Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts:Behind the Scenes ❯ A Halloween story?? ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A special Halloween adition of Kingdom Hearts: Behing the Scenes....

Riku:ZZZZ (he's sleeping sush!)

Sora: Hehehe. -he goes up to Riku and starts making the Grudge sound if you don't know what that sounds like gurgle from your throught if that makes sinse 0-0-

Riku: OMG in a canoo what in Satans name was that!?

Kiari: I'm the Grudge!!!!

Riku: Holly shoots and ladders she's back!

Kiari: RAR!

Riku: Agh

Kiari: RAR

Riku: Aghghg!

Sora: T-heh :D.

Riku: Agh!!!

Kiari: Shut up Riku it's just me!

Sora is now rolling around the floor laughing. Imagaine that...

Sora: OK I'm done!

Riku: Geuss what tonight is!

Sora: Halloween!!!!!!

Musical time, well kinda.

Sora: Stealing candy from little kids what's tonight?

Riku: Halloween!!!

Riku: Dressing up as a cowboy or a fruity monstor or a belly dancer what's tonight?

Sora: Halloween!!!!Your turn Kiari!

Kiari: I don't want anything to do with this gay song.

Sora: Alrighty then! I could rap up in toilet paper like a mummy or Riku and me could go as Mr. Salt and Mrs. Pepper and Kiari could be Dora the Explorer.What's tonight?

Riku: Halloween!!!

Riku: Oh yeah my lovely lady lumps check um out!

Sora and Kiari: O-0 Say what!?

Riku: Woopsi Daisys wrong song...

Kiari: You got that right, and what about me being Dora the Explorer?

Axel comes running in,Axel: And I'll be the clucking big red chicken!

Kiari: Go away...

Axel: See you when we go tricker or treating. -jumps out the window-

Riku: Is he gay?

Sora: The world may never know.

Kiari: Are you guys gay?

Riku: The world may nev-

Sora: Shut it I'm perfectly straight!

Kiari: Straight as a board?

Sora: Straight as a straight guy could be if he could would be straight!

Kiari: What sense do you make?

Sora: A+ kind stay in school kids!

Kiari: Okay.

Riku: I know what I'm going to be -runs off and makes his costume!-

Sora: I will be, dun, dun, dun, dun dun dun....

Kiari: Shut up and say it.

Sora: James Bond, and you can be my Bond Girl!

Kiari: I'd rather be that overly hyper active freak from Sesame Street what's his name? Emo? no Ernesto. -continues thinking up names-

Sora: Why won't you? -pauses for some dramatic affect- be my bond girl.

Kiari: Fabuloso? Becuase, I don't even know what yall are doing...

Sora: Where going to watch scarry movies all night!

Kiari: You have to get dressed up for that? -_-

Sora: Well but it, no.

Riku comes waltzing in.
Riku: look at me don't I look Fabuloso?

Kiari: Elmo thats his name!

Sora: What are you suppose to be?

Riku: Riku!

Kiari: You idiot you already are Riku.

Riku: For real? I'm pretty fly for a white guy ^-^.

Sora: Lets go to Movie Gallery!

So they go to Movie Gallery which they rented a bunch of movies like House of Wax, Grudge, and movies like that.When they got back to Sora's aparment and ploped down on the couch to watch them.

-Ding dong-

Sora: How, how could they find me in a apartment.

Kiari: Relax it's probally just tirck or treat kids.

Sora: I know... -opens the door-

kids: Trick or Treat.

Sora: Oh look what we got here a Pika-a rat thing!

Kid: Actually I'm a Digimon.

Sora: What is the difference?Every year you come to my apartment and I'm allways like aww looke a Pika-rat thing, and your all well I'm a Digimon!Well kid one day you'll be a Pokemon thing. And you want know it.

Kid: Shut up you mouth before I kick you!

Kiari: Oh and Sora you need to stop spreading retard all over the place...

Riku: It's contagious.

Kid slams door in Sora's face.

Sora: Grr stupid kids!

Kiari: Okay then.

Riku: OMG this movie is scarry!

Kiari: Nobody's turned on the tv yet.

Riku: Well sorry I can't be scarred of the darkness.

Sora: You are darkness!

Riku: Yo mammas darkness!

Kiari: Don't start anything.

Sora: Let's watch a movie.

8 hours later.

Sora and Kiari went to bed, no not in the same bed sickos

Riku: No don't go in the closet it's going to get you!-falls asleep-