Justice League Fan Fiction ❯ War World Aftermath ❯ One-Shot

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not own the cartoon that this fan fiction is written for, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story.

Disclaimer #2: I don't own any of these characters and I hold no claims on them. (WISH I DID THOUGH!) This is a story I thought up after watching the "War World" episodes of "Justice League" on Cartoon Network.

WARNING - This story contains descriptions of sexual intercourse between 2 consenting adults and should ABSOLUTELY NOT under any circumstances be read by anyone under the age of 18.
(Or under 21 depending on where you live)


In the aftermath of their adventure on 'War World' Hawk-Girl was heading toward her quarters on the League's space lookout. It was currently her home away from home since most of the crime fighting took place in Metropolis. She entered her room and slowly sat on her bed stretching her wings one last time before resting on her right side.

'All the fighting on the so-called 'War World' gave me an almost unnatural boost of energy,' she thought as she sat up again to remove her helmet, 'I doubt I'll be able to get to sleep anytime soon.' She stood up and cracked her back before heading toward her small fridge.

Hawk-girl opened the door and removed a bottle of spring water. She opened the bottle and took a long sip before replacing the cap and sitting it on the counter.

'The gas that damn alien used on us might to be blame for this adrenaline rush I've got going on,' and on that note she thought back to when she and the green lantern were arguing.

'I hate it when he tries to write off my thirst for action as a character flaw,' she thought bitterly, 'he can be so arrogant at times like he's never let his emotions take hold when he's peeved...but then again he does have a lighter side to him.'

She smiled thinking about how gently he'd helped her up when they woke and how warm his hand felt when he touched her shoulder and told her he was sorry for arguing earlier. "Maybe it wouldn't have been so bad to live on that empty planet with him as a companion...Whoa what am I thinking?" She shook her head and started for her bathroom, removing her shirt as she moved.

Placing it on a clothes hamper in the corner she sat on the edge of the bath and started the water. She removed her boots, socks, and pants so that only her undergarments remained. The water had only begun to slightly fill the tub when she changed her mind and decided to take a shower instead.

'If nothing else I'll be able to clen my wings easier,' she thought as she unclasped her bra and slid it from her shoulders.

After removing her panties she stepped into the hot water and began to bathe. No less than fifteen minutes later she was about to shave her legs when a knock roused her from her position on the tub's edge.

"Coming," she said wrapping a towel around her body and heading for the door. As she unlocked it she wondered who it was and what they wanted at such an ungodly hour. By her clock it was 2:17 a.m. and she was still feeling that unusual energy.

The sight of the Green Lantern greeted her as she held the door open and spoke.


"Sorry," he said "I didn't know you were busy I'll come back."

"It's okay," she replied "I'm just about done anyway why don't you come in and tell me what I can do for you."

The GL had to almost bite his tongue to stop from running off a whole list of things that the beautiful, naked, slightly damp woman gracing his view could do for him.

"Thanks," he said as she stood to the side allowing him entry. As she closed the door behind them Hawk-Girl began to wonder why she'd invited him into her room while she was undressed.

'Maybe I'm incapable of rational thought on account of the gas,' she mused lamely.

"What did you want again?" she asked as she headed toward the bathroom door. The GL tore his eyes away from her swaying hips and tried to explain his arrival at her room.

"Oh. Uh I uh... just wanted to ask if you were feeling out of sorts since we came back from War World." He said while trying to get over the fact that he had a clear view of her long, shapely legs from his position, which by the way were currently covered in shaving gel. She glanced up from her work with a shocked look on her face but quickly recovered before he could notice.

"Yes, now that you mention it I feel pretty energized when I should be sawing logs about now." At the same time she was wondering how the hell he knew she what she was feeling.

"I think we need to talk about the symptoms of the gas and try to find a way to reverse them before something less pleasant than insomnia starts to affect us."

GL watched her finish shaving and had to suppress a yelp as she lowered her towel just enough to free her wings fully in preparation to wash them.

"Sounds like a plan, I was gonna try and figure out what the deal was with these after affects before I turned in anyway." Hawk-Girl flexed her right wing to the point where she could wash it while mentally kicking herself for waiting until she got out of the shower to do so.

'I should've done these first would've been a whole hell of lot easier.' GL quickly noticed her problem and after a few more failed attempts to reach her wings he spoke up, "Why don't you let me help you with that Shayera."

Hawk-Girl looked him in the eye and smirked.

"Alright John, but what proof do I have that you won't try anything...funny?" GL walked toward her with a smile on his face and simply said,

"If I do, which I won't, I give you permission to punch my lights out okay?" She smiled back and slowly turned her back toward him.

"Deal," she said holding back a chuckle. John sat near her on the tub's edge with one leg in the empty tub and one out, took the soap, lathered his hands and started to work the bubbles into her left wing starting from where it connected to her lower shoulder blade.

