Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ [MSTing] MFT9K Episode I: Hands to Scorch My Skin ❯ Part Two ( Chapter 2 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Joel carried Tom into the theatre and set him in the far-left seat as the others sat down in their normal chairs. “So, recap…Kazumi's a servant, nearly raped by Xigbar
only to be saved by Axel, and gets a pep talk from Demyx,” Tom summed up as the fanfic started back up.
> The next day I was surprised to find Axel standing outside my room
> when I went to do my chores for the day.
CROW: Hello…
TOM: Hello…
TOM: Hello…
MIKE: Hello…
JOEL: Hello…
*They all pause for a moment*
TOM: You know…that bit just doesn't work with four people, does it?
MIKE: Nope.
*They all pause for a moment*
TOM: You know…that bit just doesn't work with four people, does it?
MIKE: Nope.
> I blinked a few times in
> surprise. “A-Axel, sir? What are you doing here?”
JOEL(Axel, suave): I was in the neighborhood and I thought I'd drop by...
JOEL(Axel, suave): I was in the neighborhood and I thought I'd drop by...
> Axel looked annoyed. “Xemnas found out about what Xigbar did so he
> said you have the day off.
TOM: Yes, when working for Organization XIII, you too can get a free day off if you're sexually assaulted!
> And to make sure Xigbar doesn't attack you
> again, I'm supposed to keep an eye on you.” He pushed himself off the
> wall he'd been leaning against. “So, since I'm stuck with you, what
> do you want to do?”
CROW(Kazumi): Well there's this neat video game called Kingdom Hearts we could try!
*Tom makes a lot of loud crashing and booming noises*
MIKE(Axel): What was that?!
CROW(Kazumi): Oh, just the fourth wall. So you wanna play first?
CROW(Kazumi): Well there's this neat video game called Kingdom Hearts we could try!
*Tom makes a lot of loud crashing and booming noises*
MIKE(Axel): What was that?!
CROW(Kazumi): Oh, just the fourth wall. So you wanna play first?
> I was stunned for a second. “Uh…I…don't really know…I've never really
> had a day off before so…”
TOM(Angry): What?!
TOM(Angry): What?!
MIKE: Yeah, that is a little harsh...
TOM: And it doesn't make any sense! She's a servant, not a slave! She should get days off!
JOEL: Tom, relax!
*Tom fidgets, looking as though he wants to continue arguing, but he settles down*
> “Oh, take your time deciding. Not like there's anything I'd like to
> do with my time.” He grumbled.
CROW: Geez, talk about grumpy.
> I swallowed thickly. “Wh-what would you like to do, sir? I feel bad
> about taking up your time so…”
MIKE(Kazumi): ...maybe we could
> He stared at me before his hand shot out, seizing my wrist.
> “Come on.” He began pulling me down the halls, turning this way and that.
JOEL: Scenic tour guide, he's not.
> Within a few minutes we were in the training hall.
> I stared in awe at how big it was before wincing in pain.
TOM(Kazumi, singing): There's far too much to take in here!(Talking) AND IT REALLY HURTS!
> The wrist he had in his hand was starting to burn. “Sir, can you let go please.
> You're burning me.”
MIKE: And we have title!
> Axel glanced at me before dropping my wrist. “Sorry, sometimes I
> forget how hot my body is.”
*Everyone bursts into laughter*
MIKE: Talk about ego...
TOM(Axel): My body's so hot, the Sun needs me to heat it up!
CROW(Kazumi): I can see that...
CROW(Kazumi): I can see that...
> He looked forward again and raised his hand.
> Several Dusks appeared. Suddenly there was a pair of flaming
> chakram in his hands.
TOM: Then they all burst into an improv dance number!
MIKE: Oh my God it's West Side Story all over again!
MIKE: Oh my God it's West Side Story all over again!
> “This is what I like to do with my time, kid.
> You just sit and watch, so you don't get hurt.”
JOEL(Axel): Let a man handle this!
CROW(Kazumi, Whispering): Hmph...jerk.
CROW(Kazumi, Whispering): Hmph...jerk.
> I nodded dumbly and sat down on the floor and watched him attack the
> Dusks. Soon he got bored and summoned Dancers and Creepers.
MIKE: He summoned Richard Simmons?
> He fought nonstop for an hour before started to show signs of tiring, but he
> still didn't stop.
