Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Happiness Has A Price ❯ Chapter 1
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
I don't own any of the characters for Kingdom Hearts or Kingdom Hearts II.
Warning: Lime
The rest of the week had been about the same every day. Each class going over the syllabus and then the teachers had released the class early. He could see a major connection to his years in high school and he really hoped that that wasn't how it was going to be. He only had two classes that were giving him any homework those classes being Math and English. Though he knew that would most likely occur anyways.
Also through out the week he saw that guy with the silver hair and green eyes. He had not had a chance to talk with him yet which he could say was rather bother some. That guy showed up right before Sora's Math class and was nowhere to be seen when he escaped from said class. Though Sora guessed that if that guy would so happen to stay later he might be incline to skip a few classes for the chance to meet him, which kind of bothered him.
Sora couldn't complain about his classes much, though English was so far his most annoying class. Dance was his favorite class by far, the teacher was amazing and the dancing calmed his nerves. Digital Illustration would have been better if he didn't have to work in the Mac Lab. He preferred Windows XP over Macintosh, not only because of he didn't like the look and feel of them, but also he didn't much care for proprietary bullshit like Macintoshes like to do so much. He understood that it was to make the thing efficient, but really the only good thing about their proprietary components was to overclock them and not give them give them the proper cooling required just to see them smoke. He knew there where people out there that loved the things and swore by them, they were just not his thing. He didn't like the feeling of being treated like a child much less by a computer. Though not much could defend Windows, it treats everyone like an idiot, but that was something he could live with.
The college had been rather good to the new students. They had events going on “Welcome Week” as they called it. It was to welcome the new students, but they did not exclude returning students. Anyone passing by was welcome to join or have some food. They had a bowling night, free ice cream another day, free lunches, etc. It was a lot of fun. Sora found himself a little disappointed when he didn't see that guy with the silver hair at any of the events. He guessed that he must have been a returning student and was older than he looked. Age really didn't matter when you are in college he was quick to learn that. There were children to grandparents attending classes. Being just out of high school it was a very new concept to him.
All these things swirled around in his head for most of the day. Going to his Math and English classes though he was half tempted to skip English and go straight to Kairi's.
It was Friday and Kairi had asked Sora to come over to her house to spend the night. Most likely they would be jamming out, maybe taking some pictures, and they might even draw a bit. They have spent the night at each others homes sense they were in their teens. Their parents would have minded, that is if Sora was straight. He was bisexual, but he tended to lean more towards guys. Well since the last girl he had any feeling like that for. He still liked the female form more than the male, but males were just easier to deal with. He was also still hurting a little over her. Men were not so bad he'd just never done much with any of them well other than Xaldin and the thought of that was enough to bring a blush to his face. He had kissed one of his friends when they were still young but old enough to know what they were doing and he felt sparks from it. His friend now had a boyfriend; Sora was glad that his friend had stopped denying that he was gay.
Finally the teacher signaled that the class was over and the students were free to leave. Sora as happy as could be as he put his books away, he throw his bag over his shoulder, and walked out the door. As he stepped out of the building he checked his bags just to make sure he had grabbed his work uniform. Work had called this morning and asked if he could come in to cover another person's shift.
It was easier to stay with her over the weekend. He worked evenings over the weekends and she lived only a few blocks away from them. Kairi didn't mind either now that she owned her own home though it was broken down and old she was just happy that it was hers. She had gotten her college money from her father and brought the house from an old lady. Sora stuttered in remembrances of it all. He had helped her clean that place up and it annoyed him how she didn't keep it clean after all the work he had put into it. It was no big deal though as long as he had some where to crash that was close to his work.
It was better than walking two miles to home and she loved having him over too because he would clean her house out of pure annoyance at the mess.
Looking up he was standing outside of a small dinner, his place of work. He did enjoy working there and this day would give him some extra spending money. The tips were a really nice perk too and helped out like nothing else.
