Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ King of Hearts ❯ Part 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Location: North shore of Myrrh Isle, an island approx. 50,000 miles off the western coast of Destiny Island, unbeknownst to the people of both.
Time: Late afternoon
“Look, Sora!” Alex gasped to the boy whose arms he was in while pointing at the horizon, “What a sunset!”
“Yup!” Sora replied to the year-younger boy, “It sure is pretty.” Alex sat between Sora's legs. He wore the older boy like a cloak, arms wrapped around his neck from behind him. Sora leaned in and kissed his younger lover's cheek. “…like you,” he added romantically, stroking Alex' long, blond hair. Alex bit his lips together to hide a smile, but clearly sucked at it. “Tomadou?” he teased, laughing at Alex' blushy face.
“Uh… T-times and places like this make me reminisce,” he expressed once his face returned to its normal, dark tan pigment.
“Reminisce about what?” Sora asked curiously.
“Like… when you and I first met,” Alex explained, “That accident you had… The storm from last month tore your raft apart. I was scared when I found your body washed up on the shore. I wondered, Why would someone go onto the ocean during a storm, no less on a raft?” Hearing and feeling some strong emotions ready to pour out, Sora dropped his attention on the setting Sol and rested his chin onto his arm, cheek-to-cheek with his boyfriend. “I didn't know who you were…” Alex continued with irises of fuschia fixed to the Eos-kissed horizon, “…but I didn't care…”
“Why not?” his koibito asked with a calm tone rather than one of aggression. Alex brought a hand up to his shoulder and ran it down Sora's arm to his wrist. Sora sandwiched the boy's hand with his two: one was finger-locked with the darker hand while the other covered it. Alex kissed the hand covering his. Sora smiled and lightly hugged the littler form, who returned the loving embrace by reaching back and combing the larger form's spiky, chestnut hair. He turned his head to smile at his boyfriend. Captivated by each other's gaze, the boys hesitantly moved their heads closer, wondering if the other was expecting the kiss they were meaning to give. Gradually, they slipped out their tongues. The gay couple almost lost all of its sanity when the guys' linguae slowly and lightly brushed against each other. Sora sealed his mouth before they went too deep into their make-out moment. “Before we get into that…” he half-laughed, “…tell me what you meant.”
“When you found me…”
“Oh, yeah! I didn't care who you were because… After I pulled you away from the water and shi—uhhh… raft-wreck, I turned you onto your back. Once I washed all the sand off your face… I…” Alex' mind almost wandered back to that time, but he managed to drag it back to the present. “I…fell in love with you, which was why I avoided you. Still, you were determined to find out who I was. Once you had me cornered in Palm Forest, you got into my face. I got excited by it.”
“Why did you avoid me?”
“I… I can be very dangerous whenever I'm in love…”
“So… you had an urge to rape me or something?”
“I COULD'VE, if I hadn't ran.”
Sora made a “hm” sound while smiling. “Alright,” he half-sang enthusiastically. Using his tongue, he lifted his boyfriend's earlobe into his mouth. Alex gasped extensively to what felt like heated-needle acupuncture on his arms; he was EXTREMELY turned on by Sora's lobe-sucking technique. A moan aroused the sucked ear's attention even further. Alex felt his maleness prod against his denim shorts. “Moan my name, koibito,” Sora whispered, immediately returning his tongue to his boyfriend's earlobe.
Alex' voice shuddered as his moaned, “S-SOHra!”
“Very good, baby,” Sora praised his mate, “Now, if you'll turn to face me, we'll continue from where we left off.” Sora laughed as Alex immediately pulled a 180. “You're just that eager, aren't you?” he asked comically.
Alex nodded childishly. “YES, Sora!” he almost shouted. He gave Sora a HUGE hug, then a passionate kiss. “I just can't STOP looking at you! I hate how we can only see each other every once in a while!”
Sora combed the blond boy's smooth hair with his fingers, nodding. “I know. I do too,” he said in an undertone, “Still, Kairi and Riku are on Destiny Island, and as annoying as she may be, I have to go back before Kairi gets TOO worried. She has just enough potential to kill Riku with her anxiety.”
Alex laughed. “Well, why don't you bring them here?”
