Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ [MSTing] MFT9K Episode I: Hands to Scorch My Skin ❯ Part Three ( Chapter 3 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Joel carried Tom into the theatre and set him in the far-left seat as the others sat down in their normal chairs. “Another recap: Kazumi fights with Axel, gets another pep talk from Demyx, cleans Axel's room, and talks to Demyx…again,” Crow summed up as the fanfic started back up.
> Two weeks had gone by without much excitement.
JOEL(Gary Shandling): Okay, two weeks just passed…
> I was walking through the halls, bored out of my mind. Demyx was out
> doing something for Xemnas and I hadn't seen Axel for a couple days.
> I was hoping Demyx would get home soon; he'd promised to bring me
> photos when he returned. I couldn't wait.
TOM(Kazumi): Demyx! The photos are all out of focus again!
CROW(Demyx): Sorry! I was taking them too fast!
> I walked into my small room and plopped down on the twin-sized bed. I
> took in a deep breath and slowly relaxed. Before I know it Dem will
> be here, showing me pictures of Hallow Bastion.
CROW: Hollow Bastion is sacred now?
JOEL: Must've been blessed by Saint Ansem.
JOEL: Must've been blessed by Saint Ansem.
> He'll tell me everything he did, the people he saw, and the things he found.
> There was a soft knock on my door and I sat up. “Come in!” The door
> opened and Axel stepped in, his face grim. He shut the door. “What're
> you doin' here, Axel?” I asked, not liking the expression on his
> face.
*Soap Opera Music starts playing*
TOM(Axel): Kazumi…I…I'm in love with someone else!
MIKE(Kazumi): No…who?!
TOM(Axel): Kazumi…I…I'm in love with someone else!
MIKE(Kazumi): No…who?!
TOM(Axel): …Demyx!
MIKE(Kazumi): No…it can't be! For you see…I'm pregnant! With his child!
JOEL&CROW: Dun dun duuuun!
MIKE(Kazumi): No…it can't be! For you see…I'm pregnant! With his child!
JOEL&CROW: Dun dun duuuun!
> Axel cleared his throat. “Kazumi, I…I have some bad news.” He looked
> away from my face. “Demyx, while he was in Hallow Bastion…” he
> swallowed, “he…faded into the darkness.” I could feel my body grow
> cold. “I'm sorry, Kazumi, he's gone.”
CROW: What?!
TOM: No…
TOM: No…
*Mike sniffs*
MIKE: I'll never forget him…he was always so hyper…and nuts…
MIKE: I'll never forget him…he was always so hyper…and nuts…
JOEL: Eh, he'll be back. They're always back in things like this.
> I didn't move; I didn't speak. No, it was impossible. Demyx couldn't
> be gone. Not my Demyx. Not my klutz of a best friend.
CROW(Kazumi): He's too clumsy to die!
> My body went numb as I stared at Axel. “You're wrong.” I said in a whisper. I
> couldn't even feel him hugging me as the tears started to roll down
> my cheeks. “You're wrong. You're wrong.” I chanted it, as if that
> would make it true. “You're wrong.”
TOM(Announcer): And for the third year in a row, the prize for best chanter goes to Kazumi! Let's hear it for Kazumi folks!
*Joel, Mike, and Crow applaud*
> Axel hugged me tighter and I thought I felt something warm drip onto
> my shoulder. Was he crying? Why would he cry? I was the one who lost
> my best friend. I was the one who lost the only one who ever
> understood me. “I'm so sorry.” He whispered, not letting go.
ALL: Aww…
*Joel sniffs and wipes his eye*
JOEL: He's so…so sweet…
JOEL: He's so…so sweet…
TOM: Somebody get me a toothbrush…
> I shook my head. “You're wrong! He…he can't be! He promised me!” I
> broke down, letting out loud sobs. “He promised me! He said he'd be
> back and bring me pictures!”
MIKE(Kazumi): Sure, they're always blurry and out of focus, but they're mine, damn it!
> my nails dug into Axel's skin as a clutched him. “Damn it! He can't do this to me!”
> Axel continued to hold me, rocking me slightly. Slowly his warmth
> crept over me, killing the coldness that I was wrapped in. I buried
> my face in his shoulder. His cloak was wet from my tears. “Dem…” I
> would say quietly and he would shush me.