He'd put his legs in this position to better get at her wings and so his ass cheeks wouldn't fall asleep from sitting awkwardly for too long. (It's happened to me before honest!)

Hawk-Girl closed her eyes to the sensation of his strong and warm hands touching her left wing. She soon realized that he was being very gentle, almost to the point of a caress. As he slowly but steadily worked his way down her wing she let out a sigh of contentment and began to lean back slightly. John was so intent on his work that he didn't even notice her moving until she was right up against him. When he stopped to lather his hands again so he could wash her other wing she leaned forward a bit but as he started on her right wing she began to lean back once more. Soon she was right back against him and breathing heavily as if she were in a deep sleep. Without stopping he glanced at her face and noticed that her eyes were closed, her lips were parted slightly, and her cheeks were turning a pale shade of red.

"Shayera, lean forward so I can rinse your wings." She slowly opened her eyes smiled at him and nodded. He turned on the water, adjusted it, and used the shower attachment to clean her wings of the soap. Again she sighed but deeply this time and this time he noticed just how much his work was affecting her.

"You're enjoying yourself aren't you?" he asked already knowing the answer.

"Very much thank you," she replied with another smile.

She knew she should tell him to leave, she also knew she shouldn't have let him into her room in the first place but it had been a long time since she'd allowed a man to touch her this way. GL turned off the water, replaced the attachment and was about to get up when she leaned against his a third time which surprised him almost as much as the bulge in his pants that had went unnoticed until now.

"Leaving so soon?" she asked innocently, glancing up at him, "I thought you wanted to...talk."

John almost lost it then and there but he put a tight reign on his mind, (Not easy to do when you have a raging hard-on) and tried to answer her question without much success.

"Shayera, I know what you want and I feel the same way but...we're too diff...I never made love to...I mean you belong to Hawkm..." She stopped him with a finger to his lips.

"What does it matter John? In case you haven't noticed I've had a thing for you ever since we started working together." She leaned forward and turned to face him fully.

"I only noticed it once we were on that god forsaken planet after the gas wore off," she covered his hand with her own and looked deeply into his eyes. "And I can be with whoever I chose no matter what destiny may have written for me so, please...don't back out on me now."

He still seemed unsure so she tried again.

"If you have no feelings for me then tell me now and I promise I will never bring this up again." John could only look at her with a stunned expression. He never knew she felt this strongly about him.

Hawk-Girl watched him carefully hoping that he wouldn't reject her and praying that her confession wasn't a huge mistake. His long silence lead her to think that he was searching for an easy way to let her down so, before he could blink she stood turned her back to him and quietly spoke,

"It's okay you don't have to say a word just...leave." At the sound of his footsteps she felt the sting of tears and the horrible pain of her heart breaking in two but before she could hate herself for admitting her feelings to him she sensed that he had not left.

He was actually standing right behind her as his arms encircled her body in a warm embrace he spoke, "Shayera, I would like nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with you by my side." She almost couldn't believe her ears but his words rang true and that realization struck her like a thunderclap.

After a long moment of silence, during which neither one of them moved another inch, Hawk-Girl spun around slowly and spoke, "How about we spend this evening together and take it from there?"

GL knew he need not answer so he acted instead by kissing her deeply and lingeringly. She responded by wrapping her arms around his neck and holding the kiss for what seemed like an eternity.

They parted and Shayera backed away from him, watching his eyes, as he looked her over with an almost animalistic hunger she loosened her towel and let it hit the floor. John could feel his desire for her reach an abnormal height at the sight of her bare, tear shaped breasts, tightly muscled stomach, and the damp reddish-brown pubic hair that covered a small area just above her womanhood. He came toward her until her back was firmly against the bathroom wall. Once there he began to kiss her left breast and rub her right breast in slow steady circles. He teased and pinched her right nipple with his thumb and index finger while gently biting and sucking her left nipple. Her moans and gasps of pleasure only propelled him to greater efforts and brought her agonizingly slow to the edge.

"D...d...don't...tease...ah...please...I...can't stand it...ohh..." He grinned inwardly and started his way down her body leaving a trail of kisses in his path toward her moistening mound.

At the first touch of his warm tongue against her clitoris she almost cried out but quickly stifled herself fearful that someone may rush in expecting an attack from their enemies and instead catching a peek of her naked form withering under his touch. Even with that thought she felt her control quickly slipping. John heard her moans reach an almost piercing intensity and felt her hands forcefully push his face into her dripping vagina as if she wanted his entire head in her body.

Hawk-Girl let out a short yelp and almost fell to the cool tile floor as she experienced her first orgasm in months. John tried to steady her before her knees completely gave out at once feeling like he was on top of the world after causing her to scream like that. Hawk-Girl breathed deeply and got shakily to her feet ready for another go.

'My turn!' She thought with a grin, she smirked at the sight of his tent shaped pants and allowed her gaze to return to his face, her eyes twinkling with mirth.

