Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Click ❯ Chapter 3

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“Oh, booys….” Larxene opened the door to find Axel and Roxas laughing their heads off like the hyperactive idgits they were. On the floor were similar pages to hers. Not that she cared.
The pair looked up, teary-eyed and gasping. Their faces were flushed and they sat opposite each other on the floor, their robes disheveled. Larxene took the opportunity to snap some pictures.
“What're those for?” queried Axel. He stood up, gathered the pages and set them on the couch. “And why are you here, anyway? Looking for fashion tips? Need me to light the stove again? Wanted to talk about your crush on Lexaeus to somebody who you think won't judge you?” His conceited smirk grew deeper with each question.
“No, actually…” Larxene stepped toward him and held out the pages. “I was just about to show these to Marluxia…I wondered if you two had any thoughts.”
Axel sat back down on the floor to read the intro. Larxene watched as Roxas leaned over and started reading, too. She delighted in how their faces changed in concert as the story went on. First blithe interest; totally unassuming and just a touch apprehensive. Then a bit ambiguous. Some frowns, she noticed, and furrowed brows. Slowly the expressions changed to surprise, then a fleeting bit of anger, and finally as the story reached its climax and descended, Axel and Roxas both looked as if they might need to go throw up.
For the next three thousand years.
“So, what do you think?” Larxene asked, with no more malice than someone discussing the weather forecast. Both Nobodies stared up at her like kittens who'd just found out she was going to bag them up and drown them. In sulfuric acid. Repeatedly.
“Th-they'll never believe you!” They both sputtered at the same time. “You'll b-be a laughingstock!”
“Oh, I thought that too. At first. But then I found you two when I came in…faces flushed…clothes all rumpled…gasping…and looking like you'd just fallen off the couch. Now do you even wonder as to why I took pictures?”
With each piece of evidence the expressions of the two had gotten worse. Roxas was as white as a sheet, except for his gills. They were green. Axel looked like he might faint.
“So then,” Larxene continued, “I am willing to make you two a little…deal.” She paused dramatically. “In exchange for the promise that these pages and these photos will never see the light of day…what would you be willing to do?”
“Anything,” the two all but shouted.
“Anything, huh?” Larxene's eyes sparkled. “Anything at all?”
“Hmmm…” The Nobody's index finger tapped evilly against her lower lip. “Okay. Then you…both of you…are now my personal slaves. FOREVER!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, how do you like this story so far?
I'd like to tell you something: I've never played KH at all, ever. I'm using the manga and your fanfics, and the advice of my friend who said,
“Let's have a Kingdom Hearts branch in our anime club.”
He knows everything about it. BTW if you have ever found any good side character profiles, tell me where in reviews if you leave one. You don't have to, though I'd appreciate being called on OOC-ness, etc. if you have time. Here is a list of recommendations. These fics are all VERY COOL.
Taming the Difficult Child by Dark Punyan
Axel's Plight by Dark Punyan
What Ansem Does in his Spare Time by Dark Punyan
Bishounen from the Sky by Fuuzaki
Have fun!