Kikaider Fan Fiction ❯ Electric City ❯ Vol. Two, Chap. Ten: Night Rain ( Chapter 10 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Night Rain
The rain poured on outside. It looked like a bad storm tonight.
Jiro looked out the opaque windows. No chance of leaving anytime
soon. He was just stuck at the moment. Oh well. They'll just have
to wait it out he supposed. That would take some time.
A loud groan brought him back to earth. Jiro looked behind him.
Tracy sat on the shed floor looking bored. She seemed ticked off as
well. Jiro smiled at her in pity.
“Don't worry,” he replied. “The rain will stop eventually.” Tracy
snorted aloud annoyed.
“Well it's too long for my taste!” she hissed. “This fucking
*Earlier Toady*
Tracy felt it was time to go. She didn't like staying in one place
for too long. Drew too much attention to herself. But where to go?
The android decided to venture out and see. However in order to do
so, she needed some backup in case something were to happen to her.
San and Luke were out of the question. They would only charm
trouble to her. That left Ichiro and Jiro. Ichiro wouldn't be much
help to her on this mission. Jiro won out. Tracy had to persuade
him to leave the other quietly. He didn't seem too keen on the idea
at first.
“Are you sure we should leave them alone like this?” he asked.
“We can't draw the enemy out to us,” Tracy replied. “Too risky.”
Jiro looked on uneasily.
“Are you sure?” he asked.
“Yeah,” the female android replied as if it were obvious. “We can't
risk getting Luke and San getting captured.” Jiro thought about
that for a moment. Then, he finally conceded.
“All right,” Jiro replied. “I'll go with you.” Tracy grinned at
“Nice!” she called. “I'll start the car!” Then, Tracy headed out
the entry of the temple. Jiro watched in silence. Suddenly, he had
a bad feeling about this.
He and Tracy drove out early in the morning. Everything went well
so far. But then, the car broke down. In the middle of nowhere too.
Tracy didn't like it at all.
“Damn it!” she screamed out. Jiro looked around.
“Is something wrong?” he asked. Tracy looked at him coldly.
“The car's broken!” she called out. Jiro nodded a bit.
“Oh,” he said. Tracy got out and looked at the car. Smoke came out
when she opened the hood. The android coughed aloud. She hated her
human lungs at the moment. Oh well, can't worry about that now. She
had bigger problems to worry about.
“Yep,” Tracy replied. “It's done for!” She stood back some. “The
next town is fifteen miles away,” she complained. “Damn it! Damn
it! Damn it!” Suddenly, it got worse. Tracy felt a drop on her arm.
She looked up at the sky. The rain began pour downwards. A heavy
soak too.
“Shit!” Tracy mumbled to herself. She turned to Jiro.
“Come on!!!” she called out loud. “We need to get out of the rain!”
Jiro nodded at her. The androids ran all the way down the dirt
road. They came all the way to a shed and stayed there. Now, they
were stuck in the storm.
Jiro turned back to Tracy again. She looked out the window at the
heavy rain again. One thing nagged in the back of his mind about
“Tracy?” Jiro asked her. The female android looked up at him.
“Yeah?” she asked.
“Why is San so important to you?” he asked her. Tracy looked at him
“Why do you want to know?” she asked. Jiro shrugged at her.
“Just want to know,” he replied. Tracy looked at him in silence.
She thought about that for a moment. She realized she could trust
Jiro after all. Well, here goes.
“She holds a great power,” the female android explained. “I stole
her and hid her out of revenge.” Jiro looked at her surprised.
“But why?” he asked so. Tracy leaned in and told him the whole
truth. Jiro remained quiet the entire time and after. He looked
over at her in silence.
“All for that?” he asked. Tracy nodded at him. Jiro looked over at
the window again. This looked like one of those nasty all-night
rains. Tracy seemed to agree. But yet, she had another storm to
worry about at the moment. A much bigger one coming to all of them.
Tracy and them had been taking cover for a long time. Time to fight
now. But were they even ready for that now?
Data: Finished