TOM(Singing): Hush little baby…don't say a word…
CROW(Singing): Axel's gonna buy you a firebird…
TOM(Singing): And if that firebird can't fly…
CROW(Singing): Axel's gonna buy you a firebird…
TOM(Singing): And if that firebird can't fly…
CROW(Singing): Axel's gonna make somebody die!
*Everyone glares at Crow*
CROW: What?
CROW: What?
*Tom, Mike, and Joel all just shake their heads in shame*
> I don't know how long we stayed like that, him holding me as if I was
> a small child and me hanging on to him, but before I knew it I was
> asleep.I was dreaming. In the dream I was free, living in a small
> house on a beach.
MIKE(Kazumi): And there was this strange man hanging around my door…
*All hum the tune to Gilligan's Island*
> Demyx was there, though I don't remember where. I
> just remember him smiling at me and ruffling my hair.
JOEL: When he suddenly turned into a bear!
TOM: Eh, this reader just really doesn't care.
> jkgugjkhlkjhkjgkl
CROW: Okay, I'll bite: why is Kainichi using gibberish for scene change?
MIKE: Because she gets paid by the letter? How should I know?
MIKE: Because she gets paid by the letter? How should I know?
> I stood in a small room. I couldn't place it, but it looked so
> familiar. In a corner sat a young girl with long brown hair. Her pale
> face was tear streaked as she stared at the floor.
MIKE(Girl): Green and orange shag carpet…why?!
> She hugged her knees to her chest. She didn't move when the door
> opened and a blond man walked in.
*They all hum the theme to the Dick Van Dyke show*
> I stared at him. I…I know him…
TOM: Mind filling us in then?
> The man walked over to the girl and crouched down next to her. “Hey,
> kid,” he spoke softly, “you okay?”
CROW(Girl): No! I've been waiting out here for hours! What took you so long?!
> The girl shook her head. “No! I hate it here! I wanna go home!”
JOEL(Singing): Day-o! Day-day-day-o!
MIKE(Singing): Daylight come and she wanna go home!
> He sat in front of her. “Things aren't so bad. I mean, you've been
> here a year, haven't you found anything you like?”
CROW: Oh that makes perfect sense—huh?!
TOM: She's been there for a YEAR and they're only just NOW talking about this?!
TOM: She's been there for a YEAR and they're only just NOW talking about this?!
> she just shook her head again. “C'mon, kid, there has to be something.”
> That's when it hit me
TOM(Noir): The shock hit me like a falling piano…I never did recover from that day…
> ; the man was Demyx! And that girl was me when I
> was younger. I tried to run to him but my feet wouldn't move. “Demyx!
> Demyx, it's me!” I called to him. “Dem!”
MIKE: And suddenly it's Ghost all over again.
JOEL: But Demyx is the one who's dead…
MIKE: Quiet, you!
> The girl smiled slightly and sniffled. “Well, I got a friend like
> you…”
ALL(Singing): You've got a friend in me…
> Demyx smiled and ruffled her hair. “That's right; you always got me,
> `Zumi.”
ALL(Still Singing): Yes, you've got a friend in me!
> The younger me laughed and batted his hand away. “Don't do that, I
> hate it!” she hugged him.
CROW: And she squeezed him and called him George!
TOM: Poor Demyx was never the same after that…
TOM: Poor Demyx was never the same after that…
> “Promise you'll always be here?”
> “Promise.”
JOEL(Demyx): At least until Sora beats the crap out of me…
> Darkness engulfed me again
CROW(Rocky J. Squirrel): Again?!
TOM: Wait, when did it happen the first time?
TOM: Wait, when did it happen the first time?
> and I could feel myself sweating. I
> blinked opened my eyes and saw more black. Huh?
MIKE: Hey, don't look at us. You're the author.
> I stared forward until it hit me; it was an Organization cloak.
> I looked up to see Axel's sleeping face. My face got hot as I slowly
> realized what was happening. Axel was holding me.
*Tom imitates sleazy trombone music*
JOEL: Gee, I wonder why…
> I swallowed at the lump in my throat. My arms were pinned to my sides
> so I couldn't move them. “A-Axel, sir…” I said quietly, “Axel, wake
> up.”
TOM(Kazumi): Wake up, honey! It's time for work!
> Axel's nose twitched but he continued to sleep peacefully.
> “Axel, please wake up!” I said loudly.
