Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Going into Kingdom Hearts ❯ Chapter 6: Just a plain day… in a crazy world ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 6: Just a plain day… in a crazy world
Riku: What's wrong?
Christy: (Looking into the water) This just feels odd… sorta.
Riku: What feels odd… and how?
Christy: me…. and you…
He looked confused still. I looked at him and tried to stay looking without looking away.
Christy: When I was in my world… I remember everything that's happening and is going to happen. I don't really belong here but I don't want to go back to where I came from…. I dunno why but I don't… and when I played the game I was so into it… and I thought you were… uhh nevermind…
Riku: Thought I was what?
I looked back at the water.
I wanted to say best character… not to mention best looking character… but it was hard to say it to his face.
Christy: nothing… it's not important. (I looked at him, smiled and then looked back at the water) Let's just talk?
Riku: About?
Christy: I dunno… I barely remember anything from my world… I only remember some things… and almost all of it has to do with this game… nothing else.
Riku: Then tell me what you do remember… maybe it'll help you remember your world… and make you feel better…
Christy: But I don't want to remember my world… but ok… don't say anything about it though… you were just a character then… so no comments… ok?
Riku: Uhhh… ok… I guess… why?
Christy: You'll see…
What I remember from my world… not a lot… I remember the game… obviously, and my room… to a point---
Riku: --you can't remember your roo--- oops sorry.
Christy: The wall next to my bed… there was pictures of characters I had drawn... and you were one of them…
Basically that's it… I just remember the game and the pictures… that's it…
Riku: You had me on your wall (He looked like he was about to start laughing.)
Christy: That's what I didn't want you to make a comment about…
Riku: sorry… its just odd… hearing that you were on someone else's wall… why was I on your wall?
Christy: Because… You were my favorite character… you know I feel odd telling you this right…. not many people just tell the person they like `Oh did you know that your on my wall'
Riku: yea…not many people do that, I give you credit for that…
Christy: (blushing and smiling) thanks… but yea… now you know how I felt.
Riku: felt?
Christy: huh? oh… uhhh… well… sorta…
Riku: (looking at the ground) Well I guess I was a “Character” and not a person right in front of your face then…
Christy: NO!!! It's not like that at all…
Riku: No, it's ok… I understand… (Fake yawn) Well I guess I'm going to go back to the main Island now.
Christy: (Turning quickly) NO!!! I mean…. uhhh… I mean… you don't have to… I'm still just getting used to everything… don't… ehh never mind… you can do if you want to.
I heard a stop in footsteps… then I heard them slowly coming back towards me.
I felt his hand on my shoulder.
Riku: Come with me…
I turned around to look at him… he had his hand out to me. I took it and we climbed down from the little island.
We went to the other side of the Island he guided me towards the raft.
Riku: Let's go together… just me and you
I stepped back… wasn't that what Kairi said to Sora???
Christy: What?!?!
Riku: Just kidding.
Ok then… that was odd. I was going to tell him that what he said was exactly what Kiri said but when he turned around to look at me I felt like falling to sleep and collapsed on the ground.
???: Hullo… Christy???
I opened my eyes and was blinded by the sun.
Christy: Wh-what happened…?
The first face that came into view was Riku's then Sora's and then Kairi's
Riku: Well… I'm not to sure… it's like first I saw you falling and before I could catch you, I fell also… I wasn't even tired though… so it was kinda odd… Sora said that when he went to meet up with Kairi that she said you were here, so they came and found us on the ground. They woke me up first and now… were waking you up…
Christy: oh… well that makes sense… in a way…I think…
I was starting to sit up and get rid of the headache I had.
When I got up my head was finally clear and….OH MY GOD!!!!
I jumped up.
Christy: Guys… today's the day… we have to stay together no matter what. If anything, we split up---
Riku: Me and Chris one group and you two in the other…
Christy: …Okie dokie then…
We were all looking at Riku like where'd that come from…. Sora was smiling and Kairi was rolling her eyes.
Kairi: My god Riku, just tell her already!
Riku just gave her a look like SHUT UP! and then looked at me red and gave me a smile were his eyes were closed and his mouth was smiling as wide and big as he could.
Riku: I don't know what she's talking about… uhh ... Yea….