Sora woke early that morning though he didn't like it; he was in fact a morning person though it annoyed him because most of his friends were not, like the two lying in bed with him. Carefully he pulled back the covers on himself and got out of the bed. Creeping out of the room as not to wake the sleeping couple because Kairi was mean when she didn't get her sleep and he didn't want to be the one to wake her.
`They do make a cute couple,' Sora thought as he looked over his shoulder at them before exiting the room.
The livingroom was a mess and the sink was full of dishes. A spark of annoyance crossed his face as he looked over the mess. He started on the dishes. When he was done with though he grabbed a garbage bag and started picking up the livingroom. When he finished he grabbed his bag that contended all of the things he needed. Finding his tooth brush he walked to the bathroom and went about his morning routine. He wore a pair of black baggy jeans, a dark blue top that fit him well with a picture one of his friends had drawn, socks, and shoes. Looking in the mirror in the living room he gave himself on look over and ran his fingers through his hair. He was ready to go. Grabbing his wallet he headed out the door to get the occupants and himself breakfast.
It wasn't a long walk to any of the food chains around and he didn't feel like cooking this morning. After getting the food he started walking back home carrying a large bag of to go boxes. When he arrived everyone was still asleep, well except the cats. Sora ate his food then he played with them until at least 11am then try to wake the sleeping couple in the bed to give them their breakfast. As he did almost everytime he stayed with them.
Warming up their food and bring it into the bedroom was the best approach he knew to waking them. Opening the door his was greeted by Kairi.
“Please mom, five more minutes…” Kairi muttered in to her pillow.
“Wake up you two, I've brought you breakfast,” he said cheerfully.
Xigbar rolled over muttering something about leave it in the fridge for him, but Kairi got up and happy took her breakfast from Sora.
“Thank you,” Kairi said then dug in.
Turning to leave Sora took Xigbar's breakfast and stuck it in the fridge as Xigbar had asked for. It was no big deal. He knew that Xigbar worked full time at a factory to pay all the bills. As Xigbar had put it, he was giving Kairi the chance to go to college. Though Sora thought Kairi to be lazy for not having a job, he had been at his job for over 3 years. She had never had a job, but he guessed she wanted to go to college and get a job with the education she got there. Wasn't a bad idea.
Sora waited out in the living room for Kairi to get dressed and come to join him. They had spent most of the afternoon together and Xigbar has stayed in bed. He worked late shifts at a factory, last night he had arrived home at 4:50 this morning. It paid good money so Xigbar really didn't care. So it was understandable why Xigbar lazed about most of the day.
It was almost 3pm, `time to get ready' Sora chimed to himself. Getting into his unit form, saying good bye to his friends, and then off to work. It was a nice evening so walking the short distance to work was pleasant. He worked quaint little restaurant as a waiter and he covered for the dish washers. He was hoping to get to cooking at one time, but he couldn't work full time while going to school. What he did work paid the bills and keep food on the table with a little extra for himself. He had his own nice little apartment all to himself. He had gotten it as soon as he had come of age. His mother missed him, but she was also happy and proud that he was out on his own. Arriving at the restaurant he saw that the parking lot had quite a few cars in it.
`Why does it feel like this is going to be a long night…' he sighed to himself.
He was right. They stay busy until close. He had gone back to Kairi's that night and the next. Both days at work had been really busy, but he had made a bundle in tips alone. Tonight he got to go home to his own bed which sounded like heaven. No matter how comfortable Kairi's bed was it was hard to share with two bed hogs (Kairi and Xigbar).
Clocked off, he step out the door and heard the familiar clicking sound of the lock as the door shut. Slinging his bag over his shoulder he took a deep breath of the cool night air. It wasn't cold enough for his breath to be seen. Sighing he started his long walk home. He truly enjoyed the time alone. Gave him time too think.
Work tended to ruin a lot of plans, but he knew plenty of individuals that would happily bend around his schedule. Many wouldn't come over due to the fact it was dark out, but he knew a few that would bend to fit his schedule. To night he was feeling rather playful and the night was still young. He was pretty sure Xaldin was still up.