TOM: Needless to say, it was too exciting to show here.
> There was only one Dancer left and he couldn't
> seem to hit it. Every time he sent one of his chakram flying at it,
> it would just dodge out of the way.
MIKE(Axel): Ah, come on, let me hit you!
JOEL(Dancer): Nope!
MIKE(Axel): Please! (Whispering) You're making me look bad!
JOEL(Dancer): Nuh-uh! No way!
JOEL(Dancer): Nope!
MIKE(Axel): Please! (Whispering) You're making me look bad!
JOEL(Dancer): Nuh-uh! No way!
It managed to grab him and fling him.
> BAM!
CROW: This cheesy sound effect brought to you by Batman!
TOM: Batman! Making cheesy sound effects for nearly seventy years.
TOM: Batman! Making cheesy sound effects for nearly seventy years.
> He slammed against a wall. The dancer, happy with its victory,
> disappeared to celebrate.
*Mike winces*
JOEL: Something wrong?
MIKE: No...just reminded me of my ex-girlfriend...
> I ran over to him. “Axel, sir! Are you okay?!” I grabbed his arm. It
> was burning even through his sleeve. “Axel…”
> Axel jerked his arm away, glaring forward and grinding his teeth. His
> eyes were cold as ice. “Damn it.”
TOM: Yeah, I'd be pissed too if my body temperature was so out of whack.
MIKE: His eyes are like ice and his arm is burning...what, is his leg going to be soaked next?
> It was at that time that something began to eat at my brain.
CROW: Om nom nom!
JOEL: Looks like they forgot to check for zombies...
JOEL: Looks like they forgot to check for zombies...
> How can his eyes seem so cold while the rest of him is burning?
TOM: Oh, no, the fic is looping itself!
MIKE(Depressed Jimmy Neutron): Geez, I sure hope not...
MIKE(Depressed Jimmy Neutron): Geez, I sure hope not...
> “Axel, sir, are you all right? You're not hurt, are you?”
CROW(Axel): I—I…ugh…
*Crow mimes Axel collapsing*
TOM(Kazumi): Ah, nuts; I'm out of Phoenix Downs!
*Crow mimes Axel collapsing*
TOM(Kazumi): Ah, nuts; I'm out of Phoenix Downs!
> He shoved me away and got to his feet. “Leave me alone! Leave me the
> hell alone! I can take care of myself, I don't need you! I don't need
> anybody!” his fingers had fire licking at them. “You understand that,
> you stupid kid?! I don't need anybody!”
JOEL: Axel IS Lone Wolf!
CROW: Somebody needs a nap...
> I stared at his eyes. “Are you saying that to me, or to Roxas?”
*Mike places his face in his hand*
MIKE(McMahon): Not a good idea...
MIKE(McMahon): Not a good idea...
> My head jerked to the side from the force of the blow. I blinked, a
> few tears slipping out of my eyes as I stared at him.
*They all wince*
JOEL: Sheesh...she didn't deserve that!
CROW: Yeah, Axel, you big jerk!
JOEL: Sheesh...she didn't deserve that!
CROW: Yeah, Axel, you big jerk!
TOM: Why, I oughtta...
> Axel's chest heaved heavily as he panted. “Shut up! You can't talk
> about him! You don't have the right!”
> I touched my cheek. “Yes, sorry, sir. Please forgive my insolence.”
MIKE(Kazumi, Whispering): While I secretly plan your demise...
CROW(Axel): What was that?!
MIKE(Kazumi): Nothing, nothing!
MIKE(Kazumi, Whispering): While I secretly plan your demise...
CROW(Axel): What was that?!
MIKE(Kazumi): Nothing, nothing!
> “Just get out of my sight,” he spat.
> “Y-yes, sir.” I ran out, hoping he didn't see the tears running down
> my cheeks.
*Joel rolls his eyes*
JOEL: He just acted like a complete jerk. Why does she care what he thinks?
JOEL: He just acted like a complete jerk. Why does she care what he thinks?
TOM: Because she's in love with him? Get with the program, Joel!
JOEL: I really don't see why...
JOEL: I really don't see why...
> I went to the one place where I knew I could find some
> help; Demyx's room. He was sitting on his bed, fiddling with his
> sitar as usual.
MIKE(Demyx): Man, I love Guitar Hero!