Christy: If you say so (rolls her eyes) maybe we should spit up now.
Kairi: Yea… let's go to the other side of the island, together though
Christy: Yea… that sorta sounds better.
We walked to the other side of the island and sat at the dock.
Sora: So… what exactly are we going to be looking for?
Christy: Heartless!
Sora, Kairi: What are heartless?
Riku: Shadows without hearts
Sora: How would you know?
Riku: Cause me and Christy got attacked by them yesterday.
Kairi: Really… then… why didn't you tell us?
Christy: Wasn't important…
Sora: Getting attacked by the things that are most dangerous to us isn't important?
Christy: Look… it's in the past and we survived… didn't we… wasn't important
Riku: We only survived because of you…
Sora and Kairi looked at me
Sora: How?? (Although he looked like he sorta knew)
Christy: (Thinking of what to say) …… You'll learn soon… but now I think we should search to see if there are any more of the island here.
We looked all over the island, except for the secret spot, but we weren't going to look there anytime soon.
I was exhausted by the time we were done
Christy: I think I'm going to go for a swim by were the raft is.
Sora: Maybe I will also.
Kairi: Riku maybe me and you can search more… and maybe get some stuff for the raft trip, just in case we don't go to the other worlds like Christy says… cause is possible… right?
Christy: Maybe… I don't know… we just have to wait to see.
Riku: Yea… I guess.
He was looking at Sora as if trying to tell him something through his eyes, but I didn't understand what he was saying.
I turned to walk to the raft.
Sora: HEY! Wait up!!!
I stopped to wait till he caught up with me.
When we started walking I was looking at the ground and he was looking at me as if I was going to start talking… but I wasn't… what was I going to say any way?
He looked at the ground and we walked to the door to the other side of the island in silence.
I guess Sora couldn't stand the silence so broke it
Sora: Soo… I haven't really talked to you alone since you got here.
Christy: uh-huh
Sora: … well I guess not to be rude and just say… but I have questions.
Not to be rude? What kind of questions were they?
Christy: (looking up at Sora) what kind of questions??
Sora: About stuff I heard… from Riku and Kairi…
Christy: What kind of stuff did u hear??
Sora stopped walking and then I did also and turned around.
Sora: That this whole thing was made into a video game… and that dream that I had the first day on the beach… was it real… and… what did it mean?
Christy: (Sorta laughing) That's it?
Sora: … oh… umm… yea… (He turned alittle red as if what he said was obvious and stupid)
Christy: Lets just wait till were at the raft… then I'll answer you're questions.
Sora: k
We started walking again and within about a minute we were at the raft.
When we were at the raft I sat by the middle, leaning against the pole.
Sora sat at the end and let his feet rest in the beach water.
Sora: so…
Christy: ok… thing is… it wasn't a dream… well it was a dream… but it was real… the whole thing was just alittle of what is going to happen to you, I'm guessing me… and Riku and Kairi… It'll take forever to explain everything that's going to happen… cant we just wait until it happens for me to guild us through it?
Sora: Yea… sure.
There was a short period of silence.
I was looking out to the sea, Just as before it was still beautiful and calm.
Sora: So.. Where'd you come from?
Christy: (I hesitated for a moment, I was sorta remembering more of where I came from, but did I really want to tell Sora?) Uhh… well… I'm from another world, obviously, but… I don't really want to talk about it.
I thought of my past… I remembered the people that I valued most… my mom and brother.
The day before Christy was sent to Kingdom Hearts,
Christy's mom: Christy come down for lunch
Christy: MOM!!! Come on… I'm so far in the game… 5 more minutes…PLEASE!!!
Brother: No Chris, we already told you about this.
Christy: But Robbie… (whisper) my god I hate it here…I wish I was in another world…(louder voice) I'll be right down.
When I got downstairs I sat at my usual spot at the table by the window.
Christy's mom: Are you still going to May's house after school?
Christy: yea…
May was my best friend.
Rob: You have to be home before 9 though… not like last time.
Christy: Robbie… you're my brother… not my father.
Mom: Chris… he's right though… and try to stay away from those girls that are bugging you in school.