> Axel jolted up, me still in his arms. “Wha…” he blinked at me a few
> times before immediately pulling his arms away as if he'd just been
> burned. (no pun intended). I fell to the floor with a loud Thump.
*Crow imitates canned audience laughter*
JOEL: We're on a collision course to wackiness!
JOEL: We're on a collision course to wackiness!
> He jumped up and started to help me up. “I'm so sorry, Kazumi!”
TOM(Announcer): I'm So Sorry, Kazumi, the brand new Broadway Musical!
CROW(Announcer): Featuring lyrics by Andrew Lloyd Webber, it's sure to have you in stitches!
CROW(Announcer): Featuring lyrics by Andrew Lloyd Webber, it's sure to have you in stitches!
> I rubbed my sore butt as soon as I was steady on my feet. “Ow…” I
> gave him a look. “Why were you sleeping in my bed?”
MIKE(Axel): Uh…because it's a Sleep Number bed?
> Axel's face turned slightly red and he raised his hands defensively.
> “Y-you were freaking out so bad last night I thought you might…do
> something…drastic. Like running away or hurting yourself…so I stayed
> and I guess I fell asleep…”
*Crow laughs*
CROW: Remind me never to hire him for a suicide watch…
CROW: Remind me never to hire him for a suicide watch…
> “Why didn't you just have Dem—” I froze, everything catching up with
> me. That's right…Demyx is gone. I spun around and ran out the door,
> not knowing where I was going. I could hear Axel yelling after me but
> I ignored it.
JOEL: The part of Axel will now be played by a sock puppet.
*Mike holds up a sock puppet that looks vaguely like Axel*
MIKE(Sock Puppet): Hi!
MIKE(Sock Puppet): Hi!
> Before I knew it, I was standing in Demyx's room. It was exactly the
> same, as if Demyx had never left. Rage was bubbling up in me and I
> kicked his dresser.
TOM(Dresser): Hey, what'd I do?!
*Tom mimes the dresser kicking back*
CROW(Kazumi): Owie owie owie…
*Tom mimes the dresser kicking back*
CROW(Kazumi): Owie owie owie…
> “You promised me!” I shouted angrily, “You
> bastard! Why make a promise you couldn't keep?!” I grabbed a small
> vase of flowers from one of his bedside tables and threw it at the
> wall. Hot tears poured down my cheeks as I continued to destroy his
> room. “You said you'd always be here for me! Liar! Where are you
> now?!” I slid to the floor, my shoulders shaking with silent sobs.
> “How could you do this to me?” I asked quietly. “You were my best
> friend…I can't make it without you…I need you…” I punched the floor.
*Everyone is stunned silent*
TOM: That was actually…touching…
TOM: That was actually…touching…
MIKE: Yeah…I really feel for poor Kazumi.
JOEL: Eh, she'll be okay. Any minute now Axel'll show up …
> About an hour later
*Everyone falls out of their chairs*
ALL: D'oh!
ALL: D'oh!
> I felt a warm hand on my shoulder and looked up to see Axel.
> “C'mon, kid.”
*Everyone climbs back into their seats*
TOM: Sure took him long enough…
MIKE: Kazumi must be related to Speedy Gonzales.
TOM: Sure took him long enough…
MIKE: Kazumi must be related to Speedy Gonzales.
> I stood and buried my face in his chest, not wanting him to see me
> cry. “I'm -hic- sorry.”
CROW(Kazumi): I—hic—got into the vodka again…
> He sighed and rubbed my back. “It's fine.” He looked around the room.
> “You really did some damage. Why don't you go back to your room, I'll
> take care of all this.”
TOM(Axel): Yep, shouldn't be too hard…just a little fire here, some fire there…
> I nodded, slowly letting go of him. “Thanks…” I went back to my room
> and collapsed on my bed.
JOEL(Announcer): Collapsible Kazumi! Only $29.99 plus tax! Buy yours today!
JOEL(Announcer): Collapsible Kazumi! Only $29.99 plus tax! Buy yours today!
> hjkghluityugjg
CROW: Luit yu too, scene change! (Whispering) Whatever that means…
> I was washing the dishes a week later when I felt someone pulling on
> the back of my shirt.
JOEL(Gary Shandling): Okay, a week has just passed…
TOM: Time really flies in this fic, huh?
