Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Born of Royalty ❯ Chapter 5

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts
Story: Born of Royalty
Author: Vash/BBC7Fan/PrettySephy/Ryoko-Riku
Disclaimer: I own no one in Kingdom Hearts.
Summary: Several years after the events in
Kingdom Hearts II, King Sora and Queen Kairi
await a blessed event.

-Chapter 5-

Sora paced the palace garden, anxiously. It had been several
long months since Kairi had come to him with the news that
they were to be parents.

Even now, when Kairi was delivering the child she'd carried,
he found it hard to believe. It was like a dream. The perfect
ending to his fairytale romance.

And a fairytale romance it had been. Right down to the part
about the brave warrior saving the sleeping Princess.

And now that Princess was his Queen, his wife, and the mother
of his child.

Sora wondered what the child would be. They had opted not to
be told the child's gender, wanting it to be a surprise. He had
decided to name the child Sarah if it was a girl, or Alex if it
were a boy. Those were good names for a prince or princess.

The midwife walked up to him. The butterflies in his stomach
started doing aerobics. "Congratulations," she told him. "You
have a fine son, your majesty."

Sora ran to Kairi's room.

Kairi was holding a tiny, newborn baby boy in her arms. The
child was wrapped in warm blankets and resting fitfully.

"Do you have a name for your son?" the midwife asked.

"A- "

Kairi put a hand over his mouth, shaking her head affectionately.
"This isn't Alex, dear," she told him. "Oh dear," she added, "this
blanket doesn't seem to be on just right. Could you fix it for me,

Sora took the baby and unwrapped the blanket in order to adjust it.
As he looked at the platinum hair on the infant's head, his eyes

Kairi was right. It wasn't Alex at all.

The child's name fell from his lips in a whisper as soft as light,
but with a resonance as deep as shadow.


And there was no doubt in his mind, that was exactly who the
child in his arms was.