Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Dreams of the Soul ❯ Chapter 3 Battle ( Chapter 3 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Dreams of the soul, Chapter 3 Battle
A swarm of Dusks was sweeping through the village. A man in a black, and gold, coat was standing tossing balls of some black metal at tents, and equipment, making it explode. The balls would zoom back to his hand after the explosion. He noticed instantly the charging wolf, and directed a swarm of Dusks in its path as he teleported a good bit away from the battlefield.
Iceberg charged in, batting dusks aside easily. His fur covered itself in spiky ice armor, which shredded dusks. Sora attempted to bypass the dusks along with Donald and Goofy, while Musouka charged, having never in his life, despite his quiet nature, backed down from a fight, in after Iceberg, alongside Cody. Corim disappeared into the shadows, to reappear on the other side of the dusks. Slicing through them on his way to the man in Black.
A swarm of Samurai appeared, with two dancers and a sorcerer as well, in front of Sora and Co. “Why is organization 13 here? I thought we beat them. I was sure they were gone!”
As the three of them begin battling through, Sora is caught by a dancer. The dancer throws him into the next dancer. He goes back and forth between the two. Musouka, having noticed the danger, attempts to reach Sora. However, he must now fight both Samurai and Dusk.
Musouka, Keyblade in hand, is swinging, striking, jabbing, flipping, making his way, or try to make his way, toward an isolated Sora. Sora, unable to escape and tiring quickly, is about to be tossed into a wall of cubes. Very dangerous cubes for obvious reasons. Mu, looking on, has finally reached some open ground. He charges, thinking he'll never make it. Sora gets thrown. “Sora, Hold on!” Musouka, some 20 meters away with about two seconds to get there, leaps off the ground swinging. The next thing the sorcerer nobody knows, it is being bashed by a very unusual Keyblade. That is the last thing it ever notices. Mu even manages to catch Sora, while still floating above the ground.
Donald and Goofy arrive, Cody, having finished off the dusks alongside Iceberg and Corim, also arrive. Musouka looks down at himself, floating. “Wow.”
“Gee, Sora, He looks kinda like you in one of your forms,” said Donald.
“I do? How am I floating? Which form?” Musouka comes up with a flurry of questions that are very unusual for him.
Sora answered him, “Wisdom and Final form let me float like that. You're doing it by the power of your Keyblade. You can move pretty fast like that. Just lean in the direction you want to go, and you'll go.”
Mu nodded. Just then laughter shattered the short reprieve.
“What are you idiots doing, just standing around like that. Didn't even notice you were surrounded again?” The man in the black coat, which was almost like organization XIII's coat, save that it had both gold trim and gold chain, instead of black and silver, was standing very close, 6 black metal balls circling above him. About all of them was another swarm, a larger one this time, of Nobodies. Dusks, Dancers, Sorcerers, and Samurai composed the ranks. The man looked straight at the floating Musouka.
“So, dreamer, got a Keyblade I see. You know, you'd do pretty good in our Dream Family. You should join up. Don't hang with these weaklings.”
Sora replied by saying, “Weaklings! We took out the whole of Organization 13! We aren't weak.”
“Organization XIII were a bunch of Idiots who didn't know what they were doing. Any one member of the Dream family could have beat them blindfolded even if they came at him all at once. Well, What do you say, Dreamer, join us? Or die with these losers and their stupid wolf, duck, and dog?
Musouka said looked down, then said something under his breath.
“what? I couldn't here you kid.”
Musouka looked up, light, both black and white, came from his eyes. “Wind-sama is not a loser. Iceberg-sama is not stupid. Corim is one of the greatest water warriors ever. Sora has faced more danger than I can count, all for the sake of his friends. That makes him anything but a loser. Donald and Goody aren't just a dog and Duck, they are the royal mage and knight, and my friends, and hero too. They are not losers. You will never call them that again.”
Musouka grinned, the eyes upon the dragon side glowed, and a beam of red light fired straight at the man in the coat. He tried to block it with one of his metal orbs, only to watch it be incinerated. He barely dodge in time.
“Hey, hey, No need to go trying to kill old Xaltaire now, is there?”
“You have endangered everyone here. You treat my friends like they are garbage. You insulted Wind-sama, the man I have looked up to since I can remember. You will pay for that.” Musouka, without further words, zoomed straight at Xaltaire, Slicing another orb in half. He swung, but missed and Xaltaire him him with an orb. He was engulfed in an explosion, but came shooting out of it after Xaltaire, seemingly unharmed. His clotheing, which Sora finally noticed was now a combination black and white, with the green shade the peridot edging and highlighting it, seemed to glow the three colors that composed it.
Sora turned to Cody. “North Wind sir, Could you and Corim take care of the Nobodies? Donald, Goofy, and I will go help Musouka.”
