Kagaku Ninja-Tai Gatchaman Fan Fiction ❯ The Timepiece ❯ Chapter 6
Chapter Six - Meeting the others
Yuki had just finished administering the first treatment to Ken. Joe had been watching her all along with a scowl on his face, trying to hide his admiration of her adeptness in the medical procedures.
"Ken!!!" It was Jun waking up. She sat up abruptly on the bed looking around wildly, trying to locate Ken.
Joe sprang to his feet and hurried over to Jun. "He's okay and he has just got a round of treatment. Let him rest."
Jun let out a sigh of relief. "How about the others? And where are we?"
"Your other team-mates are fine. They will be waking soon as well. And you are all aboard the Timeless Phoenix, ISO Floating Medical Clinic, Time Travellers Rescue Squad from year 2059." Yuki came over and smiled at Jun.
Jun looked up surprised and for the first time noticed the presence of Yuki. A bonding immediately formed between the mother and daughter from two different eras, both experienced a feeling of closeness to one another. Jun smiled. "2059? You mean you are from the future?"
Yuki nodded and extended her hand to Jun. "Lieutenant Yuki Washio, ISO Medical Officer. Just call me Yuki. I have been sent here with my crew to rescue your team from that enemy satellite and to treat…d…um… Mr. Washio of his cancer"
Jun shook her hand, "I am Jun, Jun Shiratori.. codename `Swan'. Your lastname is Washio? So, there are other Washios around?"
Yuki smiled, "Apparently so."
Before Jun could ask anymore questions, Jinpei and Ryu woke up respectively and the respective introductions were made.
"The future? You mean you travel in time?" Jinpei exclaimed. "Did you go back to see the dinosaurs? Can you take me with you next time you head back to the Jurassic Age?"
Yuki smiled. "No. I have not yet travelled back to that era. But yes, that would be fun to do so."
Jinpei grinned a big grin and jumped out of bed, grabbing Yuki by the hand. "Oh, do promise to bring me along next time, Yuki," Jinpei begged. "Oh if only I can bring back a Tyrannosaurus Rex for a pet. Joe would never dare to bug me again."
"Jinpei!!!" Jun flashed Jinpei a warning look. But Joe was even faster, he had the kid pinned to the floor in a flash and was already threatening to strangle him.
"HELP! Speedosaurus on attack!" Jinpei screamed.
"BRAT!!!" Joe growled back in rage. "Why don't you pay more attention at school instead of just watching Steven Spielberg? There is no such thing as a Speedosaurus. What you are talking about is the Velociraptor and it does not live in the Jurassic Period. It lives in the Cretaceous Period. Dumbass!" Picking up the struggling teenager, Joe spanked him a good one. The rest couldn't help but broke out laughing.
"When will Ken wake up?" Jun asked Yuki.
"Probably not until we get back to your base. I have given him some drugs so that he would rest well, he need the rest to fight the cancer." Yuki replied. "Why don't we go outside and I introduce my team to you all? Then, we can try to contact your base. I am sure they must be very concerned about your safety." They all agreed upon this and filed outside to the cockpit. There, Yuki proceeded with the introduction. Joe and Ryu visibly drooled when they saw Pepsi, so did Jinpei. However, Jinpei did admit that he was really more interested in some Pepsi cola at the moment. It was not too long before the two teams started feeling at home with one another.
They were joking along and sharing stories of the two different eras when suddenly a loud growling sound broke out in the room. They all stopped talking and looked around startled.
"Did you bring along a stegosaurus or something from another era, Yuki? Or is it an Alien hiding in the ship?" Jinpei asked, while holding tightly onto Jun's t-shirt.
"Well.." Ryu stammered, scratching his head and blushing slightly. "Actually, I think it's my tummy growling with hunger."
They all looked over at Ryu and suddenly all bursted into a roar of laughter.
"In that case, we'd better contact your base, cause I only have Beef Jerky and Toothpaste food on board." Yuki said and it was quickly consented that they should lose no more time in contacting the base.
It was a while before they finally connected with base.
"This is Lieutenant Yuki Washio, on board the Timeless Phoenix, ISO Floating Medical Clinic, Time Travellers Rescue Squad from year 2059. We have got your Kagaku Ninja Team on board and would like to request flight escorting and landing rights." Yuki voiced her request.
Commotion can be heard over the communication channels. Then, after a while Dr. Kamo, who took over from Dr. Nambu after his assassination, came onto the Screen. "Is the team okay? Can I talk to any of them?"