> Demyx looked up when he heard me enter. “Hey, `Zu…” he saw the tears
> and jumped to his feet. Immediately he was at my side. “Kazumi, what
> happened? Why are you crying? Did Xigbar come at you again?”
CROW(Singing): Xigbar's coming your way...
CROW(Singing): Xigbar's coming your way...
> I shook my head and sat down on his bed. “I-I don't…know wh-why I'm
> crying l-like this…I've b-been hit a lot h-harder before…” I wiped my
> eyes.
MIKE: Geez, she's really being abused here!
TOM: She should call in the Strong Arm!
TOM: She should call in the Strong Arm!
> Demyx's face hardened. “Who hit you? I'll kick the crap out of him.”
CROW(Demyx): And then I'll punch the piss out of him!
JOEL: Ick, Crow...
CROW(Demyx): And then I'll punch the piss out of him!
JOEL: Ick, Crow...
> “N-no!” I grabbed his sleeve. “It doesn't matter. I'm the one who
> started it. I was a jerk.
TOM: Uh, no, honey, that's the Stockholm syndrome talking.
> I said things I shouldn't have. Ax—”
> “Axel?! He's the one who hit you?! I thought I told you to stay away
> from him!”
MIKE(Demyx): Why don't you ever listen to me?!
> Demyx was pacing now. “He snapped at you, didn't he? He
> just lost control of himself and hit you…damn it, Ax…”
> I grabbed his arm. “It's fine, Dem. I don't care. I just need to stay
> out of his way.”
JOEL(Axel): You stay outta my way and you won't be hurt, capiche?
> Demyx stared at me before setting a hand on top of my head. He
> sighed. “You're too good a kid, Kazumi.”
> I smiled slightly. “I'm not a kid, Dem.”
> “Yeah, you are.”
MIKE(Kazumi): Am not!
TOM(Demyx): Are too!
TOM(Demyx): Are too!
MIKE(Kazumi): Am not!
TOM(Demyx): Are too!
TOM(Demyx): Are too!
MIKE(Kazumi): Am not!
TOM(Demyx): Are too, darn it!
TOM(Demyx): Are too, darn it!
> fsdjfbsdkjthfsdlgnsufrnh
JOEL: Gibberish: the stuff dreams are made of!
> My face paled as I stared at the chore list in front of me. Sometimes
> I could've sworn Xemnas was out to make my life a living hell.
CROW(Kazumi): The rest of the time I KNEW my life was a living hell.
> My chores for the day were as followed; clean Superior's office, sweep
> the Hall of Empty Melodies, sharpen number III's lances, and clean
> number VIII's room.
TOM: Sharpen III's lances? Shouldn't he be doing that, since they're his weapons?
MIKE: Not if it's a euphemism...
MIKE: Not if it's a euphemism...
*Joel cringes*
JOEL: Ew...
JOEL: Ew...
> I fisted my hair, groaning.
CROW(Whining): Joel! Dr. Forrester and Pearl didn't say this was a lemon!
TOM: This is getting interesting...hehehe...
TOM: This is getting interesting...hehehe...
JOEL: Actually, I think she just grabbed her hair and made a fist...
CROW: That makes sense, actually…
CROW: That makes sense, actually…
> “Anything but that! How the hell am I supposed to stay out of his way if I have
> to go in his room?! Ah!” I beat my head as I walked to Xemnas's office. “I
> hate my life. I hate my life. I hate my life.” I chanted.
TOM: Moments later, in a fit of excessive chanting, Kazumi collapsed into a fetal position and sucked her thumb to oblivion.
MIKE: Harsh.
> “And why's that?” Xemnas asked from his desk chair, looking up from
> his book.
JOEL: Busted!
> I gulped and bowed my head. “N-No reason, sir. I didn't know you were
> in here.”
CROW(Kazumi): Please don't put me in the boo-box again!
> “Hn.” Xemnas returned to his book.
TOM(Xemnas): You're not worth my time.
> I got to work, hoping to draw out my time. Unfortunately for me,
> Xemnas was a very tidy person, so all I really had to do in his
> office was vacuum the carpet. I paused in his doorway before whirling
> around. I bowed my head.
MIKE(Kazumi): I use clipped sentences. Like this. And this.
> “Sir, please, may I have the rest of the day off?”
> Xemnas stared in surprise. “The…day off? But you just had one.” He
> raised an eyebrow. “Is there something wrong?”