"Why Green Lantern, is that because of me? It must hurt to be locked up in that uniform of yours so, why don't you allow me to help you out of it?" John needed to say something quickly to stop himself from laughing loudly at her coy suggestion so he put on a semi-serious face and said, "Sure but first let's get outta here. The bathroom isn't the best place to be intimate."

He lifted her off feet, carried her back to the bed, and laid her on it before attempting to remove his shirt. Shayera placed both her hands on his waist and slid his pants down to his ankles, taking his boxers with them. He completely removed his shirt and watched in shocked amazement as she took his manhood in her hands and stroked it slowly from the base to the head and back again. Looking him seductively in the eye she spoke again,

"Time for me to return the favor."

She kissed the tip of his penis once and flicked her tongue over the head in an attempt to tease him as much as he had done to her. She watched his expression change from desire to torment and back.


"Sorry," she replied, "what goes around comes around."

She finally decided to let up and slowly took him into her mouth, inch by inch, to see if she could fit him all and was pleasantly surprised that she couldn't get the last bit in. She moved backward just as slowly making a slight slurping sound and leaving a trail of saliva and precum on the length of his manhood. John breathed a deep sigh of relief when he felt her begin to bob her head at an ever-increasing speed. He balled part of her hair in his right hand, closed his eyes, and leaned his head back while she continued her oral manipulation.

Hearing his gasp she allowed his long bursts of semen to roll down her throat and into her stomach. She sucked harder at the moment of his release to heighten his pleasure and her own at the thought of pleasing him as much as he'd done for her. John looked in Shayera's eyes and smiled gratefully down at her. She stroked his penis a while longer and kissed the head affectionately before smiling back.

"I hope I was as good as you were." He could only chuckle before saying, "I think you gave better than you received."

Suddenly an unnerving thought darkened his mood and he asked her a question he should've asked a lot earlier,

"Do you have any condoms?" She smiled at him and said,

"I think it's a little late to worry about any STDs don't you?" He blushed slightly before continuing, "Yes, but what if I get you pregnant?"

She lay on her bed, looked him in the eye, and answered his question with one of her own, "Would that be such a bad thing? What, are you afraid what our teammates would say?"

After a few moments, John shook his head, admitting to himself that she was right.

"Forget what the others think, this is none of their business."

As if she could read his mind Shayera slid her hands to her knees and slowly spread her legs while he looked on intently. She smiled seductively and moved her right hand back up from her knee toward her pussy. Using her index and middle finger she opened her outer petals exposing the pink, slightly damp inner walls of her vagina. With her left hand she beckoned her partner closer. John happily walked toward her beautifully naked form and took his rapidly hardening dick in his hand, using it to tease her clit once again. Hawk-Girl moaned and was on the verge of protesting his repeated teasing but was cut off when she felt his member enter her womanhood with an almost violent push. He lay on her and placed his hands on her waist as she wrapped her firm legs around him. His animalistic grunts were punctured by her breathless moans, as she met his thrusts with her own.

"Ah!...Oh!...Faster...H...harder...Ohh...more...MORE!!" John opened his own tightly shut eyes and saw that Shayera's mouth was frozen open in a silent scream of utmost pleasure and sexual ecstasy.

Obviously multiple orgasms were racking her body and she was well beyond the ability to make anymore sound. Hawk-Girl was as surprised as GL when she came for the fifth time since they started in her bathroom, she clawed at his back as her vaginal muscles tightly squeezed his manhood, pushing him over the edge. John shut his eyes and thrust once more with all his rapidly draining strength finally climaxing with three long deeply felt bursts. The lovers kissed once more and laid in each others arms enjoying the company and wallowing in the glow of sexual fulfillment.

John rolled to his right and started to wonder if he should go back to his room. Shayera answered his unasked question by curling up next to him, pulling the blanket with her to cover their bodies and resting her head on his chest slowly making circles on his right pectoral muscle with her index finger.

"That was the best I've had in a long time," she said dreamily "I wonder if it had anything to do with that damn gas?"

"I doubt it Shayera," John replied "I've always been a good lover." She laughed softly and punched him in the arm playfully.

"Don't get cocky." She said as she snuggled closer, wrapping her left wing around them and closing her eyes. John smiled inwardly and hugged her close as he closed his eyes tiredly.

Soon afterward they fell asleep. The next morning John woke feeling like a new man. (Great sex will do that to ya!) Shayera was still asleep and he lay in bed watching her breath until she woke up a few minutes later. She opened her eyes and smiled up at him.

"Morning "Great Lover"," she said sarcastically "Any chance you gonna cook something to eat or should I?"

John kissed her on the forehead and smiled devilishly.

"What's the matter, don't ya wanna go for round 2?"


That's it hope ya liked it

I wanna thank myself for writing, proofreading, and thinking up this whole concept (After watching the "War World" episodes of course). Congrats to me ;)

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