Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts: Altered Destinys ❯ Destiny Islands: Day 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Sora; Young Master of the Keyblade King of all worlds. Kind, innocent, and sweet.
Riku; the Dark Knight... Corrupted by Darkness… Witty, strong, and stoic.
Kairi; sweet Princess of Heart…The competition for both boys… Young, childish, and content.
Three friends; bound by the desire to leave their home,
Destiny Islands.
One, energized by the fact of finding his friend's home;
Another, willing to do anything, at any cost, to receive his freedom;
The last, wishing for a getaway, something new.
Unknown to all three… These desires would take them on a journey, to the far off worlds each was craving.
They would encounter many people…
The list could go on.
And to finally see these worlds… with a cost:
The loss of a dear friend...
A refreshing sea breeze tugged playfully at snow locks; Lavender eyes stared out at the open ocean, a sigh barely escaping the girl's pale lips. I had that dream again…
It was a normal day on the islands, ultraviolet rays bathing the sun in all its shining glory. Nothing exciting ever happened here. It was just the way it was, here on Destiny Islands. Though now, it seemed there was reason to be somewhat on the edge…
“HIKARI! HIKARI!” someone in the distance shouted, waving their arms around for emphasis.
The girl turned her head to the direction where her name was being called; it was Eika. Hikari smiled to herself before standing up from the wooden surface and greeting her friend.
“What's up?” Hikari asked tilting her head sideways confused.
“Oh my God! You should've seen him! He was so…” Eika stopped, exploding into a fit of giggles, “Just… Oh my GOD!!!”
“Okay… Slow down…” Hikari said, talking her share of laughter. “Who should I've seen and why is he so “OH MY GOD!”” Hikari asked, quoting her friend.
Eika smiled widely, “I don't have to explain him to you, silly! I invited him here!”
“What? Eika…” Hikari whined, “…you know that the dock is our special place…”
“Yea… I know… But he showed me this cave thing. And he called it his secret place… Oh… now I feel bad…” Eika frowned, standing on the edge of the wooden surface.
“Yea… But it's not me that going to be angry…” Hikari hinted.
“Oh… right. Rakioh is… What's with him lately? I mean… well I dunno… he's… different.”
“Yea… He's not as distant. Weird.”
“Yea… Hey it's them!” Eika yelled, pointing in the distance.
“Huh?” Hikari turned to the 2 figures in the distance; one had hair that stopped at her shoulders, and the other had spiky hair that jostled out in random directions. And from what Hikari could see, the figures were holding hands. She sighed, running her fingers through the bangs that had fell into her face.
“EIKA!” the one with spiky hair yelled out enthusiastically, running up to her.
When he had run up to her, Hikari had gotten a good view of his face. He had the deepest blue eyes she had ever seen, his hair a lovely caramel color, almost rivaling Eika's own. She smirked when she had seen the scarlet blush appear on Eika's face as the boy hugged her. Giggling, she looked back at the other figure, which had arrived on the dock.
“Kairi! This is Eika!” the boy exclaimed, motioning to the girl he had been holding hands with earlier.
“Hi!” Kairi greeted.
“Is this your girlfriend, Sora?” Eika giggled.
“NO!” Kairi and Sora yelled, blushing heavily.
Hikari laughed, drawing attention to herself, “Well Eika.. You seem busy… I'll be off then — Gotta keep Rakioh from coming here.” She replied, dusting herself off.
“Eika, who's that?” the caramel haired boy asked, eyes wide with curiosity.
“That's Hikari.” Eika said with a smile.
“Hey.” Hikari greeted sheepishly.
“I'm Sora!” the caramel haired boy squealed.
“I'm Kairi.” She waved.
“Hey.” She answered back.
“OH. MY. GOD. You have really pretty eyes!” Kairi yelled, a smile appearing on her face.
“You think so? Yea... I guess they are…” Hikari brushed off.
“What about her eyes?” a husky voice ground out.
“EPP!” Hikari squeaked, “H-hey... Rakioh…. I'm gonna… go now… heh… BYE!” she yelled taking off, hoping to avoid confrontation with Rakioh. Unfortunately for the pale haired girl, Rakioh had grabbed her by the hand, refusing to let go. “Speak now. Both of you.”
“Well… um. You see… IT'S ALL EIKA'S FAULT SO LET ME GO!”
“WHAT!?” Eika protested.
“It's true.”
Rakioh sighed. “I don't care whose fault it is… Just tell me why these people are here.”
“They showed me their Secret Spot, so I thought it would be fair to show them ours…” Eika said, throwing a glance at Hikari.
“Fine. Whatever… I'm leaving.” Rakioh replied, walking over to the edge of the dock and proceeding to hop into a canoe.
“Rakioh? What the hell are you doing?” Hikari asked, sitting on the edge of the dock.
“I'm leaving. I told you already. Don't you listen?”
“But where?”
“To the other side of the island. Where else?”
“You're so dull, `Kari.” Rakioh teased with a smile.
“Am not!”
“Are too.”
Hikari grumbled. She stared out at Rakioh's leaving form, the twilight colors of the sky reflecting on the water's surface. It was then Hikari had realized something. Rakioh was turning the boat into a bay, not far from where he previously was. What the hell?
“I'll be back…” Hikari stood up and ran onto the sand.
