Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kajiko ❯ Kajiko ( Chapter 1 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
By Axel Ingleson
Born in autumn's fiery glimmer
As her father's chakrams shimmered
Hidden by protective charm
To stop Nobodies doing harm
To her she lived for many years
Without heart, or love or fears.
A proud Nobody was her sire
Mage of chakrams and of fire
His secret child ere unseen
By Organization XIII
To keep her from their wicked ways
And keep happy her heartless days.
So Kajiko remained secret
And her father had no regrets
About keeping her alone
Until a new King took the throne
In dark Castle Oblivion
And of survivors there was one.
That lone survivor was her dad
The only hope she'd ever had
And also she had, too, survived
Though no one knew she was alive
She wielded chakrams like her father
Fiery Kajiko; Axel's daughter.