Xaldin was a bit older than him and looked like a brut, but he really was a nice guy. For Sora he had been a bit more on one occasion. Xaldin wanted him and on their last encounter Xaldin had given Sora his number to call him anytime Sora wanted to hang out with him. He had told Sora to call him any time he would come over.
Went Sora arrived home, he headed straight for the phone. Dialing Xaldin number he waited for him to pick up.
“Hello?” Came Xaldin gruff voice. Sora suspected from sleep.
“Xaldin,” Sora replied.
“Sora?” There was a slight excited tone to his voice.
“Who else? Did I wake you?” With a touch of false concern to his voice.
“It ok, what ya calling for?” Xaldin's voice was clearing up.
“Nothing much, I was just wondering if you'd like to come over for an hour or so.”
“Be there in 15 minutes,” the phone when dead as Xaldin hung up.
With that Sora smiled to himself knowing he had Xaldin in the bag. He made his way to the bathroom to take a shower. He didn't want to be all dirty for his guest. He only hoped that he could get out of the shower before Xaldin arrived. No use getting caught in the shower while that pervert was over, no telling what he would do to him. Though he wouldn't go as far to say that he wouldn't mind finding out what he would do to him…
Xaldin didn't know why he put up with Sora, he was very good looking and extremely hard to resist. When he had met Sora he would have never guessed that he even had a sex drive. To top it off Sora's ventures were unknown to any that wasn't a very close friend. He was quite happy to be let in on the secrets of this handsome man's life. He knew that Sora wasn't looking for any kind of relationship or even sex. Not after what happened with her. He just wanted some comfort.
Just thinking about the first night he had gotten his hands on Sora was enough to make him hard. It had only happened a month ago. He was surprised to have Sora calling him to night. After a month he had nearly given up hope on him.
That night Sora, Lexaeus, and himself had been bowling. Sora was the fun loving person he always was, but that night he had been flirting with anyone that would flirt back. By the end of the night it had come down between Lexaeus and himself trying to get Sora to come back home with them.
Xaldin didn't know how he had done it, but Sora had chosen him. Sora hadn't gone home with him, but had led Xaldin to his own home. When they arrived one Sora's door step Xaldin had pinned Sora to his front door kissing him, grinding up against him, and grabbing his ass. He wanted Sora so bad that night. Sora had wrapped his legs around Xaldin's waist and ground harder against him. Sora broke the kiss to let out a small moan.
After that Xaldin some how they had managed to get inside and close the door behind them. They had made it half way to the cough when Xaldin throw Sora on the couch; it was only a few feet away. Sora stared up at him with his beautiful innocent eyes, but Xaldin could see the need in them. The need to be: touch, tease, bitten, and taken.
Xaldin kneeled down in front of Sora grabbing him by the collar of his shirt and brought him in for a brutal kiss. Sora only moaned into the kiss wanting more. Pulling back Xaldin had ripped Sora's button up shirt open buttons flying across the room and upon hearing Sora excited gasp he raked his hands all over the boy's body leaving small red lines behind. Attacking one of his nipples with licks and biting down on it only make Sora louder. Gods how he wanted to take Sora that night, Sora had to know what he looked like at that moment. That or Sora was naturally provocative.
Taking his mouth and hands away from Sora's body he quickly striped his shirt off. Returning to Sora with another harsh kiss he felt Sora nipped his lip. Sora grabbed him and lain back on the couch bringing Xaldin on top of him. Xaldin was elated to find himself between Sora's legs. As he ground himself against Sora lifted his head and nearly cry out from the pleasure, he started to kiss his way down Sora's neck. The room was filled with sighs, gasps, and moans of pleasure.
When the friction had stopped Sora let out a disappointed sigh and pouted up at him, but Xaldin wasn't about to stop now, his tongue and teeth started playing with the nipples before him. Xaldin couldn't keep his eyes off of his face. Sora was extremely handsome in this moment, but Xaldin wondered what he would look like if he tried something else.