"Yes Sir, they are all fine. The Eagle is still resting but I can put the Condor on." Yuki replied and give Joe the headphone.
Joe sat himself down at the control console and briefly related to Dr. Kama the details of the rescue. It was then agreed that two escort flights would be dispatched to escort them back to the base.
About two hours after Joe's conversation with Dr. Kama, the Timeless Phoenix is finally docked in the safety of the ISO secret base. Yuki was meeting with Dr. Kama in his office whilst her team rest with the KNT members in the recreation room. Yuki had submitted her papers to Dr. Kama and he had just finished checking them. The older doctor took off his glasses and look up at Yuki, scrutinizing the appearance of the young girl who was sitting across from his desk. He wondered to himself could someone as young and inexperience as that really be the key to so many important researches they were doing.
"Lieutenant Washio, I understand that you are from the year 2059. And that you are sent back to help us rescue the KNT from Sosai Z's satellite and to cure Ken's cancer?" Dr. Kama pushed the paperwork back to Yuki and leaned back on his chair.
Yuki nodded in response.
"But wouldn't that be against your code of conduct of not interfering with the past?" Dr. Kama shifted forward and looked at Yuki in her eye.
Yuki looked at the elderly man from across the table, trying to gauge what he was thinking. They had rescued their team and offered to cure the dying team-leader which in their time, was doomed to death. What could be their objections?
"Dr. Kama, I have been told by Colonel Ken Washio, the same one as the Eagle who is currently lying on his death bed, that this trip of ours had happened in his past. I know this sound incredible, but the study of time-travelling and it's effect on the past is still at a very infantile stage even in my era. So I am afraid that I cannot provide you with any definite answer." Yuki stated matter-of-factly, she then shifted forward and looked the other doctor in his eyes in return. "Of course, if you do not trust me, you can either send us home or have us arrested."
"Do not misunderstand, my good Lieutenant. I am just trying to understand." Dr. Kama laughed a little bit in order to break the ice. He thought to himself that this girl was no easier to manage as those five in the KNT. "So, when did you say the first break-through for time-traveling occurred?"
"2036. By Dr. Suzuki of ISO." Yuki answered defensively.
"But we do not have a Dr. Suzuki on staff right now." Dr. Kama commented thoughtfully.
Yuki looked at the older man sternly, "Dr. Kama, I think we are very clear as to what my orders have been. Examining your staff list is definitely not one of them."
Dr. Kama gave up on arguing with the impertinent young girl in front of him. They had so much favor to ask from her that he really could not afford to upset her. He meant to talk her into consenting to what they were going to ask for next, not drove her to withdraw what had already been offered.
"Sorry, Lieutenant, what about the Cancer treatment? When was that discovered?"
"The first major discovery occurred in 2036. By Dr. Brandon and Dr. Coleman of ISO as well." Yuki answered, though a bit impatiently already, for not only had her inherited all her fathers intelligence and noble qualities, she had also inherited his recklessness and impatience as well.
Dr. Kama nodded and smiled, "I know those two and they have been treating Ken all along. But Lieutenant, don't you think that it's a bit coincidental that both areas had their first major discoveries within the next year? And here you are, an expert in both area with your time-machine?"
Yuki was taken aback, she narrowed her eyes at the older doctor, "Sir, your point is?"
Dr. Kama looked at her earnestly, "Have it occurred to you that both areas could have made possible with your trip here and your help in the research?"
Yuki leaned back into her chair and considered what Dr. Kama had just said. It was really a big coincidence in the timing. However, was it not too strange that she actually gone back in time using time traveling technology to help them develop the technology itself? She definitely wanted to stay on for a while, at least until her daddy is cured. She had however a more selfish reason for wanting to stay longer. Even though they had just met, that Condor Joe seemed to have aroused her interest and she would really want to get to know him better. She pondered on the thought but could not reach a decision.
"Dr. Kama, I understand that you are requesting me to help with ISO's research in those two areas. Personally, I don't have a problem with that. However, I have to consult with my Seniors whether that is appropriate and whether I can stay on before I can give you an answer."
Dr. Kama had been quietly watching Yuki all this time. He could not tell what went through her mind but he was certain that she was not really reluctant to stay. So he nodded, "Yes, I would suppose so. Meanwhile, I would get McDermott, my assistant to arrange for the quarters for you and your crew so that you all can rest comfortably during your stay."
Yuki expressed her thanks and left the office thoughtfully.