Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Dreams of the Soul ❯ Olympus Coliseum ( Chapter 12 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 12 Olympus coliseum.
Everyone Piled into the Gummi ship, which was far larger on the inside that it might appear on the outside. Of course, this one was already much larger than the ship Sora usually flew. Sora and riku both vied for the pilots chair, but found Eagle already there. “I'm pilot,” was all he said.
Ray walked in. “The boss use to be one of the best pilots in all the worlds, till the whole interworld travel system went crazy. I'm guessing he's happy to have his chance again. Sit back and enjoy the ride guys.” Ray did just that, taking the copilots chair and reclining in it. Sora and Riku went back and joined the others for the trip.
As Musouka walked through the gate into the first courtyard of the Coliseum, he could only stare in awe. Most of the others had similar reactions. Sora and Christina, however, ran for the door, the others soon following when they saw they were being left behind. Christina ran through the entrance room, and took the route to the stands. Everyone piled in to see a spectacle.
A voice was announcing, “Now entering the ring, the Queen of Earth, the Demon of the Land, The Hero who knows no fear, Crystal!” The Crowd went nuts. Completely, utterly, nuts. They were cheering so loud it hurt the ears.
A woman walked into the arena. She was wearing Leather armor, brown and Black. Her skin was sun tanned a deep brown. Her eyes were sparkling blue. Her black hair hung down to her waist. Her armor was covered in straps and buckles to hold it in place. She were leather raps on her hands, the kind used for boxing. Her movements were not quite graceful. That word just didn't seem to fit. They were fluid, calm, powerful. That was what they were, her movements were power. She smiled and waved to the crowd.
“And now, her opponent, selected by the lord of the Underworld Himself, The Great Demon Warrior Kanzible, who terrorized millions, and killed thousands with his sword. This is the greatest Challenge our hero has ever faced.” The crowd was a mixture of boos toward the demon, and cheers for Crystal.
Sora looked at Christina, confused. “I don't get it. I thought Herc was the only hero at the Coliseum?”
“Shush. I'll explain once the match is over.” She said to Sora, then turned and cheered for the hero.
The match started with no warning. The demon warrior charged. He swung his blade, trying to slice Crytal in half. Crystal spun out of the way, and landed on all fours. The swing shattered the arena floor where she had stood. She grinned, clapped her fists together, and slammed them into the ground. It erupted. It split open even as huge pillars of stone rose out of the ground. The Demon warrior started to slip into the earth. He Stabbed his sword into the ground near him, but it gave way, crumbling. Crystal, however, wasn't down with him yet. He was suddenly grabbed by huge jaws of stone, as gaint Stone serpents , which had been the pillars, caught hold of him, and started pulling. His wings were ripped off, his arms were about to pop. Crystal pulled her fists out of the ground and the guy dropped into the fissure. Then she stood, and stomped her foot, and the fissure closed.
The crowd erupted. “The queen of Earth has done it again, bashing down another underworld warrior, and sending him back to Hades gift wrapped in stone!”
Christina turned to all of them. “Come on, follow me.” She ran back downt he passage, and took it to the preparation room. She dashed out, Shouting, “Mom!”
The woman, Crystal, turned, and her face lit up. “Christina! You're here! Oh how wonderful!” She exclaimed as she grasped her daughter in a hug. She looked to see the others, Sora and Musouka at front, riku behind them. Sora and Riku had typical looks of surprise at this revelation, but Musouka was dumbfounded. “you, your she's your, you're her, I I I I,”
Crystal smiled. “Well if it isn't the young Dreamer from the land of the Winds. How are you Musouka?”
Musouka recovered. He gave a quick bow. “I'm fine my lady, thank you.”
Crystal laughed, a warm, sweet laugh, then stopped when she saw something else. Her face fell. “Corim. Corim, old friend, if you are here, and he is not, then…”
Corim came forward. He bowed deeply. “I'm ssssorry. What little trail I had hasss been cold for 5 years, and for thosssse 5 years, still I ssssearched. But new ssstirrings, new disssbalances sscalled out to me, and my master ssssummoned. And my heart too ssssummoned me, thingssss are going far wrong. I must apologize for giving up the ssssearch, but I was needed for a new quest, it sssseemssss.”
Crystal swept forward, leaving Christina staring, and hugged Corim. She was weeping. “It's just, just so pointless. We'll never find him, none of us. But, but thank you, thank you corim, for trying so hard. I can't ask you to spend the rest of your life looking for my brother, even though you'd do it with or without being asked. I understand why you came back. It's so good to see you.” She was weeping tears of both joy and sadness, as she held onto Corim.
He held her for a moment, and then spoke. “Hello Mera. It issss good to ssssee you again.” He was speaking to a giant of a man, dressed in red armor. The man was at least 9 feet tall, huge in the all ways.
Christina and Crystal both turned. “Dad!” Christina held, happily, though mellowed, and ran to him. Crystal did the same.
“Oh, Mera, my husband, it is both a joyous and a sad day,” she said, tears still streaming. “Our daughter has come to see us, but so has corim, without my brother.”
Mera grasped them both, his eyes tearing as well. He said no word. He smiled at them both.
Musouka stepped forward. “Uh, um, Hello, sir.” He bowed again.
Riku and ray followed behind. Riku spoke, “Hey, mu, why do you keep bowing?”
“They are Crystal and Mera, warriors of fire and earth, who fought alongside Wind-sama. They are legendary heroes to my people, just as the winds. They deserve every ounce of respect it is mine to give, and more.”
Ray blinked. “wow. That's sounds cool.”
Eagle had come forward, along with the rest of the party. Crystal turned to them, and bowed. “I am sorry for my lack of control, but I believe today, it was necessary. I am Crystal, and this is Mera. We are, at the moment, Heroes of the Coliseum.”