MIKE: Could've fooled me…
TOM: Time really flies in this fic, huh?
MIKE: Could've fooled me…
> I dropped the plate I'd been washing and it
> crashed to the floor. “What?” I looked at who was pulling me. “Axel?”
CROW: Well, duh! Who else would it be?
> Axel stopped and put his hand in front of him. A portal opened. He
> shoved me through it before going in, the portal closing behind him.
TOM: And suddenly it's an episode of Sliders.
CROW(Kazumi): How long are we here for, Axel?
JOEL(Axel): Three years…
JOEL(Axel): Three years…
> I looked around. I was in a town full of neon lights. Axel pulled me
> back to prevent me from getting run over by a tram car.
MIKE: Unfortunately he pulled her into the path of another tram car.
*Tom makes a squishing noise*
TOM: Whoops…
TOM: Whoops…
> “Idiot, watch where you're going!” he said, cursing.
> I looked around again, mesmerized by everything I was seeing. “Where
> are we? Why'd you bring me here?”
JOEL(Kazumi): And when can we get something to eat? I'm starving!
> Axel sighed. “You've been moping around the castle for the past week
> so I decided to do something about it. I remembered Demyx once told
> me you really wanted to go to another world one day, so here you are.
TOM(Axel): Jest call me a taxi, babe.
> Welcome to Twilight Town. Of course you can't stay here but—” he was
> cut off as I tackled him, hugging him tightly.
> “Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!!” I cried out. “This is the nicest
> thing anyone's ever done for me! Thanks so much!!”
CROW: Boy, she sure got over Demyx in a hurry.
> Axel's face reddened a bit and he looked away. “Whatever.”
> hbjghjfvgjkhfhgfhgf
MIKE: Scene changes like that give me the heebeejaygees…
> I licked a sea salt ice cream with earnest.
CROW(Earnest): Finger-lickin' good!
> I had officially decided that I'd never tasted anything better than the blue stuff.
JOEL(Congressperson): I move that we declare nothing tastes better than the blue stuff!
CROW(Congressperson): Second!
CROW(Congressperson): Second!
TOM: What is a sea salt ice cream anyway? Isn't all ice cream made with salt?
> I smiled over at Axel, who was leaning against a nearby shop. He was dressed
> in casual jeans and a long-sleeved shirt so he could blend in and `keep an eye
> on me'.
MIKE: So his spiky red hair doesn't stand out at all?
CROW: Eh, it's a Japanese video game. What do you think?
CROW: Eh, it's a Japanese video game. What do you think?
> He chuckled, most likely cause I was positive I had some ice cream smeared
> across my mouth.
TOM(Axel): Actually, that's the poison.
JOEL(Kazumi): Wha—hurk!
*Joel mimes collapsing*
*Joel mimes collapsing*
> “I've never seen a girl pack it away like you.” Axel commented as I
> bought another ice cream. Earlier he'd stared in amazement as I
> wolfed down four hot dogs and three pretzels.
TOM(Kazumi a la Sailor Moon): *garrg garrg garrg* Boy this is good stuff! *garrg garrg garrg*
> Despite what you might think, Xemnas did pay his servants.
JOEL(Xemnas): They think pencil shavings are legal tender…
> Twenty munny a week. I was never sure what he expected us to spend it on,
> since we never left the castle. Over the years I'd saved up four
> thousand two hundred munny and never thought I'd get to really spend
> it.
*Crow whips out a calculator*
CROW: So, in total, looks like she's been serving them for…four years, four months, and fifteen days.
CROW: So, in total, looks like she's been serving them for…four years, four months, and fifteen days.
TOM: Huh. From that earlier description I would've figured a lot more than that.
MIKE: Maybe it doesn't take into account that year she sat around complaining?
MIKE: Maybe it doesn't take into account that year she sat around complaining?
> I laughed and shoved the ice cream in his mouth. “It wasn't for me,
> you dolt!”
> Axel coughed and caught it.
TOM: Uh, it was shoved in his mouth. What's there to catch?
CROW: Maybe he kept it from going down his throat?
CROW: Maybe he kept it from going down his throat?
> He raised an eyebrow, but started to eat it nonetheless. “That was very disrespectful.”
MIKE: Not to mention stupidly dangerous, but hey, why worry about that?