“Okay…” Eika replied; Hikari was too far to hear it anyway.
“Where's she going?” Sora asked.
“Beats me.” Eika shrugged.
“Nikara! Nikara… is that you?”
“No... It's a Heartless.”
“What? I thought you were one…”
“Exactly my point, Ra.”
“Oh… I knew that.”
“Okay, okay! So I didn't but… still. What are you up to?”
“Since when have you cared what I've been up to, Rakioh?” Nikara asked.
“Since today.”
“Ugh…. You're such a dork.”
“But I'm your dork!”
“You're one of those guys in the black! State your purpose here!”
Nikara and Rakioh looked up to see Hikari, standing at the entrance of the cave.
“Y-Y-You followed me!” Rakioh accused, pointing a finger at Hikari.
“Of course I did! You were going into a bay, not to the other side of the island, twit.”
“Since when did you care where I went?”
“Since when did you care that I cared!?”
“Enough! I'm sick and tired of you guys arguing! I have a massive headache, so it would be better if you two would just shut the hell up!” Nikara cut in.
Hikari squeaked; Rakioh twitched.
“We better get going… Someone might think we were up to something… Especially now that we have to walk back together…” Rakioh grimaced.
“Okay… See you later then.” Nikara answered, leaning against the cool rock.
“Hey! There's Hikari!” Eika shouted suddenly, seeing two figures exit the cave.
Hikari walked out of the cave first, Rakioh following close behind. From what Eika could see, it seemed that they were talking. When they approached Eika, Sora, and Kairi on the docks, but nothing could prepare Eika for what they were talking about.
“So why is there a girl in that cave, huh, HUH!?” Hikari asked eyes narrowed. Something about Hikari's tone made Eika think she had been asking the same question repeatedly.
“I dunno.”
“Well... You must! You were only talking to her.”
“Why do you care if I was talking to a girl?”
“Because you never do!”
“Are you implying that I'm GAY!?”
“THAT'S IT! YOU'RE GOING DOWN.” Rakioh tackled Hikari to the ground.
“WHOA! I knew you two would end up together!” someone giggled from behind.
“NOKUE. SHUT UP!” Hikari fired back, earning a shudder from the boy.
“Hey… just pointing out the obvious.”
“SHUT THE HELL UP!” Rakioh ground out, rolling over onto his back on the sand.
“Don't hurt me! I'm just saying things that I thought, okay?” the dark haired boy smiled.
“NOT OKAY! NOT OKAY AT ALL!” Hikari yelled.
“Fine… fine! Just… don't hurt me!”
“Ugh… You guys. Break it up already!” a brunette girl yelled.
“Sora, Kairi... This is Nokue, Tsuki, and Roxas.” Eika introduced them.
“Hey.” They chorused.
Nokue rubbed the back of his head and shrugged, his azure eyes dancing with nervousness. A breeze swept past, blowing fragments of his ebony hair into his face. “Hehe… It was just a joke, Ra.”
Rakioh glared at his brother. He often wondered how they were twins. His Caribbean eyes were clouded with anger, the same breeze brushing stray locks of chocolate into his face. “So funny I forgot to laugh… Where were you guys anyway?”
“Oh you know… over by the waterfall.” The brunette girl answered, waving her hand in the direction of the rushing liquid. Her eyes were a navy color, the brown of her hair complementing it greatly. She smiled, “Roxas wanted to get a paopu fruit.” She replied in a taunting tone.
“I DID NOT!” the sun-kissed blonde protested. His eyes were deep-ocean colored, its pigment rivaling Sora's own. He glared over at Tsuki, a faint blush crawling up his cheeks.

“Oooo~! A paopu!” Eika and Kairi teased.
“Oh God… Not this again.” Roxas smacked his head against his palm.
“Not what again?” another dark haired teen asked, popping his head into the conversation.
“Hey Ryoku…” Tsuki greeted with a tiny wave, her face flushing a shade of pink.
“Hey.” He responded back, “Hey… who are they?” his baby blue eyes sparkled with a questioning look. Ryoku brushed the midnight colored bangs that had fallen into his face. He crossed his arms over his chest, looking at the group.
“That's Sora and Kairi.” Tsuki introduced the pair before Eika could.
“Ah.. Go figure…” Eika sighed.
The truth was, Tsuki had always had a crush on the dark haired boy; ever since the day she had laid eyes on him. Of course, fate being fate, Ryoku didn't like the young girl back. Sure, he thought of her as a good friend, but other than that, not really anything else. Of course, how could you like a girl like Tsuki, if the girl's over-protective brother was always in the way? Speak of the devil…
“Tsuki? Where were you? Mom was worried…” a boy that looked at least a few years older than the rest said.
“Oh… I was at the waterfall with Nokue and Roxas.” Tsuki replied.
“And you didn't bother to tell anyone?”
“No… I'm old enough to take of myself, ya know!” she protested.
“Yea, yea… Whatever.. Be home by dark then.” With that, the boy left.
“Ugh… Stupid Taiyou…” Tsuki grumbled.
Taiyou was the seventeen year old brother of Tsuki, passing her by at least one and a half years. He had the same tint of hair that Ryoku had, making them appear the same, except the fact that Taiyou had emerald-green eyes.
“Forget him… What do you want to do now?” Eika asked, “I mean.. it's starting to get late…”