Christy: Mom… is doesn't matter… if they try to bother me then ill just… I dunno… I can fight right? Cause I will…
Mom: No!! That's not how you solve things.
Christy: So then what are wars for? They fight for a solution.
Mom: Well this isn't a war now, is it?
Christy: No…:-/
I finished eating whatever was on my plate… I was to busy to notice what it was I was eating cause I was looking out the window at the sky.
Christy: Ok mom. I'm done! I'm going to go to May's house now!
Mom: Wow. That's the first time you have eaten your entire fish sandwich without holding your nose.
Christy: Wha!!!!!! EWWWW THAT WAS---… oh… never mind… yuck… bye
I walked out the door and walked across the street and down the block. Then I was at May's house.
May: Hey Chris.
Christy: Hey… new hair style?
May: Yep!!!
She was alittle shorter then me and she had her hair in a whole bunch of braids tied together at the top of her head. Her hair was brown and her skin was pale. Her eyes were brown with a green outline. Today she was wearing a blue and red shirt with black baggie pants.
May: So, any sign of the six sluts?
Christy: Nope and what a wonderful day this is turning out to be—
???: So the geek finally separates from the TV screen?
I turn around quick to find the leader of the six sluts behind us.
Christy: Sandy… leave me alone, just because I actually like to have fun by playing video games and still passing “Math” and all the other classes, doesn't mean you have the right to shove it in my face… cause I'm just talented
I smirked and turned my back towards her and me and May started to walk to my house again.
We were walking and then---
Christy: --OH MY GOD!!!!!
I woke up from my daze from being splashed with freezing cold water.
Sora: Heh.
Sora was swimming in the water and splashed me.
Sora: Come on! Get in! This “IS” what we came here for isn't it? The water's great!
Christy: It is NOT great… You just splashed me and it was freezing!
Sora: Ok… well maybe not “GREAT” but it's… ummm… good.
I got up and was about to jump in, but I stopped… this was my only cloths that I had… did I really want to get them wet? .........Nah…
I took off my shoes and started to take off my shirt.
Sora: (jumped up and turning slightly red) What are you doing!?!?!?
Christy: (I stopped) Oh… don't worry… I'm wearing a bra.
Sora: (Redder then before) No… w-why are you… uhh… undressing?
Christy: Oh… well, this is my only cloths that I have… you wouldn't want to walk around with wet cloths would you?
Sora: Well… no… bu- uhh…
Christy: My god Sora… you're like a tomato… heh… really that embarrassed? Think I should be the one embarrassed.
He opened his mouth to say something but then closed it and then turned around.
I finished undressing to see I looked as if I was wearing a bikini.
I jumped in and was freezing. Me and Sora rarely talked while we were swimming. I swam as far out to sea as I could without getting taken out to the sea.
We swam for about 25 min before it started to get dark. I was floating on the water far back and Sora was trying to catch a fish close to the shore. When I opened my eyes I saw the sky… but there was a small black hole in the sky. I jumped up and tried to touch the ground but sank underwater.
I swam back up quick and quickly swam towards the shore again.
Once I got to the part of the water were I could stand Sora finally caught the fish but when he saw me rushing to the sand it slipped out of his hand and he started walking slowly to the sand… but he was looking at me like, What's wrong?
When I was standing and the water was up to my waist Riku and Kairi were running to were we were. Sora looked at the sky and then started running to the beach.
He tripped on a rock in the water and hit his head on the raft.
Kairi: SORA!
When I was finally out of the water, Riku was looking at me but didn't say anything. I felt my face getting red so I turned away and put my cloths back on. When I turned around again, Sora was up again and Kairi was asking him over and over again, “Are you sure you're ok?” and he would answer back, “I'm sure Kairi.”
Riku: So… that's the thing that's going to swallow our world… isn't it?
He was looking at the sky and so was Sora and Kairi… I looked back at the sky and it got slightly bigger…. but was still very small.
Christy: (Turning around and facing Riku) So what happened? Why were you guys running here?
Riku: Well… Why were you… uhh… never mind… while you and Sora were swimming… Me and Kairi went to the secret spot and…
Christy: And???
Riku: … and we saw the guy you were talking about…
Kairi: Yea… He said----
(End of chapter 6)