> I shrugged. “We're not in the castle. Out here I'm not a servant and
> you're not a master. We're just people.” I took in a deep breath. “I
> feel so free!”
JOEL(Singing): I feel so free…so free to be me!
> Axel watched me for a bit and I wondered what he was thinking but
> soon was distracted by a passing cat. I knelt down and started to
> play with it.
CROW: Kazumi: the poster child for ADD.
> “Kazumi…what would you do if you could be free? If Xemnas just let
> you go?” he asked out of the blue.
TOM(Kazumi): Well, I've always wanted to go to Seaworld…
> I let the cat go and stared up at the sky. “I want to explore the
> universe.” I smiled over at him. “I want to see all the worlds out
> there.” I looked back at the sky. “It's my dream. I want to swim to
> Atlantis. I want to roar at the peak of Pride Rock. To fly in
> Neverland, cheer at the Colliseum, meet Santa, I wanna do it all!
> Then when I'm done, when I've seen everything out there, I want to
> find a world to call home.” I sighed. “I'd do anything for that.”
MIKE(Kazumi as Genie): Ah, but who'm I kidding? That'll never happen…
> Axel nodded and looked at the setting sun. “We better get back.”
JOEL(Axel): If we hurry we can still make happy hour!
CROW(Kazumi): Woo-hoo!
CROW(Kazumi): Woo-hoo!
> I frowned a bit and stood. “Alright.” I followed him. “Hey, Axel?”
> “Hm?”
TOM(Kazumi): How am I following you if you didn't go anywhere?
CROW: Pfft. Details, details…
CROW: Pfft. Details, details…
> “Thanks.” I blushed for some reason and stared at my feet.
MIKE(Kainichi): Must…force…romance!
> “This all…well, it meant a lot to me. I had a lot of fun.” A light bulb lit
> above my head and I ran so I was beside him.
TOM: I'd run too if a light bulb literally appeared over my head…
> “Does this mean we're friends now?”
*Joel hums Queen's “You're My Best Friend”*
> Axel looked at me from the corner of his eye. “I suppose.”
MIKE(Telsek): Yes.
> A smile spread across my face. “And does that mean I can come hang
> out with you sometime?”
JOEL(Axel): Sure, if you like barbeque!
*Joel mimes Axel setting someone on fire*
> “Sure, I guess.” He was giving me a strange look. “This leads to your
> room so I'll see you later.”
TOM: Wait…huh?! How does a look lead to her room? Or anywhere for that matter?!
> I nodded and, on sure impulse, hugged him. “Thanks a lot, Ax.” I ran
> through the portal but still caught him saying “Ax?”
CROW(Axel): Ax?! I use chakram's, thankyewverymuch!
> highsdiasdhvfkausdhf
CROW(Druggie): Oh man…this scene change makes me so high…
MIKE: Really stretching for that one, huh?
CROW: Oh, bite me, Nelson.
CROW: Oh, bite me, Nelson.
> “Don't you have anything better to do?” Axel asked, irritated.
TOM(Axel): Go away kid; you bother me.
> “Nope!” I giggled as I continued to mess with his spikes. “I still
> can't figure out how your hair can be so…so…well, how it can be like
> it is and yet so soft.”
CROW: Two words: Artistic. License.
> Two weeks had passed since Demyx had `died' and I couldn't stop
> myself from growing irreversibly close to the redhead.
JOEL: Oh my God she's planted roots!
TOM: Quick! Get the weedkiller!
TOM: Quick! Get the weedkiller!
> He was currently laying on his stomach on his bed with his head at the foot.
MIKE: Apparently Axel is a contortionist.
> He'd been reading a magazine before I came in. I was sitting on the
> floor in front of him, running my hands through, pulling on, and
> musing with his spikes.
JOEL: What scarlet treasures these hairs be, these mighty roots of creativity…
CROW(Whispering): Psst. Kainichi! It's “mussing!”
> Axel growled and swatted my hand away for the thirteenth time. “Will
> you stop that?”
JOEL(Kainchi): Thirteenth, get it? `Cause it's Organization XIII and…oh never mind…
> I shook my head and started running my hands through his hair again.
> I laughed when he stopped complaining as I started to scratch his
> scalp. He actually closed his eyes and leaned his head closer. “Oh
> my, does the big bad Axel like having his head scratched?” I teased.
