Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ A Fragmented Tale ❯ In the Battlefield ( Chapter 7 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A/N: I made changes, changing the main character's name to Aleron and changed the names of Riku's weapons. Thanks to Swordstuff!
A Fragmented Tale by cursed_l0ve
Chapter Seven: In the Battlefield
"Shit! Take out your weapons!" Ryo shouted just as twelve beasts appeared in a circle around them. They were ambushed.
Sora drew out the Excalibur, crouching in his usual battle stance. He stood, legs spread, arms raised to his right side, holding the hilt of the sword like a baseball bat.
Riku reached over his shoulder to retrieve his red Souleater. He stood, legs spread out, right arm up, the blade straight, and his left arm in front of his chest, keeping his balance.
Kairi had retrieved one of Matty's swords earlier. She held it, awkwardly, from lack of skill and practice. She never really had fought in any battles, except for the one in which Riku had given her a keyblade months ago.
Aleron stood, confused at the surrounding. Were they like magnets for the beasts? How did they know where they were? Did somebody send them there? Perhaps, Kerri and Donovan? She shook out of her reverie and clenched on a sword Enya gave her. It was like any old sword. It was similar to Kairi's. She stood, finding herself poised in a stance a lot similar to Riku's.
Ryo, Enya, and Matty all stood for battle. They all had formed their own inner circle, with their backs to each other.
In less than a moment after Ryo's warning call, all of the beasts had jumped in, attacking them with their might.
The Chasers had already started slashing, cutting them apart. Sora jumped in a few seconds later, trying to figure out how to defeat them. Riku jumped back just as he caught one trying to slash at him from above. He brought up his blade to block the attack, and then pushed the beast away with a swing.
Aleron and Kairi gave each other a nod to stay by each other's side. They stood, back to back.
Aleron charged at the two running towards her, she crouched down, and spun around, hitting them in the legs. They roared and jumped on her. She slashed at them, and punched the one in the ribcage with her elbow. They fell on the ground, hissing in pain. She raised her weapon in the air and then brought it down with her right. Three others had decided to gang up on her, so she was struggling with five.
Thankful for the armor she had on, she wasn't scratched, but the metal was getting beat up from the multiple attacks. She kneeled on the ground, abandoning her weapon on her side, and put her hands on her helmet. She was hardly visible from all of the beasts on top her.
They looked like vicious dogs, with black with red eyes and huge canines. Their claws were sharp and thick, able to cut through anything but metal. Their fur was anything but soft. If she touched one with flesh, she would begin to bleed.
Aleron gave out a yell when she felt something scratch her in the side. She couldn't look to see if one of the beasts had managed to break her armor. Although, she could feel the pain and something warm oozing down her skin.
She heard someone shouting her name, and then she opened her eyes, seeing that the five beasts had backed away. The Chasers all stood in front of her. They were facing three.
Someone behind her grabbed her arm and pulled her to her feet. She screamed again and fell back to her knees, putting her gloved hand to her left side. She looked down on it, and she could see blood. The beast had broken a piece of her armor and left a slash to her side.
Riku was fighting against his beast, finally sticking his Souleater up its stomach, and causing it to disappear into dust. He sighed, looking around his surrounding. Sora had defeated his and was helping Kairi. Ryo was fighting three. Matty and Enya were working together. He searched for Aleron, but only found a pile of beasts. He paled. She was under there.
"Aleron!" he shouted, clenching his weapon tightly. He ran up to her, slashing and pulling the beasts off her. He killed two. The other three crouched low to the ground and bared their teeth. Ryo and the others had approached just as he had grabbed her arm and pulled her to her feet.
She fell again, drawing blood on her hand after she had touched her side. He froze. They had broken through her armor and hurt her. They had to treat her wound right way.
He dropped down in front of her, pulling away both of her arms and peered at the gash on her side. He grimaced. It was pretty bad.
"What happened?" Ryo yelled over the roar of wind. He had kneeled down and once he saw the wound, he stood up again, yelling for Enya and Matty. "We have to get her to the next village, NOW!" He pointed northwards.
Riku shook Aleron, trying to get her attention. She had blacked out from exhaustion and loss of blood. He stood up, trying to pick her up, but found it hard to do so in armor.
"Allow Matty and I do it," Ryo said, putting his arm under Aleron's shoulder. Matty came and picked up her legs. Enya followed behind them.
Riku watched quietly as they made their way down the sand dune ahead of them. Sora came up to him and patted a hand on his shoulder.
"Come on, Riku. I'm sure she'll be fine," he said, shaking his shoulder.
Riku looked down, "Yeah..."
Kairi appeared beside him and wrapped an arm under his. Riku looked over and she smiled. He sighed and allowed his two best friends lead him.
Bad luck was certainly on their side. Before they could even reach another mile, they were attacked. It wasn't an ambush, but there were plenty of beasts to do them further harm.
"Kairi, stay with Aleron!" Ryo yelled, leading Matty over to where Kairi stood. They carefully, but quickly, put the girl down before dashing off to fight.