JOEL(Xemnas): Because if there is...
> “N-no, sir. It's just…well, you see…I guess I'm not feeling too well
> today. May I please go rest in my room?”
TOM: So she's using the restro—
> He seemed to think it over. He sorted through some papers on his
> desk. With a sigh, he finally spoke.
CROW(Kazumi): Ooooh, I hope he says yes!
> “Very well. Just go and clean Axel's room, then you can rest.”
CROW(Kazumi): Rats.
> He smiled. “Please feel better soon, Kazumi.”
JOEL: Hey, Xemnas isn't nice! I call OOC!
TOM: Joel, EVERYONE'S been OOC so far. Not worth pointing out.
TOM: Joel, EVERYONE'S been OOC so far. Not worth pointing out.
JOEL: Well, sure, but…
*Joel shuts up and pouts*
> I nodded. “Thank you…sir…” I turned and marched off to my doom.
MIKE: To she who is about to die...we salute you!
*Everyone salutes*
> I knocked softly on Axel's door, silently praying that he wasn't in
> there. My prayers went unanswered when I heard a muffled voice say
> “Come in.”
> I opened the door slowly and stepped in. Axel was lying on
> his stomach on his bed, flipping through a book.
TOM: Trying desperately to read it before he accidentally set it on fire.
CROW(Axel): Oh, darnit! Now I'll never know what happened after Spot ran!
> “Most of the mess is on the floor.” He said, not looking up.
MIKE: So he's giving her the cold shoulder?
JOEL:'s lukewarm.
JOEL:'s lukewarm.
> I gaped at the floor, which was littered with empty cans, papers, and
> dirty clothes. I couldn't help it when a quiet “Wow” escaped me.
TOM(Kazumi): This mess is sexy!
CROW(Morgan Proctor): Dirty boy!
*Crow mimes jumping onto Axel and kissing his face*
> Axel rolled his eyes, which were still fixed on the book. “Yeah,
> yeah. Just get to work.”
TOM(Axel): I don't pay you to flap your gums!
> I frowned and muttered, “You don't have to be so rude.” under my
> breath, which he did not appreciate.
MIKE: But if she said it under her breath, how did he hear her?
CROW: Apparently Axel's got superhearing.
CROW: Apparently Axel's got superhearing.
> “What the hell did you just—” he paused when he saw my face. His eyes
> narrowed. “You.” He sat up. “What are you doing here?”
TOM: You have a nasty habit of surviving…
> “I'm supposed to clean your room.” I answered simply. “Not my choice.
> Xemnas said I had to.”
MIKE(Torgo): AnD tHe mAsTEr dOEsn'T LiKe It wHEn i dON't DO whAT hE sAYs...
> I got to work, doing my best to ignore the stare he had fixed on me. I'd managed to get
> most of the clothes into a hamper before it began to overflow.
JOEL: We're approaching critical mass!
CROW: Quick, use the Tide before it's too late!
TOM: It's not working! We've only got fifteen seconds!
CROW: Quick, use the Tide before it's too late!
TOM: It's not working! We've only got fifteen seconds!
CROW: Then we have only one choice...
MIKE: We must use...the bleach.
> I figured I could go get a second hamper later so I began to pick up the trash.
> “When was the last time someone cleaned your room?”
MIKE(Kazumi): And I mean seriously! This place is rank!
> Axel frowned and looked away. “About a month. I…I don't like having
> servants do it. Rox did it for me.”
CROW: So...why did Xemnas tell Kazumi to clean the place up then?
MIKE: Like I said...the place is rank.
> His nose scrunched up. “I hate cleaning.”
> I chuckled. “I can tell.”
> A few more minutes of silence filled the room before Axel spoke
> again. “Hey, Kazumi, I…well, I need…err…I'm sorry.
TOM(Kira Nerys): Sorry? We're way passed sorry!
> For hitting you. I shouldn't have…I just have some problems
> when I get angry. My blood boils and…”
CROW(Axel): ...I start thinking I'm someone named Bruce Banner...
CROW(Axel): ...I start thinking I'm someone named Bruce Banner...
> “You're hot.” I stated before I realized what I said. My face turned
> red at the slight smirk on his face. “N-not like that! Oh god, not
> like that! I mean, your body…it's burning. Y-you feel like you're on
> fire.”
