Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Burn ❯ Chapter 22 Reno ( Chapter 22 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters from Kingdom Hearts or Final Fantasy nor am I making any money by writing this.
A/N: I can't believe I'm already on Chapter 22 of this story! It's starting to go by really fast. This is actually the first Kingdom Hearts fanfiction I wrote and it's been over a year since I first started working on this. I thought I could write longer chapters, but I guess I can't. Not for this story, at least. I'm going to stop worrying about the length of these chapters and just get this thing done.
I swear I have Satan's laptop!! This thing freaking hates me!! You want details? See my livejournal. I won't rant here; that's what my livejournal is for.
Chapter 22 Reno
I stared at Dr. Wise, wondering what he wanted. After Zexion closed the door behind him, Dr. Wise turned to me.
“Reno, why don't you sit down?” Dr. Wise suggested in a gentle tone.
I had a bad feeling. Something was going on. My heart rate increased and I started feeling generally nervous. I slowly nodded and somehow managed to find my way back to my seat. I waited breathlessly for Dr. Wise to start talking.
“Axel's memories are coming back,” he said in a grim voice. I stared at him. “He knows who you are. There's no way to stop it now—Axel will remember.”
I could barely breathe. My throat didn't seem to be working so I'm sure I did a nice impression of a fish.
“Reno?” Dr. Wise asked. “Are you all right?”
“That's an unfair question, doc,” I croaked.
Dr. Wise chuckled softly. “Yes, you're right. Do you need something to drink?”
“Yeah,” I replied hoarsely. “That'd be good.”
“I'll be right back,” Dr. Wise said. He got up from the table and went out.
I sat there, trying to compose myself, but how could I? I had just learned that my baby brother who couldn't remember who I was because of our parents now knew. The implications of that were enormous. Things were gonna change now. Nothing could be the same anymore. There was way to know what was going to happen.
Dr. Wise finally came back in carrying a paper cup with him. He handed it to me.
“Thanks,” I said weakly, my hand closing around it.
I pressed it to my lips and took a sip. It was one of those cheap-ass cups that left a bitter aftertaste in your mouth. As I took another sip, Dr. Wise sat in his place and regarded me intently.
“As I was saying before,” he said. “Axel will remember everything in due time. It's for the best—the suppression of his memories has caused nothing but problems for him. I will continue working with him to bring up the memories and help him deal with them. It's the only way for him to heal.
I nodded. “How…” I had to clear my throat before continuing. “How much does Axel remember so far?”
“Not very much,” Dr. Wise answered. “He remembers you from the past and knows that you're his brother. He remembers the two of you getting in a lot of trouble and your parents getting mad, mostly at you. He remembers you leaving a little, but he doesn't understand why.”
“He probably won't,” I muttered. “He was only three when I left.”
“I agree,” Dr. Wise said. His expression became grim again. “I believe that there are some things that happened to Axel after you left.” He took a deep breath. “I think he was abused as a child. I'd like to know if you know anything.”
“I'm not sure,” I said truthfully. “I never saw my parents after I was sent away. I do know from Zexion, who saw them a lot, that they didn't seem like they were very nice people. I can't say for sure, but I think there's a possibility that they're abusive.”
“If that's true, then we'll have to be prepared,” Dr. Wise said.
“Yeah,” I agreed. “I know what I have to do.”
“Good,” Dr. Wise said with a smile. “Would you like to see Axel?”
“Is that all right?” I asked in surprise.
“Yes, of course it is,” Dr. Wise answered. “There's no harm now because he remembers who you are and I honestly don't see a problem with you spending a little time with your brother.”
“But what if our parents find out?” I asked, worried.
“I wouldn't be concerned about that,” Dr. Wise answered with a grim smile. “They will be facing questions about exactly why you were erased from Axel's memories in the first place and everything that implies.”
“Why are you doing all this for me?” I asked. “For us?” I hastily corrected.
“Axel is my patient,” Dr. Wise responded. “I am merely looking out for his well-being. As his psychotherapist, I believe that living with his parents is an unsafe environment, for not only his mental health, but his physical health as well. I do not want to see Axel have a relapse.”
I nodded. “Thank you.”
“So are you ready to face your brother again?”
“Yes.” I swallowed hard. “I am.”
Dr. Wise called a nurse in. “Can you fetch Axel for me?”
“Yes doctor, right away.” The nurse nodded, although she looked rather surprised.
I fidgeted in my seat, drumming my fingers on the table's polished surface. I couldn't help it; I was so damn nervous.
Then, the door opened and Axel came in with the nurse who accompanied him (not the nurse who went to get him) lagging behind. I rose from my seat at once and stared at my baby brother, who wasn't a baby anymore.
It had been a good year since the last time I had seen him. He was nearly eighteen now. I first focused on the features I remembered; his vibrant red hair just like mine only wilder and his vivid green eyes—our mother Catherine's eyes. His hair was much longer now, the result of being stuck in the hospital for so long without any chance to get a haircut.
My attention turned to the rest of his features that had changed over time, first his face. He had gotten tattoos under each eye shaped like teardrops when he was sixteen, which wasn't exactly legal, but whatever. Those were still there, though they stood out even more because of his pale complexion.
His jaw line was thinner, hardened, and he looked much older. His clothes were different; instead of the T-shirt and jeans combination I was used to him wearing, he was now dressed even more casually in a pair of faded grey sweatpants that were too large on him and a black T-shirt. He didn't match, more like me than he even realized.
My eyes traveled to his arms folded across his chest. Jagged lines ran in every direction from his burns and subsequent skin grafts. I continued downward, taking in his skinny frame an anorexic would kill for. When I reached his shoes, I looked back up at his face, which was turned toward me. Vivid green eyes were wide in shock and I realized that he hadn't moved since he had entered the room.
After a few moments, Axel finally came forward, faster than I thought, and threw himself at me for a hug. His nurse was still standing in the doorway, looking concerned, but Dr. Wise waved his hand, and she stayed where she was.
I looked down at Axel's red spikes and smiled fondly. I wrapped my arms around him and held him close.
“I'm so glad to see you,” he mumbled.
“Yeah, me too,” I replied, still smiling. “I can't stay for long, but I wanted to say hi to you. Well actually, it was Dr. Wise's idea and I just went along with it.”
Axel looked over at Dr. Wise and I caught a glimpse of his tear-streaked face. Damn it, now I was crying. I hated how that happened.
“Thank you Ansem. Thank you,” Axel said in a weak voice.
Dr. Wise smiled. “You're most welcome, Axel.”
“I have to go.” I cleared my throat, my eyes watering. “I'll come back and see you again. I promise.”
Axel just nodded.
To be continued…
A/N: Boy, was that lame or what? I swear I'm only getting worse at writing. D: Maybe it's just me being angsty.