"You're going to be the death of me," Kairi sighed, glancing down at the girl and back up at the scene.
Minutes later, Enya jogged over and sat back on her legs. She peered down at Aleron, and then looked behind her shoulder. The battle was a good distance away now.
"Help me get her out of the armor, it'll make things a lot easier," the fiery woman said, quickly removing Aleron's blue helmet.
"Oh no, she's sweating!" Kairi panicking. She removed her own helmet and set it aside, before removing one of her gloves and feeling the said girl's forehead. She was burning up. "She's got a fever..."
"Shit..." Enya swore. "Well, let's do this quick, then we'll run on ahead without the guys. They can catch up."
Kairi nodded and they went to work. Removing the armor was annoying. There were straps hidden, that they had to unbuckle, and then slide the armor out. They got both of her arms free. They had to lift the chest armor up and over her head. They got a painful hiss from the girl.
Both snapped down and found that her whole side was bloody. The girl didn't even wake either. They sighed and went to work on getting the bottom parts off. Everyone had a white tank top underneath and special white-padded shorts that hugged their thighs down to their knees. Kairi pulled off the armor pants, while Enya sat behind the girl, holding her upper part.
Aleron's head lolled to the side. It didn't look good. Enya let out a breath and took a second to ponder. Kairi gathered up all of Aleron's hair and tied it into a ponytail. She reached for Aleron's water flank and let the liquid drip into the opening of her mouth. The said girl swallowed and tried to wake.
"No Aleron, you need rest," Enya said, shaking her head.
But the girl had already gone back into unconsciousness. They sighed. Kairi looked up over at the battle. The guys were running back towards them.
Ryo sighed and removed his helmet, wiping the sweat off his forehead with the back of his glove. Sora and Riku did the same. Riku growled at the sight of Aleron.
"What the hell are we standing around for? Look at her! She could be nearly dead by now!" he yelled at them.
"Riku, Riku, Riku... Relax!" Enya yelled calmly. "We were just about to go on ahead without you guys after we finally removed her armor. But seeing that you all are back, we can just get a move on!"
"Then let's go!" he hissed with clenched teeth. The girls stood up. Enya gathered up Aleron's scattered armor and used the blue cape to wrap it up like a bag. She hoisted it over her shoulder and picked up her helmet under her other arm. Matty went to pick Aleron up, carefully. He held her bridal style, grimacing at the sight of her wound.
Ryo gave the group a nod and began leading the way. Sora wrapped his metal covered arm around Kairi and they followed behind him, with Matty and Enya after them. Riku watched them go before growling again. His hair was plastered against his face and neck from the heat. He tied his silvery threads in a low ponytail and walked after them with his helmet in his right hand.
They hoped there wouldn't be any more of those vicious beasts until after they reached the next village. Ryo mentioned they only had a couple five miles to go before they got there.
They only had a mile to go. Riku could see the outlines of the village in the distance. He gave out a frustrated sigh and gripped his Souleater.
"You girls go on ahead!" Matty yelled, slashing at the beast in front of him.
Enya nodded, having already taken Aleron from him. She yelled for Kairi. They both ran down the last slope of sand, sliding and almost falling forward. Enya paused, retaking balance, then kept on. In 10 minutes, they finally reached the entrance.
The girls were panting heavily. Kairi removed her helmet, and went to approach the guards.
"Halt!" the first guard roared, stepping up and readying his blade.
"Please sir! Our friend is wounded! We need a healer!" Enya begged, following behind Kairi. "We are known as the Chasers. We have some guests with us on a quest. And this one got a slash from a beast."
The guards looked at each other, and then sighed. The second guard returned to his post and motioned them to go on through.
Kairi said to the first, "Thanks so much! And there are some guys back there; they'll be here soon. They're fighting off some beasts; so let them in, okay? "The guard nodded. She grinned and ran in after Enya.
"When the hell are they ever gonna stop coming?" Riku yelled in frustration. He slashed one in front of him, and then spun around and brought his blade down. Another jumped on his back, he jumped in the air and flipped, it fell. He threw down his weapon at it, and it disappeared into dust.
"It seems like someone or something knows to block us off!" Ryo yelled, throwing his keyblade up in the air and watched it go around in an arc, cutting through a couple beasts before returning to his hand. He crouched down and swung it at the beasts' feet.
"I agree!" Sora yelled, slashing Excalibur here and there. Matty spun around in time to stab his sword at the airborne beast.
In another ten minutes, the last one was finally defeated. The boys kneeled down on their knees.
"Please tell me that those were the last of them..." Sora whined, panting hard.
"I hope so," Ryo said, peering around. He slowly stood up, removing his helmet to wipe at his forehead and take a breath of fresh air.
"Let's go," Matty said.
They all arrived at the entrance in half an hour's time. The guards stepped forward.
"Are you the men the girls mentioned about?" the first guard announced.