TOM: Nice recovery there, Kazumi.
MIKE: Eh...I'd give it a 6 at most.
> Axel laughed. He held up his hand and a small flame rose up from his
> palm. “Fury of Dancing Flames. That's my codename, you know.”
JOEL(Axel): I am the god of hellfire!
> I watched the flame dance for a bit before looking up at Axel's eyes.
> In them the small blaze seemed even brighter and I realized that his
> eyes weren't frozen anymore.
JOEL: Oh, yuck, his eyes melted!
TOM: they'll get all over the place...stain the carpet...
TOM: they'll get all over the place...stain the carpet...
CROW(Kazumi a la Peasant): More work?!
> They were soft, warm like the fire he held.
MIKE: Axel IS the Hand of Flame!
> I smiled. Maybe he's not so bad…
TOM: Hmm...maybe she is right. Maybe he is a nice guy after all!
> Then Axel closed his fist, killing the fire.
TOM: Then again...
> He stood. “Alright, to make myself feel better, I'm going to help you.
> Just tell me what to do.”
> “Really?” he nodded. “But you hate cleaning.” Again he just nodded.
JOEL(Kazumi): Are you really, really sure?
MIKE(Axel): Yes.
MIKE(Axel): Yes.
JOEL(Kazumi): Really really?
MIKE(Axel): Yes, damn it!
JOEL(Kazumi): I just want to be sure because—
MIKE(Terran Marine): Are you gonna give me orders?!
MIKE(Axel): Yes, damn it!
JOEL(Kazumi): I just want to be sure because—
MIKE(Terran Marine): Are you gonna give me orders?!
> I sighed. “Fine, you can help.” I pointed to the overflowing hamper,
> “You see that? Take it to the hall and put it in your shoot,
CROW(Kazumi): And the shoot'll chute the laundry into the laundry room…
> then bring it back. Then I need you to run and get me a few more trash
> bags. I'm not leaving here until your room is spotless.”
JOEL(Kazumi): Now hop to it, soldier!
JOEL(Kazumi): Now hop to it, soldier!
> Axel saluted playfully. “Aye, aye, ma'am!”
> gfhgfytgkjhg
MIKE: It speaks in tongues...
CROW: It rattles and shakes in the night...
JOEL: It takes over your dog...
TOM: Get ready for the sequel nobody wanted...
ALL: The Exorcist II: Gfhgfytgkjhg.
TOM: This's personal.
> “And he was all `It's over!' and he grabbed my clones and used them
> to destroy the others!” Demyx exclaimed, waving his arms.“He was
> swinging the Keyblade around and it totally sucked! Then I had to run
> away and when I got back I realized I'd dropped the Olympus Stone, so
> Superior yelled at me! It's not my fault! I told them they shouldn't
> send me but they said, `You'll do fine it's a simple mission' and
> when I fail I said `I told you so' and then Superior told me if I
> screw up one more time he'd turn me into a dusk and—”
MIKE(Walton Simons): Jesus Christ, Demyx!
TOM: Cut down on the caffeine already! Sheesh!
> I pressed a hand to Demyx's mouth. “Dem, shut up and breathe. Your
> face is turning blue.”
CROW: Thank you!
> Demyx took in a few deep breaths before smiling sheepishly. “Sorry,
> but I had a lot to say and breathing's such a waste of time…”
JOEL(Demyx): I mean, oxygen? Seriously? What a load of baloney!
> “I know, but it's very essential.” I smiled at him. “You've had a
> hard time.” Then he suddenly pounced on me. “Demyx!”
MIKE(Kazumi): This sudden!
MIKE(Kazumi): This sudden!
> He giggled and buried his face in my neck. “I missed ya, `Zumi!”
TOM: The part of Demyx will now be played by a four year old girl.
> he peered at me. “You didn't have any trouble while I was gone, did ya?”
> “No, no.” I said, letting out a sigh. “Axel apologized and we're on
> better terms. He even helped me with some of my chores.” I grinned
> and sat up, grabbing his shoulders. “Now tell me everything you saw
> while you were out! I wanna know all the details!”
CROW(Kazumi): Tell me what I want to know!
TOM(Demyx): You want answers?!
CROW(Kazumi): Tell me what I want to know!
TOM(Demyx): You want answers?!