“Because we'll be sacrificing our privacy…?”
“Sora, Myrrh is HUGE. We'll still have plenty of `us' space.” Alex nuzzled the older boy's nose, moaning happily. “Besides, we've only been together for a month,” he added, “That's not enough time for me to show you EVERYTHING on this island.”
Sora put his hand on Alex' face and rubbed the dark tan cheek with his thumb. “What do you mean?” he asked with a low, sexy tone.
Alex leaned into Sora's ear and whispered, “There are a lot of places that I haven't shown you, and I know of a location where you and I can be alone for two safe months or so.”
“Assuming Kairi won't assemble a search party…”
“That's what I mean!” the blond boy whispered with excitement, “NOBODY knows about this place; it'll be hard for them to even get NEAR it.”
“Where IS this place?”
“Bring Kairi and Riku to Myrrh tonight,” Alex proposed, “THEN I'll show you where my secret location is.”
Sora accepted his boyfriend's terms. Alex kissed his lips, but soon, his hormones kicked in. Once they did, Sora's ALWAYS followed. Eyes of vivid pink locked with romantic azure. The mounted lover's hand slithered down the Disney drifter's chest and tummy. His fascination was suddenly aroused; he felt his hand pass over Sora's abdomen. Alex was surprised that he'd found such a fit and comely lad to be his lover. He subconsciously slipped his hand up the dark, cotton vesture wrongfully censoring the Gods-approving, taut abs. Too focused on his flame's gorgeous eyes, Sora didn't flinch to the caress of warm fingers on his tummy. Alex' hand lost most of its connection with his brain. Moving mostly on it's own, his hand slowly roamed further up, caressing the smooth skin of the abdomen.
“I'm so glad you came to this island, Sora,” Alex whispered, still fixated on the beauty of the older boy's mentally intoxicating, blue irises, “Myrrh Isle has hidden Nihongo. In its name, there's the word `mirai,' `the future.' Maybe it's all symbolic?”
Sora, too, was hooked on his lover's beautiful eyes. In response to Alex' theory, he whispered, “I came here from Destiny Island, so maybe it was destiny that brought me into your future.”
Alex could feel Sora's left nipple with his middle finger. He moved that finger in tiny circles—still subconsciously—to massage the nipple until it hardened. Just as subconsciously, Sora expressed his thrill with peaked nipples.
“Go ahead, Alex…”
Including his other hand, Alex grabbed the bottom of his lover's hoodie and threw it off, exposing a MARVELOUS body and the fine-textured flesh that he'd been feeling. Sora held the boy in his deceptively frail-looking but strong arms. Alex dipped his head to Sora's neck and freed his tongue along the surface. Sora gave a low moan, then gasped as the blond boy coursed his mouth down to the naked abdomen. Without the captivating fuschia to focus on, his nerves became more vulnerable. He blushed heavily; the pleasure he got out of Alex' oral stimulation was MUCH greater than he'd expected. He could feel his organ perk up from excitement.
“Oh Sora…” Alex sighed, his breath warming the area just above his boyfriend's navel, “I was flattered when you told me that you wanted to know more about me. That night, though, when you told me that you thought I was cute… you don't know how happy you made me.”
“There was a reason for my being at this beach. Before I found you, I was going to drown myself. I was tired of being alone. I didn't want any more heartbreak. I didn't want to cry anymore. Everything was going so wrong that I just wanted to die.”
Sora placed his thumb on Alex' chin and said, “I'm here for you now, and once I bring Kairi and Riku here, I'll have you AND my friends.” He saw Alex give a fake smile to hide his slight disappointment. Cupping his beautiful lover's face with both hands, Sora assertively whispered, “No matter what, though, you'll ALWAYS be my number one priority.”
Alex smiled [for REAL] with tears in his eyes. “Always?” he asked.
“Yes, always,” Sora replied without hesitation.
“Alex, I vow to be your and ONLY your lover forever.”
Alex slammed his body into Sora's, crying with absolute joy. “I'll agree to that vow!” he wept, “I love you so much, Sora!”
Sora pulled Alex off of him for a second to kiss his lips, then said, “I love you too, Alex.”