With a wicked grin on his face he trained kisses down sexy young man's abdomen his hands started to search for his belt. He wanted into those pants so bad it hurt. When he did find what he was looking for and started to undo his pants, Sora stopped. His hand over Xaldin and looked him in the eye.
“I'm not going to sleep with you tonight.” It was just a simple, but painfully true statement.
“So what will you let me do to you then?” the huskiness of his own voice surprised even himself.
“Anything, but we just not having sex tonight,” his voice was no more than a seductive whisper.
Licking his lips, Sora's hand made their way to Xaldin's shoulders rubbing them gently, urging him to proceed. Xaldin's hands were fast to get the boys shoes and pants off. He sat up to admire his price and a sharp in take of air at the sight of Sora's naked form became completely visible only by the moon light the shown through the sun roof.
His mouth watered as his eyes trailed down his body and spotted when he saw what he most wanted. Sora may be a small boy, but in one department he was well endowed. Xaldin wasted no time getting his mouth and hands all over Sora's long, hard shaft.
Taking hold of his shaft he flicked his tongue over the slight, licking up the pearl of white liquid. Sora's body arched up, a sharp intake of breath, and his hand tangled themselves in Xaldin's wild hair. With that he licked up his shaft before taking Sora half of Sora in his mouth. He knew that he would have to work to get him down his throat. Bobbing his head up and down while his hand lightly pulsing around Sora's dick. Looking up, Xaldin couldn't believe how surreal Sora looked as he was being pleasured. Head tilted back, mouth slightly open, and eyes close with pleasure.
Finally he had got to the point that he could swallow Sora whole. Sora's grip in his hair became painful and his brow tightened as he cried out at the intense pleasure he felt. He didn't waste anytime get Sora worked up, bring him just to the edge then stopping. After a few times it was too much for Sora and he started to whine and beg. Xaldin stopped his moments all together, panting heavily, and staring up at Sora.
“You wanta cum don't ya…” Xaldin trailed off huskily. His eyes locked with Sora's.
Sora wiggled a little to get some contact, but Xaldin denied him wanting an answer.
“Ye.. Yes… please…” Sora all but whispered.
At the sound of Sora's pleading Xaldin leaned up and kissed Sora hard, his one of his hands tangling in his hair. With one hand he undid his pants and pushed them down just past his hips. As temping as it was to just take Sora, he did respect his wishes also he wanted him willingly. With his free hand he brought their cocks together and started to rub them together. As his hand worked up and down both their cocks there was nothing matter at this point except the sounds Sora's mouth emitted from the pleasure he was receiving at Xaldin's skilled hands.
It was hard to not ejaculate with in a few moments. Sora looking as handsome as could be and his hard shaft rubbing against Sora that was slick with his own saliva was almost enough to take him over the edge. He had to wait for Sora, he Wanted to go over the edge with him, and he knew that Sora was close. Then it hit, blinding pleasure shot through his body as he cried out Sora's name. Sora's face was he came made him believe he was a god and his cries were heavenly. Xaldin collapsed on top of Sora.
They lay there, recovering. Ragged breath soon calmed. Everything after that had been pretty blurry. They had cleaned up and go dressed, well Xaldin got dressed Sora stayed naked. Sora had invited him to stay the night if he had liked, but he would have to sleep on the couch. Xaldin only wanted to stay if it meant being in the same bed as Sora in the morning, waking to see his face. Sora didn't seem to care if he stayed or not, though before leaving Xaldin gave Sora his number.
“Call me if you are ever looking for another good time or if you just hang out,” he said with a smirk.
“Will do,” Sora smiled at him.
They hugged and Xaldin had taken his leave. He knew how Sora was. He would never be in a relationship with him. Sora only needed someone to meet the needs and if that was all he could to be as close to him, Xaldin didn't mind in the least.
Looking up from his wonderful and exciting memories of Sora, he found himself on Sora's door step. He knocked first just to be polite then he turned the knob and to his delight it was unlocked. Letting himself in and locking the door behind him. He heard the shower going.
`This is going to be a good night…' A large grin spread across his face.
That was my first lime so I hope it was enjoyable.