*Everyone stares at the screen in shocked silence*
TOM: We're crossing into a whole weird area here, folks…
TOM: We're crossing into a whole weird area here, folks…
> He flipped me off but let out a disappointed groan when I stopped.
> “Don't stop.” He ordered.
CROW(Singing): Don't stop me now!
MIKE(Whispering): Crow, I don't think that song works for this—
MIKE(Whispering): Crow, I don't think that song works for this—
CROW: Hush!
> “Don't flip me off.”
> “Don't you give me orders.”
TOM(Kazumi): Don't you talk back to me!
> I stuck out my tongue at him. He shot me a look and I pulled it back
> in. “Fine, you win.” I started to scratch his head again. “Better,
> you controlling asshole?”
CROW: Better than an uncontrolled asshole…
TOM: Oh, yuck…
MIKE: That's it. I call no more potty jokes.
*Joel looks like he's barely holding back from puking*
JOEL(Weakly): Second…
> He nodded. “The big bad Axel's happy now.”
*Everyone whistles “Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf*
> He said with a small smile on his face. A few minutes of silence
> passed before he spoke again. “Hey, Kazumi? Want to do me a favor?”
JOEL(Kazumi): But I thought I already was…
> I pulled my hands back. “Yeah?”
> He sat up and started to unzip his cloak.
*Joel and Mike scream*
MIKE: Oh my God it IS a lemon!
MIKE: Oh my God it IS a lemon!
JOEL Well…maybe it won't be too bad?
MIKE: Have you lost your mind, Robinson?!
> “Could you give me a massage? I have a knot and it's killing me.”
TOM(Kazumi): Why sure…I'll just untie it with my delicate fingers…
CROW(Axel): Muscle tension, you idiot!
TOM(Kazumi): Oh.
*Tom laughs like a ditz*
TOM(Kazumi): Oh.
*Tom laughs like a ditz*
> I'd given Demyx massages plenty of times, so it was no big deal.
> “Sure, I gue…” My voice trailed off as he pulled his shirt off to
> reveal his skinny, yet strangely muscled chest.
*Tom starts laughing*
> I started to wonder why I'd never noticed how nice and soft
> his skin looked.
*Tom laughs harder as the other three start joining in*
> My eyes traveled over his chest to his faint four pack.
> A few scars were scattered across his front, probably from past battles.
*Tom and the others are all now laughing super hard. They finally manage to stop after a few moments*
TOM: Ah…funny stuff, Kainichi, funny stuff…
TOM: Ah…funny stuff, Kainichi, funny stuff…
> “Kazumi?” Axel spoke, snapping me out of my ogling. He raised an
> eyebrow. “You okay?”
CROW(Kazumi, Stunned): Oh I'm fine…just like you…
> I nodded and got up. He laid back down and I claimed on top of him.
JOEL(Lawyer): I'm sorry, but your claim won't hold up in court.
MIKE(Kazumi): Oh darn it!
> After hesitating a bit, I straddled my self on his lower back and
> started the massage. His muscles relaxed at my touch as I kneaded at
> the tense knots.
TOM(Singing): Kneading, kneading, kneading…Kazumi is kneading…Kazumi is kneading, all day!
> Axel let out a pleased groan. “Yeah, that feels great. Been forever
> since I got a good rub.”
JOEL: Aye, there's the rub/For in that sleep of death what dreams may come…
> He arched his back a bit and hissed when I
> touched a small scar near his neck. “Hey, watch it. That's a
> sensitive spot.” I apologized and continued. Then he somehow managed
> to roll over without knocking me off.
CROW(Kazumi): `Course it did break my spine…
*The others wince*
MIKE(Kazumi as Zazu): Pardon me, sir, but…get! Off!
> Now I was straddling his hips and could feel my face grow hot. “Ax,
> what're you—”
> “You gotta do the front for it to be a massage.” He said, as if it
> was obvious. He put his hands behind his head as a pillow. A minute
> passed and neither of us moved. “Well, you gonna do it or not?”
TOM(Axel): Are you gonna do it or am I gonna have to make ya?
CROW(Kazumi): I'd like to see you try!
CROW(Kazumi): I'd like to see you try!
> I nodded. “Yeah, I'll do it.” I hesitated before running my hands
> over his chest.
MIKE(Axel/Tickle Me Elmo): Heehee! That tickles!
