Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Heartless Hunter Axel II ❯ Chapter 7
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
(A/N: Seraphine appears courtesy of Saveena-001.)
-Chapter 7: Flames of Love-
Axel approached Demyx, giving Seraphine a look that was a mixture of amusement and slight jealousy.
“Demyx,” he said. “Don't forget…” he lifted Demyx's hand and kissed the engagement ring the water-mage wore as a reminder that it was there, smiling into Demyx's eyes as he did so.
“I could never forget,” a smile of relief and happiness spread across Demyx's face as he said this. “I can't help it if I used to belong to her as a kitten.”
“And what a cute kitten you were,” Axel said, playfully, as he remembered Edym.
“Axel!” Demyx laughed as Axel hugged him close. What he said next, however, was more solemn. “Take me with you next time.”
“And what happens to Kajihana if we both die,” Axel asked. “Look, I know you're not her mother. I wish you were.”
“I'm more of a mother to her than Marluxia ever was,” Demyx said, pointedly.
“I'm glad you feel that way,” Axel smiled. “She needs you, Demyx. I won't be around forever.”
“Don't say that!” Demyx protested. “You'll be around for a long time.”
“That depends on Sephiroth,” Axel said. “We're still keeping an eye on him. It's possible we'll be called back to Radiant Garden to fight him.”
“Don't go,” Demyx said, pointedly. “Stay with me. Stay safe.”
“I can't ignore an order from the King.”
Demyx frowned. “I don't care about orders. I just care about you.”
“Shh,” Axel held him. “Don't worry. I'm sure I won't be going for a long time.”
“There's just one thing that confuses me,” Demyx told him. “I thought you said that Aerith's adopted son was named Kadaj.”
“That's true,” Axel replied.
“But Sephiroth's son is also named Kadaj?”
“Apparently,” Axel shrugged. “We'll have to figure that one out later.”
“Just write a letter to that Cloud guy and ask him,” Demyx suggested. “Then you won't have to leave me again.”
“Demyx,” Axel said, “we can't always be together.”
“Why not?” Demyx demanded. “Why do you always have to go away? You don't care anymore, do you?”
“That's not true!” Axel exclaimed, wondering what had come over the water mage. “I care very much about you. Demyx! I love you!”
“I'm beginning to find that hard to believe,” Demyx grumbled as he literally stormed away, leaving Axel drenched to the bone on his hands and knees looking very pale.
“Demyx…” Axel whispered, sadly. “Why…?”
Then he shivered, as if some inner fire had gone out, and lay there as if dead.