Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Dreams of the Soul ❯ Digitize ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 8, Digitize
“Come on you lot, we should take this to old Merlin.” Sid said as he motioned with his hand and set out.
Xonic and Draco caught up to and started chatting with Christina. Corim walked at the back of the group with the man Eagle. Neither said a word, yet much seemed to pass between them. Ray started chatting with Sora, Hayner, and Mu. Aerith walked up next to Sid. They ascended the Elevator, but when they passed through the computer room, Sora jumped to the computer.
“Hey Tron! It's Sora! How ya doin?!” Cid mumbled to himself as Sora called over Mu and Hayner, and Christina walked up to. Xonic, curious, walked up and stood next to Christina. Sora asked Tron to look up information on Dreamers and the Dream family, and when he did, something happened. That those at the terminal didn't see.
The Transporter activated. Ray was the one who noticed. “Look out!” He grabbed Draco, who had just walked up next to Xonic, and pulled him back. Eagle and Corim jumped forward and shoved Christina and Hayner out of the war. Xonic, Sora, Musouka, Eagle, and Corim were caught by the transporter and digitized.
They appeared about 5 feet above the floor of the game grid and fell down. They picked themselves up. Everyone except Sora appeared to have more or less exactly what they usually wore on, just with circuit lines running through it.
Sora looked around. “What's going on? I thought tron had control of the computer.”
Xonic spoke up a little mockingly. “looks to me like he didn't.”
Just as he said this a man in black coat appeared. He grinned, and spoke. “Hi, make me a Sandwich.” Then he snapped his finger and Strafers appeared. They attacked. A couple of Neoshadows also popped up. They attacked.
Musouka waded in, alongside Xonic and Sora. Xonic was using his Keyblade, and a large black blade. Eagle and Corim stood not exactly back to back. Each covered for the other, having little trouble.
Musouka grew angrier and angrier as he fought. Why is this guy doing this? Who does he think he is? We don't have time. We need to go. As he thought this two things were happening, though no one noticed the second. One was that the guy was laughing. The other was that the book in Sora's pocket glowed. Mu noticed the laughter. This just made him angrier.
“This is funny!” he shouted. The laughter increased. “That's it! You are so getting pounded!” Mu charged, ignoring the heartless coming at him. Or more correctly, he didn't see them. Then they were on him, but he didn't notice. Instead, he just seemed to explode in rage. Everything stopped. Suddenly, the whole place was split down the middle. Musouka was at the center, all split, by light and dark. And the dark took over, seeming to consume both the angel side of his Keyblade, and his clothes. He swung his Keyblade. It was nowhere close to the weird guy, but it didn't matter. The shockwave ripped through heartless, the floor, and nearly through the wg. He barely dodged. He grinned and laughed. Musouka was still floating, or at least it seemed so. The major difference was that he hadn't had a wing before. Now he had a great, black, leathery wing coming out his left back, near the shoulder blade (think cloud/sephiroth style). He charged again, but he seemed to have lost a little speed, or maybe it was agility. His power however, was exponentially greater. He fired his laser, except this time it was more a blast that just vaporized a large section of the floor and heartless. He relentlessly pursued the wg all over the place, but he just couldn't quite catch him. He was really getting exhausted. He slipped, and the wg changed tactics.
He charged. He never got there. Mu got him with and upswing that sent him flying. Xonic took the opportunity to deal the guy a painful double hit with his blades that sent him flying, or crashing, into the ground. The Heartless vanished. Xonic stood over the guy as Musouka walked up. “nice one Mu.”
“Thanks, you too. Got him good it looks like.” Musouka laughed.
Xonic joined him as Sora, corim and Eagle walked up. “yeah, I'd say so. Now then, whoever you are, why don't you tell us what you're doing. Hmm?”
Sora added, “And why can you control heartless?”
The wg got off his back, but didn't try to stand. “Alright. My name is Dark Fusion, call me DF. I'm the one that brought you here. I knew you'd try to find information about the dreamers, so I set up the transporter to bring you here when you did. I really only wanted Sora and Mu, you others just got caught as well. Why did I do that? Because you killed the Dreamer I was tracking. He might have led me to their base. But when I saw you lot take him out, I realized that I would need help to carry out my revenge, and you guys looked like just that sort of help. You wiped the floor with Xaltaire. I had never met anyone who could do that. So I planted a heartless listener spy on you.” He summoned a tiny bug with the heartless emblem on it, that floated to him and sat on his palm. It had come out of Sora's pocket. “he let me hear everything you heard, including your talk with Yen Sid. When I heart about the forms, I thought maybe could help, and it would also give me a chance to meet you and gauge your strength personally. So I arranged this with Tron's help. I met him about 3 months ago when I was spying on Xaltaire. He tried to access the computer, and after he left, I snuck up to see what he had been looking at, but I got caught.”
He looked over at Sora. “I can control heartless because the Dream Family performed a this weird cloning experiment on me, trying to make a perfect heartless copy. It didn't quite work the way they wanted to. So now I can control the lesser heartless, like Shadows, neo shadows, Strafers, bombs, things like that. But it depends on what I want them to do. Sometimes they won't appear, sometimes they won't obey. Still, I don't have trouble with normal heartless at least. Oh, yeah, there's another thing. Ah, there's Tron.”
“Hi Sora, Musouka. Other Users. It is good to see you.” Tron appeared on the game grid. “I've locked the game grid for a few minutes, so we can talk. There's a problem with the Dreamer data. It's been sabotaged. I can retrieve it, but not alone. There are a bunch of hostile program types, and the generator has been disabled. We'll need to clear the DTD, and Generator, as well as the Computer core.”
“How'd it get sabotaged, and what's wrong with the Core and the DTD?” Asked Musouka.
“The Core is full of blank programs, and these strange white creatures I think were called Nobodies. The DTD is locked out till the core is clear, and there are a ton of enemies there too, same kind. The Generator has been taken apart, but it just needs the power blocks restored. More enemies there too. Too bad he didn't use all heartless, or this would be easy.” This time DF was speaking.
“So, We need to split up to get it all done and keep each area secure until you can clear things, right Tron?” Eagle had spoken at last.
“Right. There are 7 here, so there will be two groups of 2, and a group of three. I know you and DF can handle computers, so you will both be in different groups. I'll go to the DTD first. I want Sora with me.”
“I ssshall accompany Eagle.”
“I'll watch DF with Musouka.” Xonic.
“Right. The Pit cell console was destroyed, so we'll all have to go out through the I/O Tower. Common, I'll take us there, and then we're off.”
Everyone disappeared in a beam of light as Tron warped them to the I/O Tower.