> Axel's eyes drifted closed as I continued the massage. He breathing
> evened out and I figured he was asleep so I got off. I grabbed a
> blanket and covered him. I paused, staring at his calm face.
JOEL(Kazumi): I keep using clipped sentences!
TOM: A sense of flow! Try using it!
TOM: A sense of flow! Try using it!
> My eyes fixed on his parted lips and I swallowed thickly.
> No, I can't. It wouldn't be right. I told myself. But…just
> one wouldn't hurt.
CROW(Kazumi): He's not going to finish that Jolly Rancher anyway…
> I swallowed again and leaned down. I'd never kissed a boy on the lips
> before, not counting that lip brushing with Xigbar.
MIKE(Kazumi): Plenty of girls, though!
> Okay, just do it.
TOM(Kazumi): Alright, DEAR, I'm doing it, DEAR.
> Do it, get it over with, and get out of his room. Softly, I pressed
> my lips to his. A few seconds passed and I pulled away, my face on
> fire. I did not just do that! Oh, lord! How am I supposed to look him
> in the face again?! Oh, god…I— A voice interrupted my thoughts.
CROW(Axel): You have displeased me.
JOEL(Kazumi): Gasp!
> “You really suck at kissing.” I looked down at Axel, who was staring
> up at me.
MIKE(Axel): And by suck, I mean literally! Yuck!
> “Axel, I-I-I…SORRY!!” I bolted out the door.
*Suddenly a red light washed over the theatre*
TOM: What the…hell?
*The intercom activates*
GYPSY: Everyone! The Mads are calling!
TOM: What the…hell?
*The intercom activates*
GYPSY: Everyone! The Mads are calling!
TOM: Joy.
MIKE: Let's go see what they want…
> jfhsduifksjhcasudfk
*The fanfic freezes on the screen*
Joel picked up Tom and followed Mike and Crow as they sped out of the theatre.
Dr. Forrester and Pearl waited impatiently for their prisoners to appear on the viewscreen. Finally, after what seemed like hours, Joel, Mike, and the Bots arrived. Mike cheekily looked at the Mads and said, “Welcome back, sirs!”
“Thank you,” Pearl answered sarcastically. “Bobo told you what we were doing?” She glowered at the assistant, who cowered and fled to sweep the room, shying away from the two scientists.
“Uh-huh…said you were renegotiating your funding or something like that.”
“Yes, we were,” Dr. Forrester replied with an irritated frown; he had been sorely tempted to tell the MSU representatives where they could shove it during the negotiations but he had somehow managed to keep his cool. “They wanted something really ridiculous out of us, and we had to agree or else they'd have canceled our funding.”
Mike, Joel and the Bots giggled. “Oh, what's that?” Mike asked.
Pearl groaned. “Apparently, they want us to “keep your minds fresh” or something like that by making us invent things every experiment and exchanging them.” She growled, and muttered under her breath, “Why we have to do it too I don't understand at all…”
“Oh, I get it!” Joel said in understanding. “They wanna make sure that the fanfic that breaks our minds will work on anyone, not just people who've been run down!”
“JOEL!” Mike, Tom, and Crow all scolded, not liking the way their friend was talking. Joel smiled sheepishly.
Dr. Forrester scratched his chin in thought. “Hmm…maybe it is a good idea after all…”
Crow murmured under his breath, “Though it sounds more like a lazy fallback setup…”
Joel clapped his companions on their shoulders and gave the Mads a thumbs up. “I know it sounds kinda kooky and lame, but it'll be fun! I used to do this all the time with the old Dr. F.”
“Yeah, that was a lot of fun,” Tom interjected. Crow nodded his agreement.
Mike did not agree. “I dunno guys…I'm not very good with this sort of stuff.”
“You'll get the hang of it, Mike,” Joel said with a grin. To the Mads: “So, you guys got an invention yet?”
“What? No! Of course not!” Pearl snorted.
“Oh.” Joel shrugged. “Well, guess we'll just have to start that next time, then.”
“Yeah, yeah, save it for later, Captain Enthusiasm!” Dr. Forrester gestured to Erhardt. “Get them the last part of the fanfic already!”
“Right on it!” Erhardt fed the last part into the feeder.
“What, no more break already?!” Tom whined as the sirens and lights of FANFIC sign waved them back into the theatre.
(Concluded In Part Four)