Cody nodded, “I told you to call me Cody.” He dashed off and into battle. Sora, Wanting to try and end this battle quickly, and seeing that Musouka's relentless pursuit and multiple hits were tiring the enemy greatly, decided to go for the quick finish. He activated Final Form, and Fenrir and Ultima appeared in hand as he flew into battle. Now attacked by two fast flying, heavy hitting Keyblade masters, Xaltaire was quickly beaten back.
Sora looked at Musouka. “I've got enough time for one more attack. I noticed you have some pretty good techniques. Hit him with your best, I'll hit him from the other side, and we should take care of him.” Mu nodded, grinning.
Xaltaire had other plans though. “I'm, huh, not going down like this. You two are coming with me. Now take this!” His four remaining orbs began spinning about him, creating a cyclone of energy, which began drawing things into it. It grew larger by the second. Mu, for some reason, recognized the attack.
“Sora, back off! You can't take the hit and survive!” Sora nodded, and both turned to take cover, but just then his final form gave out. Donald and goofy appeared behind him. They'd never escape now. So Musouka did the only thing he could think of. He listened to a little voice in his head that said, “We can take it.” He zoomed in and placed himself between Xaltaire and the three others just as the cyclone hit max and blew. When the dust cleared, Sora, Donald, and Goofy were completely uninjured. Musouka, blade held with the angel side facing Xaltaire's panting form, and going cross his body, also stood uninjured. In fact, he looked even better than he had before. His eyes were shining again, the one brown pupils now one black, one white. He grinned, and charged, Taking one slice at Xaltaire as he flew past.
“Damn. You're good kid.” That was the last thing he said before he slumped over, fell to the ground, and was swallowed up by the darkness.
“Et sseemss he wass a Nobody. It alsso seemsss that you have ssome sstrange abilities, and a very strange Keyblade. Are you, by chance, one of those who are called Dreamers? Hmm? Certainly your name es indicative of thiss.” He was seated on the ground less than five feet from where Musouka now stood. He seemed to have appeared out of nowhere. Musouka stared at him astounded.
Cody came up. “We have long thought he may be. And yet, he can't be, for they have no hearts, and are as nobodies, but he has a heart, so how can he be one?”
Sora, Donald and Goofy arrived. “Gawrsh, Mu, Your pretty strong.”
“Yeah, almost as good as Riku. “
Mu had apparently come out of his shell at some point in the battle. He was no longer quiet or shy, it seemed. Brought out of his astonishment by the comment, he turned, grinning, to face Sora. “Almost as good as Riku? Right now, I could take on both him and you at the same time and whip you both too. Almost my ring.”
Sora clapped him on the shoulder. “I'm just messing with you.” Turning to Corim, he asked, “What were you saying just before we arrived.”
Mu answered for him, confidence growing by the second. “They believe I am one of the beings known as Dreamers. Those borne from Nightmares, that have no hearts. Both my name, which I gave myself, and the fact I not only found, but can touch and user this ring,” here he indicated the ring that was his keychain, “should mean that. Cody, and the other Winds, and Corim too, have faced them before, and only they can use these dream rings. But all four Winds, and the elders, and several of the others that traveled with The Winds, Believe I have a heart. Because I do not act like a Dreamer should.”
Goofy spoke up with an idea. “Ya know Sora, Maybe Master Yen Sid could tell us something. He knew about the Nobodies.”
Sora turned, as did the others. “That's genius Goofy!”
Donald spoke now. “But the king needs to be told about these dreamers. And that the nobodies are still around. We should return to the castle and tell him.”
Corim spoke. “You, and Goofy, sshall inform your king of thass matter of the dreamerss, while I shall go with Sssora and Musssouka to see this Yen Sssid. I have heard many thingsss about him, and wissh to meet hem.”
“I will tell the Winds, and send messengers to find Crystal, Mars, Markus, the Razors, and Change and Chance so they can know. Corim, once you have spoken to Yen Sid, At least send back a message informing us of all you learned. I doubt you, Sora, or Musouka will actually be able to return right away.”
Sora and Musouka nodded. But Donald had to ask, “But there's only one gummi ship, we can't go to the King and Yen Sid at the same time.”
Cody answered. “Corim will take them through the portal. It should be able to take you straight to the world Yen Sid is on. Twilight town right? It won't take you straight there unless the gate happens to come out right at his location. Still, it will bring you close, and maybe you can catch up with some of your friends.”
“Aw, alright.”
The group went back to the village and helped clean up for a little while. Then, having gathered what they would need while they cleaned up the damage from the attack, they went their separate ways with a short farewell.
“Come, thee portal ess near.” Sora and Musouka followed Corim off, away from the village, and into an adventure like nothing before.