a sofa. Zim walked into the back of the empty planning room, and saw two black rectangles sitting on a desk. Upon getting closer, Zim recognized what they were and immediately went ecstatic.
“Tak ! Get in here! You're not gonna believe this!” He shouted. Tak came in shortly after.
“They gave us some of those cool uniforms!” Zim said, excitedly. Tak walked over and picked hers up. When she did, a note fell out from under it. She picked it up, and began to read aloud…
“Dear new Officers, please put on these uniforms and plug your W.A.R.R chips into your Pak, then wait for further instructions.”
She finished, and looked up at Zim.
“Well I guess we shou…” She stopped when she noticed Zim already wearing his uniform, already admiring how awesome it was.
“We should what?” He asked.
“…Eww..” Tak stated blandly.
“What? You don't think it looks cool?” He asked confused.
“No, it's just the fact that you changed while I was still in the room.” Tak walked to the other side to re-dress.
Zim shrugged, and started for the chip that was left on the table. He picked it up, and one of the circles on his Pak opened. An arm came out of it sideways, and turned at a 90 degree angle to the side of him. The arm had his SPY chip in it. He never used a WARR chip before. Those were for soldiers. He didn't need any of the soldier additions during an invasion.
He pulled out the SPY chip and a small wave of shock flew through his body. He held in a yelp, and then tried to force out his spider legs, just to make sure it worked, but nothing happened.
Zim carefully put the other chip in, and the arm retracted into his Pak. He noticed that when the chip went in, the blank spot where everyone else had a rank, now said (General Zim-orin) across it.
This time, when he tried to force out his spider legs, they came out with ease. They also were designed more like weapons. The edges were sharp, and pronged. Also he had much better control over them. He played around on them for a while, until Tak came in. She was putting her chip in as she walked through the door. As soon as the arm in her Pak retracted, the blank rectangle on her uniform formed (General Tak-arri) on it.
“Alright Zim, quit playing around. I think were supposed to…wait for further instructions…or something.” She quoted from the letter. Zim complied and retracted his new legs of doom.
“So, how long do we have to wait here?” He asked.
“I don't know. The letter didn't say.” Tak responded. Just then they each started to hear a faint buzz in their right ear. The buzz eventually turned into audible words…
“Hello my new officers…” Said the familiar voice. “It's me, Tenn. I'm glade to see you connected to the network okay. This channel we are on right now is private, so only you two can hear me. This is the way the higher ups talk to one another quickly and easily. It will work from anywhere in the galaxy. To respond to me, hold down the button on the earpiece of your uniforms, and then close your eyes.” Tenn explained. Zim and Tak both followed the directions given.
As they closed their eyes, they felt them open at the same time. As if they closed them in one body, and simultaneously opened them in another. They were in a dark room, sitting at a conference table. They continued to observe their surroundings. A voice came from the head of the table.
“Good to see you.” Came Tenns voice from the largest chair. Zim and Tak snapped their heads around to see her spin the chair around to face them.
“I'm sorry to be so abrupt, but it's time to be serious.” She said. “I'm going to connect us with the rest of the officers, so you can get acquainted. But then we are going to get right down to business.”
“The officers?” Zim finally spoke up.
“Yes. My group of highly skilled soldiers whom I trust with leading battle, or undergoing secret missions.” Tenn responded. Zim stayed silent now. Tenns eyes then closed for a second. All of the sudden, the whole table filled up with similar dressed Irken soldiers. Some of them were recognizable, some of them Zim had never seen before.
Tak was amazed. She never would have suspected this group to be so large and well organized.
“Hello my warriors. We have some new members, here for the cause. They need to be filled in on our current plans, and procedures.” Tenn spoke to the group. Everyone Nodded. “Now then, this is Zim, and this is Tak. They are both seasoned invaders and, to some of you, they are your superiors. So you may want to watch your tung when addressing to them.”
“Wait, hold on there Tenn..." One of the men at the table interrupted." Did you say that they're seasoned invaders? For all we know, they are trying to infiltrate us, and steal our secrets!” He said. “I don't trust this…Raider, for a second!” The man finished. Tak was about to retaliate, but Tenn fired back at him first.
“Norg! Such Insolence! If you remember correctly, I was once one of those Raiders that you speak so lowly about! I have known the two before you longer than anyone else in this room. I don't think I trust you, as much as I trust them.” Tenn scolded him. Norg just sat back in his chair, defeated.
There was an awkward silence, than a man who was, up until now, leaning back with his feet on the table, decided to make himself known.
“Hi-ya newcomers. I'm Dok, nice to meet you.” He said in a friendly tone, then reached his arm out as if he wanted to shake hands, but when Zim reached out to grab his extended arm, he phased through it.
“Ha-ha! Sorry, doesn't work if I'm callin from another planet.” He joked. The introductions went around like this for awhile. After it was over, Tenn got them all to focus on the actual meeting.
“Alright, everybody knows everybody; right?” She asked.
“Yes ma'am!” Said the whole room at once.
“That's good. Now onto more pressing matters” Everyone straightened up.
“As most of you may know, we have a man on the inside working at the weapons depot under the Empire.” She paused. Everyone nodded except for the newest additions to the assembly. Tenn continued.
“His position allows him to provide us with free weapon shipments, which we put to use here.” She paused again, making sure everyone was following.
“I need one of you to retrieve the latest shipment from the new drop zone and bring it back to base.” She finished. There was minor chatter among the members of the board. They all talked about it back and forth until someone finally spoke up to Tenn.
“Excuse me Ma'am, but why would one of us have to go? Can't we just send a soldier or a small troop like always?”
“No. The new drop zone was purposely chosen as a very dangerous area so it wouldn't be investigated by the enemy. An average soldier wouldn't make it out alive. I need someone experienced enough to make it through there, load up the shipment, and make it back here.” Tenn spoke. She was about to continue when Zim stood up and interjected.
“I Volunteer!” He spoke slightly too loud. Everyone stared for awhile. A member at the end of the table was about to comment, but Tenn spoke first.
“Not a bad idea Zim. Why don't you and Tak both go. This mission should be a good warm up for the two of you.” She said. Tak nodded her head in agreement. Zim sat back down and smirked lightly to himself in triumph.
“Okay. If that is all, the meeting is adjourned. Tenn spoke after a long silence.
“Zim and Tak, you two shall have ten hours to rest before you take on your mission. Take a squad with you when you leave.” She finished. The two gave a salute.
“Yes Ma'am!” They spoke in unison. Just then, the whole room became fuzzy. The two closed their eyes but then re-opened them to find themselves in their quarters. Both of them stared at the floor for a while, putting together all that just happened. Zim was the first to speak.
“Well…we should probably get some sleep. We've got a lot of proving ourselves to do.” Zim said, now looking at Tak.
“Yeah, we should.” Tak agreed, starting to stand up. “I call the bed.” She said quickly, but then slowly walked into the other room.
“Whatever.” Zim responded, rolling his eyes. Than got up and flopped onto the couch, ready to fall asleep.