"The girls with armor and a wounded one?" Ryo asked.
"Yes," the guard said again.
Matty nodded, "Then that would be us."
"You may go though," the second guard announced.
The four boys entered the village, earning suspicious glares and curious stares their way.
They had their helmets under their arms, hair and face wet with sweat, and everything covered with orange sand. Riku's silvery strands were more coppery color. His bangs stuck to his face, covering most of his eyes. Ryo's hair was strongly spiked. Sora's hair drooped, almost straight. Matty's was really messed up. They marched tiredly, but looked like an army.
"Do you come with the girls?" an elderly lady asked.
The guys strode to a stop. Riku was closest to the woman, so he looked down and nodded.
"They are in that building over there," she pointed up the road, at a building made out of blue clay.
"Thanks," he said, continuing his way. The other guys followed behind him. The woman smiled and went back inside her hut.
"Ha-ha-ha! You think you'll see her before getting through us! You are mistaken!" a sinister voice rang around them.
Riku snapped up at the roof. He furrowed his perfectly shaped eyebrows and clenched his teeth.
"You!" he hissed, gripping his Souleater tightly.
Everything around her was darkness. It swirled and gripped her. Trying to open her eyes, she found she could not. Fierce pain throbbed in her side, burning her like a fire. Everything was hot and slimy, and then it was cool.
Her throat burned, dying for water. She opened her mouth and tried to scream. No sound came out. Her wish came anyway. The cold liquid soothed her throat and healed inside her. But the emptiness came again.
"Kairi, did you hear something?" Enya asked, worried.
The girls had approached an old lady in the streets, and asked her for help. The lady pointed them towards a blue hut, which they quickly rushed into. Inside, the healer peered up from where she had sat and upon seeing the wounded girl, she stood up abruptly and took her from Enya.
The healer cleaned the wound, gave her some medicine, and cleaned her up. She told Kairi to go on and wash up, and then it would be Enya's turn.
Now the two girls were slouching on the couch in what would be the living room. Aleron was on one of the sick beds in the back room. The healer brought in tea for them and some soup.
"Excuse me..." Enya called out at the woman's retreating back.
"Just call me Healer. Everybody does," she said, looking over her shoulder before disappearing into the next room.
"Eh? Okay..." Enya mumbled feeling a little lost.
"I have a feeling she is hiding something," Kairi piped up, studying her cup of tea. "And don't drink anything she gives you... there's something in it." Enya suddenly put down her cup as if she was burned. Kairi looked over at the door to the room.
"We'd better go check on Aleron," Kairi continued, standing up.
"Yeah... Suddenly I don't trust the lady," the fiery one said, giving the door a sideway glance.
"Hear what?" Kairi asked, furrowing her eyebrows. They were half way close to the room.
Enya had stopped, pausing to listen carefully. Kairi looked from the girl to the door.
"I think I heard Riku... Something's happening outside!" Enya said quietly, and then nearly yelled the last sentence. She grabbed her sword out of her clutter of armor nearby the couch and rushed out of the front door.
"I'll check on Aleron!" Kairi yelled after her. She turned to enter the room. It was empty. "What the...?"
A sharp pain over took her in the head, and all she saw was darkness.
"Riku! What's going on?" Enya shouted as she ran towards him.
He snapped his eyes in her view and widened, "NO! Stay back!"
It was too late; Kerri appeared behind her and drew a dagger to the victim's throat. Enya gasped and stood rigid.
The Nobody snickered, "My, my... Thank you for handing the Key back to us! Now we can unlock the big Part Two!"
"What the fuck are you saying?" Riku yelled, partially looking confused.
"You shall find out. Once you meet it, it shall be the death of you!" Kerri announced, before releasing Enya and kicked her towards the group of men. "See ya!"
Ryo caught Enya in his arms before she knocked them all over. Matty scowled at the disappearing figure. Riku was fuming. Sora looked at the door worriedly.
He looked at Enya, who was straightening herself up. "Where's Kairi?"
Enya snapped up at the boy, "Shit!"
They all barged in the blue hut and rushed into the back room. They were gone. No Healer. No Kairi. No Aleron. Nobody.
"Damn it!" Enya cursed, kicking the door. She clenched, then unclenched her hands.
"We have to go!" Ryo yelled, beckoning them out of the hut.
Riku yelled, “Yeah, we HAVE to get Aleron and Kairi back!”
"I want to rescue Kairi and Aleron as much as you do, but could we at least rest for a bit?" Sora whined, slouching down on the ground, his boots touching one another. His head was downcast, ruined hair plastered down his skin.
Riku slapped his hand over his forehead down to his chin, "Alright, wash up, nap, eat, do whatever. We leave at dawn!"
Matty rushed into the shower, slamming the door into the two others' faces. Riku slouched in a chair rolling his eyes. He forced himself to relax as he closed his eyes and tried to catch some sleep.
A/N: The long awaited chapter you've all been waiting for is COMING!!! Sorry for the long wait!