> Demyx laughed and told me. He always did that when he left the
> castle; told me everything he saw, and I always listened intently. I
> could imagine the worlds out there, worlds I wished desperately to
> see. It had been three years since I'd been taken to the castle and I
> hadn't left once. Even before that I'd never left my hometown. I
> wanted to see the places Demyx and the others saw, wanted it so bad I
> could taste it. “I'll see it all one day! When I finally get away
> from here I'll go there!” I would always say at the end of his
> stories.
MIKE(Singing): Wish I could be…part of that world!
JOEL: So she's exactly like Sora?
> I closed my eyes, smiling. I could see myself in the stands of the
> Coliseum and cheering for the fighters. I could see me shaking hands
> with Hercules, congratulating him on his latest win.
TOM(Kazumi): I could see myself being carried away by police after one too many drinks…
CROW: Only days later, Hercules managed to get a restraining order…
> Demyx ruffled my hair affectionately. “You'll get there one day, I know it.”
CROW: She can Go the Distance!
> I nodded. “Uh-huh!” I looked at the clock; it was getting late. “I
> better go to bed.” I pecked him on the cheek and stood. “I'll see you
> tomorrow, okay?”
TOM: Speaking of late, I think it's time for a break.
JOEL: Good idea.
> He grinned. “Of course, `Zumi!”
> bnjyrtrgfkyurfygkl
*The fanfic freezes on the screen*
Joel picked up Tom and followed Mike and Crow out of the theatre.
Crow and Tom stood behind desks which were on either side of a large podium, where Joel hovered, wearing a large “Judge” sticker on his red jumpsuit.. The desks faced each other; upon them were stacks of papers piled high; Mike sat nearby next to Gypsy, an eager audience of two.
“We will now start the debate!” Joel announced. “Representing the side of long fanfics is Crow! Representing the side of short fanfics is Tom!” Joel withdrew a shiny buffalo nickel from his pocket and flipped it. “Crow, you go first.”
“Ahem.” Crow glanced down at his papers to find his place. “Fanfiction, like other forms of writing, can be luxuriously full of detail and feature many rich characters, locations, and stories. It can take a lot of words and pages to give the reader the good quality they deserve, and that's why long fanfiction is better.”
“Nice opening,” Mike commented. Gypsy shushed him.
Joel glanced over at Tom Servo. “Tom, your rebuttal?”
“Joel, Crow's got it completely wrong! Fanfiction by its very nature relies upon preset universes, characters, and so on and so forth. There's no need to spend huge amounts of time establishing unnecessary detail when what's really important is whatever plot you're working on. I say fanfiction should get to the point and remain short and sweet!” Tom danced a little, clearly proud of his rebuttal.
Tom stared straight into Crow's yellow eyes to try and through him off. Crow ignored him. “Joel, Tom fails to see that fanfiction isn't always limited to what's already been established! Why, just look at today's fic: we've got an original character! Kazumi needs a lot of explanation and detail alone just to flesh her out. And look at the story being told! Joel, by its very nature fanfiction can't stick to just what's been pre-established, or else it'll just be re-hashing what we've already seen.”
Without prompting, Tom immediately retorted, “And why should originality have to be so long? Like you said, look at today's fic: Kainichi is showing us Kazumi through the whole plot rather than wasting huge amounts of time fleshing her out before getting to the story itself!”
“Which is in itself long!”
“Too long if you ask me!”
“Well I didn't ask you!”
“Oh, yeah, well—“
Joel whipped out a large gavel and banged it on his podium. “That's enough!” Crow and Tom immediately quieted, both look rather sheepish. After a moment, Joel
continued, “Crow, Tom, we'll hear your closing statements now. Crow, you first.”
With a glower at Tom, Crow spoke. “Ahem. In order to truly convey the story and its characters, fanfiction should be long. As such, long fanfics are better than short
fanfics.” He gestured to Tom.
Tom said, “It's simply clear that for a fanfic to be good, it has to be short and to the point. If it goes longer, it just becomes bogged down in meaningless detail and pointless extra plot. I say short fanfics are better than long!”
Mike and Gypsy applauded the end of the debate. Crow and Tom stared at their maker as he stood there pondering. “So, who won?” Crow asked impatiently after a
few moments.
Joel raised a hand and started to speak, but klaxons and lights interrupted him. “Save it for later, we've got FANFIC sign!”
(Continued in Part Three)